package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.TwoDimensionalCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.LabeledScoredTreeFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeNormalizer; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeReader; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeReaderFactory; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.PropertiesUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; /** * Clean up an AnCora treebank which has been processed to expand multi-word * tokens into separate leaves. (This prior splitting task is performed by * {@link SpanishTreeNormalizer} through the {@link SpanishXMLTreeReader} * class). * * @author Jon Gauthier * @author Spence Green (original French version) */ public final class MultiWordPreprocessor { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(MultiWordPreprocessor.class); private static int nMissingPOS; private static int nMissingPhrasal; private static int nFixedPOS; private static int nFixedPhrasal; /** * If a multiword token has a part-of-speech tag matching a key of * this map, the constituent heading the split expression should * have a label with the value corresponding to said key. * * e.g., since `(rg, grup.adv)` is in this map, we will eventually * convert * * (rg cerca_de) * * to * * (grup.adv (rg cerca) (sp000 de)) */ private static Map<String, String> phrasalCategoryMap = new HashMap<>(); static { phrasalCategoryMap.put("ao0000", "grup.a"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("aq0000", "grup.a"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("aqo000", "grup.a"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("da0000", "spec"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("di0000", "sn"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("dn0000", "spec"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("dt0000", "spec"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("i", "interjeccio"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("i00", "interjeccio"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("rg", "grup.adv"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("rn", "grup.adv"); // no sólo phrasalCategoryMap.put("vaip000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmg0000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmic000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmii000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmif000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmip000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmis000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmm0000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmn0000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmp0000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmsi000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("vmsp000", "grup.verb"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("zm", "grup.nom"); // New groups (not from AnCora specification) phrasalCategoryMap.put("cc", ""); phrasalCategoryMap.put("cs", "grup.cs"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("pn000000", "grup.nom"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("pi000000", "grup.pron"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("pr000000", "grup.pron"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("pt000000", "grup.pron"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("px000000", "grup.pron"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("sp000", "grup.prep"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("w", "grup.w"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("z", "grup.z"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("z0", "grup.z"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("zp", "grup.z"); phrasalCategoryMap.put("zu", "grup.z"); } private static class ManualUWModel { private static Map<String, String> posMap = new HashMap<>(); static { // i.e., "metros cúbicos" posMap.put("cúbico", "aq0000"); posMap.put("cúbicos", "aq0000"); posMap.put("diagonal", "aq0000"); posMap.put("diestro", "aq0000"); posMap.put("llevados", "aq0000"); // llevados a cabo posMap.put("llevadas", "aq0000"); // llevadas a cabo posMap.put("menudo", "aq0000"); posMap.put("obstante", "aq0000"); posMap.put("rapadas", "aq0000"); // cabezas rapadas posMap.put("rasa", "aq0000"); posMap.put("súbito", "aq0000"); posMap.put("temática", "aq0000"); posMap.put("tuya", "px000000"); // foreign words posMap.put("alter", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("ego", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("Jet", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("lag", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("line", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("lord", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("model", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("mortem", "nc0s000"); // post-mortem posMap.put("pater", "nc0s000"); // pater familias