package edu.stanford.nlp.coref.statistical; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.statistical.ClustererDataLoader.ClustererDoc; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.statistical.EvalUtils.B3Evaluator; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.statistical.EvalUtils.Evaluator; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; /** * System for building up coreference clusters incrementally, merging a pair of clusters each step. * Trained with a variant of the SEARN imitation learning algorithm. * @author Kevin Clark */ public class Clusterer { private static final boolean USE_CLASSIFICATION = true; private static final boolean USE_RANKING = true; private static final boolean LEFT_TO_RIGHT = false; private static final boolean EXACT_LOSS = false; private static final double MUC_WEIGHT = 0.25; private static final double EXPERT_DECAY = 0.0; private static final double LEARNING_RATE = 0.05; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 20; private static final int MAX_DOCS = 1000; private static final int RETRAIN_ITERATIONS = 100; private static final int NUM_EPOCHS = 15; private static final int EVAL_FREQUENCY = 1; private static final int MIN_PAIRS = 10; private static final double MIN_PAIRWISE_SCORE = 0.15; private static final int EARLY_STOP_THRESHOLD = 1000; private static final double EARLY_STOP_VAL = 1500 / 0.2; public static int currentDocId = 0; public static int isTraining = 1; private final ClustererClassifier classifier; private final Random random; public Clusterer() { random = new Random(0); classifier = new ClustererClassifier(LEARNING_RATE); } public Clusterer(String modelPath) { random = new Random(0); classifier = new ClustererClassifier(modelPath, LEARNING_RATE); } public List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> getClusterMerges(ClustererDoc doc) { List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> merges = new ArrayList<>(); State currentState = new State(doc); while (!currentState.isComplete()) { Pair<Integer, Integer> currentPair = currentState.mentionPairs.get(currentState.currentIndex); if (currentState.doBestAction(classifier)) { merges.add(currentPair); } } return merges; } public void doTraining(String modelName) { classifier.setWeight("bias", -0.3); classifier.setWeight("anaphorSeen", -1); classifier.setWeight("max-ranking", 1); classifier.setWeight("bias-single", -0.3); classifier.setWeight("anaphorSeen-single", -1); classifier.setWeight("max-ranking-single", 1); String outputPath = StatisticalCorefTrainer.clusteringModelsPath + modelName + "/"; File outDir = new File(outputPath); if (!outDir.exists()) { outDir.mkdir(); } PrintWriter progressWriter; List<ClustererDoc> trainDocs; try { PrintWriter configWriter = new PrintWriter(outputPath + "config", "UTF-8"); configWriter.print(StatisticalCorefTrainer.fieldValues(this)); configWriter.close(); progressWriter = new PrintWriter(outputPath + "progress", "UTF-8"); Redwood.log("scoref.train", "Loading training data"); StatisticalCorefTrainer.setDataPath("dev"); trainDocs = ClustererDataLoader.loadDocuments(MAX_DOCS); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error setting up training", e); } double bestTrainScore = 0; List<List<Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction>>> examples = new ArrayList<>(); for (int iteration = 0; iteration < RETRAIN_ITERATIONS; iteration++) { Redwood.log("scoref.train", "ITERATION " + iteration); classifier.printWeightVector(null); Redwood.log("scoref.train", ""); try { classifier.writeWeights(outputPath + "model"); classifier.printWeightVector(IOUtils.getPrintWriter(outputPath + "weights")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Collections.shuffle(trainDocs, random); examples = examples.subList(Math.max(0, examples.size() - BUFFER_SIZE_MULTIPLIER * trainDocs.size()), examples.size()); trainPolicy(examples); if (iteration % EVAL_FREQUENCY == 0) { double trainScore = evaluatePolicy(trainDocs, true); if (trainScore > bestTrainScore) { bestTrainScore = trainScore; writeModel("best", outputPath); } if (iteration % 10 == 