package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import edu.stanford.nlp.classify.LogisticClassifier; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefRules; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefUtils; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.math.NumberMatchingRegex; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.HeadFinder; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.UniversalEnglishGrammaticalRelations; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionValuedMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.IntPair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.IntTuple; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; /** * Coref document preprocessor. * @author Heeyoung Lee * @author Kevin Clark */ public class DocumentPreprocessor { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(DocumentPreprocessor.class); private DocumentPreprocessor() {} /** * Fill missing information in document including mention ID, mention attributes, syntactic relation, etc. * * @throws Exception */ public static void preprocess(Document doc, Dictionaries dict, LogisticClassifier<String, String> singletonPredictor, HeadFinder headFinder) throws Exception { // assign mention IDs, find twin mentions, fill mention positions, sentNum, headpositions initializeMentions(doc, dict, singletonPredictor, headFinder); // mention reordering mentionReordering(doc, headFinder); // find syntactic information fillSyntacticInfo(doc); // process discourse (speaker info etc) setParagraphAnnotation(doc); processDiscourse(doc, dict); // initialize cluster info initializeClusters(doc); // extract gold clusters if we have if(doc.goldMentions!=null) { extractGoldClusters(doc); int foundGoldCount = 0; for(Mention g : doc.goldMentionsByID.values()) { if(g.hasTwin) foundGoldCount++; } Redwood.log("debug-md", "# of found gold mentions: "+ foundGoldCount + " / # of gold mentions: "+ doc.goldMentionsByID.size()); } // assign mention numbers assignMentionNumbers(doc); } /** Extract gold coref cluster information. */ public static void extractGoldClusters(Document doc){ doc.goldCorefClusters = Generics.newHashMap(); for (List<Mention> mentions : doc.goldMentions) { for (Mention m : mentions) { int id = m.goldCorefClusterID; if (id == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("No gold info"); } CorefCluster c = doc.goldCorefClusters.get(id); if (c == null) { c = new CorefCluster(id); doc.goldCorefClusters.put(id, c); } c.corefMentions.add(m); } } } private static void assignMentionNumbers(Document document) { List<Mention> mentionsList = CorefUtils.getSortedMentions(document); for (int i = 0; i < mentionsList.size(); i++) { mentionsList.get(i).mentionNum = i; } } private static void mentionReordering(Document doc, HeadFinder headFinder) throws Exception { List<List<Mention>> mentions = doc.predictedMentions; List<CoreMap> sentences = doc.annotation.get(SentencesAnnotation.class); for (int i=0 ; i<sentences.size() ; i++) { List<Mention> mentionsInSent = mentions.get(i); mentions.set(i, mentionReorderingBySpan(mentionsInSent)); } } protected static int getHeadIndex(Tree t, HeadFinder headFinder) { // The trees passed in do not have the CoordinationTransformer // applied, but that just means the SemanticHeadFinder results are // slightly worse. Tree ht = t.headTerminal(headFinder); if(ht==null) return -1; // temporary: a key which is matched to nothing CoreLabel l = (CoreLabel) ht.label(); return l.get(CoreAnnotations.IndexAnnotation.class); } private static List<Mention> mentionReorderingBySpan(List<Mention> mentionsInSent) { TreeSet<Mention> ordering = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<Mention>() { @Override public int compare(Mention m1, Mention m2) { return (m1.appearEarlierThan(m2)) ? -1 : (m2.appearEarlierThan(m1)) ? 