posMap.put("pipe", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("play", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("pollastre", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("post", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("power", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("priori", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("rock", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("roll", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("salubritatis", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("savoir", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("service", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("status", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("stem", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("street", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("task", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("trio", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("zigzag", "nc0s000"); // foreign words (invariable) posMap.put("mass", "nc0n000"); posMap.put("media", "nc0n000"); // foreign words (plural) posMap.put("options", "nc0p000"); // compound words, other invariables posMap.put("regañadientes", "nc0n000"); posMap.put("sabiendas", "nc0n000"); // a sabiendas (de) // common gender posMap.put("virgen", "nc0s000"); posMap.put("merced", "ncfs000"); posMap.put("miel", "ncfs000"); posMap.put("torera", "ncfs000"); posMap.put("ultranza", "ncfs000"); posMap.put("vísperas", "ncfs000"); posMap.put("acecho", "ncms000"); posMap.put("alzamiento", "ncms000"); posMap.put("bordo", "ncms000"); posMap.put("cápita", "ncms000"); posMap.put("ciento", "ncms000"); posMap.put("cuño", "ncms000"); posMap.put("pairo", "ncms000"); posMap.put("pese", "ncms000"); // pese a posMap.put("pique", "ncms000"); posMap.put("pos", "ncms000"); posMap.put("postre", "ncms000"); posMap.put("pro", "ncms000"); posMap.put("ralentí", "ncms000"); posMap.put("ras", "ncms000"); posMap.put("rebato", "ncms000"); posMap.put("torno", "ncms000"); posMap.put("través", "ncms000"); posMap.put("creces", "ncfp000"); posMap.put("cuestas", "ncfp000"); posMap.put("oídas", "ncfp000"); posMap.put("tientas", "ncfp000"); posMap.put("trizas", "ncfp000"); posMap.put("veras", "ncfp000"); posMap.put("abuelos", "ncmp000"); posMap.put("ambages", "ncmp000"); posMap.put("modos", "ncmp000"); posMap.put("pedazos", "ncmp000"); posMap.put("A", "sps00"); posMap.put("amén", "rg"); // amén de posMap.put("Bailando", "vmg0000"); posMap.put("Soñando", "vmg0000"); posMap.put("Teniendo", "vmg0000"); posMap.put("echaremos", "vmif000"); posMap.put("formaba", "vmii000"); posMap.put("Formabas", "vmii000"); posMap.put("Forman", "vmip000"); posMap.put("perece", "vmip000"); posMap.put("PONE", "vmip000"); posMap.put("suicídate", "vmm0000"); posMap.put("tardar", "vmn0000"); posMap.put("seiscientas", "z0"); posMap.put("trescientas", "z0"); posMap.put("cc", "zu"); posMap.put("km", "zu"); posMap.put("kms", "zu"); } private static int nUnknownWordTypes = posMap.size(); private static final Pattern digit = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); private static final Pattern participle = Pattern.compile("[ai]d[oa]$"); /** * Names which would be mistakenly marked as function words by * unigram tagger (and which never appear as function words in * multi-word tokens) */ private static final Set<String> actuallyNames = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( "Avenida", "Contra", "Gracias", // interjection "in", // preposition; only appears in corpus as "in extremis" (preposition) "Mercado", "Jesús", // interjection "Salvo", "Van" // verb )); // Name-looking word that isn't "Al" private static final Pattern otherNamePattern = Pattern.compile("\\b(Al\\w+|A[^l]\\w*|[B-Z]\\w+)"); // Name-looking word that isn't "A" private static final Pattern otherNamePattern2 = Pattern.compile("\\b(A\\w+|[B-Z]\\w+)"); // Determiners which may also appear as pronouns private static final Pattern pPronounDeterminers = Pattern.compile("(tod|otr|un)[oa]s?"); public static String getOverrideTag(String word, String containingPhrase) { if (containingPhrase == null) return null; if (word.equalsIgnoreCase("este") && !containingPhrase.startsWith(word)) return "np00000"; else if (word.equals("contra") && (containingPhrase.startsWith("en contra") || containingPhrase.startsWith("En contra"))) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("total") && containingPhrase.startsWith("ese")) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("DEL")) // Uses of "Del" in corpus are proper nouns, but uses of "DEL" are // prepositions.. convenient for our purposes return "sp000"; else if (word.equals("sí") && containingPhrase.contains("por sí") || containingPhrase.contains("fuera de sí")) return "pp000000"; else if (pPronounDeterminers.matcher(word).matches() && containingPhrase.endsWith(word)) // Determiners tailing a phrase are pronouns: "sobre todo," "al otro", etc. return "pi000000"; else if (word.equals("cuando") && containingPhrase.endsWith(word)) return "pi000000"; else if ((word.equalsIgnoreCase("contra") && containingPhrase.endsWith(word))) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("salvo") && containingPhrase.endsWith("salvo")) return "aq0000"; else if (word.equals("mira") && containingPhrase.endsWith(word)) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("pro") && containingPhrase.startsWith("en pro")) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("espera") && containingPhrase.endsWith("espera de")) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("Paso") && containingPhrase.equals("El Paso")) return "np00000"; else if (word.equals("medio") && (containingPhrase.endsWith("medio de") || containingPhrase.endsWith("ambiente") || containingPhrase.endsWith("por medio") || containingPhrase.contains("por