0) { writeModel("iter_" + iteration, outputPath); } writeModel("last", outputPath); double timeElapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000.0; double ffhr = State.ffHits / (double) (State.ffHits + State.ffMisses); double shr = State.sHits / (double) (State.sHits + State.sMisses); double fhr = featuresCacheHits / (double) (featuresCacheHits + featuresCacheMisses); Redwood.log("scoref.train", modelName); Redwood.log("scoref.train", String.format("Best train: %.4f", bestTrainScore)); Redwood.log("scoref.train", String.format("Time elapsed: %.2f", timeElapsed)); Redwood.log("scoref.train", String.format("Cost hit rate: %.4f", ffhr)); Redwood.log("scoref.train", String.format("Score hit rate: %.4f", shr)); Redwood.log("scoref.train", String.format("Features hit rate: %.4f", fhr)); Redwood.log("scoref.train", ""); progressWriter.write(iteration + " " + trainScore + " " + " " + timeElapsed + " " + ffhr + " " + shr + " " + fhr + "\n"); progressWriter.flush(); } for (ClustererDoc trainDoc : trainDocs) { examples.add(runPolicy(trainDoc, Math.pow(EXPERT_DECAY, (iteration + 1)))); } } progressWriter.close(); } private void writeModel(String name, String modelPath) { try { classifier.writeWeights(modelPath + name + "_model.ser"); classifier.printWeightVector( IOUtils.getPrintWriter(modelPath + name + "_weights")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } private void trainPolicy(List<List<Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction>>> examples) { List<Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction>> flattenedExamples = new ArrayList<>();; for (int epoch = 0; epoch < NUM_EPOCHS; epoch++) { Collections.shuffle(flattenedExamples, random); flattenedExamples.forEach(classifier::learn); } double totalCost = .mapToDouble(e -> classifier.bestAction(e).cost).sum(); Redwood.log("scoref.train", String.format("Training cost: %.4f", 100 * totalCost / flattenedExamples.size())); } private double evaluatePolicy(List<ClustererDoc> docs, boolean training) { isTraining = 0; B3Evaluator evaluator = new B3Evaluator(); for (ClustererDoc doc : docs) { State currentState = new State(doc); while (!currentState.isComplete()) { currentState.doBestAction(classifier); } currentState.updateEvaluator(evaluator); } isTraining = 1; double score = evaluator.getF1(); Redwood.log("scoref.train", String.format("B3 F1 score on %s: %.4f", training ? "train" : "validate", score)); return score; } private List<Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction>> runPolicy(ClustererDoc doc, double beta) { List<Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction>> examples = new ArrayList<>(); State currentState = new State(doc); while (!currentState.isComplete()) { Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction> actions = currentState.getActions(classifier); if (actions == null) { continue; } examples.add(actions); boolean useExpert = random.nextDouble() < beta; double action1Score = useExpert ? -actions.first.cost : classifier.weightFeatureProduct(actions.first.features); double action2Score = useExpert ? -actions.second.cost : classifier.weightFeatureProduct(actions.second.features); currentState.doAction(action1Score >= action2Score); } return examples; } private static class GlobalFeatures { public boolean anaphorSeen; public int currentIndex; public int size; public double docSize; } private static class State { private static int sHits; private static int sMisses; private static int ffHits; private static int ffMisses; private final Map<MergeKey, Boolean> hashedScores; private final Map<Long, Double> hashedCosts; private final ClustererDoc doc; private final List<Cluster> clusters; private final Map<Integer, Cluster> mentionToCluster; private final List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> mentionPairs; private final List<GlobalFeatures> globalFeatures; private int currentIndex; private Cluster c1; private Cluster c2; private long hash; public State(ClustererDoc doc) { currentDocId =; this.doc = doc; this.hashedScores = new HashMap<>(); this.hashedCosts = new HashMap<>(); this.clusters = new ArrayList<>(); this.hash = 0; mentionToCluster = new HashMap<>(); for (int m : doc.mentions) { Cluster c = new Cluster(m); clusters.add(c); mentionToCluster.put(m, c); hash ^= c.hash * 7; } List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> allPairs = new ArrayList<>(doc.classificationScores.keySet()); Counter<Pair<Integer, Integer>> scores = USE_RANKING ? doc.rankingScores : doc.classificationScores; Collections.sort(allPairs, (p1, p2) -> { double diff = scores.getCount(p2) - scores.getCount(p1); return diff == 0 ? 