package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.shiftreduce; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.SentenceUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.KBestViterbiParser; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.common.ParserConstraint; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.common.ParserQuery; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.Debinarizer; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.Tsurgeon; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.TsurgeonPattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.RuntimeInterruptedException; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ScoredComparator; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ScoredObject; public class ShiftReduceParserQuery implements ParserQuery { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ShiftReduceParserQuery.class); Debinarizer debinarizer = new Debinarizer(false); List<? extends HasWord> originalSentence; private State initialState, finalState; Tree debinarized; boolean success; boolean unparsable; private List<State> bestParses; final ShiftReduceParser parser; List<ParserConstraint> constraints = null; public ShiftReduceParserQuery(ShiftReduceParser parser) { this.parser = parser; } @Override public boolean parse(List<? extends HasWord> sentence) { this.originalSentence = sentence; initialState = ShiftReduceParser.initialStateFromTaggedSentence(sentence); return parseInternal(); } public boolean parse(Tree tree) { this.originalSentence = tree.yieldHasWord(); initialState = ShiftReduceParser.initialStateFromGoldTagTree(tree); return parseInternal(); } // TODO: we are assuming that sentence final punctuation always has // either . or PU as the tag. private static TregexPattern rearrangeFinalPunctuationTregex = TregexPattern.compile("__ !> __ <- (__=top <- (__ <<- (/[.]|PU/=punc < /[.!?。!?]/ ?> (__=single <: =punc))))"); private static TsurgeonPattern rearrangeFinalPunctuationTsurgeon = Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[move punc >-1 top] [if exists single prune single]"); private boolean parseInternal() { final int maxBeamSize = Math.max(parser.op.testOptions().beamSize, 1); success = true; unparsable = false; PriorityQueue<State> beam = new PriorityQueue<>(maxBeamSize + 1, ScoredComparator.ASCENDING_COMPARATOR); beam.add(initialState); // TODO: don't construct as many PriorityQueues while (beam.size() > 0) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { // Allow interrupting the parser throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(); } //"================================================"); //"Current beam:"); //; PriorityQueue<State> oldBeam = beam; beam = new PriorityQueue<>(maxBeamSize + 1, ScoredComparator.ASCENDING_COMPARATOR); State bestState = null; for (State state : oldBeam) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { // Allow interrupting the parser throw new RuntimeInterruptedException(); } Collection<ScoredObject<Integer>> predictedTransitions = parser.model.findHighestScoringTransitions(state, true, maxBeamSize, constraints); //"Examining state: " + state); for (ScoredObject<Integer> predictedTransition : predictedTransitions) { Transition transition = parser.model.transitionIndex.get(predictedTransition.object()); State newState = transition.apply(state, predictedTransition.score()); //" Transition: " + transition + " (" + predictedTransition.score() + ")"); if (bestState == null || bestState.score() < newState.score()) { bestState = newState; } beam.add(newState); if (beam.size() > maxBeamSize) { beam.poll(); } } } if (beam.size() == 0) { // Oops, time for some fallback plan // This can happen with the set of constraints given by the original paper // For example, one particular French model had a situation where it would reach // @Ssub @Ssub . // without a left(Ssub) transition, so finishing the parse was impossible. // This will probably result in a bad parse, but at least it // will result in some sort of parse. for (State state : oldBeam) { Transition transition = parser.model.findEmergencyTransition(state, constraints); if (transition != null) { State newState = transition.apply(state); if (bestState == null || bestState.score() < newState.score()) { bestState = newState; } beam.add(newState); } } } // bestState == null only happens when we have failed to make progress, so quit // If the bestState is finished, we are done if (bestState == null || bestState.isFinished()) { break; } } if (beam.size() == 0) { success = false; unparsable = true; debinarized = null; finalState = null; bestParses = Collections.emptyList(); } else { // TODO: filter out beam elements that aren't finished bestParses = Generics.newArrayList(beam); Collections.sort(bestParses, beam.comparator()); Collections.reverse(bestParses); finalState = bestParses.get(0); debinarized = debinarizer.transformTree(finalState.stack.peek()); debinarized = Tsurgeon.processPattern(rearrangeFinalPunctuationTregex, rearrangeFinalPunctuationTsurgeon, debinarized); } return success; } /** * TODO: if we add anything interesting to report, we should report it here */ @Override public boolean parseAndReport(List<? extends HasWord> sentence, PrintWriter pwErr) { boolean success = parse(sentence); //; //; return success; } public Tree getBestBinarizedParse() { return finalState.stack.peek(); } public List<Transition> getBestTransitionSequence() { return finalState.transitions.asList(); } @Override public double getPCFGScore() { return finalState.score; } @Override public Tree getBestParse() { return debinarized; } @Override public List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKBestParses(int k) { return this.getKBestPCFGParses(k); } @Override public double getBestScore() { return this.getPCFGScore(); } /** TODO: can we get away with not calling this PCFG? */ @Override public Tree getBestPCFGParse() { return debinarized; } @Override public Tree getBestDependencyParse(boolean debinarize) { return null; } @Override public Tree getBestFactoredParse() { return null; } /** TODO: if this is a beam, return all equal parses */ @Override public List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getBestPCFGParses() { ScoredObject<Tree> parse = new ScoredObject<>(debinarized, finalState.score); return Collections.singletonList(parse); } @Override public boolean hasFactoredParse() { return false; } /** TODO: return more if this used a beam */ @Override public List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKBestPCFGParses(int kbestPCFG) { ScoredObject<Tree> parse = new ScoredObject<>(debinarized, finalState.score); return Collections.singletonList(parse); } @Override public List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKGoodFactoredParses(int kbest) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public KBestViterbiParser getPCFGParser() { // TODO: find some way to treat this as a KBestViterbiParser? return null; } @Override public KBestViterbiParser getDependencyParser() { return null; } @Override public KBestViterbiParser getFactoredParser() { return null; } @Override public void setConstraints(List<ParserConstraint> constraints) { this.constraints = constraints; } @Override public boolean saidMemMessage() { return false; } @Override public boolean parseSucceeded() { return success; } /** TODO: skip sentences which are too long */ @Override public boolean parseSkipped() { return false; } @Override public boolean parseFallback() { return false; } /** TODO: add memory handling? */ @Override public boolean parseNoMemory() { return false; } @Override public boolean parseUnparsable() { return unparsable; } @Override public List<? extends HasWord> originalSentence() { return originalSentence; } /** * TODO: clearly this should be a default method in ParserQuery once Java 8 comes out */ @Override public void restoreOriginalWords(Tree tree) { if (originalSentence == null || tree == null) { return; } List<Tree> leaves = tree.getLeaves(); if (leaves.size() != originalSentence.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException("originalWords and sentence of different sizes: " + originalSentence.size() + " vs. " + leaves.size() + "\n Orig: " + SentenceUtils.listToString(originalSentence) + "\n Pars: " + SentenceUtils.listToString(leaves)); } // TODO: get rid of this cast Iterator<? extends Label> wordsIterator = (Iterator<? extends Label>) originalSentence.iterator(); for (Tree leaf : leaves) { leaf.setLabel(; } } }