1 : 0; } }); ordering.addAll(mentionsInSent); List<Mention> orderedMentions = Generics.newArrayList(ordering); return orderedMentions; } private static void fillSyntacticInfo(Document doc) { List<List<Mention>> mentions = doc.predictedMentions; List<CoreMap> sentences = doc.annotation.get(SentencesAnnotation.class); for (int i=0 ; i<sentences.size() ; i++) { List<Mention> mentionsInSent = mentions.get(i); findSyntacticRelationsFromDependency(mentionsInSent); } } /** assign mention IDs, find twin mentions, fill mention positions, initialize coref clusters, etc * @throws Exception */ private static void initializeMentions(Document doc, Dictionaries dict, LogisticClassifier<String, String> singletonPredictor, HeadFinder headFinder) throws Exception { boolean hasGold = (doc.goldMentions != null); assignMentionIDs(doc); if(hasGold) findTwinMentions(doc, true); fillMentionInfo(doc, dict, singletonPredictor, headFinder); doc.allPositions = Generics.newHashMap(doc.positions); // allPositions retain all mentions even after postprocessing } private static void assignMentionIDs(Document doc) { boolean hasGold = (doc.goldMentions != null); int maxID = 0; if(hasGold) { for (List<Mention> golds : doc.goldMentions) { for (Mention g : golds) { g.mentionID = maxID++; } } } for (List<Mention> predicted : doc.predictedMentions) { for (Mention p : predicted) { p.mentionID = maxID++; } } } /** Mark twin mentions in gold and predicted mentions */ protected static void findTwinMentions(Document doc, boolean strict){ if(strict) findTwinMentionsStrict(doc); else findTwinMentionsRelaxed(doc); } /** Mark twin mentions: All mention boundaries should be matched */ private static void findTwinMentionsStrict(Document doc){ for(int sentNum = 0; sentNum < doc.goldMentions.size(); sentNum++) { List<Mention> golds = doc.goldMentions.get(sentNum); List<Mention> predicts = doc.predictedMentions.get(sentNum); // For CoNLL training there are some documents with gold mentions with the same position offsets // See /scr/nlp/data/conll-2011/v2/data/train/data/english/annotations/nw/wsj/09/wsj_0990.v2_auto_conll // (Packwood - Roth) CollectionValuedMap<IntPair, Mention> goldMentionPositions = new CollectionValuedMap<>(); for(Mention g : golds) { IntPair ip = new IntPair(g.startIndex, g.endIndex); if (goldMentionPositions.containsKey(ip)) { StringBuilder existingMentions = new StringBuilder(); for (Mention eg: goldMentionPositions.get(ip)) { if (existingMentions.length() > 0) { existingMentions.append(","); } existingMentions.append(eg.mentionID); } Redwood.log("debug-preprocessor", "WARNING: gold mentions with the same offsets: " + ip + " mentions=" + g.mentionID + "," + existingMentions + ", " + g.spanToString()); } //assert(!goldMentionPositions.containsKey(ip)); goldMentionPositions.add(new IntPair(g.startIndex, g.endIndex), g); } for(Mention p : predicts) { IntPair pos = new IntPair(p.startIndex, p.endIndex); if(goldMentionPositions.containsKey(pos)) { Collection<Mention> cm = goldMentionPositions.get(pos); int minId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Mention g = null; for (Mention m : cm) { if (m.mentionID < minId) { g = m; minId = m.mentionID; } } cm.remove(g); p.mentionID = g.mentionID; p.hasTwin = true; g.hasTwin = true; } } } } /** Mark twin mentions: heads of the mentions are matched */ private static void findTwinMentionsRelaxed(Document doc) { for(int sentNum = 0; sentNum < doc.goldMentions.size(); sentNum++) { List<Mention> golds = doc.goldMentions.get(sentNum); List<Mention> predicts = doc.predictedMentions.get(sentNum); Map<IntPair, Mention> goldMentionPositions = Generics.newHashMap(); Map<Integer, LinkedList<Mention>> goldMentionHeadPositions = Generics.newHashMap(); for(Mention g : golds) { goldMentionPositions.put(new IntPair(g.startIndex, g.endIndex), g); if(!goldMentionHeadPositions.containsKey(g.headIndex)) { goldMentionHeadPositions.put(g.headIndex, new LinkedList<>()); } goldMentionHeadPositions.get(g.headIndex).add(g); } List<Mention> remains = new ArrayList<>(); for (Mention p : predicts) { IntPair pos = new IntPair(p.startIndex, p.endIndex); if(goldMentionPositions.containsKey(pos)) { Mention g = goldMentionPositions.get(pos); p.mentionID = g.mentionID; p.hasTwin = true; g.hasTwin = true; goldMentionHeadPositions.get(g.headIndex).remove(g); if(goldMentionHeadPositions.get(g.headIndex).isEmpty()) { goldMentionHeadPositions.remove(g.headIndex); } } else