0 : (int) Math.signum(diff); }); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < allPairs.size(); i++) { double score = scores.getCount(allPairs.get(i)); if (score < MIN_PAIRWISE_SCORE && i > MIN_PAIRS) { break; } if (i >= EARLY_STOP_THRESHOLD && i / score > EARLY_STOP_VAL) { break; } } mentionPairs = allPairs.subList(0, i); if (LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { Collections.sort(mentionPairs, (p1, p2) -> { if (p1.second.equals(p2.second)) { double diff = scores.getCount(p2) - scores.getCount(p1); return diff == 0 ? 0 : (int) Math.signum(diff); } return doc.mentionIndices.get(p1.second) < doc.mentionIndices.get(p2.second) ? -1 : 1; }); for (int j = 0; j < mentionPairs.size(); j++) { Pair<Integer, Integer> p1 = mentionPairs.get(j); for (int k = j + 1; k < mentionPairs.size(); k++) { Pair<Integer, Integer> p2 = mentionPairs.get(k); assert(doc.mentionIndices.get(p1.second) <= doc.mentionIndices.get(p2.second)); } } } Counter<Integer> seenAnaphors = new ClassicCounter<>(); Counter<Integer> seenAntecedents = new ClassicCounter<>(); globalFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < allPairs.size(); j++) { Pair<Integer, Integer> mentionPair = allPairs.get(j); GlobalFeatures gf = new GlobalFeatures(); gf.currentIndex = j; gf.anaphorSeen = seenAnaphors.containsKey(mentionPair.second); gf.size = mentionPairs.size(); gf.docSize = doc.mentions.size() / 300.0; globalFeatures.add(gf); seenAnaphors.incrementCount(mentionPair.second); seenAntecedents.incrementCount(mentionPair.first); } currentIndex = 0; setClusters(); } public State(State state) { this.hashedScores = state.hashedScores; this.hashedCosts = state.hashedCosts; this.doc = state.doc; this.hash = state.hash; this.mentionPairs = state.mentionPairs; this.currentIndex = state.currentIndex; this.globalFeatures = state.globalFeatures; this.clusters = new ArrayList<>(); this.mentionToCluster = new HashMap<>(); for (Cluster c : state.clusters) { Cluster copy = new Cluster(c); clusters.add(copy); for (int m : copy.mentions) { mentionToCluster.put(m, copy); } } setClusters(); } public void setClusters() { Pair<Integer, Integer> currentPair = mentionPairs.get(currentIndex); c1 = mentionToCluster.get(currentPair.first); c2 = mentionToCluster.get(currentPair.second); } public void doAction(boolean isMerge) { if (isMerge) { if (c2.size() > c1.size()) { Cluster tmp = c1; c1 = c2; c2 = tmp; } hash ^= 7 * c1.hash; hash ^= 7 * c2.hash; c1.merge(c2); for (int m : c2.mentions) { mentionToCluster.put(m, c1); } clusters.remove(c2); hash ^= 7 * c1.hash; } currentIndex++; if (!isComplete()) { setClusters(); } while (c1 == c2) { currentIndex++; if (isComplete()) { break; } setClusters(); } } public boolean doBestAction(ClustererClassifier classifier) { Boolean doMerge = hashedScores.get(new MergeKey(c1, c2, currentIndex)); if (doMerge == null) { Counter<String> features = getFeatures(doc, c1, c2, globalFeatures.get(currentIndex)); doMerge = classifier.weightFeatureProduct(features) > 0; hashedScores.put(new MergeKey(c1, c2, currentIndex), doMerge); sMisses += isTraining; } else { sHits += isTraining; } doAction(doMerge); return doMerge; } public boolean isComplete() { return currentIndex >= mentionPairs.size(); } public double getFinalCost(ClustererClassifier classifier) { while(EXACT_LOSS && !isComplete()) { if (hashedCosts.containsKey(hash)) { ffHits += isTraining;; return hashedCosts.get(hash); } doBestAction(classifier); } ffMisses += isTraining; double cost = EvalUtils.getCombinedF1(MUC_WEIGHT, doc.goldClusters, clusters, doc.mentionToGold, mentionToCluster); hashedCosts.put(hash, cost); return