package edu.stanford.nlp.util; import java.util.Locale; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Tests that the output of the ConfusionMatrix is in the expected format. * * @author Eric Yeh */ public class ConfusionMatrixTest extends TestCase { boolean echo; public ConfusionMatrixTest() { this(false); } public ConfusionMatrixTest(boolean echo) { this.echo = echo; } public void testBasic() { String expected = " Guess/Gold C1 C2 C3 Marg. (Guess)\n" + " C1 2 0 0 2\n" + " C2 1 0 0 1\n" + " C3 0 0 1 1\n" + " Marg. (Gold) 3 0 1\n\n" + " C1 = a prec=1, recall=0.66667, spec=1, f1=0.8\n" + " C2 = b prec=0, recall=n/a, spec=0.75, f1=n/a\n" + " C3 = c prec=1, recall=1, spec=1, f1=1\n"; ConfusionMatrix<String> conf = new ConfusionMatrix<String>(Locale.US); conf.add("a","a"); conf.add("a","a"); conf.add("b","a"); conf.add("c","c"); String result = conf.printTable(); if (echo) { System.err.println(result); } else { assertEquals(expected, result); } } public void testRealLabels() { String expected = " Guess/Gold a b c Marg. (Guess)\n" + " a 2 0 0 2\n" + " b 1 0 0 1\n" + " c 0 0 1 1\n" + " Marg. (Gold) 3 0 1\n\n" + " a prec=1, recall=0.66667, spec=1, f1=0.8\n" + " b prec=0, recall=n/a, spec=0.75, f1=n/a\n" + " c prec=1, recall=1, spec=1, f1=1\n"; ConfusionMatrix<String> conf = new ConfusionMatrix<String>(Locale.US); conf.setUseRealLabels(true); conf.add("a","a"); conf.add("a","a"); conf.add("b","a"); conf.add("c","c"); String result = conf.printTable(); if (echo) { System.err.println(result); } else { assertEquals(expected, result); } } public void testBulkAdd() { String expected = " Guess/Gold C1 C2 Marg. (Guess)\n" + " C1 10 5 15\n" + " C2 2 3 5\n" + " Marg. (Gold) 12 8\n\n" + " C1 = 1 prec=0.66667, recall=0.83333, spec=0.375, f1=0.74074\n" + " C2 = 2 prec=0.6, recall=0.375, spec=0.83333, f1=0.46154\n"; ConfusionMatrix<Integer> conf = new ConfusionMatrix<Integer>(Locale.US); conf.add(1,1, 10); conf.add(1,2, 5); conf.add(2,1,2); conf.add(2,2,3); String result = conf.printTable(); if (echo) { System.err.println(result); } else { assertEquals(expected, result); } } private static class BackwardsInteger implements Comparable<BackwardsInteger> { private final int value; public BackwardsInteger(int value) { this.value = value; } public int compareTo(BackwardsInteger other) { return other.value - this.value; // backwards } @Override public int hashCode() { return value; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null || (!(o instanceof BackwardsInteger))) { return false; } return (((BackwardsInteger) o).value == value); } @Override public String toString() { return Integer.toString(value); } } public void testValueSort() { String expected = " Guess/Gold 2 1 Marg. (Guess)\n" + " 2 3 2 5\n" + " 1 5 10 15\n" + " Marg. (Gold) 8 12\n\n" + " 2 prec=0.6, recall=0.375, spec=0.83333, f1=0.46154\n" + " 1 prec=0.66667, recall=0.83333, spec=0.375, f1=0.74074\n"; BackwardsInteger one = new BackwardsInteger(1); BackwardsInteger two = new BackwardsInteger(2); ConfusionMatrix<BackwardsInteger> conf = new ConfusionMatrix<BackwardsInteger>(Locale.US); conf.setUseRealLabels(true); conf.add(one, one, 10); conf.add(one, two, 5); conf.add(two, one, 2); conf.add(two, two, 3); String result = conf.printTable(); if (echo) { System.err.println(result); } else { assertEquals(expected, result); } } public static void main(String[] args) { ConfusionMatrixTest tester = new ConfusionMatrixTest(true); System.out.println("Test 1"); tester.testBasic(); System.out.println("\nTest 2"); tester.testRealLabels(); System.out.println("\nTest 3"); tester.testBulkAdd(); System.out.println("\nTest 4"); tester.testValueSort(); } }