remains.add(p); } for (Mention r : remains){ if(goldMentionHeadPositions.containsKey(r.headIndex)) { Mention g = goldMentionHeadPositions.get(r.headIndex).poll(); r.mentionID = g.mentionID; r.hasTwin = true; g.hasTwin = true; if(goldMentionHeadPositions.get(g.headIndex).isEmpty()) { goldMentionHeadPositions.remove(g.headIndex); } } } } } /** initialize several variables for mentions * @throws Exception */ private static void fillMentionInfo(Document doc, Dictionaries dict, LogisticClassifier<String, String> singletonPredictor, HeadFinder headFinder) throws Exception { List<CoreMap> sentences = doc.annotation.get(SentencesAnnotation.class); for(int i = 0; i < doc.predictedMentions.size(); i ++){ CoreMap sentence = sentences.get(i); for(int j = 0; j < doc.predictedMentions.get(i).size(); j ++){ Mention m = doc.predictedMentions.get(i).get(j); doc.predictedMentionsByID.put(m.mentionID, m); // mentionsByID IntTuple pos = new IntTuple(2); pos.set(0, i); pos.set(1, j); doc.positions.put(m, pos); // positions m.sentNum = i; // sentNum IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2); headPosition.set(0, i); headPosition.set(1, m.headIndex); doc.mentionheadPositions.put(headPosition, m); // headPositions m.contextParseTree = sentence.get(TreeAnnotation.class); // m.sentenceWords = sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class); m.basicDependency = sentence.get(BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class); m.enhancedDependency = sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation.class); if (m.enhancedDependency == null) { m.enhancedDependency = sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class); } // mentionSubTree (highest NP that has the same head) if constituency tree available if (m.contextParseTree != null) { Tree headTree = m.contextParseTree.getLeaves().get(m.headIndex); if (headTree == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing head tree for a mention!"); } Tree t = headTree; while ((t = t.parent(m.contextParseTree)) != null) { if (t.headTerminal(headFinder) == headTree && t.value().equals("NP")) { m.mentionSubTree = t; } else if(m.mentionSubTree != null){ break; } } if (m.mentionSubTree == null) { m.mentionSubTree = headTree; } } m.process(dict, null, singletonPredictor); } } boolean hasGold = (doc.goldMentions != null); if(hasGold) { doc.goldMentionsByID = Generics.newHashMap(); int sentNum = 0; for(List<Mention> golds : doc.goldMentions) { for(Mention g : golds) { doc.goldMentionsByID.put(g.mentionID, g); g.sentNum = sentNum; } sentNum++; } } } private static void findSyntacticRelationsFromDependency(List<Mention> orderedMentions) { if(orderedMentions.size()==0) return; markListMemberRelation(orderedMentions); SemanticGraph dependency = orderedMentions.get(0).enhancedDependency; // apposition Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> appos = Generics.newHashSet(); List<SemanticGraphEdge> appositions = dependency.findAllRelns(UniversalEnglishGrammaticalRelations.APPOSITIONAL_MODIFIER); for(SemanticGraphEdge edge : appositions) { int sIdx = edge.getSource().index()-1; int tIdx = edge.getTarget().index()-1; appos.add(Pair.makePair(sIdx, tIdx)); } markMentionRelation(orderedMentions, appos, "APPOSITION"); // predicate nominatives Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> preNomi = Generics.newHashSet(); List<SemanticGraphEdge> copula = dependency.findAllRelns(UniversalEnglishGrammaticalRelations.COPULA); for(SemanticGraphEdge edge : copula) { IndexedWord source = edge.getSource(); IndexedWord target = dependency.getChildWithReln(source, UniversalEnglishGrammaticalRelations.NOMINAL_SUBJECT); if(target==null) target = dependency.getChildWithReln(source, UniversalEnglishGrammaticalRelations.CLAUSAL_SUBJECT); // TODO if(target == null) continue; // to handle relative clause: e.g., Tim who is a student, if(target.tag().startsWith("W")) { IndexedWord parent = dependency.getParent(source); if(parent!=null && dependency.reln(parent, source).equals(UniversalEnglishGrammaticalRelations.RELATIVE_CLAUSE_MODIFIER)) { target = parent; } } int sIdx = source.index()-1; int tIdx = target.index()-1; preNomi.add(Pair.makePair(tIdx, sIdx)); } markMentionRelation(orderedMentions, preNomi, "PREDICATE_NOMINATIVE"); // relative pronouns TODO Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> relativePronounPairs = Generics.newHashSet(); markMentionRelation(orderedMentions, relativePronounPairs, "RELATIVE_PRONOUN"); } private static void initializeClusters(Document doc) { for (List<Mention> predicted : doc.predictedMentions) { for (Mention p : predicted) { doc.corefClusters.put(p.mentionID, new CorefCluster(p.mentionID, Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(p)))); p.corefClusterID = p.mentionID; } } boolean hasGold = (doc.goldMentions != null); if(hasGold) { for(List<Mention> golds : doc.goldMentions) { for(Mention g : golds) { doc.goldMentionsByID.put(g.mentionID, g); } } } } /** Find document type: Conversation or article */ private static DocType findDocType(Document doc) { boolean speakerChange = false; for(CoreMap sent : doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) { for(CoreLabel w : sent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class)) { int utterIndex = w.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class); if(utterIndex!=0) speakerChange = true; if(speakerChange && utterIndex==0) return DocType.ARTICLE; if(doc.maxUtter < utterIndex) doc.maxUtter = utterIndex; } } if(!speakerChange) return DocType.ARTICLE; return DocType.CONVERSATION; // in conversation, utter index keep increasing. } /** Set paragraph index */ private static void setParagraphAnnotation(Document doc) { int paragraphIndex = 0; int previousOffset = -10; for(CoreMap sent : doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) { for(CoreLabel w : sent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class)) { if(w.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class)) { if(w.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class) > previousOffset+2) paragraphIndex++; w.set(CoreAnnotations.ParagraphAnnotation.class, paragraphIndex); previousOffset = w.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class); } else { w.set(CoreAnnotations.ParagraphAnnotation.class, -1); } } } for(List<Mention> l : doc.predictedMentions) { for(Mention m : l){ m.paragraph = m.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.ParagraphAnnotation.class); } } doc.numParagraph = paragraphIndex; } /** Process discourse information */ protected static void processDiscourse(Document doc, Dictionaries dict) { Boolean useMarkedDiscourse = doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.UseMarkedDiscourseAnnotation.class); if (useMarkedDiscourse == null || !useMarkedDiscourse) { for (CoreLabel l : doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class)) { l.remove(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class); l.remove(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class); } } setUtteranceAndSpeakerAnnotation(doc); // markQuotations(this.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class), false); // mention utter setting for(Mention m : doc.predictedMentionsByID.values()) { m.utter = m.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class); } doc.docType = findDocType(doc); findSpeakers(doc, dict); boolean debug = false; if(debug) { for(CoreMap sent : doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) { for(CoreLabel cl : sent.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) {" "+cl.word()+"-"+cl.get(UtteranceAnnotation.class)+"-"+cl.get(SpeakerAnnotation.class)); } } for(Integer utter : doc.speakers.keySet()) { String speakerID = doc.speakers.get(utter);"utterance: "+utter);"speakers value: " + speakerID);"mention for it: "+ ( (NumberMatchingRegex.isDecimalInteger(speakerID))? doc.predictedMentionsByID.get(Integer.parseInt(doc.speakers.get(utter))) : "no mention for this speaker yet") ); }"AA SPEAKERS: "+ doc.speakers); } // build 'speakerInfo' from 'speakers' for(Integer utter : doc.speakers.keySet()) { String speaker = doc.speakers.get(utter); SpeakerInfo speakerInfo = doc.speakerInfoMap.get(speaker); if (speakerInfo == null) { doc.speakerInfoMap.put(speaker, speakerInfo = new