package edu.stanford.nlp.sequences; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.objectbank.ObjectBank; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.AbstractIterator; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import*; /** * DocumentReader for the original CoNLL 03 format. In this format, there is * one word per line, with extra attributes of a word (POS tag, chunk, etc.) in * other space or tab separated columns, where leading and trailing whitespace * on the line are ignored. Sentences are supposedly * separated by a blank line (one with no non-whitespace characters), but * where blank lines occur is in practice often fairly random. In particular, * sometimes entities span blank lines. Nevertheless, in this class, like in * our original CoNLL system, these blank lines are preserved as a special * BOUNDARY token and detected and exploited by some features. The text is * divided into documents at each '-DOCSTART-' token, which is seen as a * special token, which is also preserved. The reader can read data in any * of the IOB/IOE/etc. formats and output tokens in any other, based on the * entitySubclassification flag. * <p> * This reader is specifically for replicating CoNLL systems. For normal use, * you should use the saner ColumnDocumentReaderAndWriter. * * @author Jenny Finkel * @author Huy Nguyen * @author Christopher Manning */ public class CoNLLDocumentReaderAndWriter implements DocumentReaderAndWriter<CoreLabel> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6281374154299530460L; public static final String BOUNDARY = "*BOUNDARY*"; /** Historically, this reader used to treat the whole input as one document, but now it doesn't */ private static final boolean TREAT_FILE_AS_ONE_DOCUMENT = false; private static final Pattern docPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*-DOCSTART-\\s"); private static final Pattern white = Pattern.compile("^\\s*$"); private SeqClassifierFlags flags; // = null; @Override public void init(SeqClassifierFlags flags) { this.flags = flags; } @Override public String toString() { return "CoNLLDocumentReaderAndWriter[entitySubclassification: " + flags.entitySubclassification + ", intern: " + flags.intern + ']'; } @Override public Iterator<List<CoreLabel>> getIterator(Reader r) { return new CoNLLIterator(r); } private class CoNLLIterator extends AbstractIterator<List<CoreLabel>> { public CoNLLIterator (Reader r) { stringIter = splitIntoDocs(r); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return stringIter.hasNext(); } @Override public List<CoreLabel> next() { return processDocument(; } private Iterator<String> stringIter; // = null; } // end class CoNLLIterator private static Iterator<String> splitIntoDocs(Reader r) { if (TREAT_FILE_AS_ONE_DOCUMENT) { return Collections.singleton(IOUtils.slurpReader(r)).iterator(); } else { Collection<String> docs = new ArrayList<>(); ObjectBank<String> ob = ObjectBank.getLineIterator(r); StringBuilder current = new StringBuilder(); for (String line : ob) { if (docPattern.matcher(line).lookingAt()) { // Start new doc, store old one if non-empty if (current.length() > 0) { docs.add(current.toString()); current = new StringBuilder(); } } current.append(line); current.append('\n'); } if (current.length() > 0) { docs.add(current.toString()); } return docs.iterator(); } } private List<CoreLabel> processDocument(String doc) { List<CoreLabel> list = new ArrayList<>(); String[] lines = doc.split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { if ( ! flags.deleteBlankLines || ! white.matcher(line).matches()) { list.add(makeCoreLabel(line)); } } IOBUtils.entitySubclassify(list, CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, flags.backgroundSymbol, flags.entitySubclassification, flags.intern); return list; } /** This deals with the CoNLL files for different languages which have * between 2 and 5 columns on non-blank lines. * * @param line A line of CoNLL input * @return The constructed token */ private CoreLabel makeCoreLabel(String line) { CoreLabel wi = new CoreLabel(); // wi.line = line; String[] bits = line.split("\\s+"); switch (bits.length) { case 0: case 1: wi.setWord(BOUNDARY); wi.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, flags.backgroundSymbol); break; case 2: wi.setWord(bits[0]); wi.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, bits[1]); break; case 3: wi.setWord(bits[0]); wi.setTag(bits[1]); wi.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, bits[2]); break; case 4: wi.setWord(bits[0]); wi.setTag(bits[1]); wi.set(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class, bits[2]); wi.