package edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.neural.NeuralUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.neural.SimpleTensor; import edu.stanford.nlp.neural.rnn.RNNCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.optimization.AbstractCachingDiffFunction; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.TwoDimensionalMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.MulticoreWrapper; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.ThreadsafeProcessor; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; // TODO: get rid of the word Sentiment everywhere public class SentimentCostAndGradient extends AbstractCachingDiffFunction { private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(SentimentCostAndGradient.class); private final SentimentModel model; private final List<Tree> trainingBatch; public SentimentCostAndGradient(SentimentModel model, List<Tree> trainingBatch) { this.model = model; this.trainingBatch = trainingBatch; } @Override public int domainDimension() { // TODO: cache this for speed? return model.totalParamSize(); } private static double sumError(Tree tree) { if (tree.isLeaf()) { return 0.0; } else if (tree.isPreTerminal()) { return RNNCoreAnnotations.getPredictionError(tree); } else { double error = 0.0; for (Tree child : tree.children()) { error += sumError(child); } return RNNCoreAnnotations.getPredictionError(tree) + error; } } /** * Returns the index with the highest value in the {@code predictions} matrix. * Indexed from 0. */ private static int getPredictedClass(SimpleMatrix predictions) { int argmax = 0; for (int i = 1; i < predictions.getNumElements(); ++i) { if (predictions.get(i) > predictions.get(argmax)) { argmax = i; } } return argmax; } private static class ModelDerivatives { // We use TreeMap for each of these so that they stay in a canonical sorted order // binaryTD stands for Transform Derivatives (see the SentimentModel) public final TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> binaryTD; // the derivatives of the tensors for the binary nodes // will be empty if we aren't using tensors public final TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> binaryTensorTD; // binaryCD stands for Classification Derivatives // if we combined classification derivatives, we just use an empty map public final TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> binaryCD; // unaryCD stands for Classification Derivatives public final Map<String, SimpleMatrix> unaryCD; // word vector derivatives // will be filled on an as-needed basis, as opposed to having all // the words with a lot of empty vectors public final Map<String, SimpleMatrix> wordVectorD; public double error = 0.0; public ModelDerivatives(SentimentModel model) { binaryTD = initDerivatives(model.binaryTransform); binaryTensorTD = (model.op.useTensors) ? initTensorDerivatives(model.binaryTensors) : TwoDimensionalMap.treeMap(); binaryCD = (!model.op.combineClassification) ? initDerivatives(model.binaryClassification) : TwoDimensionalMap.treeMap(); unaryCD = initDerivatives(model.unaryClassification); // wordVectorD will be filled on an as-needed basis wordVectorD = Generics.newTreeMap(); } public void add(ModelDerivatives other) { addMatrices(binaryTD, other.binaryTD); addTensors(binaryTensorTD, other.binaryTensorTD); addMatrices(binaryCD, other.binaryCD); addMatrices(unaryCD, other.unaryCD); addMatrices(wordVectorD, other.wordVectorD); error += other.error; } /** * Add matrices from the second map to the first map, in place. */ public static void addMatrices(TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> first, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> second) { for (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry<String, String, SimpleMatrix> entry : first) { if (second.contains(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey())) { first.put(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey(), entry.getValue().plus(second.get(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey()))); } } for (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry<String, String, SimpleMatrix> entry : second) { if (!first.contains(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey())) { first.put(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } /** * Add tensors from the second map to the first map, in place. */ public static void addTensors(TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> first, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> second) { for (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry<String, String, SimpleTensor> entry : first) { if (second.contains(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey())) { first.put(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey(), entry.getValue().plus(second.get(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey()))); } } for (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry<String, String, SimpleTensor> entry : second) { if (!first.contains(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey())) { first.put(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } /** * Add matrices from the second map to the first map, in place. */ public static void addMatrices(Map<String, SimpleMatrix> first, Map<String, SimpleMatrix> second) { for (Map.Entry<String, SimpleMatrix> entry : first.entrySet()) { if (second.