package edu.stanford.nlp.classify; import; import; import java.util.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.BasicDatum; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Datum; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.RVFDatum; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.HashIndex; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; /** * The purpose of this interface is to unify {@link Dataset} and {@link RVFDataset}. * <p> * Note: Despite these being value classes, at present there are no equals() and hashCode() methods * defined so you just get the default ones from Object, so different objects aren't equal. * </p> * * @author Kristina Toutanova ( * @author Anna Rafferty (various refactoring with subclasses) * @author Sarah Spikes ( (Templatization) * @author Ramesh Nallapati ( * (added an abstract method getDatum, July 17th, 2008) * * @param <L> The type of the labels in the Dataset * @param <F> The type of the features in the Dataset */ public abstract class GeneralDataset<L, F> implements Serializable, Iterable<RVFDatum<L, F>> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 19157757130054829L; public Index<L> labelIndex; public Index<F> featureIndex; protected int[] labels; protected int[][] data; protected int size; public GeneralDataset() { } public Index<L> labelIndex() { return labelIndex; } public Index<F> featureIndex() { return featureIndex; } public int numFeatures() { return featureIndex.size(); } public int numClasses() { return labelIndex.size(); } public int[] getLabelsArray() { labels = trimToSize(labels); return labels; } public int[][] getDataArray() { data = trimToSize(data); return data; } public abstract double[][] getValuesArray(); /** * Resets the Dataset so that it is empty and ready to collect data. */ public void clear() { clear(10); } /** * Resets the Dataset so that it is empty and ready to collect data. * @param numDatums initial capacity of dataset */ public void clear(int numDatums) { initialize(numDatums); } /** * This method takes care of resetting values of the dataset * such that it is empty with an initial capacity of numDatums. * Should be accessed only by appropriate methods within the class, * such as clear(), which take care of other parts of the emptying of data. * * @param numDatums initial capacity of dataset */ protected abstract void initialize(int numDatums); public abstract RVFDatum<L, F> getRVFDatum(int index); public abstract Datum<L,F> getDatum(int index); public abstract void add(Datum<L, F> d); /** * Get the total count (over all data instances) of each feature * * @return an array containing the counts (indexed by index) */ public float[] getFeatureCounts() { float[] counts = new float[featureIndex.size()]; for (int i = 0, m = size; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0, n = data[i].length; j < n; j++) { counts[data[i][j]] += 1.0; } } return counts; } /** * Applies a feature count threshold to the Dataset. All features that * occur fewer than <i>k</i> times are expunged. */ public void applyFeatureCountThreshold(int k) { float[] counts = getFeatureCounts(); Index<F> newFeatureIndex = new HashIndex<>(); int[] featMap = new int[featureIndex.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < featMap.length; i++) { F feat = featureIndex.get(i); if (counts[i] >= k) { int newIndex = newFeatureIndex.size(); newFeatureIndex.add(feat); featMap[i] = newIndex; } else { featMap[i] = -1; } // featureIndex.remove(feat); } featureIndex = newFeatureIndex; // counts = null; // This is unnecessary; JVM can clean it up for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { List<Integer> featList = new ArrayList<>(data[i].length); for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { if (featMap[data[i][j]] >= 0) { featList.add(featMap[data[i][j]]); } } data[i] = new int[featList.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { data[i][j] = featList.get(j); } } } /** * Retains the given features in the Dataset. All features that * do not occur in features are expunged. */ public void retainFeatures(Set<F> features) { //float[] counts = getFeatureCounts(); Index<F> newFeatureIndex = new HashIndex<>(); int[] featMap = new int[featureIndex.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < featMap.length; i++) { F feat = featureIndex.get(i); if (features.contains(feat)) { int newIndex = newFeatureIndex.size(); newFeatureIndex.add(feat); featMap[i] = newIndex; } else { featMap[i] = -1; } // featureIndex.remove(feat); } featureIndex = newFeatureIndex; // counts = null; // This is unnecessary; JVM can clean it up for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { List<Integer> featList = new ArrayList<>(data[i].length); for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { if (featMap[data[i][j]] >= 0) { featList.add(featMap[data[i][j]]); } } data[i] = new int[featList.