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, bits[3]); break; case 5: if (flags.useLemmaAsWord) { wi.setWord(bits[1]); } else { wi.setWord(bits[0]); } wi.set(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class, bits[1]); wi.setTag(bits[2]); wi.set(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class, bits[3]); wi.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, bits[4]); break; default: throw new RuntimeIOException("Unexpected input (many fields): " + line); } //Value annotation is used in a lot of place in corenlp so setting here as the word itself wi.set(CoreAnnotations.ValueAnnotation.class, wi.word()); // The copy to GoldAnswerAnnotation is done before the recoding is done, and so it preserves the original coding. // This is important if the original coding is true, but the recoding is defective (like IOB2 to IO), since // it will allow correct evaluation later. wi.set(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class, wi.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class)); return wi; } /** Return the coding scheme to IOB1 coding, regardless of what was used * internally (unless retainEntitySubclassification is set). * This is useful for scoring against CoNLL test output. * * @param tokens List of tokens in some NER encoding */ private void deEndify(List<CoreLabel> tokens) { if (flags.retainEntitySubclassification) { return; } IOBUtils.entitySubclassify(tokens, CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, flags.backgroundSymbol, "iob1", flags.intern); } /** Write a standard CoNLL format output file. * * @param doc The document: A List of CoreLabel * @param out Where to send the answers to */ @Override @SuppressWarnings({"StringEquality", "StringContatenationInLoop"}) public void printAnswers(List<CoreLabel> doc, PrintWriter out) { // boolean tagsMerged = flags.mergeTags; // boolean useHead = flags.splitOnHead; if ( ! "iob1".equalsIgnoreCase(flags.entitySubclassification)) { deEndify(doc); } for (CoreLabel fl : doc) { String word = fl.word(); if (word == BOUNDARY) { // Using == is okay, because it is set to constant out.println(); } else { String gold = fl.getString(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class); String guess = fl.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); // + "\t" + gold + "\t" + guess)); String pos = fl.getString(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class); String chunk = fl.getString(CoreAnnotations.ChunkAnnotation.class); out.println(fl.word() + '\t' + pos + '\t' + chunk + '\t' + gold + '\t' + guess); } } } private static StringBuilder maybeIncrementCounter(StringBuilder inProgressMisc, Counter<String> miscCounter) { if (inProgressMisc.length() > 0) { miscCounter.incrementCount(inProgressMisc.toString()); inProgressMisc = new StringBuilder(); } return inProgressMisc; } /** Count some stats on what occurs in a file. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { CoNLLDocumentReaderAndWriter rw = new CoNLLDocumentReaderAndWriter(); rw.init(new SeqClassifierFlags()); int numDocs = 0; int numTokens = 0; int numEntities = 0; String lastAnsBase = ""; Counter<String> miscCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(); StringBuilder inProgressMisc = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<List<CoreLabel>> it = rw.getIterator(IOUtils.readerFromString(args[0])); it.hasNext(); ) { List<CoreLabel> doc =; numDocs++; for (CoreLabel fl : doc) { String word = fl.word(); // System.out.println("FL " + (++i) + " was " + fl); if (word.equals(BOUNDARY)) { continue; } String ans = fl.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); String ansBase; String ansPrefix; String[] bits = ans.split("-"); if (bits.length == 1) { ansBase = bits[0]; ansPrefix = ""; } else { ansBase = bits[1]; ansPrefix = bits[0]; } numTokens++; if ( ! ansBase.equals("O")) { if (ansBase.equals(lastAnsBase)) { if (ansPrefix.equals("B")) { numEntities++; inProgressMisc = maybeIncrementCounter(inProgressMisc, miscCounter); } } else { numEntities++; inProgressMisc = maybeIncrementCounter(inProgressMisc, miscCounter); } if (ansBase.equals("MISC")) { if (inProgressMisc.length() > 0) { // already something there inProgressMisc.append(' '); } inProgressMisc.append(word); } } else { inProgressMisc = maybeIncrementCounter(inProgressMisc, miscCounter); } lastAnsBase = ansBase; } // for tokens } // for documents System.out.println("File " + args[0] + " has " + numDocs + " documents, " + numTokens + " (non-blank line) tokens and " + numEntities + " entities."); System.out.printf("Here are the %.0f MISC items with counts:%n", miscCounter.totalCount()); System.out.println(Counters.toVerticalString(miscCounter, "%.0f\t%s")); } // end main } // end class CoNLLDocumentReaderAndWriter