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { first.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().plus(second.get(entry.getKey()))); } } for (Map.Entry<String, SimpleMatrix> entry : second.entrySet()) { if (!first.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { first.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } /** * Init a TwoDimensionalMap with 0 matrices for all the matrices in the original map. */ private static TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> initDerivatives(TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> map) { TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> derivatives = TwoDimensionalMap.treeMap(); for (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry<String, String, SimpleMatrix> entry : map) { int numRows = entry.getValue().numRows(); int numCols = entry.getValue().numCols(); derivatives.put(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey(), new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols)); } return derivatives; } /** * Init a TwoDimensionalMap with 0 tensors for all the tensors in the original map. */ private static TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> initTensorDerivatives(TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> map) { TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> derivatives = TwoDimensionalMap.treeMap(); for (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry<String, String, SimpleTensor> entry : map) { int numRows = entry.getValue().numRows(); int numCols = entry.getValue().numCols(); int numSlices = entry.getValue().numSlices(); derivatives.put(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey(), new SimpleTensor(numRows, numCols, numSlices)); } return derivatives; } /** * Init a Map with 0 matrices for all the matrices in the original map. */ private static Map<String, SimpleMatrix> initDerivatives(Map<String, SimpleMatrix> map) { Map<String, SimpleMatrix> derivatives = Generics.newTreeMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, SimpleMatrix> entry : map.entrySet()) { int numRows = entry.getValue().numRows(); int numCols = entry.getValue().numCols(); derivatives.put(entry.getKey(), new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols)); } return derivatives; } } private ModelDerivatives scoreDerivatives(List<Tree> trainingBatch) { // "final" makes this as fast as having separate maps declared in this function final ModelDerivatives derivatives = new ModelDerivatives(model); List<Tree> forwardPropTrees = Generics.newArrayList(); for (Tree tree : trainingBatch) { Tree trainingTree = tree.deepCopy(); // this will attach the error vectors and the node vectors // to each node in the tree forwardPropagateTree(trainingTree); forwardPropTrees.add(trainingTree); } for (Tree tree : forwardPropTrees) { backpropDerivativesAndError(tree, derivatives.binaryTD, derivatives.binaryCD, derivatives.binaryTensorTD, derivatives.unaryCD, derivatives.wordVectorD); derivatives.error += sumError(tree); } return derivatives; } class ScoringProcessor implements ThreadsafeProcessor<List<Tree>, ModelDerivatives> { @Override public ModelDerivatives process(List<Tree> trainingBatch) { return scoreDerivatives(trainingBatch); } @Override public ThreadsafeProcessor<List<Tree>, ModelDerivatives> newInstance() { // should be threadsafe return this; } } @Override public void calculate(double[] theta) { model.vectorToParams(theta); final ModelDerivatives derivatives; if (model.op.trainOptions.nThreads == 1) { derivatives = scoreDerivatives(trainingBatch); } else { // TODO: because some addition operations happen in different // orders now, this results in slightly different values, which // over time add up to significantly different models even when // given the same random seed. Probably not a big deal. // To be more specific, for trees T1, T2, T3, ... Tn, // when using one thread, we sum the derivatives T1 + T2 ... // When using multiple threads, we first sum T1 + ... + Tk, // then sum Tk+1 + ... + T2k, etc, for split size k. // The splits are then summed in order. // This different sum order results in slightly different numbers. MulticoreWrapper<List<Tree>, ModelDerivatives> wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper<>(model.op.trainOptions.nThreads, new