package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import*; import java.util.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; /** * Hyphenates words according to the TeX algorithm. * @author Jamie Nicolson ( */ public class TeXHyphenator { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(TeXHyphenator.class); private static class Node { HashMap children = new HashMap(); int [] pattern = null; }; /** * Loads the default hyphenation rules in DefaultTeXHyphenator. */ public void loadDefault() { try { load( new BufferedReader(new StringReader( DefaultTeXHyphenData.hyphenData) ) ); } catch(IOException e) { // shouldn't happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Loads custom hyphenation rules. You probably want to use * loadDefault() instead. * */ public void load(BufferedReader input) throws IOException { String line; while( (line=input.readLine()) != null ) { if( StringUtils.matches(line, "\\s*(%.*)?") ) { // comment or blank line"Skipping: " + line); continue; } char [] linechars = line.toCharArray(); int [] pattern = new int[linechars.length]; char [] chars = new char[linechars.length]; int c = 0; for (char linechar : linechars) { if (Character.isDigit(linechar)) { pattern[c] = Character.digit(linechar, 10); } else { chars[c++] = linechar; } } char[] shortchars = new char[c]; int [] shortpattern = new int[c+1]; System.arraycopy(chars, 0, shortchars, 0, c); System.arraycopy(pattern, 0, shortpattern, 0, c+1); insertHyphPattern(shortchars, shortpattern); } } private Node head = new Node(); public static String toString(int[]i) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int anI : i) { sb.append(anI); } return sb.toString(); } private void insertHyphPattern(char [] chars, int [] pattern) { // find target node, building as we go Node cur = head; for (char aChar : chars) { Character curchar = new Character(aChar); Node next = (Node) cur.children.get(curchar); if (next == null) { next = new Node(); cur.children.put(curchar, next); } cur = next; } assert( cur.pattern == null ); cur.pattern = pattern; } private List getMatchingPatterns( char[] chars, int startingIdx ) { Node cur = head; LinkedList matchingPatterns = new LinkedList(); if( cur.pattern != null ) { matchingPatterns.add(cur.pattern); } for(int c = startingIdx; cur != null && c < chars.length; ++c ) { Character curchar = new Character(chars[c]); Node next = (Node) cur.children.get(curchar); cur = next; if( cur != null && cur.pattern != null ) { matchingPatterns.add(cur.pattern); } } return matchingPatterns; } private void labelWordBreakPoints( char [] phrase, int start, int end, boolean[] breakPoints) { char [] word = new char[end-start+2]; System.arraycopy(phrase, start, word, 1, end-start); word[0] = '.'; word[word.length-1] = '.'; // breakScore[i] is the score for breaking before word[i] int [] breakScore = new int [word.length + 1]; for( int c = 0; c < word.length; ++c ) { List patterns = getMatchingPatterns(word, c); Iterator iter = patterns.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { int [] pattern = (int[]); for( int i = 0; i < pattern.length; ++i ) { if( breakScore[c+i] < pattern[i] ) { breakScore[c+i] = pattern[i]; } } } } breakPoints[start] = true; for( int i = start+1; i < end; i++) { // remember that breakPoints is offset by one because we introduced // the leading "." breakPoints[i-1] |= (breakScore[i-start] % 2 == 1 ); } } /** * @param lcphrase Some English text in lowercase. * @return An array of booleans, one per character of the input, * indicating whether it would be OK to insert a hyphen before that * character. */ public boolean[] findBreakPoints(char [] lcphrase) { boolean [] breakPoints = new boolean[lcphrase.length]; boolean inWord = false; int wordStart = 0; int c = 0; for(; c < lcphrase.length; ++c) { if( !inWord && Character.isLetter(lcphrase[c]) ) { wordStart = c; inWord = true; } else if( inWord && !Character.isLetter(lcphrase[c]) ) { inWord = false; labelWordBreakPoints(lcphrase, wordStart, c, breakPoints); } } if( inWord ) { labelWordBreakPoints(lcphrase, wordStart, c, breakPoints); } return breakPoints; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { TeXHyphenator hyphenator = new TeXHyphenator(); hyphenator.loadDefault(); for (String arg : args) { char[] chars = arg.toLowerCase().toCharArray(); boolean[] breakPoints = hyphenator.findBreakPoints(chars); System.out.println(arg); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (boolean breakPoint : breakPoints) { if (breakPoint) { sb.append("^"); } else { sb.append("-"); } } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } }