package; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.time.TimeAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; public class NumberSequenceClassifierITest extends TestCase { public static final boolean VERBOSE = true; private static StanfordCoreNLP makeNumericPipeline() { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, number, qen"); props.setProperty("customAnnotatorClass.number", "edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.NumberAnnotator"); props.setProperty("customAnnotatorClass.qen", "edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.QuantifiableEntityNormalizingAnnotator"); StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props); return pipeline; } private static void checkLabels(StanfordCoreNLP pipe, String text, String [] labels, String [] normed) { Annotation doc = new Annotation(text); pipe.annotate(doc); assertTrue(doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class) != null); assertTrue(doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).size() > 0); CoreMap sent = doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(0); assertTrue(sent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class) != null); List<CoreLabel> tokens = sent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); if (VERBOSE) { for(CoreLabel token: tokens) { System.out.println('\t' + token.word() + ' ' + token.tag() + ' ' + token.ner() + ' ' + (token.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.NumericCompositeTypeAnnotation.class) ? token.get(CoreAnnotations.NumericCompositeValueAnnotation.class) + " " : "") + (token.containsKey(TimeAnnotations.TimexAnnotation.class) ? token.get(TimeAnnotations.TimexAnnotation.class) + " " : "")); } } // check NER labels assertTrue(tokens.size() == labels.length); for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i ++) { if(labels[i] == null){ assertTrue(tokens.get(i).ner() == null); } else { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(labels[i]); System.err.println("COMPARING NER " + labels[i] + " with " + tokens.get(i).ner()); System.err.flush(); assertTrue("NER should not be null for token " + tokens.get(i) + " in sentence " + tokens, tokens.get(i).ner() != null); assertTrue(tokens.get(i).ner() + " does not match " + p + " for token " + tokens.get(i) + " in sentence " + tokens, p.matcher(tokens.get(i).ner()).matches()); } } // check normalized values, if gold is given if(normed != null){ assertTrue(tokens.size() == normed.length); for(int i = 0; i < normed.length; i ++){ if(normed[i] == null){ assertTrue(tokens.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class) == null); } else { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(normed[i]); String n = tokens.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.NormalizedNamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); String message = "COMPARING NORMED \"" + normed[i] + "\" with \"" + n + "\""; assertTrue(message + "; latter should not be null", n != null); assertTrue(message + "; latter should match", p.matcher(n).matches()); } } } } private static void run(String header, String [] texts, String [][] answers, String [][] normed) { StanfordCoreNLP pipe = makeNumericPipeline(); for(int i = 0; i < texts.length; i ++) { if(VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Running test " + header + " for text: " + texts[i]); } checkLabels(pipe, texts[i], answers[i], normed != null ? normed[i] : null); } } private static final String [] moneyStrings = { "It cost $5", "It cost 24 cents", "It cost 18\u00A2", "It cost \u00A35.40", "It cost 10 thousand million pounds", "It cost 10 thousand million dollars", "It cost four million dollars", "It cost $1m", "It cost 50 cents", "It cost £ 1500", "It cost \u00A3 1500", "It cost \u00A3 .50", "It cost € .50", "It cost $ 1500", "It cost $1500", "It cost $ 1,500", "It cost $1,500", "It cost $48.75", "It cost $ 57.60", "It cost $8 thousand", "It cost $42,33", // "It cost ₩1500", // TODO: Add won symbol to PTBTokenizer }; private static final String [][] moneyAnswers = { { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY", "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY", "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY", "MONEY" }, { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, // { null, null, "MONEY", "MONEY" }, }; private static final String [][] moneyNormed = { { null, null, "\\$5.0", "\\$5.0" }, { null, null, "\\$0.24", "\\$0.24" }, { null, null, "\\$0.18", "\\$0.18" }, { null, null, "\u00A35.4", "\u00A35.4" }, { null, null, "\u00A31.0E10", "\u00A31.0E10", "\u00A31.0E10", "\u00A31.0E10" }, { null, null, "\\$1.0E10", "\\$1.0E10", "\\$1.0E10", "\\$1.0E10" }, { null, null, "\\$4000000.0", "\\$4000000.0", "\\$4000000.0" }, { null, null, "\\$1000000.0", "\\$1000000.0" }, { null, null, "\\$0.5", "\\$0.5" }, { null, null, "\u00A31500.0", "\u00A31500.0" }, { null, null, "\u00A31500.0", "\u00A31500.0" }, { null, null, "\u00A30.5", "\u00A30.5" }, { null, null, "\\$0.5", "\\$0.5" }, // TODO: Fix PTBTokenizer to really normalize it to Euro € { null, null, "\\$1500.0", "\\$1500.0" }, { null, null, "\\$1500.0", "\\$1500.0" }, { null, null, "\\$1500.0", "\\$1500.0" }, { null, null, "\\$1500.0", "\\$1500.0" }, { null, null, "\\$48.75", "\\$48.75" }, { null, null, "\\$57.6", "\\$57.6" }, { null, null, "\\$8000.0", "\\$8000.0", "\\$8000.0" }, { null, null, "\\$4233.0", "\\$4233.0" }, // { null, null, "₩4233.0", "₩4233.0" }, }; public void testMoney() { run("MONEY", moneyStrings, moneyAnswers, moneyNormed); } private static final String [] ordinalStrings = { "It was the 2nd time", "It was the second time", "It was the twenty-second time", "It was the 0th time", "It was the 1000th time" }; private static final String [][] ordinalAnswers = { { null, null, null, "ORDINAL", null }, { null, null, null, "ORDINAL", null }, { null, null, null, "ORDINAL", null }, { null, null, null, "ORDINAL", null }, { null, null, null, "ORDINAL", null }, }; private static final String [][] ordinalNormed = { { null, null, null, "2.0", null }, { null, null, null, "2.0", null }, { null, null, null, "22.0", null }, { null, null, null, "0.0", null }, { null, null, null, "1000.0", null }, }; public void testOrdinal() { run("ORDINAL", ordinalStrings, ordinalAnswers, ordinalNormed); } private static final String [] dateStrings = { "January 14, 2010", "14 July, 2009", "6 June 2008", "February 5, 1923", "Mar 3", "18 July 2005", "18 Sep '05", "Jan. 13", "2009-07-19", "2007-06-16", "32 July 2010", "yesterday", "tomorrow", "last year", "next year", "6 June 2008, 7 June 2008", }; private static final String [][] dateAnswers = { { "DATE" , "DATE", "DATE", "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE", "DATE", "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE", "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE", "DATE", "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE", "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE", "DATE", "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE" }, { "DATE" }, { "DATE" }, { "NUMBER", "DATE", "DATE" }, { "DATE" }, { "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE" }, { "DATE" , "DATE", "DATE", null, "DATE", "DATE", "DATE" }, }; private static final String [][] dateNormed = { { "2010-01-14" , "2010-01-14", "2010-01-14", "2010-01-14" }, { "2009-07-14" , "2009-07-14", "2009-07-14", "2009-07-14" }, { "2008-06-06" , "2008-06-06", "2008-06-06" }, { "1923-02-05" , "1923-02-05", "1923-02-05", "1923-02-05" }, { "XXXX-03-03" , "XXXX-03-03" }, { "2005-07-18" , "2005-07-18", "2005-07-18" }, { "XX05-09-18" , "XX05-09-18", "XX05-09-18", "XX05-09-18" }, { "XXXX-01-13" , "XXXX-01-13" }, { "2009-07-19" }, { "2007-06-16" }, { "32.0", "2010-07", "2010-07" }, { "OFFSET P-1D" }, { "OFFSET P+1D" }, { "THIS P1Y OFFSET P-1Y" , "THIS P1Y OFFSET P-1Y" }, { "THIS P1Y OFFSET P+1Y" , "THIS P1Y OFFSET P+1Y" }, { "2008-06-06" , "2008-06-06", "2008-06-06", null, "2008-06-07" , "2008-06-07", "2008-06-07" }, }; public void testDate() { run("DATE", dateStrings, dateAnswers, dateNormed); } private static final String [] numberStrings = { "one hundred thousand", "1.3 million", "10 thousand million", "3.625", "-15", "117-111", "<b>867</b>5309", "her phone number is 867-5309", "801 <b> 123 </b>" }; private static final String [][] numberAnswers = { { "NUMBER", "NUMBER", "NUMBER" }, { "NUMBER", "NUMBER" }, { "NUMBER", "NUMBER", "NUMBER" }, { "NUMBER" }, { "NUMBER" }, { "NUMBER" }, { null, "NUMBER", null, "NUMBER" }, { null, null, null, null, "NUMBER" }, { "NUMBER", null, "NUMBER", null } }; private static final String [][] numberNormed = { { "100000.0", "100000.0", "100000.0" }, { "1300000.0", "1300000.0" }, { "1.0E10", "1.0E10", "1.0E10" }, { "3.625" }, { "-15.0" }, { "117.0 - 111.0" }, { null, "867.0", null, "5309.0" }, { null, null, null, null, "867.0 - 5309.0" }, { "801.0", null, "123.0", null } }; public void testNumber() { run("NUMBER", numberStrings, numberAnswers, numberNormed); } private static final String [] timeStrings = { "the time was 10:20", "12:29 p.m.", "12:39 AM", }; private static final String [][] timeAnswers = { { null, null, null, "TIME" }, { "TIME", "TIME" }, { "TIME", "TIME" }, }; private static final String [][] timeNormed = { { null, null, null, "T10:20" }, { "T12:29", "T12:29" }, { "T00:39", "T00:39" }, }; public void testTime() { run("TIME", timeStrings, timeAnswers, timeNormed); } private static final String [] durationStrings = { "the past four days was very sunny", "it has been more than seven years", "it took one month", }; private static final String [][] durationAnswers = { { "DURATION", "DURATION", "DURATION", "DURATION", null, null, null }, { null, null, null, "DURATION", "DURATION", "DURATION", "DURATION" }, { null, null, "DURATION", "DURATION" }, }; private static final String [][] durationNormed = { { "P4D", "P4D", "P4D", "P4D", null, null, null }, { null, null, null, "P7Y", "P7Y", "P7Y", "P7Y" }, { null, null, "P1M", "P1M" }, }; public void testDuration() { run("DURATION", durationStrings, durationAnswers, durationNormed); } }