ScoringProcessor()); // use wrapper.nThreads in case the number of threads was automatically changed for (List<Tree> chunk : CollectionUtils.partitionIntoFolds(trainingBatch, wrapper.nThreads())) { wrapper.put(chunk); } wrapper.join(); derivatives = new ModelDerivatives(model); while (wrapper.peek()) { ModelDerivatives batchDerivatives = wrapper.poll(); derivatives.add(batchDerivatives); } } // scale the error by the number of sentences so that the // regularization isn't drowned out for large training batchs double scale = (1.0 / trainingBatch.size()); value = derivatives.error * scale; value += scaleAndRegularize(derivatives.binaryTD, model.binaryTransform, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regTransformMatrix, false); value += scaleAndRegularize(derivatives.binaryCD, model.binaryClassification, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regClassification, true); value += scaleAndRegularizeTensor(derivatives.binaryTensorTD, model.binaryTensors, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regTransformTensor); value += scaleAndRegularize(derivatives.unaryCD, model.unaryClassification, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regClassification, false, true); value += scaleAndRegularize(derivatives.wordVectorD, model.wordVectors, scale, model.op.trainOptions.regWordVector, true, false); derivative = NeuralUtils.paramsToVector(theta.length, derivatives.binaryTD.valueIterator(), derivatives.binaryCD.valueIterator(), SimpleTensor.iteratorSimpleMatrix(derivatives.binaryTensorTD.valueIterator()), derivatives.unaryCD.values().iterator(), derivatives.wordVectorD.values().iterator()); } private static double scaleAndRegularize(TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> derivatives, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> currentMatrices, double scale, double regCost, boolean dropBiasColumn) { double cost = 0.0; // the regularization cost for (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry<String, String, SimpleMatrix> entry : currentMatrices) { SimpleMatrix D = derivatives.get(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey()); SimpleMatrix regMatrix = entry.getValue(); if (dropBiasColumn) { regMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(regMatrix); regMatrix.insertIntoThis(0, regMatrix.numCols() - 1, new SimpleMatrix(regMatrix.numRows(), 1)); } D = D.scale(scale).plus(regMatrix.scale(regCost)); derivatives.put(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey(), D); cost += regMatrix.elementMult(regMatrix).elementSum() * regCost / 2.0; } return cost; } private static double scaleAndRegularize(Map<String, SimpleMatrix> derivatives, Map<String, SimpleMatrix> currentMatrices, double scale, double regCost, boolean activeMatricesOnly, boolean dropBiasColumn) { double cost = 0.0; // the regularization cost for (Map.Entry<String, SimpleMatrix> entry : currentMatrices.entrySet()) { SimpleMatrix D = derivatives.get(entry.getKey()); if (activeMatricesOnly && D == null) { // Fill in an emptpy matrix so the length of theta can match. // TODO: might want to allow for sparse parameter vectors derivatives.put(entry.getKey(), new SimpleMatrix(entry.getValue().numRows(), entry.getValue().numCols())); continue; } SimpleMatrix regMatrix = entry.getValue(); if (dropBiasColumn) { regMatrix = new SimpleMatrix(regMatrix); regMatrix.insertIntoThis(0, regMatrix.numCols() - 1, new SimpleMatrix(regMatrix.numRows(), 1)); } D = D.scale(scale).plus(regMatrix.scale(regCost)); derivatives.put(entry.getKey(), D); cost += regMatrix.elementMult(regMatrix).elementSum() * regCost / 2.0; } return cost; } private static double scaleAndRegularizeTensor(TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> derivatives, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> currentMatrices, double scale, double regCost) { double cost = 0.0; // the regularization cost for (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry<String, String, SimpleTensor> entry : currentMatrices) { SimpleTensor D = derivatives.get(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey()); D = D.scale(scale).plus(entry.getValue().scale(regCost)); derivatives.put(entry.getFirstKey(), entry.getSecondKey(), D); cost += entry.getValue().elementMult(entry.getValue()).elementSum() * regCost / 2.0; } return cost; } private void backpropDerivativesAndError(Tree tree, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> binaryTD, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> binaryCD, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> binaryTensorTD, Map<String, SimpleMatrix> unaryCD, Map<String, SimpleMatrix> wordVectorD) { SimpleMatrix delta = new SimpleMatrix(model.op.numHid, 1); backpropDerivativesAndError(tree, binaryTD, binaryCD, binaryTensorTD, unaryCD, wordVectorD, delta); } private void backpropDerivativesAndError(Tree tree, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> binaryTD, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleMatrix> binaryCD, TwoDimensionalMap<String, String, SimpleTensor> binaryTensorTD, Map<String, SimpleMatrix> unaryCD, Map<String, SimpleMatrix> wordVectorD, SimpleMatrix deltaUp) { if (tree.isLeaf()) { return; } SimpleMatrix currentVector = RNNCoreAnnotations.getNodeVector(tree); String category = tree.label().value(); category = model.basicCategory(category); // Build a vector that looks like 0,0,1,0,0 with an indicator for the correct class SimpleMatrix goldLabel = new SimpleMatrix(model.numClasses, 1); int goldClass = RNNCoreAnnotations.getGoldClass(tree); if (goldClass >= 0) { goldLabel.set(goldClass, 1.0); } double nodeWeight = model.op.trainOptions.getClassWeight(goldClass); SimpleMatrix predictions = RNNCoreAnnotations.getPredictions(tree); // If this is an unlabeled class, set deltaClass to 0. We could // make this more efficient by eliminating various of the below // calculations, but this would be the easiest way to handle the // unlabeled class SimpleMatrix deltaClass = goldClass >= 0 ? predictions.minus(goldLabel).scale(nodeWeight) : new SimpleMatrix(predictions.numRows(), predictions.numCols()); SimpleMatrix localCD = deltaClass.mult(NeuralUtils.concatenateWithBias(currentVector).transpose()); double error = -(NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyLog(predictions).elementMult(goldLabel).elementSum()); error = error * nodeWeight; RNNCoreAnnotations.setPredictionError(tree, error); if (tree.isPreTerminal()) { // below us is a word vector unaryCD.put(category, unaryCD.get(category).plus(localCD)); String word = tree.children()[0].label().value(); word = model.getVocabWord(word); //SimpleMatrix currentVectorDerivative = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(currentVector); //SimpleMatrix deltaFromClass = model.getUnaryClassification(category).transpose().mult(deltaClass); //SimpleMatrix deltaFull = deltaFromClass.extractMatrix(0, model.op.numHid, 0, 1).plus(deltaUp); //SimpleMatrix wordDerivative = deltaFull.elementMult(currentVectorDerivative); //wordVectorD.put(word, wordVectorD.get(word).plus(wordDerivative)); SimpleMatrix currentVectorDerivative = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(currentVector); SimpleMatrix deltaFromClass = model.getUnaryClassification(category).transpose().mult(deltaClass); deltaFromClass = deltaFromClass.extractMatrix(0, model.op.numHid, 0, 1).elementMult(currentVectorDerivative); SimpleMatrix deltaFull =; SimpleMatrix oldWordVectorD = wordVectorD.get(word); if (oldWordVectorD == null) { wordVectorD.put(word, deltaFull); } else { wordVectorD.put(word,; } } else { // Otherwise, this must be a binary node String leftCategory = model.basicCategory(tree.children()[0].label().value()); String rightCategory = model.basicCategory(tree.children()[1].label().value()); if (model.op.combineClassification) { unaryCD.put("", unaryCD.get("").plus(localCD)); } else { binaryCD.put(leftCategory, rightCategory, binaryCD.get(leftCategory, rightCategory).plus(localCD)); } SimpleMatrix currentVectorDerivative = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(currentVector); SimpleMatrix deltaFromClass = model.getBinaryClassification(leftCategory, rightCategory).transpose().mult(deltaClass); deltaFromClass = deltaFromClass.extractMatrix(0, model.op.numHid, 0, 1).elementMult(currentVectorDerivative); SimpleMatrix deltaFull =; SimpleMatrix leftVector = RNNCoreAnnotations.getNodeVector(tree.children()[0]); SimpleMatrix rightVector = RNNCoreAnnotations.getNodeVector(tree.children()[1]); SimpleMatrix childrenVector = NeuralUtils.concatenateWithBias(leftVector, rightVector); SimpleMatrix W_df = deltaFull.mult(childrenVector.transpose()); binaryTD.put(leftCategory, rightCategory, binaryTD.get(leftCategory, rightCategory).plus(W_df)); SimpleMatrix deltaDown; if (model.op.useTensors) { SimpleTensor Wt_df = getTensorGradient(deltaFull, leftVector, rightVector); binaryTensorTD.put(leftCategory, rightCategory, binaryTensorTD.get(leftCategory, rightCategory).plus(Wt_df)); deltaDown = computeTensorDeltaDown(deltaFull, leftVector, rightVector, model.getBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory), model.getBinaryTensor(leftCategory, rightCategory)); } else { deltaDown = model.getBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory).transpose().mult(deltaFull); } SimpleMatrix leftDerivative = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(leftVector); SimpleMatrix rightDerivative = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(rightVector); SimpleMatrix leftDeltaDown = deltaDown.extractMatrix(0, deltaFull.numRows(), 0, 1); SimpleMatrix rightDeltaDown = deltaDown.extractMatrix(deltaFull.numRows(), deltaFull.numRows() * 2, 0, 