SpeakerInfo(speaker)); } } if(debug){"BB SPEAKER INFO MAP: "+doc.speakerInfoMap); } // mention -> to its speakerID: m.headWord.get(SpeakerAnnotation.class) // speakerID -> more info: speakerInfoMap.get(speakerID) // if exists, set(mentionID, its speakerID pair): speakerPairs // for speakerInfo with real speaker name, find corresponding mention by strict/loose matching Map<String, Integer> speakerConversion = Generics.newHashMap(); for(String speaker : doc.speakerInfoMap.keySet()) { SpeakerInfo speakerInfo = doc.speakerInfoMap.get(speaker); if (speakerInfo.hasRealSpeakerName()) { // do only for real name speaker, not mention ID boolean found = false; for(Mention m : doc.predictedMentionsByID.values()) { if (CorefRules.mentionMatchesSpeaker(m, speakerInfo, true)) { speakerConversion.put(speaker, m.mentionID); found = true; break; } } if(!found) { for(Mention m : doc.predictedMentionsByID.values()) { if (CorefRules.mentionMatchesSpeaker(m, speakerInfo, false)) { speakerConversion.put(speaker, m.mentionID); break; } } } } } if(debug)"CC speaker conversion: " + speakerConversion); // convert real name speaker to speaker mention id for(Integer utter : doc.speakers.keySet()) { String speaker = doc.speakers.get(utter); if(speakerConversion.containsKey(speaker)) { int speakerID = speakerConversion.get(speaker); doc.speakers.put(utter, Integer.toString(speakerID)); } } for(String speaker : speakerConversion.keySet()) { doc.speakerInfoMap.put( Integer.toString(speakerConversion.get(speaker)), doc.speakerInfoMap.get(speaker)); doc.speakerInfoMap.remove(speaker); } // fix SpeakerAnnotation for(CoreLabel cl : doc.annotation.get(TokensAnnotation.class)) { int utter = cl.get(UtteranceAnnotation.class); if(doc.speakers.containsKey(utter)) { cl.set(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class, doc.speakers.get(utter)); } } // find speakerPairs for(Mention m : doc.predictedMentionsByID.values()) { String speaker = m.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class); if(debug)"DD: "+speaker); if (NumberMatchingRegex.isDecimalInteger(speaker)) { int speakerMentionID = Integer.parseInt(speaker); doc.speakerPairs.add(new Pair<>(m.mentionID, speakerMentionID)); } } if(debug) {"=========================================================================="); for(Integer utter : doc.speakers.keySet()) { String speakerID = doc.speakers.get(utter);"utterance: "+utter);"speakers value: " + speakerID);"mention for it: "+ ( (NumberMatchingRegex.isDecimalInteger(speakerID))? doc.predictedMentionsByID.get(Integer.parseInt(doc.speakers.get(utter))) : "no mention for this speaker yet") ); }; } } private static void setUtteranceAndSpeakerAnnotation(Document doc) { doc.speakerInfoGiven = false; int utterance = 0; int outsideQuoteUtterance = 0; // the utterance of outside of quotation boolean insideQuotation = false; List<CoreLabel> tokens = doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); String preSpeaker = (tokens.size() > 0)? tokens.get(0).get(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class) : null; for (CoreLabel l : tokens) { String curSpeaker = l.get(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class); String w = l.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); if (curSpeaker!=null && !curSpeaker.equals("-")) doc.speakerInfoGiven = true; boolean speakerChange = doc.speakerInfoGiven && curSpeaker!=null && !curSpeaker.equals(preSpeaker); boolean quoteStart = w.equals("``") || (!insideQuotation && w.equals("\"")); boolean quoteEnd = w.equals("''") || (insideQuotation && w.equals("\"")); if(speakerChange) { if(quoteStart) { utterance = doc.maxUtter + 1; outsideQuoteUtterance = utterance+1; } else { utterance = doc.maxUtter + 1; outsideQuoteUtterance = utterance; } preSpeaker = curSpeaker; } else { if(quoteStart) { utterance = doc.maxUtter + 1; } } if(quoteEnd) { utterance = outsideQuoteUtterance; insideQuotation = false; } if(doc.maxUtter < utterance) doc.maxUtter = utterance; l.set(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class, utterance); if(quoteStart) l.set(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class, outsideQuoteUtterance); // quote start got outside utterance idx boolean noSpeakerInfo = !l.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class) || l.get(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class).equals("") || l.get(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class).startsWith("PER"); if(noSpeakerInfo || insideQuotation){ l.set(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class, "PER"+utterance); } if(quoteStart) insideQuotation = true; } } /** Speaker extraction */ private static void findSpeakers(Document doc, Dictionaries dict) { Boolean useMarkedDiscourseBoolean = doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.UseMarkedDiscourseAnnotation.class); boolean useMarkedDiscourse = (useMarkedDiscourseBoolean != null)? useMarkedDiscourseBoolean: false; if(!useMarkedDiscourse) { if(doc.docType==DocType.CONVERSATION) findSpeakersInConversation(doc, dict); else if (doc.docType==DocType.ARTICLE) findSpeakersInArticle(doc, dict); } for(CoreMap sent : doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) { for(CoreLabel w : sent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class)) { int utterIndex = w.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class); if(!doc.speakers.containsKey(utterIndex)) { doc.speakers.put(utterIndex, w.get(CoreAnnotations.SpeakerAnnotation.class)); } } } } private static void findSpeakersInArticle(Document doc, Dictionaries dict) { List<CoreMap> sentences = doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class); IntPair beginQuotation = null; IntPair endQuotation = null; boolean insideQuotation = false; int utterNum = -1; for (int i = 0 ; i < sentences.size(); i++) { List<CoreLabel> sent = sentences.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); for(int j = 0 ; j < sent.size() ; j++) { int utterIndex = sent.get(j).get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class); if(utterIndex != 0 && !insideQuotation) { utterNum = utterIndex; insideQuotation = true; beginQuotation = new IntPair(i,j); } else if (utterIndex == 0 && insideQuotation) { insideQuotation = false; endQuotation = new IntPair(i,j); findQuotationSpeaker(doc, utterNum, sentences, beginQuotation, endQuotation, dict); } } } if(insideQuotation) { endQuotation = new IntPair(sentences.size()-1, sentences.get(sentences.size()-1).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).size()-1); findQuotationSpeaker(doc, utterNum, sentences, beginQuotation, endQuotation, dict); } } private static void findQuotationSpeaker(Document doc, int utterNum, List<CoreMap> sentences, IntPair beginQuotation, IntPair endQuotation, Dictionaries dict) { if(findSpeaker(doc, utterNum, beginQuotation.get(0), sentences, 0, beginQuotation.get(1), dict)) return ; if(findSpeaker(doc, utterNum, endQuotation.get(0), sentences, endQuotation.get(1), sentences.get(endQuotation.get(0)).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).size(), dict)) return; if(beginQuotation.get(1) <= 1 && beginQuotation.get(0) > 0) { if(findSpeaker(doc, utterNum, beginQuotation.get(0)-1, sentences, 0, sentences.get(beginQuotation.get(0)-1).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).size(), dict)) return; } if(endQuotation.get(1) >= sentences.get(endQuotation.get(0)).size()-2 && sentences.size() > endQuotation.get(0)+1) { if(findSpeaker(doc, utterNum, endQuotation.get(0)+1, sentences, 0, sentences.get(endQuotation.get(0)+1).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).size(), dict)) return; } } private static boolean findSpeaker(Document doc, int utterNum, int sentNum, List<CoreMap> sentences, int startIndex, int endIndex, Dictionaries dict) { List<CoreLabel> sent = sentences.get(sentNum).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); for(int i = startIndex ; i < endIndex ; i++) { CoreLabel cl = sent.get(i); if(cl.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class)!