cost; } public void updateEvaluator(Evaluator evaluator) { evaluator.update(doc.goldClusters, clusters, doc.mentionToGold, mentionToCluster); } public Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction> getActions(ClustererClassifier classifier) { Counter<String> mergeFeatures = getFeatures(doc, c1, c2, globalFeatures.get(currentIndex)); double mergeScore = Math.exp(classifier.weightFeatureProduct(mergeFeatures)); hashedScores.put(new MergeKey(c1, c2, currentIndex), mergeScore > 0.5); State merge = new State(this); merge.doAction(true); double mergeB3 = merge.getFinalCost(classifier); State noMerge = new State(this); noMerge.doAction(false); double noMergeB3 = noMerge.getFinalCost(classifier); double weight = doc.mentions.size() / 100.0; double maxB3 = Math.max(mergeB3, noMergeB3); return new Pair<>( new CandidateAction(mergeFeatures, weight * (maxB3 - mergeB3)), new CandidateAction(new ClassicCounter<>(), weight * (maxB3 - noMergeB3))); } } private static class MergeKey { private final int hash; public MergeKey(Cluster c1, Cluster c2, int ind) { hash = (int)(c1.hash ^ c2.hash) + (2003 * ind) + currentDocId; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return ((MergeKey) o).hash == hash; } } public static class Cluster { private static final Map<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Long> MENTION_HASHES = new HashMap<>(); private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(0); public final List<Integer> mentions; public long hash; public Cluster(int m) { mentions = new ArrayList<>(); mentions.add(m); hash = getMentionHash(m); } public Cluster(Cluster c) { mentions = new ArrayList<>(c.mentions); hash = c.hash; } public void merge(Cluster c) { mentions.addAll(c.mentions); hash ^= c.hash; } public int size() { return mentions.size(); } public long getHash() { return hash; } private static long getMentionHash(int m) { Pair<Integer, Integer> pair = new Pair<>(m, currentDocId); Long hash = MENTION_HASHES.get(pair); if (hash == null) { hash = RANDOM.nextLong(); MENTION_HASHES.put(pair, hash); } return hash; } } private static int featuresCacheHits; private static int featuresCacheMisses; private static Map<MergeKey, CompressedFeatureVector> featuresCache = new HashMap<>(); private static Compressor<String> compressor = new Compressor<>(); private static Counter<String> getFeatures(ClustererDoc doc, Pair<Integer, Integer> mentionPair, Counter<Pair<Integer, Integer>> scores) { Counter<String> features = new ClassicCounter<>(); if (!scores.containsKey(mentionPair)) { mentionPair = new Pair<>(mentionPair.second, mentionPair.first); } double score = scores.getCount(mentionPair); features.incrementCount("max", score); return features; } private static Counter<String> getFeatures(ClustererDoc doc, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> mentionPairs, Counter<Pair<Integer, Integer>> scores) { Counter<String> features = new ClassicCounter<>(); double maxScore = 0; double minScore = 1; Counter<String> totals = new ClassicCounter<>(); Counter<String> totalsLog = new ClassicCounter<>(); Counter<String> counts = new ClassicCounter<>(); for (Pair<Integer, Integer> mentionPair : mentionPairs) { if (!scores.containsKey(mentionPair)) { mentionPair = new Pair<>(mentionPair.second, mentionPair.first); } double score = scores.getCount(mentionPair); double logScore = cappedLog(score); String mt1 = doc.mentionTypes.get(mentionPair.first); String mt2 = doc.mentionTypes.get(mentionPair.second); mt1 = mt1.equals("PRONOMINAL") ? "PRONOMINAL" : "NON_PRONOMINAL"; mt2 = mt2.equals("PRONOMINAL") ? "PRONOMINAL" : "NON_PRONOMINAL"; String conj = "_" + mt1 + "_" + mt2; maxScore = Math.max(maxScore, score); minScore = Math.min(minScore, score); totals.incrementCount("", score); totalsLog.incrementCount("", logScore); counts.incrementCount(""); totals.incrementCount(conj, score); totalsLog.incrementCount(conj, logScore); counts.incrementCount(conj); } features.incrementCount("max", maxScore); features.incrementCount("min", minScore); for (String key : counts.keySet()) { features.incrementCount("avg" + key, totals.getCount(key) / mentionPairs.size()); features.incrementCount("avgLog" + key, totalsLog.getCount(key) / mentionPairs.size()); } return features; } private static int earliestMention(Cluster c, ClustererDoc doc) { int earliest = -1; for (int m : c.mentions) { int pos = doc.mentionIndices.get(m); if (earliest == -1 || pos < doc.mentionIndices.get(earliest)) { earliest = m; } } return earliest; } private static Counter<String> getFeatures(ClustererDoc doc, Cluster c1, Cluster c2, GlobalFeatures gf) { MergeKey key = new MergeKey(c1, c2, gf.currentIndex); CompressedFeatureVector cfv = featuresCache.get(key); Counter<String> features = cfv == null ? null : compressor.uncompress(cfv); if (features != null) { featuresCacheHits += isTraining; return features; } featuresCacheMisses += isTraining; features = new ClassicCounter<>(); if (gf.anaphorSeen) { features.incrementCount("anaphorSeen"); } features.incrementCount("docSize", gf.docSize); features.incrementCount("percentComplete", gf.currentIndex / (double) gf.size); features.incrementCount("bias", 1.0); int earliest1 = earliestMention(c1, doc); int earliest2 = earliestMention(c2, doc); if (doc.mentionIndices.get(earliest1) > doc.mentionIndices.get(earliest2)) { int tmp = earliest1; earliest1 = earliest2; earliest2 = tmp; } features.incrementCount("anaphoricity", doc.anaphoricityScores.getCount(earliest2)); if (c1.mentions.size() == 1 && c2.mentions.size() == 1) { Pair<Integer, Integer> mentionPair = new Pair<>(c1.mentions.get(0), c2.mentions.get(0)); if (USE_CLASSIFICATION) { features.addAll(addSuffix(getFeatures(doc, mentionPair, doc.classificationScores), "-classification")); } if (USE_RANKING) { features.addAll(addSuffix(getFeatures(doc, mentionPair, doc.rankingScores), "-ranking")); } features = addSuffix(features, "-single"); } else { List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> between = new ArrayList<>(); for (int m1 : c1.mentions) { for (int m2 : c2.mentions) { between.add(new Pair<>(m1, m2)); } } if (USE_CLASSIFICATION) { features.addAll(addSuffix(getFeatures(doc, between, doc.classificationScores), "-classification")); } if (USE_RANKING) { features.addAll(addSuffix(getFeatures(doc, between, doc.rankingScores), "-ranking")); } } featuresCache.put(key, compressor.compress(features)); return features; } private static Counter<String> addSuffix(Counter<String> features, String suffix) { Counter<String> withSuffix = new ClassicCounter<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Double> e : features.entrySet()) { withSuffix.incrementCount(e.getKey() + suffix, e.getValue()); } return withSuffix; } private static double cappedLog(double x) { return Math.log(Math.max(x, 1e-8)); } private static class ClustererClassifier extends SimpleLinearClassifier { public ClustererClassifier(double learningRate) { super(SimpleLinearClassifier.risk(), SimpleLinearClassifier.constant(learningRate), 0); } public ClustererClassifier(String modelFile, double learningRate) { super(SimpleLinearClassifier.risk(), SimpleLinearClassifier.constant(learningRate), 0, modelFile); } public CandidateAction bestAction(Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction> actions) { return weightFeatureProduct(actions.first.features) > weightFeatureProduct(actions.second.features) ? actions.first : actions.second; } public void learn(Pair<CandidateAction, CandidateAction> actions) { CandidateAction goodAction = actions.first; CandidateAction badAction = actions.second; if (badAction.cost == 0) { CandidateAction tmp = goodAction; goodAction = badAction; badAction = tmp; } Counter<String> features = new ClassicCounter<>(goodAction.features); for (Map.Entry<String, Double> e : badAction.features.entrySet()) { features.decrementCount(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } learn(features, 0, badAction.cost); } } private static class CandidateAction { public final Counter<String> features; public final double cost; public CandidateAction(Counter<String> features, double cost) { this.features = features; this.cost = cost; } } }