medio") || containingPhrase.endsWith("medio"))) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("Medio") && containingPhrase.contains("Ambiente")) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("Medio") && containingPhrase.equals("Oriente Medio")) return "aq0000"; else if (word.equals("media") && containingPhrase.equals("mass media")) return "nc0n000"; else if (word.equals("cuenta")) // tomar en cuenta, darse cuenta de, ... return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("h") && containingPhrase.startsWith("km")) return "zu"; else if (word.equals("A") && (containingPhrase.contains("-") || containingPhrase.contains(",") || otherNamePattern2.matcher(containingPhrase).find() || containingPhrase.equals("terminal A"))) return "np00000"; else if (word.equals("forma") && containingPhrase.startsWith("forma parte")) return "vmip000"; else if (word.equals("Sin") && containingPhrase.contains("Jaime")) return "np00000"; else if (word.equals("di") && containingPhrase.contains("di cuenta")) return "vmis000"; else if (word.equals("demos") && containingPhrase.contains("demos cuenta")) return "vmsp000"; else if ((word.equals("van") || word.equals("den")) && containingPhrase.contains("van den")) return "np00000"; if (word.equals("Al")) { // "Al" is sometimes a part of name phrases: Arabic names, Al Gore, etc. // Mark it a noun if its containing phrase has some other capitalized word if (otherNamePattern.matcher(containingPhrase).find()) return "np00000"; else return "sp000"; } if (actuallyNames.contains(word)) return "np00000"; if (word.equals("sino") && containingPhrase.endsWith(word)) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("mañana") || word.equals("paso") || word.equals("monta") || word.equals("deriva") || word.equals("visto")) return "nc0s000"; else if (word.equals("frente") && containingPhrase.startsWith("al frente")) return "nc0s000"; return null; } /** * Match phrases for which unknown words should be assumed to be * common nouns * * - a trancas y barrancas * - en vez de, en pos de * - sin embargo * - merced a * - pese a que */ private static final Pattern commonPattern = Pattern.compile("^al? |^en .+ de$|sin | al?$| que$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static String getTag(String word, String containingPhrase) { // Exact matches if (word.equals("%")) return "ft"; else if (word.equals("+")) return "fz"; else if (word.equals("&") || word.equals("@")) return "f0"; if(digit.matcher(word).find()) return "z0"; else if (posMap.containsKey(word)) return posMap.get(word); // Fallbacks if (participle.matcher(word).find()) return "aq0000"; // One last hint: is the phrase one which we have designated to // contain mostly common nouns? if (commonPattern.matcher(word).matches()) return "ncms000"; // Now make an educated guess. //"No POS tag for " + word); return "np00000"; } } /** * Source training data for a unigram tagger from the given tree. */ public static void updateTagger(TwoDimensionalCounter<String,String> tagger, Tree t) { List<CoreLabel> yield = t.taggedLabeledYield(); for (CoreLabel cl : yield) { if (cl.tag().equals(SpanishTreeNormalizer.MW_TAG)) continue; tagger.incrementCount(cl.word(), cl.tag()); } } public static void traverseAndFix(Tree t, Tree parent, TwoDimensionalCounter<String, String> unigramTagger, boolean retainNER) { if(t.isPreTerminal()) { if(t.value().equals(SpanishTreeNormalizer.MW_TAG)) { nMissingPOS++; String pos = inferPOS(t, parent, unigramTagger); if (pos != null) { t.setValue(pos); nFixedPOS++; } } return; } for(Tree kid : t.children()) traverseAndFix(kid, t, unigramTagger, retainNER); // Post-order visit if(t.value().startsWith(SpanishTreeNormalizer.MW_PHRASE_TAG)) { nMissingPhrasal++; String phrasalCat = inferPhrasalCategory(t, retainNER); if (phrasalCat != null) { t.setValue(phrasalCat); nFixedPhrasal++; } } } /** * Get a string representation of the immediate phrase which contains the given node. */ private static String getContainingPhrase(Tree t, Tree parent) { if (parent == null) return null; List<Label> phraseYield = parent.yield(); StringBuilder containingPhrase = new StringBuilder(); for (Label l : phraseYield) containingPhrase.append(l.value()).append(" "); return containingPhrase.toString().substring(0, containingPhrase.length() - 1); } private static final SpanishVerbStripper verbStripper = SpanishVerbStripper.getInstance(); /** * Attempt to infer the part of speech of the given preterminal node, which * was created during the expansion of a multi-word token. */ private static String inferPOS(Tree t, Tree parent, TwoDimensionalCounter<String, String> unigramTagger) { String word = t.firstChild().value(); String containingPhraseStr = getContainingPhrase(t, parent); // Overrides: let the manual POS model handle a few special cases first String overrideTag = ManualUWModel.getOverrideTag(word, containingPhraseStr); if (overrideTag != null) return overrideTag; Set<String> unigramTaggerKeys = unigramTagger.firstKeySet(); // Try treating this word as a verb and stripping any clitic // pronouns. If the stripped version exists in the unigram // tagger, then stick with the verb hypothesis SpanishVerbStripper.StrippedVerb strippedVerb = verbStripper.separatePronouns(word); if (strippedVerb != null && unigramTaggerKeys.contains(strippedVerb.getStem())) { String pos = Counters.argmax(unigramTagger.getCounter(strippedVerb.getStem())); if (pos.startsWith("v")) return pos; } if (unigramTagger.firstKeySet().contains(word)) return Counters.argmax(unigramTagger.getCounter(word), new