=0) continue; String lemma = cl.lemma(); String word = cl.word(); if(dict.reportVerb.contains(lemma) && cl.tag().startsWith("V")) { // find subject SemanticGraph dependency = sentences.get(sentNum).get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation.class); if (dependency == null) { dependency = sentences.get(sentNum).get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class); } IndexedWord w = dependency.getNodeByWordPattern(word); if (w != null) { if(findSubject(doc, dependency, w, sentNum, utterNum)) return true; for(IndexedWord p : dependency.getPathToRoot(w)) { if(!p.tag().startsWith("V") && !p.tag().startsWith("MD")) break; if(findSubject(doc, dependency, p, sentNum, utterNum)) return true; // handling something like "was talking", "can tell" } } else { Redwood.log("debug-preprocessor", "Cannot find node in dependency for word " + word); } } } return false; } private static boolean findSubject(Document doc, SemanticGraph dependency, IndexedWord w, int sentNum, int utterNum) { for(Pair<GrammaticalRelation,IndexedWord> child : dependency.childPairs(w)){ if(child.first().getShortName().equals("nsubj")) { String subjectString = child.second().word(); int subjectIndex = child.second().index(); // start from 1 IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2); headPosition.set(0, sentNum); headPosition.set(1, subjectIndex-1); String speaker; if(doc.mentionheadPositions.containsKey(headPosition)) { speaker = Integer.toString(doc.mentionheadPositions.get(headPosition).mentionID); } else { speaker = subjectString; } doc.speakers.put(utterNum, speaker); return true; } } return false; } private static void findSpeakersInConversation(Document doc, Dictionaries dict) { for(List<Mention> l : doc.predictedMentions) { for(Mention m : l){ if(m.predicateNominatives == null) continue; for (Mention a : m.predicateNominatives){ if(a.spanToString().toLowerCase().equals("i")) { doc.speakers.put(m.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class), Integer.toString(m.mentionID)); } } } } List<CoreMap> paragraph = new ArrayList<>(); int paragraphUtterIndex = 0; String nextParagraphSpeaker = ""; int paragraphOffset = 0; for(CoreMap sent : doc.annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) { paragraph.add(sent); int currentUtter = sent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).get(0).get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class); if(paragraphUtterIndex!=currentUtter) { nextParagraphSpeaker = findParagraphSpeaker(doc, paragraph, paragraphUtterIndex, nextParagraphSpeaker, paragraphOffset, dict); paragraphUtterIndex = currentUtter; paragraphOffset += paragraph.size(); paragraph = new ArrayList<>(); } } findParagraphSpeaker(doc, paragraph, paragraphUtterIndex, nextParagraphSpeaker, paragraphOffset, dict); } private static String findParagraphSpeaker(Document doc, List<CoreMap> paragraph, int paragraphUtterIndex, String nextParagraphSpeaker, int paragraphOffset, Dictionaries dict) { if ( ! doc.speakers.containsKey(paragraphUtterIndex)) { if ( ! nextParagraphSpeaker.isEmpty()) { doc.speakers.put(paragraphUtterIndex, nextParagraphSpeaker); } else { // find the speaker of this paragraph (John, nbc news) // cdm [Sept 2015] added this check to try to avoid crash if (paragraph.isEmpty()) { Redwood.log("debug-preprocessor", "Empty paragraph; skipping findParagraphSpeaker"); return ""; } CoreMap lastSent = paragraph.get(paragraph.size()-1); String speaker = ""; boolean hasVerb = false; for(int i = 0 ; i < lastSent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).size() ; i++){ CoreLabel w = lastSent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class).get(i); String pos = w.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class); String ner = w.get(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class); if(pos.startsWith("V")) { hasVerb = true; break; } if(ner.startsWith("PER")) { IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2); headPosition.set(0, paragraph.size()-1 + paragraphOffset); headPosition.set(1, i); if(doc.mentionheadPositions.containsKey(headPosition)) { speaker = Integer.toString(doc.mentionheadPositions.get(headPosition).mentionID); } } } if(!hasVerb && !speaker.equals("")) { doc.speakers.put(paragraphUtterIndex, speaker); } } } return findNextParagraphSpeaker(doc, paragraph, paragraphOffset, dict); } private static String findNextParagraphSpeaker(Document doc, List<CoreMap> paragraph, int paragraphOffset, Dictionaries dict) { if (paragraph.isEmpty()) { return ""; } CoreMap lastSent = paragraph.get(paragraph.size()-1); String speaker = ""; for(CoreLabel w : lastSent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class)) { if(w.get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class).equals("report") || w.get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class).equals("say")) { String word = w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); SemanticGraph dependency = lastSent.