package edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.inference; import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.ForAll; import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.From; import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.generator.GenerationStatus; import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.generator.Generator; import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.generator.InRange; import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.random.SourceOfRandomness; import edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.model.ConcatVector; import edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.model.ConcatVectorTable; import edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.model.GraphicalModel; import org.junit.contrib.theories.Theories; import org.junit.contrib.theories.Theory; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import java.util.*; import; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; /** * Created on 8/12/15. * @author keenon * <p> * Tries to quickcheck our factor functions, as well as unit test for documentation and simple verification. */ @RunWith(Theories.class) public class TableFactorTest { @Theory public void testConstructWithObservations(@ForAll(sampleSize = 50) @From(PartiallyObservedConstructorDataGenerator.class) PartiallyObservedConstructorData data, @ForAll(sampleSize = 2) @From(ConcatVectorGenerator.class) ConcatVector weights) throws Exception { int[] obsArray = new int[9]; for (int i = 0; i < obsArray.length; i++) obsArray[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < data.observations.length; i++) { obsArray[data.factor.neigborIndices[i]] = data.observations[i]; } TableFactor normalObservations = new TableFactor(weights, data.factor); for (int i = 0; i < obsArray.length; i++) { if (obsArray[i] != -1) { normalObservations = normalObservations.observe(i, obsArray[i]); } } TableFactor constructedObservations = new TableFactor(weights, data.factor, data.observations); assertArrayEquals(normalObservations.neighborIndices, constructedObservations.neighborIndices); for (int[] assn : normalObservations) { assertEquals(normalObservations.getAssignmentValue(assn), constructedObservations.getAssignmentValue(assn), 1.0e-9); } } @Theory public void testObserve(@ForAll(sampleSize = 50) @From(TableFactorGenerator.class) TableFactor factor, @ForAll(sampleSize = 2) @InRange(minInt = 0, maxInt = 3) int observe, @ForAll(sampleSize = 2) @InRange(minInt = 0, maxInt = 1) int value) throws Exception { if (! return; if (factor.neighborIndices.length == 1) return; TableFactor observedOut = factor.observe(observe, value); int observeIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < factor.neighborIndices.length; i++) { if (factor.neighborIndices[i] == observe) observeIndex = i; } for (int[] assignment : factor) { if (assignment[observeIndex] == value) { assertEquals(factor.getAssignmentValue(assignment), observedOut.getAssignmentValue(subsetAssignment(assignment, factor, observedOut)), 1.0e-7); } } } @Theory public void testGetMaxedMarginals(@ForAll(sampleSize = 50) @From(TableFactorGenerator.class) TableFactor factor, @ForAll(sampleSize = 10) @InRange(minInt = 0, maxInt = 3) int marginalizeTo) throws Exception { if (! return; int indexOfVariable = -1; for (int i = 0; i < factor.neighborIndices.length; i++) { if (factor.neighborIndices[i] == marginalizeTo) { indexOfVariable = i; break; } } assumeTrue(indexOfVariable > -1); double[] gold = new double[factor.getDimensions()[indexOfVariable]]; for (int i = 0; i < gold.length; i++) { gold[i] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } for (int[] assignment : factor) { gold[assignment[indexOfVariable]] = Math.max(gold[assignment[indexOfVariable]], factor.getAssignmentValue(assignment)); } normalize(gold); assertArrayEquals(gold, factor.getMaxedMarginals()[indexOfVariable], 1.0e-5); } @Theory public void testGetSummedMarginals(@ForAll(sampleSize = 50) @From(TableFactorGenerator.class) TableFactor factor, @ForAll(sampleSize = 10) @InRange(minInt = 0, maxInt = 3) int marginalizeTo) throws Exception { if (! return; int indexOfVariable = -1; for (int i = 0; i < factor.neighborIndices.length; i++) { if (factor.neighborIndices[i] == marginalizeTo) { indexOfVariable = i; break; } } assumeTrue(indexOfVariable > -1); double[] gold = new double[factor.getDimensions()[indexOfVariable]]; for (int[] assignment : factor) { gold[assignment[indexOfVariable]] = gold[assignment[indexOfVariable]] + factor.getAssignmentValue(assignment); } normalize(gold); assertArrayEquals(gold, factor.getSummedMarginals()[indexOfVariable], 1.0e-5); } private void normalize(double[] arr) { double sum = 0; for (double d : arr) sum += d; if (sum == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = 1.0 / arr.length; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = arr[i] / sum; } } } @Theory public void testValueSum(@ForAll(sampleSize = 50) @From(TableFactorGenerator.class) TableFactor factor) throws Exception { double sum = 0.0; for (int[] assignment : factor) { sum += factor.getAssignmentValue(assignment); } assertEquals(sum, factor.valueSum(), 1.0e-5); } @Theory public void testMaxOut(@ForAll(sampleSize = 50) @From(TableFactorGenerator.class) TableFactor factor, @ForAll(sampleSize = 10) @InRange(minInt = 0, maxInt = 3) int marginalize) throws Exception { if (! return; if (factor.neighborIndices.length <= 1) return; TableFactor maxedOut = factor.maxOut(marginalize); assertEquals(factor.neighborIndices.length - 1, maxedOut.neighborIndices.length); assertTrue(!; for (int[] assignment : factor) { assertTrue(factor.getAssignmentValue(assignment) >= Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); assertTrue(factor.getAssignmentValue(assignment) <= maxedOut.getAssignmentValue(subsetAssignment(assignment, factor, maxedOut))); } Map<List<Integer>, List<int[]>> subsetToSuperset = subsetToSupersetAssignments(factor, maxedOut); for (List<Integer> subsetAssignmentList : subsetToSuperset.keySet()) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int[] supersetAssignment : subsetToSuperset.get(subsetAssignmentList)) { max = Math.max(max, factor.getAssignmentValue(supersetAssignment)); } int[] subsetAssignment = new int[subsetAssignmentList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < subsetAssignment.length; i++) { subsetAssignment[i] = subsetAssignmentList.get(i); } assertEquals(max, maxedOut.getAssignmentValue(subsetAssignment), 1.0e-5); } } @Theory public void testSumOut(@ForAll(sampleSize = 50) @From(TableFactorGenerator.class) TableFactor factor, @ForAll(sampleSize = 10) @InRange(minInt = 0, maxInt = 3) int marginalize) throws Exception { if (! return; if (factor.neighborIndices.length <= 1) return; TableFactor summedOut = factor.sumOut(marginalize); assertEquals(factor.neighborIndices.length - 1, summedOut.neighborIndices.length); assertTrue(!; Map<List<Integer>, List<int[]>> subsetToSuperset = subsetToSupersetAssignments(factor, summedOut); for (List<Integer> subsetAssignmentList : subsetToSuperset.keySet()) { double sum = 0.0; for (int[] supersetAssignment : subsetToSuperset.get(subsetAssignmentList)) { sum += factor.getAssignmentValue(supersetAssignment); } int[] subsetAssignment = new int[subsetAssignmentList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < subsetAssignment.length; i++) { subsetAssignment[i] = subsetAssignmentList.get(i); } assertEquals(sum, summedOut.getAssignmentValue(subsetAssignment), 1.0e-5); } } @Theory public void testMultiply(@ForAll(sampleSize = 10) @From(TableFactorGenerator.class) TableFactor factor1, @ForAll(sampleSize = 10) @From(TableFactorGenerator.class) TableFactor factor2) throws Exception { TableFactor result = factor1.multiply(factor2); for (int[] assignment : result) { double factor1Value = factor1.getAssignmentValue(subsetAssignment(assignment, result, factor1)); double factor2Value = factor2.getAssignmentValue(subsetAssignment(assignment, result, factor2)); assertEquals(factor1Value * factor2Value, result.getAssignmentValue(assignment), 1.0e-5); } // Check for no duplication for (int i = 0; i < result.neighborIndices.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < result.neighborIndices.length; j++) { if (i == j) continue; assertNotEquals(result.neighborIndices[i], result.neighborIndices[j]); } } } public static int[] variableSizes = new int[]{ 2, 4, 2, 3 }; public static class TableFactorGenerator extends Generator<TableFactor> { public TableFactorGenerator(Class<TableFactor> type) { super(type); } @Override public TableFactor generate(SourceOfRandomness sourceOfRandomness, GenerationStatus generationStatus) { int numNeighbors = sourceOfRandomness.nextInt(1, 3); int[] neighbors = new int[numNeighbors]; int[] dimensions = new int[numNeighbors]; Set<Integer> usedNeighbors = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) { while (true) { int neighbor = sourceOfRandomness.nextInt(0, 3); if (!usedNeighbors.contains(neighbor)) { usedNeighbors.add(neighbor); neighbors[i] = neighbor; dimensions[i] = variableSizes[neighbor]; break; } } } // Make sure we get some all-0 factor tables double multiple = sourceOfRandomness.nextDouble(); TableFactor factor = new TableFactor(neighbors, dimensions); for (int[] assignment : factor) { factor.setAssignmentValue(assignment, multiple * sourceOfRandomness.nextDouble()); } return factor; } } public static class ConcatVectorGenerator extends Generator<ConcatVector> { public ConcatVectorGenerator(Class<ConcatVector> type) { super(type); } @Override public ConcatVector generate(SourceOfRandomness sourceOfRandomness, GenerationStatus generationStatus) { ConcatVector vec = new ConcatVector(1); double[] d = new double[20]; for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) d[i] = sourceOfRandomness.nextDouble(); vec.setDenseComponent(0, d); return vec; } } private static class PartiallyObservedConstructorData { public GraphicalModel.Factor factor; public int[] observations; } public static class PartiallyObservedConstructorDataGenerator extends Generator<PartiallyObservedConstructorData> { public PartiallyObservedConstructorDataGenerator(Class<PartiallyObservedConstructorData> type) { super(type); } @Override public PartiallyObservedConstructorData generate(SourceOfRandomness sourceOfRandomness, GenerationStatus generationStatus) { int len = sourceOfRandomness.nextInt(1, 4); Set<Integer> taken = new HashSet<>(); int[] neighborIndices = new int[len]; int[] dimensions = new int[len]; int[] observations = new int[len]; int numObserved = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int j = sourceOfRandomness.nextInt(8); while (taken.contains(j)) { j = sourceOfRandomness.nextInt(8); } taken.add(j); neighborIndices[i] = j; dimensions[i] = sourceOfRandomness.nextInt(1, 3); if (sourceOfRandomness.nextBoolean() && numObserved + 1 < dimensions.length) { observations[i] = sourceOfRandomness.nextInt(dimensions[i]); numObserved++; } else observations[i] = -1; } ConcatVectorTable t = new ConcatVectorTable(dimensions); ConcatVectorGenerator gen = new ConcatVectorGenerator(ConcatVector.class); for (int[] assn : t) { ConcatVector vec = gen.generate(sourceOfRandomness, generationStatus); t.setAssignmentValue(assn, () -> vec); } PartiallyObservedConstructorData data = new PartiallyObservedConstructorData(); data.factor = new GraphicalModel.Factor(t, neighborIndices); data.observations = observations; return data; } } /** * Takes a full assignment from a superset factor, and figures out how to map it into a subset factor. This is very * useful for testing that functional properties are not violated across both product and marginalization steps. * * @param supersetAssignment the assignment in the superset factor * @param superset the superset factor, containing the variables from the subset * @param subset the subset factor, containing some of the variables found in the superset * @return an assignment into the subset factor */ private int[] subsetAssignment(int[] supersetAssignment, TableFactor superset, TableFactor subset) { int[] subsetAssignment = new int[subset.neighborIndices.length]; for (int i = 0; i < subset.neighborIndices.length; i++) { int var = subset.neighborIndices[i]; subsetAssignment[i] = -1; for (int j = 0; j < superset.neighborIndices.length; j++) { if (superset.neighborIndices[j] == var) { subsetAssignment[i] = supersetAssignment[j]; break; } } assert (subsetAssignment[i] != -1); } return subsetAssignment; } /** * Convenience function to construct a subset to superset assignment map. Each subset assignment will be mapping * to a large number of superset assignments. * * @param superset the superset factor to map to * @param subset the subset factor to map from * @return a map from subset assignment to list of superset assignment */ private Map<List<Integer>, List<int[]>> subsetToSupersetAssignments(TableFactor superset, TableFactor subset) { Map<List<Integer>, List<int[]>> subsetToSupersets = new HashMap<>(); for (int[] assignment : subset) { List<Integer> subsetAssignmentList =; List<int[]> supersetAssignments = new ArrayList<>(); for (int[] supersetAssignment : superset) { if (Arrays.equals(assignment, subsetAssignment(supersetAssignment, superset, subset))) { supersetAssignments.add(supersetAssignment); } } subsetToSupersets.put(subsetAssignmentList, supersetAssignments); } return subsetToSupersets; } }