1); backpropDerivativesAndError(tree.children()[0], binaryTD, binaryCD, binaryTensorTD, unaryCD, wordVectorD, leftDerivative.elementMult(leftDeltaDown)); backpropDerivativesAndError(tree.children()[1], binaryTD, binaryCD, binaryTensorTD, unaryCD, wordVectorD, rightDerivative.elementMult(rightDeltaDown)); } } private static SimpleMatrix computeTensorDeltaDown(SimpleMatrix deltaFull, SimpleMatrix leftVector, SimpleMatrix rightVector, SimpleMatrix W, SimpleTensor Wt) { SimpleMatrix WTDelta = W.transpose().mult(deltaFull); SimpleMatrix WTDeltaNoBias = WTDelta.extractMatrix(0, deltaFull.numRows() * 2, 0, 1); int size = deltaFull.getNumElements(); SimpleMatrix deltaTensor = new SimpleMatrix(size*2, 1); SimpleMatrix fullVector = NeuralUtils.concatenate(leftVector, rightVector); for (int slice = 0; slice < size; ++slice) { SimpleMatrix scaledFullVector = fullVector.scale(deltaFull.get(slice)); deltaTensor =; } return; } private static SimpleTensor getTensorGradient(SimpleMatrix deltaFull, SimpleMatrix leftVector, SimpleMatrix rightVector) { int size = deltaFull.getNumElements(); SimpleTensor Wt_df = new SimpleTensor(size*2, size*2, size); // TODO: combine this concatenation with computeTensorDeltaDown? SimpleMatrix fullVector = NeuralUtils.concatenate(leftVector, rightVector); for (int slice = 0; slice < size; ++slice) { Wt_df.setSlice(slice, fullVector.scale(deltaFull.get(slice)).mult(fullVector.transpose())); } return Wt_df; } /** * This is the method to call for assigning labels and node vectors * to the Tree. After calling this, each of the non-leaf nodes will * have the node vector and the predictions of their classes * assigned to that subtree's node. The annotations filled in are * the RNNCoreAnnotations.NodeVector, Predictions, and * PredictedClass. In general, PredictedClass will be the most * useful annotation except when training. */ public void forwardPropagateTree(Tree tree) { SimpleMatrix nodeVector; // initialized below or Exception thrown // = null; SimpleMatrix classification; // initialized below or Exception thrown // = null; if (tree.isLeaf()) { // We do nothing for the leaves. The preterminals will // calculate the classification for this word/tag. In fact, the // recursion should not have gotten here (unless there are // degenerate trees of just one leaf)"SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: We reached leaves in forwardPropagate: " + tree); throw new AssertionError("We should not have reached leaves in forwardPropagate"); } else if (tree.isPreTerminal()) { classification = model.getUnaryClassification(tree.label().value()); String word = tree.children()[0].label().value(); SimpleMatrix wordVector = model.getWordVector(word); nodeVector = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanh(wordVector); } else if (tree.children().length == 1) {"SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: Non-preterminal nodes of size 1: " + tree); throw new AssertionError("Non-preterminal nodes of size 1 should have already been collapsed"); } else if (tree.children().length == 2) { forwardPropagateTree(tree.children()[0]); forwardPropagateTree(tree.children()[1]); String leftCategory = tree.children()[0].label().value(); String rightCategory = tree.children()[1].label().value(); SimpleMatrix W = model.getBinaryTransform(leftCategory, rightCategory); classification = model.getBinaryClassification(leftCategory, rightCategory); SimpleMatrix leftVector = RNNCoreAnnotations.getNodeVector(tree.children()[0]); SimpleMatrix rightVector = RNNCoreAnnotations.getNodeVector(tree.children()[1]); SimpleMatrix childrenVector = NeuralUtils.concatenateWithBias(leftVector, rightVector); if (model.op.useTensors) { SimpleTensor tensor = model.getBinaryTensor(leftCategory, rightCategory); SimpleMatrix tensorIn = NeuralUtils.concatenate(leftVector, rightVector); SimpleMatrix tensorOut = tensor.bilinearProducts(tensorIn); nodeVector = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanh(W.mult(childrenVector).plus(tensorOut)); } else { nodeVector = NeuralUtils.elementwiseApplyTanh(W.mult(childrenVector)); } } else {"SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: Tree not correctly binarized: " + tree); throw new AssertionError("Tree not correctly binarized"); } SimpleMatrix predictions = NeuralUtils.softmax(classification.mult(NeuralUtils.concatenateWithBias(nodeVector))); int index = getPredictedClass(predictions); if (!(tree.label() instanceof CoreLabel)) {"SentimentCostAndGradient: warning: No CoreLabels in nodes: " + tree); throw new AssertionError("Expected CoreLabels in the nodes"); } CoreLabel label = (CoreLabel) tree.label(); label.set(RNNCoreAnnotations.Predictions.class, predictions); label.set(RNNCoreAnnotations.PredictedClass.class, index); label.set(RNNCoreAnnotations.NodeVector.class, nodeVector); } // end forwardPropagateTree }