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation.class); if (dependency == null) { dependency = lastSent.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class); } IndexedWord t = dependency.getNodeByWordPattern(word); for(Pair<GrammaticalRelation,IndexedWord> child : dependency.childPairs(t)){ if(child.first().getShortName().equals("nsubj")) { int subjectIndex = child.second().index(); // start from 1 IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2); headPosition.set(0, paragraph.size()-1 + paragraphOffset); headPosition.set(1, subjectIndex-1); if(doc.mentionheadPositions.containsKey(headPosition) && doc.mentionheadPositions.get(headPosition).nerString.startsWith("PER")) { speaker = Integer.toString(doc.mentionheadPositions.get(headPosition).mentionID); } } } } } return speaker; } /** Check one mention is the speaker of the other mention */ public static boolean isSpeaker(Mention m, Mention ant, Dictionaries dict) { if(!dict.firstPersonPronouns.contains(ant.spanToString().toLowerCase()) || ant.number==Number.PLURAL || ant.sentNum!=m.sentNum) return false; int countQuotationMark = 0; for(int i = Math.min(m.headIndex, ant.headIndex)+1 ; i < Math.max(m.headIndex, ant.headIndex) ; i++) { String word = m.sentenceWords.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); if(word.equals("``") || word.equals("''")) countQuotationMark++; } if(countQuotationMark!=1) return false; IndexedWord w = m.enhancedDependency.getNodeByWordPattern(m.sentenceWords.get(m.headIndex).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)); if(w== null) return false; for(Pair<GrammaticalRelation,IndexedWord> parent : m.enhancedDependency.parentPairs(w)){ if(parent.first().getShortName().equals("nsubj") && dict.reportVerb.contains(parent.second().get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class))) { return true; } } return false; } private static void markListMemberRelation(List<Mention> orderedMentions) { for(Mention m1 : orderedMentions){ for(Mention m2 : orderedMentions){ // Mark if m2 and m1 are in list relationship if (m1.isListMemberOf(m2)) { m2.addListMember(m1); m1.addBelongsToList(m2); } else if (m2.isListMemberOf(m1)) { m1.addListMember(m2); m2.addBelongsToList(m1); } } } } private static void markMentionRelation(List<Mention> orderedMentions, Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> foundPairs, String flag) { for(Mention m1 : orderedMentions){ for(Mention m2 : orderedMentions){ if(m1==m2) continue; // Ignore if m2 and m1 are in list relationship if (m1.isListMemberOf(m2) || m2.isListMemberOf(m1) || m1.isMemberOfSameList(m2)) { //Redwood.log("debug-preprocessor", "Not checking '" + m1 + "' and '" + m2 + "' for " + flag + ": in list relationship"); continue; } for(Pair<Integer, Integer> foundPair: foundPairs){ if (foundPair.first() == m1.headIndex && foundPair.second() == m2.headIndex) { if(flag.equals("APPOSITION")) { if ( ! foundPair.first().equals(foundPair.second()) || m2.insideIn(m1)) { m2.addApposition(m1); } } else if(flag.equals("PREDICATE_NOMINATIVE")) { m2.addPredicateNominatives(m1); } else if(flag.equals("RELATIVE_PRONOUN")) m2.addRelativePronoun(m1); else throw new RuntimeException("check flag in markMentionRelation (dcoref/"); } } } } } // private static final TregexPattern relativePronounPattern = TregexPattern.compile("NP < (NP=m1 $.. (SBAR < (WHNP < WP|WDT=m2)))"); // private static void findRelativePronouns(Tree tree, Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> relativePronounPairs) { // findTreePattern(tree, relativePronounPattern, relativePronounPairs); // } }