POSTieBreaker()); return ManualUWModel.getTag(word, containingPhraseStr); } /** * Resolves "ties" between candidate part-of-speech tags encountered by the unigram tagger. */ private static class POSTieBreaker implements Comparator<String> { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { boolean firstIsNoun = o1.startsWith("n"); boolean secondIsNoun = o2.startsWith("n"); // Prefer nouns over everything if (firstIsNoun && !secondIsNoun) return -1; else if (secondIsNoun && !firstIsNoun) return 1; // No other policies at the moment return 0; } } /** * Attempt to infer the phrasal category of the given node, which * heads words which were expanded from a multi-word token. */ private static String inferPhrasalCategory(Tree t, boolean retainNER) { String phraseValue = t.value(); // Retrieve the part-of-speech assigned to the original multi-word // token String originalPos = phraseValue.substring(phraseValue.lastIndexOf('_') + 1); if (phrasalCategoryMap.containsKey(originalPos)) { return phrasalCategoryMap.get(originalPos); } else if (originalPos.length() > 0 && originalPos.charAt(0) == 'n') { // TODO may lead to some funky trees if a child somehow gets an // incorrect tag -- e.g. we may have a `grup.nom` head a `vmis000` if (!retainNER) return "grup.nom"; char nerTag = phraseValue.charAt(phraseValue.length() - 1); switch (nerTag) { case 'l': return "grup.nom.lug"; case 'o': return ""; case 'p': return "grup.nom.pers"; case '0': return "grup.nom.otros"; default: return "grup.nom"; } } // Fallback: try to infer based on part-of-speech sequence formed by // constituents StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(Tree kid : t.children()) sb.append(kid.value()).append(" "); String posSequence = sb.toString().trim();"No phrasal cat for: " + posSequence + " (original POS of MWE: " + originalPos + ")"); // Give up. return null; } private static void resolveDummyTags(File treeFile, TwoDimensionalCounter<String, String> unigramTagger, boolean retainNER, TreeNormalizer tn) { TreeFactory tf = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(); MultiWordTreeExpander expander = new MultiWordTreeExpander(); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(treeFile), "UTF-8")); TreeReaderFactory trf = new SpanishTreeReaderFactory(); TreeReader tr = trf.newTreeReader(br); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(treeFile + ".fixed")),false,"UTF-8")); int nTrees = 0; for(Tree t; (t = tr.readTree()) != null;nTrees++) { traverseAndFix(t, null, unigramTagger, retainNER); // Now "decompress" further the expanded trees formed by // multiword token splitting t = expander.expandPhrases(t, tn, tf); if (tn != null) t = tn.normalizeWholeTree(t, tf); pw.println(t.toString()); } pw.close(); tr.close(); System.out.println("Processed " +nTrees+ " trees"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static String usage() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); sb.append(String.format("Usage: java %s [OPTIONS] treebank-file%n", MultiWordPreprocessor.class.getName())); sb.append("Options:").append(nl); sb.append(" -help: Print this message").append(nl); sb.append(" -ner: Retain NER information in tree constituents (pre-pre-terminal nodes)").append(nl); sb.append(" -normalize {true, false}: Run the Spanish tree normalizer (non-aggressive) on the output of the main routine (true by default)").append(nl); return sb.toString(); } private static Map<String, Integer> argOptionDefs; static { argOptionDefs = Generics.newHashMap(); argOptionDefs.put("help", 0); argOptionDefs.put("ner", 0); argOptionDefs.put("normalize", 1); } /** * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Properties options = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args, argOptionDefs); if(!options.containsKey("") || options.containsKey("help")) {; return; } boolean retainNER = PropertiesUtils.getBool(options, "ner", false); boolean normalize = PropertiesUtils.getBool(options, "normalize", true); final File treeFile = new File(options.getProperty("")); TwoDimensionalCounter<String,String> labelTerm = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>(); TwoDimensionalCounter<String,String> termLabel = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>(); TwoDimensionalCounter<String,String> labelPreterm = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>(); TwoDimensionalCounter<String,String> pretermLabel = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>(); TwoDimensionalCounter<String,String> unigramTagger = new TwoDimensionalCounter<>(); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(treeFile), "UTF-8")); TreeReaderFactory trf = new SpanishTreeReaderFactory(); TreeReader tr = trf.newTreeReader(br); for(Tree t; (t = tr.readTree()) != null;) { updateTagger(unigramTagger, t); } tr.close(); //Closes the underlying reader System.out.println("Resolving DUMMY tags"); resolveDummyTags(treeFile, unigramTagger, retainNER, normalize ? new SpanishTreeNormalizer(true, false, false) : null); System.out.println("#Unknown Word Types: " + ManualUWModel.nUnknownWordTypes); System.out.println(String.format("#Missing POS: %d (fixed: %d, %.2f%%)", nMissingPOS, nFixedPOS, (double) nFixedPOS / nMissingPOS * 100)); System.out.println(String.format("#Missing Phrasal: %d (fixed: %d, %.2f%%)", nMissingPhrasal, nFixedPhrasal, (double) nFixedPhrasal / nMissingPhrasal * 100)); System.out.println("Done!"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }