package edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent; import*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; /** * Reads and stores configuration information for a POS tagger. * * <i>Implementation note:</i> To add a new parameter: (1) define a default * String value, (2) add it to defaultValues map, (3) add line to constructor, * (4) add getter method, (5) add to dump() method, (6) add to printGenProps() * method, (7) add to class javadoc of MaxentTagger. * * @author William Morgan * @author Anna Rafferty * @author Michel Galley */ public class TaggerConfig extends Properties /* Inherits implementation of Serializable! */ { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(TaggerConfig.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = -4136407850147157497L; public enum Mode { TRAIN, TEST, TAG, DUMP } /* defaults. sentenceDelimiter might be null; the others all have non-null values. */ public static final String SEARCH = "qn", TAG_SEPARATOR = "/", TOKENIZE = "true", DEBUG = "false", ITERATIONS = "100", ARCH = "", WORD_FUNCTION = "", RARE_WORD_THRESH = "5", MIN_FEATURE_THRESH = "5", CUR_WORD_MIN_FEATURE_THRESH = "2", RARE_WORD_MIN_FEATURE_THRESH = "10", VERY_COMMON_WORD_THRESH = "250", OCCURRING_TAGS_ONLY = "false", POSSIBLE_TAGS_ONLY = "false", SIGMA_SQUARED = String.valueOf(0.5), ENCODING = "UTF-8", LEARN_CLOSED_CLASS = "false", CLOSED_CLASS_THRESHOLD = "40", VERBOSE = "false", VERBOSE_RESULTS = "true", SGML = "false", LANG = "", TOKENIZER_FACTORY = "", XML_INPUT = "", TAG_INSIDE = "", APPROXIMATE = "-1.0", TOKENIZER_OPTIONS = "", DEFAULT_REG_L1 = "1.0", OUTPUT_FILE = "", OUTPUT_FORMAT = "slashTags", OUTPUT_FORMAT_OPTIONS = "", NTHREADS = "1"; public static final String ENCODING_PROPERTY = "encoding", TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY = "tagSeparator"; private static final Map<String, String> defaultValues = Generics.newHashMap(); static { defaultValues.put("arch", ARCH); defaultValues.put("wordFunction", WORD_FUNCTION); defaultValues.put("closedClassTags", ""); defaultValues.put("closedClassTagThreshold", CLOSED_CLASS_THRESHOLD); defaultValues.put("search", SEARCH); defaultValues.put(TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY, TAG_SEPARATOR); defaultValues.put("tokenize", TOKENIZE); defaultValues.put("debug", DEBUG); defaultValues.put("iterations", ITERATIONS); defaultValues.put("rareWordThresh", RARE_WORD_THRESH); defaultValues.put("minFeatureThresh", MIN_FEATURE_THRESH); defaultValues.put("curWordMinFeatureThresh", CUR_WORD_MIN_FEATURE_THRESH); defaultValues.put("rareWordMinFeatureThresh", RARE_WORD_MIN_FEATURE_THRESH); defaultValues.put("veryCommonWordThresh", VERY_COMMON_WORD_THRESH); defaultValues.put("occurringTagsOnly", OCCURRING_TAGS_ONLY); defaultValues.put("possibleTagsOnly", POSSIBLE_TAGS_ONLY); defaultValues.put("sigmaSquared", SIGMA_SQUARED); defaultValues.put(ENCODING_PROPERTY, ENCODING); defaultValues.put("learnClosedClassTags", LEARN_CLOSED_CLASS); defaultValues.put("verbose", VERBOSE); defaultValues.put("verboseResults", VERBOSE_RESULTS); defaultValues.put("openClassTags", ""); defaultValues.put("lang", LANG); defaultValues.put("tokenizerFactory", TOKENIZER_FACTORY); defaultValues.put("xmlInput", XML_INPUT); defaultValues.put("tagInside", TAG_INSIDE); defaultValues.put("sgml", SGML); defaultValues.put("approximate", APPROXIMATE); defaultValues.put("tokenizerOptions", TOKENIZER_OPTIONS); defaultValues.put("regL1", DEFAULT_REG_L1); defaultValues.put("outputFile", OUTPUT_FILE); defaultValues.put("outputFormat", OUTPUT_FORMAT); defaultValues.put("outputFormatOptions", OUTPUT_FORMAT_OPTIONS); defaultValues.put("nthreads", NTHREADS); } /** * This constructor is just for creating an instance with default values. * Used internally. */ private TaggerConfig() { super(); this.putAll(defaultValues); } /** * We force you to pass in a TaggerConfig rather than any other * superclass so that we know the arg error checking has already occurred */ public TaggerConfig(TaggerConfig old) { super(old); } public TaggerConfig(String... args) { this(StringUtils.argsToProperties(args)); } public TaggerConfig(Properties props) { // load up the default properties this(); /* Try and use the default properties from the model */ // Properties modelProps = new Properties(); // TaggerConfig oldConfig = new TaggerConfig(); // loads default values in oldConfig if (! props.containsKey("trainFile")) { String name = props.getProperty("model"); if (name == null) { name = props.getProperty("dump"); } if (name != null) { try {"Loading default properties from tagger " + name); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(IOUtils.getInputStreamFromURLOrClasspathOrFileSystem(name)); this.putAll(TaggerConfig.readConfig(in)); // overwrites defaults with any serialized values. in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeIOException("No such trained tagger config file found: " + name); } } } setProperties(props); } public void setProperties(Properties props) { if (props.getProperty("") != null) { throw new RuntimeException("unknown argument(s): \"" + props.getProperty("") + '\"'); } if (props.getProperty("genprops") != null) { printGenProps(System.out); System.exit(0); } if (props.containsKey("mode") && props.containsKey("file")) { this.setProperty("mode", props.getProperty("mode")); this.setProperty("file", props.getProperty("file")); } else if (props.containsKey("trainFile")) { //Training mode this.setProperty("mode", Mode.TRAIN.toString()); this.setProperty("file", props.getProperty("trainFile", "").trim()); } else if (props.containsKey("testFile")) { //Testing mode this.setProperty("mode", Mode.TEST.toString()); this.setProperty("file", props.getProperty("testFile", "").trim()); } else if (props.containsKey("textFile")) { //Tagging mode this.setProperty("mode", Mode.TAG.toString()); this.setProperty("file", props.getProperty("textFile", "").trim()); } else if (props.containsKey("dump")) { this.setProperty("mode", Mode.DUMP.toString()); // this.setProperty("file", props.getProperty("dump").trim()); props.setProperty("model", props.getProperty("dump").trim()); } else { this.setProperty("mode", Mode.TAG.toString()); this.setProperty("file", "stdin"); } //for any mode other than train, we load a classifier, which means we load a config - model always needs to be specified //on command line/in props file //Get the path to the model (or the path where you'd like to save the model); this is necessary for training, testing, and tagging this.setProperty("model", props.getProperty("model", this.getProperty("model", "")).trim()); if ( ! (this.getMode() == Mode.DUMP) && this.getProperty("model").isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("'model' parameter must be specified"); } this.setProperty("search", props.getProperty("search", this.getProperty("search")).trim().toLowerCase()); String srch = this.getProperty("search"); if ( ! (srch.equals("cg") || srch.equals("iis") || srch.equals("owlqn") || srch.equals("qn") || srch.equals("owlqn2"))) { throw new RuntimeException("'search' must be one of 'iis', 'cg', 'qn' or 'owlqn' or 'owlqn2': " + srch); } this.setProperty("sigmaSquared", props.getProperty("sigmaSquared", this.getProperty("sigmaSquared"))); this.setProperty(TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY, props.getProperty(TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY, this.getProperty(TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY))); this.setProperty("iterations", props.getProperty("iterations", this.getProperty("iterations"))); this.setProperty("rareWordThresh", props.getProperty("rareWordThresh", this.getProperty("rareWordThresh"))); this.setProperty("minFeatureThresh", props.getProperty("minFeatureThresh", this.getProperty("minFeatureThresh"))); this.setProperty("curWordMinFeatureThresh", props.getProperty("curWordMinFeatureThresh", this.getProperty("curWordMinFeatureThresh"))); this.setProperty("rareWordMinFeatureThresh", props.getProperty("rareWordMinFeatureThresh", this.getProperty("rareWordMinFeatureThresh"))); this.setProperty("veryCommonWordThresh", props.getProperty("veryCommonWordThresh", this.getProperty("veryCommonWordThresh"))); this.setProperty("occurringTagsOnly", props.getProperty("occurringTagsOnly", this.getProperty("occurringTagsOnly", OCCURRING_TAGS_ONLY))); this.setProperty("possibleTagsOnly", props.getProperty("possibleTagsOnly", this.getProperty("possibleTagsOnly"))); this.setProperty("lang", props.getProperty("lang", this.getProperty("lang"))); this.setProperty("openClassTags", props.getProperty("openClassTags", this.getProperty("openClassTags")).trim()); this.setProperty("closedClassTags", props.getProperty("closedClassTags", this.getProperty("closedClassTags")).trim()); this.setProperty("learnClosedClassTags", props.getProperty("learnClosedClassTags", this.getProperty("learnClosedClassTags"))); this.setProperty("closedClassTagThreshold", props.getProperty("closedClassTagThreshold", this.getProperty("closedClassTagThreshold"))); this.setProperty("arch", props.getProperty("arch", this.getProperty("arch"))); if (this.getMode() == Mode.TRAIN && this.getProperty("arch").isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No architecture specified; " + "set the -arch flag with " + "the features to be used"); } this.setProperty("wordFunction", props.getProperty("wordFunction", this.getProperty("wordFunction", WORD_FUNCTION))); this.setProperty("tokenize", props.getProperty("tokenize", this.getProperty("tokenize"))); this.setProperty("tokenizerFactory", props.getProperty("tokenizerFactory", this.getProperty("tokenizerFactory"))); this.setProperty("debugPrefix", props.getProperty("debugPrefix", this.getProperty("debugPrefix", ""))); this.setProperty("debug", props.getProperty("debug", DEBUG)); this.setProperty(ENCODING_PROPERTY, props.getProperty(ENCODING_PROPERTY, this.getProperty(ENCODING_PROPERTY))); this.setProperty("sgml", props.getProperty("sgml", this.getProperty("sgml"))); this.setProperty("verbose", props.getProperty("verbose", this.getProperty("verbose"))); this.setProperty("verboseResults", props.getProperty("verboseResults", this.getProperty("verboseResults"))); this.setProperty("regL1", props.getProperty("regL1", this.getProperty("regL1"))); //this is a property that is stored (not like the general properties) this.setProperty("xmlInput", props.getProperty("xmlInput", this.getProperty("xmlInput")).trim()); this.setProperty("tagInside", props.getProperty("tagInside", this.getProperty("tagInside"))); //this isn't something we save from time to time this.setProperty("approximate", props.getProperty("approximate", this.getProperty("approximate"))); //this isn't something we save from time to time this.setProperty("tokenizerOptions", props.getProperty("tokenizerOptions", this.getProperty("tokenizerOptions"))); //this isn't something we save from time to time this.setProperty("outputFile", props.getProperty("outputFile", this.getProperty("outputFile")).trim()); //this isn't something we save from time to time this.setProperty("outputFormat", props.getProperty("outputFormat", this.getProperty("outputFormat")).trim()); //this isn't something we save from time to time this.setProperty("outputFormatOptions", props.getProperty("outputFormatOptions", this.getProperty("outputFormatOptions")).trim()); //this isn't something we save from time to time this.setProperty("nthreads", props.getProperty("nthreads", this.getProperty("nthreads", NTHREADS)).trim()); String sentenceDelimiter = props.getProperty("sentenceDelimiter", this.getProperty("sentenceDelimiter")); if (sentenceDelimiter != null) { // this isn't something we save from time to time. // It is only relevant when tagging text files. // In fact, we let this one be null, as it really is useful to // let the null value represent no sentence delimiter. this.setProperty("sentenceDelimiter", sentenceDelimiter); } } public String getModel() { return getProperty("model"); } public String getFile() { return getProperty("file"); } public String getOutputFile() { return getProperty("outputFile"); } public String getOutputFormat() { return getProperty("outputFormat"); } public String[] getOutputOptions() { return getProperty("outputFormatOptions").split("\\s*,\\s*"); } public boolean getOutputVerbosity() { return getOutputOptionsContains("verbose"); } public boolean getOutputLemmas() { return getOutputOptionsContains("lemmatize"); } public boolean keepEmptySentences() { return getOutputOptionsContains("keepEmptySentences"); } public boolean getOutputOptionsContains(String sought) { String[] options = getOutputOptions(); for (String option : options) { if (option.equals(sought)) { return true; } } return false; } public String getSearch() { return getProperty("search"); } public double getSigmaSquared() { return Double.parseDouble(getProperty("sigmaSquared")); } public int getIterations() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("iterations")); } public int getRareWordThresh() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("rareWordThresh")); } public int getMinFeatureThresh() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("minFeatureThresh")); } public int getCurWordMinFeatureThresh() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("curWordMinFeatureThresh")); } public int getRareWordMinFeatureThresh() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("rareWordMinFeatureThresh")); } public int getVeryCommonWordThresh() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("veryCommonWordThresh")); } public boolean occurringTagsOnly() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("occurringTagsOnly")); } public boolean possibleTagsOnly() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("possibleTagsOnly")); } public String getLang() { return getProperty("lang"); } public String[] getOpenClassTags() { return wsvStringToStringArray(getProperty("openClassTags")); } public String[] getClosedClassTags() { return wsvStringToStringArray(getProperty("closedClassTags")); } private static String[] wsvStringToStringArray(String str) { if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(str)) { return StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } else { return str.split("\\s+"); } } public boolean getLearnClosedClassTags() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("learnClosedClassTags")); } public int getClosedTagThreshold() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("closedClassTagThreshold")); } public String getArch() { return getProperty("arch"); } public String getWordFunction() { return getProperty("wordFunction"); } public boolean getDebug() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("debug")); } public String getDebugPrefix() { return getProperty("debugPrefix"); } public String getTokenizerFactory() { return getProperty("tokenizerFactory"); } public static String getDefaultTagSeparator() { return TAG_SEPARATOR; } public final String getTagSeparator() { return getProperty(TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY); } public boolean getTokenize() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("tokenize")); } public String getEncoding() { return getProperty(ENCODING_PROPERTY); } public double getRegL1() { return Double.parseDouble(getProperty("regL1")); } public String[] getXMLInput() { return wsvStringToStringArray(getProperty("xmlInput")); } public boolean getVerbose() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("verbose")); } public boolean getVerboseResults() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("verboseResults")); } public boolean getSGML() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("sgml")); } public int getNThreads() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty("nthreads")); } /** Return a regex of XML elements to tag inside of. This may return an * empty String, but never null. * * @return A regex of XML elements to tag inside of */ public String getTagInside() { String str = getProperty("tagInside"); if (str == null) { return ""; } return str; } public String getTokenizerOptions() { return getProperty("tokenizerOptions"); } public boolean getTokenizerInvertible() { String tokenizerOptions = getTokenizerOptions(); if (tokenizerOptions != null && tokenizerOptions.matches("(^|.*,)invertible=true")) return true; return getOutputVerbosity() || getOutputLemmas(); } /** * Returns a default score to be used for each tag that is incompatible with * the current word (e.g., the tag CC for the word "apple"). Using a default * score may slightly decrease performance for some languages (e.g., Chinese and * German), but allows the tagger to run considerably faster (since the computation * of the normalization term Z requires much less feature extraction). This approximation * does not decrease performance in English (on the WSJ). If this function returns * 0.0, the tagger will compute exact scores. * * @return default score */ public double getDefaultScore() { String approx = getProperty("approximate"); if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(approx)) { return -1.0; } else if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(approx)) { return 1.0; } else { return Double.parseDouble(approx); } } public void dump() { dump(new PrintWriter(System.err)); } public void dump(PrintStream stream) { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(stream); dump(pw); } private void dump(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println(" model = " + getProperty("model")); pw.println(" arch = " + getProperty("arch")); pw.println(" wordFunction = " + getProperty("wordFunction")); if (this.getMode() == Mode.TRAIN || this.getMode() == Mode.DUMP) { pw.println(" trainFile = " + getProperty("file")); } else if (this.getMode() == Mode.TAG) { pw.println(" textFile = " + getProperty("file")); } else if (this.getMode() == Mode.TEST) { pw.println(" testFile = " + getProperty("file")); } pw.println(" closedClassTags = " + getProperty("closedClassTags")); pw.println(" closedClassTagThreshold = " + getProperty("closedClassTagThreshold")); pw.println(" curWordMinFeatureThresh = " + getProperty("curWordMinFeatureThresh")); pw.println(" debug = " + getProperty("debug")); pw.println(" debugPrefix = " + getProperty("debugPrefix")); pw.println(" " + TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY + " = " + getProperty(TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY)); pw.println(" " + ENCODING_PROPERTY + " = " + getProperty(ENCODING_PROPERTY)); pw.println(" iterations = " + getProperty("iterations")); pw.println(" lang = " + getProperty("lang")); pw.println(" learnClosedClassTags = " + getProperty("learnClosedClassTags")); pw.println(" minFeatureThresh = " + getProperty("minFeatureThresh")); pw.println(" openClassTags = " + getProperty("openClassTags")); pw.println("rareWordMinFeatureThresh = " + getProperty("rareWordMinFeatureThresh")); pw.println(" rareWordThresh = " + getProperty("rareWordThresh")); pw.println(" search = " + getProperty("search")); pw.println(" sgml = " + getProperty("sgml")); pw.println(" sigmaSquared = " + getProperty("sigmaSquared")); pw.println(" regL1 = " + getProperty("regL1")); pw.println(" tagInside = " + getProperty("tagInside")); pw.println(" tokenize = " + getProperty("tokenize")); pw.println(" tokenizerFactory = " + getProperty("tokenizerFactory")); pw.println(" tokenizerOptions = " + getProperty("tokenizerOptions")); pw.println(" verbose = " + getProperty("verbose")); pw.println(" verboseResults = " + getProperty("verboseResults")); pw.println(" veryCommonWordThresh = " + getProperty("veryCommonWordThresh")); pw.println(" xmlInput = " + getProperty("xmlInput")); pw.println(" outputFile = " + getProperty("outputFile")); pw.println(" outputFormat = " + getProperty("outputFormat")); pw.println(" outputFormatOptions = " + getProperty("outputFormatOptions")); pw.println(" nthreads = " + getProperty("nthreads")); pw.flush(); } @Override public String toString() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(200); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); dump(pw); return sw.toString(); } /** * This returns the sentence delimiter used when tokenizing text * using the tokenizer requested in this config. In general, it is * assumed the tokenizer doesn't need a sentence delimiter.... If you * use the whitespace tokenizer, though, a newline breaks sentences. * * @return A null String unless tokenize is false and then the String */ public String getSentenceDelimiter() { String delimiter = getProperty("sentenceDelimiter"); if (delimiter == null && !getTokenize()) { delimiter = "\n"; } return delimiter; } /** * Returns whether or not we should use stdin for reading when * tagging data. For now, this returns true iff the filename given * was "stdin". * (TODO: kind of ugly) */ public boolean useStdin() { return getFile().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("stdin"); } /** * Prints out the automatically generated props file - in its own * method to make code above easier to read */ private static void printGenProps(PrintStream out) { out.println("## Sample properties file for maxent tagger. This file is used for three main"); out.println("## operations: training, testing, and tagging. It may also be used to dump"); out.println("## the contents of a model."); out.println("## To train or test a model, or to tag something, run:"); out.println("## java edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger -prop <properties file>"); out.println("## Arguments can be overridden on the commandline, e.g.:"); out.println("## java ....MaxentTagger -prop <properties file> -testFile /other/file "); out.println(); out.println("# Model file name (created at train time; used at tag and test time)"); out.println("# (you can leave this blank and specify it on the commandline with -model)"); out.println("# model = "); out.println(); out.println("# Path to file to be operated on (trained from, tested against, or tagged)"); out.println("# Specify -textFile <filename> to tag text in the given file, -trainFile <filename> to"); out.println("# to train a model using data in the given file, or -testFile <filename> to test your"); out.println("# model using data in the given file. Alternatively, you may specify"); out.println("# -dump <filename> to dump the parameters stored in a model or "); out.println("# -convertToSingleFile <filename> to save an old, multi-file model (specified as -model)"); out.println("# to the new single file format. The new model will be saved in the file filename."); out.println("# If you choose to convert an old file, you must specify "); out.println("# the correct 'arch' parameter used to create the original model."); out.println("# trainFile = "); out.println(); out.println("# Path to outputFile to write tagged output to."); out.println("# If empty, stdout is used."); out.println("# outputFile = " + OUTPUT_FILE); out.println(); out.println("# Output format. One of: slashTags (default), xml, or tsv"); out.println("# outputFormat = " + OUTPUT_FORMAT); out.println(); out.println("# Output format options. Comma separated list."); out.println("# currently \"lemmatize\" and \"keepEmptySentences\" are supported."); out.println("# outputFormatOptions = " + OUTPUT_FORMAT_OPTIONS); out.println(); out.println("# Tag separator character that separates word and pos tags"); out.println("# (for both training and test data) and used for"); out.println("# separating words and tags in slashTags format output."); out.println("# tagSeparator = " + TAG_SEPARATOR); out.println(); out.println("# Encoding format in which files are stored. If left blank, UTF-8 is assumed."); out.println("# encoding = " + ENCODING); out.println(); out.println("# A couple flags for controlling the amount of output:"); out.println("# - print extra debugging information:"); out.println("# verbose = " + VERBOSE); out.println("# - print intermediate results:"); out.println("# verboseResults = " + VERBOSE_RESULTS); out.println("######### parameters for tag and test operations #########"); out.println(); out.println("# Class to use for tokenization. Default blank value means Penn Treebank"); out.println("# tokenization. If you'd like to just assume that tokenization has been done,"); out.println("# and the input is whitespace-tokenized, use"); out.println("# edu.stanford.nlp.process.WhitespaceTokenizer or set tokenize to false."); out.println("# tokenizerFactory = "); out.println(); out.println("# Options to the tokenizer. A comma separated list."); out.println("# This depends on what the tokenizer supports."); out.println("# For PTBTokenizer, you might try options like americanize=false"); out.println("# or asciiQuotes (for German!)."); out.println("# tokenizerOptions = "); out.println(); out.println("# Whether to tokenize text for tag and test operations. Default is true."); out.println("# If false, your text must already be whitespace tokenized."); out.println("# tokenize = " + TOKENIZE); out.println(); out.println("# Write debugging information (words, top words, unknown words). Useful for"); out.println("# error analysis. Default is false."); out.println("# debug = "+ DEBUG); out.println(); out.println("# Prefix for debugging output (if debug == true). Default is to use the"); out.println("# filename from 'file'"); out.println("# debugPrefix = "); out.println(); out.println("######### parameters for training #########"); out.println(); out.println("# model architecture: This is one or more comma separated strings, which"); out.println("# specify which extractors to use. Some of them take one or more integer"); out.println("# or string "); out.println("# (file path) arguments in parentheses, written as m, n, and s below:"); out.println("# 'left3words', 'left5words', 'bidirectional', 'bidirectional5words',"); out.println("# 'generic', 'sighan2005', 'german', 'words(m,n)', 'wordshapes(m,n)',"); out.println("# 'biwords(m,n)', 'lowercasewords(m,n)', 'vbn(n)', distsimconjunction(s,m,n)',"); out.println("# 'naacl2003unknowns', 'naacl2003conjunctions', 'distsim(s,m,n)',"); out.println("# 'suffix(n)', 'prefix(n)', 'prefixsuffix(n)', 'capitalizationsuffix(n)',"); out.println("# 'wordshapes(m,n)', 'unicodeshapes(m,n)', 'unicodeshapeconjunction(m,n)',"); out.println("# 'lctagfeatures', 'order(k)', 'chinesedictionaryfeatures(s)'."); out.println("# These keywords determines the features extracted. 'generic' is language independent."); out.println("# distsim: Distributional similarity classes can be an added source of information"); out.println("# about your words. An English distsim file is included, or you can use your own."); out.println("# arch = "); out.println(); out.println("# 'wordFunction'. A function applied to the text before training or tagging."); out.println("# For example, edu.stanford.nlp.util.LowercaseFunction"); out.println("# This function turns all the words into lowercase"); out.println("# The function must implement java.util.function.Function<String, String>"); out.println("# Blank means no preprocessing function"); out.println("# wordFunction = "); out.println(); out.println("# 'language'. This is really the tag set which is used for the"); out.println("# list of open-class tags, and perhaps deterministic tag"); out.println("# expansion). Currently we have 'english', 'arabic', 'german', 'chinese'"); out.println("# or 'polish' predefined. For your own language, you can specify "); out.println("# the same information via openClassTags or closedClassTags below"); out.println("# (only ONE of these three options may be specified). "); out.println("# 'english' means UPenn English treebank tags. 'german' is STTS"); out.println("# 'chinese' is CTB, and Arabic is an expanded Bies mapping from the ATB"); out.println("# 'polish' means some tags that some guy on the internet once used. "); out.println("# See the TTags class for more information."); out.println("# lang = "); out.println(); out.println("# a space-delimited list of open-class parts of speech"); out.println("# alternatively, you can specify language above to use a pre-defined list or specify the closed class tags (below)"); out.println("# openClassTags = "); out.println(); out.println("# a space-delimited list of closed-class parts of speech"); out.println("# alternatively, you can specify language above to use a pre-defined list or specify the open class tags (above)"); out.println("# closedClassTags = "); out.println(); out.println("# A boolean indicating whether you would like the trained model to set POS tags as closed"); out.println("# based on their frequency in training; default is false. The frequency threshold can be set below. "); out.println("# This option is ignored if any of {openClassTags, closedClassTags, lang} are specified."); out.println("# learnClosedClassTags = "); out.println(); out.println("# Used only if learnClosedClassTags=true. Tags that have fewer tokens than this threshold are"); out.println("# considered closed in the trained model."); out.println("# closedClassTagThreshold = "); out.println(); out.println("# search method for optimization. Normally use the default 'qn'. choices: 'qn' (quasi-Newton),"); out.println("# 'cg' (conjugate gradient, 'owlqn' (L1 regularization) or 'iis' (improved iterative scaling)"); out.println("# search = " + SEARCH); out.println(); out.println("# for conjugate gradient or quasi-Newton search, sigma-squared smoothing/regularization"); out.println("# parameter. if left blank, the default is 0.5, which is usually okay"); out.println("# sigmaSquared = " + SIGMA_SQUARED); out.println(); out.println("# for OWLQN search, regularization"); out.println("# parameter. if left blank, the default is 1.0, which is usually okay"); out.println("# regL1 = " + DEFAULT_REG_L1); out.println(); out.println("# For improved iterative scaling, the number of iterations, otherwise ignored"); out.println("# iterations = " + ITERATIONS); out.println(); out.println("# rare word threshold. words that occur less than this number of"); out.println("# times are considered rare words."); out.println("# rareWordThresh = " + RARE_WORD_THRESH); out.println(); out.println("# minimum feature threshold. features whose history appears less"); out.println("# than this number of times are ignored."); out.println("# minFeatureThresh = " + MIN_FEATURE_THRESH); out.println(); out.println("# current word feature threshold. words that occur more than this"); out.println("# number of times will generate features with all of their occurring"); out.println("# tags."); out.println("# curWordMinFeatureThresh = " + CUR_WORD_MIN_FEATURE_THRESH); out.println(); out.println("# rare word minimum feature threshold. features of rare words whose histories"); out.println("# appear less than this times will be ignored."); out.println("# rareWordMinFeatureThresh = " + RARE_WORD_MIN_FEATURE_THRESH); out.println(); out.println("# very common word threshold. words that occur more than this number of"); out.println("# times will form an equivalence class by themselves. ignored unless"); out.println("# you are using equivalence classes."); out.println("# veryCommonWordThresh = " + VERY_COMMON_WORD_THRESH); out.println(); out.println("# sgml = "); out.println("# tagInside = "); out.println(); out.println("# testFile and textFile can use multiple threads to process text."); out.println("# nthreads = " + NTHREADS); } public Mode getMode() { if (!containsKey("mode")) { return null; } return Mode.valueOf(getProperty("mode")); } /** Serialize the TaggerConfig. * * @param os Where to write this TaggerConfig * @throws IOException If any IO problems */ public void saveConfig(OutputStream os) throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(os); out.writeObject(this); } /** Read in a TaggerConfig. * * @param stream Where to read from * @return The TaggerConfig * @throws IOException Misc IOError * @throws ClassNotFoundException Class error */ public static TaggerConfig readConfig(DataInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(stream); return (TaggerConfig) in.readObject(); } }