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { data[i][j] = featList.get(j); } } } /** * Applies a max feature count threshold to the Dataset. All features that * occur greater than <i>k</i> times are expunged. */ public void applyFeatureMaxCountThreshold(int k) { float[] counts = getFeatureCounts(); HashIndex<F> newFeatureIndex = new HashIndex<>(); int[] featMap = new int[featureIndex.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < featMap.length; i++) { F feat = featureIndex.get(i); if (counts[i] <= k) { int newIndex = newFeatureIndex.size(); newFeatureIndex.add(feat); featMap[i] = newIndex; } else { featMap[i] = -1; } // featureIndex.remove(feat); } featureIndex = newFeatureIndex; // counts = null; // This is unnecessary; JVM can clean it up for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { List<Integer> featList = new ArrayList<>(data[i].length); for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { if (featMap[data[i][j]] >= 0) { featList.add(featMap[data[i][j]]); } } data[i] = new int[featList.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { data[i][j] = featList.get(j); } } } /** * returns the number of feature tokens in the Dataset. */ public int numFeatureTokens() { int x = 0; for (int i = 0, m = size; i < m; i++) { x += data[i].length; } return x; } /** * returns the number of distinct feature types in the Dataset. */ public int numFeatureTypes() { return featureIndex.size(); } /** * Adds all Datums in the given collection of data to this dataset * @param data collection of datums you would like to add to the dataset */ public void addAll(Iterable<? extends Datum<L,F>> data) { for (Datum<L, F> d : data) { add(d); } } /** Divide out a (devtest) split of the dataset versus the rest of it (as a training set). * * @param start Begin devtest with this index (inclusive) * @param end End devtest before this index (exclusive) * @return A Pair of data sets, the first being the remainder of size this.size() - (end-start) * and the second being of size (end-start) */ public abstract Pair<GeneralDataset<L, F>, GeneralDataset<L, F>> split (int start, int end); /** Divide out a (devtest) split from the start of the dataset and the rest of it (as a training set). * * @param fractionSplit The first fractionSplit of datums (rounded down) will be the second split * @return A Pair of data sets, the first being the remainder of size ceiling(this.size() * (1-p)) drawn * from the end of the dataset and the second of size floor(this.size() * p) drawn from the * start of the dataset. */ public abstract Pair<GeneralDataset<L, F>, GeneralDataset<L, F>> split (double fractionSplit); /** Divide out a (devtest) split of the dataset versus the rest of it (as a training set). * * @param fold The number of this fold (must be between 0 and (numFolds - 1) * @param numFolds The number of folds to divide the data into (must be greater than or equal to the * size of the data set) * @return A Pair of data sets, the first being roughly (numFolds-1)/numFolds of the data items * (for use as training data_, and the second being 1/numFolds of the data, taken from the * fold<sup>th</sup> part of the data (for use as devTest data) */ public Pair<GeneralDataset<L, F>, GeneralDataset<L, F>> splitOutFold(int fold, int numFolds) { if (numFolds < 2 || numFolds > size() || fold < 0 || fold >= numFolds) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal request for fold " + fold + " of " + numFolds + " on data set of size " + size()); } int normalFoldSize = size()/numFolds; int start = normalFoldSize * fold; int end = start + normalFoldSize; if (fold == (numFolds - 1)) { end = size(); } return split(start, end); } /** * Returns the number of examples ({@link Datum}s) in the Dataset. */ public int size() { return size; } protected void trimData() { data = trimToSize(data); } protected void trimLabels() { labels = trimToSize(labels); } protected int[] trimToSize(int[] i) { int[] newI = new int[size]; synchronized (System.class) { System.arraycopy(i, 0, newI, 0, size); } return newI; } protected int[][] trimToSize(int[][] i) { int[][] newI = new int[size][]; synchronized (System.class) { System.arraycopy(i, 0, newI, 0, size); } return newI; } protected double[][] trimToSize(double[][] i) { double[][] newI = new double[size][]; synchronized (System.class) { System.arraycopy(i, 0, newI, 0, size); } return newI; } /** * Randomizes the data array in place. * Note: this cannot change the values array or the datum weights, * so redefine this for RVFDataset and WeightedDataset! * This uses the Fisher-Yates (or Durstenfeld-Knuth) shuffle, which is unbiased. * The same algorithm is used by shuffle() in j.u.Collections, and so you should get compatible * results if using it on a Collection with the same seed (as of JDK1.7, at least). * * @param randomSeed A seed for the Random object (allows you to reproduce the same ordering) */ // todo: Probably should be renamed 'shuffle' to be consistent with Java Collections API public void randomize(long randomSeed) { Random rand = new Random(randomSeed); for (int j = size - 1; j > 0; j--) { // swap each item with some lower numbered item int randIndex = rand.nextInt(j); int[] tmp = data[randIndex]; data[randIndex] = data[j]; data[j] = tmp; int tmpl = labels[randIndex]; labels[randIndex] = labels[j]; labels[j] = tmpl; } } /** * Randomizes the data array in place. * Note: this cannot change the values array or the datum weights, * so redefine this for RVFDataset and WeightedDataset! * This uses the Fisher-Yates (or Durstenfeld-Knuth) shuffle, which is unbiased. * The same algorithm is used by shuffle() in j.u.Collections, and so you should get compatible * results if using it on a Collection with the same seed (as of JDK1.7, at least). * * @param randomSeed A seed for the Random object (allows you to reproduce the same ordering) */ public <E> void shuffleWithSideInformation(long randomSeed, List<E> sideInformation) { if (size != sideInformation.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("shuffleWithSideInformation: sideInformation not of same size as Dataset"); } Random rand = new Random(randomSeed); for (int j = size - 1; j > 0; j--) { // swap each item with some lower numbered item int randIndex = rand.nextInt(j); int[] tmp = data[randIndex]; data[randIndex] = data[j]; data[j] = tmp; int tmpl = labels[randIndex]; labels[randIndex] = labels[j]; labels[j] = tmpl; E tmpE = sideInformation.get(randIndex); sideInformation.set(randIndex, sideInformation.get(j)); sideInformation.set(j, tmpE); } } public GeneralDataset<L,F> sampleDataset(long randomSeed, double sampleFrac, boolean sampleWithReplacement) { int sampleSize = (int)(this.size()*sampleFrac); Random rand = new Random(randomSeed); GeneralDataset<L,F> subset; if (this instanceof RVFDataset) { subset = new RVFDataset<>(); } else if (this instanceof Dataset) { subset = new Dataset<>(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can't handle this type of GeneralDataset."); } if (sampleWithReplacement) { for(int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++){ int datumNum = rand.nextInt(this.size()); subset.add(this.getDatum(datumNum)); } } else { Set<Integer> indicedSampled = Generics.newHashSet(); while (subset.size() < sampleSize) { int datumNum = rand.nextInt(this.size()); if (!indicedSampled.contains(datumNum)) { subset.add(this.getDatum(datumNum)); indicedSampled.add(datumNum); } } } return subset; } /** * Print some statistics summarizing the dataset * */ public abstract void summaryStatistics(); /** * Returns an iterator over the class labels of the Dataset * * @return An iterator over the class labels of the Dataset */ public Iterator<L> labelIterator() { return labelIndex.iterator(); } /** * * @param dataset * @return a new GeneralDataset whose features and ids map exactly to those of this GeneralDataset. * Useful when two Datasets are created independently and one wants to train a model on one dataset and test on the other. -Ramesh. */ public GeneralDataset<L,F> mapDataset(GeneralDataset<L,F> dataset){ GeneralDataset<L,F> newDataset; if(dataset instanceof RVFDataset) newDataset = new RVFDataset<>(this.featureIndex, this.labelIndex); else newDataset = new Dataset<>(this.featureIndex, this.labelIndex); this.featureIndex.lock(); this.labelIndex.lock(); //System.out.println("inside mapDataset: dataset size:"+dataset.size()); for(int i = 0; i < dataset.size(); i++) //System.out.println("inside mapDataset: adding datum number"+i); newDataset.add(dataset.getDatum(i)); //System.out.println("old Dataset stats: numData:"+dataset.size()+" numfeatures:"+dataset.featureIndex().size()+" numlabels:"+dataset.labelIndex.size()); //System.out.println("new Dataset stats: numData:"+newDataset.size()+" numfeatures:"+newDataset.featureIndex().size()+" numlabels:"+newDataset.labelIndex.size()); //System.out.println("this dataset stats: numData:"+size()+" numfeatures:"+featureIndex().size()+" numlabels:"+labelIndex.size()); this.featureIndex.unlock(); this.labelIndex.unlock(); return newDataset; } public static <L,L2,F> Datum<L2,F> mapDatum(Datum<L,F> d, Map<L,L2> labelMapping, L2 defaultLabel) { // TODO: How to copy datum? L2 newLabel = labelMapping.get(d.label()); if (newLabel == null) { newLabel = defaultLabel; } if (d instanceof RVFDatum) { return new RVFDatum<>(((RVFDatum<L, F>) d).asFeaturesCounter(), newLabel); } else { return new BasicDatum<>(d.asFeatures(), newLabel); } } /** * * @param dataset * @return a new GeneralDataset whose features and ids map exactly to those of this GeneralDataset. But labels are converted to be another set of labels */ public <L2> GeneralDataset<L2,F> mapDataset(GeneralDataset<L,F> dataset, Index<L2> newLabelIndex, Map<L,L2> labelMapping, L2 defaultLabel) { GeneralDataset<L2,F> newDataset; if(dataset instanceof RVFDataset) newDataset = new RVFDataset<>(this.featureIndex, newLabelIndex); else newDataset = new Dataset<>(this.featureIndex, newLabelIndex); this.featureIndex.lock(); this.labelIndex.lock(); //System.out.println("inside mapDataset: dataset size:"+dataset.size()); for(int i = 0; i < dataset.size(); i++) { //System.out.println("inside mapDataset: adding datum number"+i); Datum<L,F> d = dataset.getDatum(i); Datum<L2,F> d2 = mapDatum(d, labelMapping, defaultLabel); newDataset.add(d2); } //System.out.println("old Dataset stats: numData:"+dataset.size()+" numfeatures:"+dataset.featureIndex().size()+" numlabels:"+dataset.labelIndex.size()); //System.out.println("new Dataset stats: numData:"+newDataset.size()+" numfeatures:"+newDataset.featureIndex().size()+" numlabels:"+newDataset.labelIndex.size()); //System.out.println("this dataset stats: numData:"+size()+" numfeatures:"+featureIndex().size()+" numlabels:"+labelIndex.size()); this.featureIndex.unlock(); this.labelIndex.unlock(); return newDataset; } /** * Dumps the Dataset as a training/test file for SVMLight. <br> * class [fno:val]+ * The features must occur in consecutive order. */ public void printSVMLightFormat() { printSVMLightFormat(new PrintWriter(System.out)); } /** * Maps our labels to labels that are compatible with svm_light * @return array of strings */ public String[] makeSvmLabelMap() { String[] labelMap = new String[numClasses()]; if (numClasses() > 2) { for (int i = 0; i < labelMap.length; i++) { labelMap[i] = String.valueOf((i + 1)); } } else { labelMap = new String[]{"+1", "-1"}; } return labelMap; } // todo: Fix javadoc, have unit tested /** * Print SVM Light Format file. * * The following comments are no longer applicable because I am * now printing out the exact labelID for each example. -Ramesh ( 12/17/2009. * * If the Dataset has more than 2 classes, then it * prints using the label index (+1) (for svm_struct). If it is 2 classes, then the labelIndex.get(0) * is mapped to +1 and labelIndex.get(1) is mapped to -1 (for svm_light). */ public void printSVMLightFormat(PrintWriter pw) { //assumes each data item has a few features on, and sorts the feature keys while collecting the values in a counter // old comment: // the following code commented out by Ramesh ( 12/17/2009. // why not simply print the exact id of the label instead of mapping to some values?? // new comment: // mihai: we NEED this, because svm_light has special conventions not supported by default by our labels, // e.g., in a multiclass setting it assumes that labels start at 1 whereas our labels start at 0 (08/31/2010) String[] labelMap = makeSvmLabelMap(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { RVFDatum<L, F> d = getRVFDatum(i); Counter<F> c = d.asFeaturesCounter(); ClassicCounter<Integer> printC = new ClassicCounter<>(); for (F f : c.keySet()) { printC.setCount(featureIndex.indexOf(f), c.getCount(f)); } Integer[] features = printC.keySet().toArray(new Integer[printC.keySet().size()]); Arrays.sort(features); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(labelMap[labels[i]]).append(' '); // sb.append(labels[i]).append(' '); // commented out by mihai: labels[i] breaks svm_light conventions! /* Old code: assumes that F is Integer.... * for (int f: features) { sb.append((f + 1)).append(":").append(c.getCount(f)).append(" "); } */ //I think this is what was meant (using printC rather than c), but not sure // ~Sarah Spikes ( for (int f: features) { sb.append((f + 1)).append(':').append(printC.getCount(f)).append(' '); } pw.println(sb.toString()); } } public Iterator<RVFDatum<L, F>> iterator() { return new Iterator<RVFDatum<L,F>>() { private int id; // = 0; public boolean hasNext() { return id < size(); } public RVFDatum<L, F> next() { if (id >= size()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return getRVFDatum(id++); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } public ClassicCounter<L> numDatumsPerLabel(){ labels = trimToSize(labels); ClassicCounter<L> numDatums = new ClassicCounter<>(); for(int i : labels){ numDatums.incrementCount(labelIndex.get(i)); } return numDatums; } /** * Prints the sparse feature matrix using * {@link #printSparseFeatureMatrix(PrintWriter)} to {@link System#out * System.out}. */ public abstract void printSparseFeatureMatrix(); /** * prints a sparse feature matrix representation of the Dataset. Prints the actual * {@link Object#toString()} representations of features. */ public abstract void printSparseFeatureMatrix(PrintWriter pw); }