package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.nndep; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.PennTreebankLanguagePack; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreebankLanguagePack; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Defines a transition-based parsing framework for dependency parsing. * * @author Danqi Chen */ public abstract class ParsingSystem { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ParsingSystem.class); /** * Defines language-specific settings for this parsing instance. */ private final TreebankLanguagePack tlp; /** * Dependency label used between root of sentence and ROOT node */ protected final String rootLabel; protected List<String> labels, transitions; /** * Generate all possible transitions which this parsing system can * take for any given configuration. */ protected abstract void makeTransitions(); /** * Determine whether the given transition is legal for this * configuration. * * @param c Parsing configuration * @param t Transition string * @return Whether the given transition is legal in this * configuration */ public abstract boolean canApply(Configuration c, String t); /** * Apply the given transition to the given configuration, modifying * the configuration's state in place. */ public abstract void apply(Configuration c, String t); /** * Provide a static-oracle recommendation for the next parsing step * to take. * * @param c Current parser configuration * @param dTree Gold tree which parser needs to reach * @return Transition string */ public abstract String getOracle(Configuration c, DependencyTree dTree); /** * Determine whether applying the given transition in the given * configuration tree will leave in us a state in which we can reach * the gold tree. (Useful for building a dynamic oracle.) */ abstract boolean isOracle(Configuration c, String t, DependencyTree dTree); /** * Build an initial parser configuration from the given sentence. */ public abstract Configuration initialConfiguration(CoreMap sentence); /** * Determine if the given configuration corresponds to a parser which * has completed its parse. */ abstract boolean isTerminal(Configuration c); /** * Return the number of transitions. */ public int numTransitions() { return transitions.size(); } // TODO pass labels as Map<String, GrammaticalRelation>; use // GrammaticalRelation throughout /** * @param tlp TreebankLanguagePack describing the language being * parsed * @param labels A list of possible dependency relation labels, with * the ROOT relation label as the first element */ public ParsingSystem(TreebankLanguagePack tlp, List<String> labels, boolean verbose) { this.tlp = tlp; this.labels = new ArrayList<>(labels); //NOTE: assume that the first element of labels is rootLabel rootLabel = labels.get(0); makeTransitions(); if (verbose) {;"#Transitions: " + numTransitions());"#Labels: " + labels.size());"ROOTLABEL: " + rootLabel); } } public int getTransitionID(String s) { int numTrans = numTransitions(); for (int k = 0; k < numTrans; ++k) if (transitions.get(k).equals(s)) return k; return -1; } private Set<String> getPunctuationTags() { if (tlp instanceof PennTreebankLanguagePack) { // Hack for English: match punctuation tags used in Danqi's paper return new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("''", ",", ".", ":", "``", "-LRB-", "-RRB-")); } else { return CollectionUtils.asSet(tlp.punctuationTags()); } } /** * Evaluate performance on a list of sentences, predicted parses, * and gold parses. * * @return A map from metric name to metric value */ public Map<String, Double> evaluate(List<CoreMap> sentences, List<DependencyTree> trees, List<DependencyTree> goldTrees) { Map<String, Double> result = new HashMap<>(); // We'll skip words which are punctuation. Retrieve tags indicating // punctuation in this treebank. Set<String> punctuationTags = getPunctuationTags(); if (trees.size() != goldTrees.size()) { log.error("Incorrect number of trees."); return null; } int correctArcs = 0; int correctArcsNoPunc = 0; int correctHeads = 0; int correctHeadsNoPunc = 0; int correctTrees = 0; int correctTreesNoPunc = 0; int correctRoot = 0; int sumArcs = 0; int sumArcsNoPunc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i) { List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentences.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); if (trees.get(i).n != goldTrees.get(i).n) { log.error("Tree " + (i + 1) + ": incorrect number of nodes."); return null; } if (!trees.get(i).isTree()) { log.error("Tree " + (i + 1) + ": illegal."); return null; } int nCorrectHead = 0; int nCorrectHeadNoPunc = 0; int nNoPunc = 0; for (int j = 1; j <= trees.get(i).n; ++j) { if (trees.get(i).getHead(j) == goldTrees.get(i).getHead(j)) { ++correctHeads; ++nCorrectHead; if (trees.get(i).getLabel(j).equals(goldTrees.get(i).getLabel(j))) ++correctArcs; } ++sumArcs; String tag = tokens.get(j - 1).tag(); if (!punctuationTags.contains(tag)) { ++sumArcsNoPunc; ++nNoPunc; if (trees.get(i).getHead(j) == goldTrees.get(i).getHead(j)) { ++correctHeadsNoPunc; ++nCorrectHeadNoPunc; if (trees.get(i).getLabel(j).equals(goldTrees.get(i).getLabel(j))) ++correctArcsNoPunc; } } } if (nCorrectHead == trees.get(i).n) ++correctTrees; if (nCorrectHeadNoPunc == nNoPunc) ++correctTreesNoPunc; if (trees.get(i).getRoot() == goldTrees.get(i).getRoot()) ++correctRoot; } result.put("UAS", correctHeads * 100.0 / sumArcs); result.put("UASnoPunc", correctHeadsNoPunc * 100.0 / sumArcsNoPunc); result.put("LAS", correctArcs * 100.0 / sumArcs); result.put("LASnoPunc", correctArcsNoPunc * 100.0 / sumArcsNoPunc); result.put("UEM", correctTrees * 100.0 / trees.size()); result.put("UEMnoPunc", correctTreesNoPunc * 100.0 / trees.size()); result.put("ROOT", correctRoot * 100.0 / trees.size()); return result; } public double getUAS(List<CoreMap> sentences, List<DependencyTree> trees, List<DependencyTree> goldTrees) { Map<String, Double> result = evaluate(sentences, trees, goldTrees); return result == null || !result.containsKey("UAS") ? -1.0 : result.get("UAS"); } public double getUASnoPunc(List<CoreMap> sentences, List<DependencyTree> trees, List<DependencyTree> goldTrees) { Map<String, Double> result = evaluate(sentences, trees, goldTrees); return result == null || !result.containsKey("UASnoPunc") ? -1.0 : result.get("UASnoPunc"); } }