package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CategoryWordTag; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.SentenceUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Word; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.WordSegmenter; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.WordSegmentingTokenizer; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.*; import*; import java.util.function.Predicate; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ReflectionLoading; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; import; import java.util.*; /** * Parameter file for parsing the Penn Chinese Treebank. Includes * category enrichments specific to the Penn Chinese Treebank. * * @author Roger Levy * @author Christopher Manning * @author Galen Andrew */ public class ChineseTreebankParserParams extends AbstractTreebankParserParams { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ChineseTreebankParserParams.class); /** * The variable ctlp stores the same thing as the tlp variable in * AbstractTreebankParserParams, but pre-cast to be a * ChineseTreebankLanguagePack. * todo [cdm 2013]: Just change to method that casts */ private ChineseTreebankLanguagePack ctlp; public boolean charTags = false; public boolean useCharacterBasedLexicon = false; public boolean useMaxentLexicon = false; public boolean useMaxentDepGrammar = false; public boolean segment = false; public boolean segmentMarkov = false; public boolean sunJurafskyHeadFinder = false; public boolean bikelHeadFinder = false; public boolean discardFrags = false; public boolean useSimilarWordMap = false; public String segmenterClass = null; private Lexicon lex; private WordSegmenter segmenter; private HeadFinder headFinder = null; private static void printlnErr(String s) { EncodingPrintWriter.err.println(s, ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.ENCODING); } public ChineseTreebankParserParams() { super(new ChineseTreebankLanguagePack()); ctlp = (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack) super.treebankLanguagePack(); } /** * Returns a ChineseHeadFinder */ @Override public HeadFinder headFinder() { if(headFinder == null) { if (sunJurafskyHeadFinder) { return new SunJurafskyChineseHeadFinder(); } else if (bikelHeadFinder) { return new BikelChineseHeadFinder(); } else { return new ChineseHeadFinder(); } } else return headFinder; } @Override public HeadFinder typedDependencyHeadFinder() { if (this.generateOriginalDependencies()) { return new ChineseSemanticHeadFinder(); } else { return new UniversalChineseSemanticHeadFinder(); } } /** * Returns a ChineseLexicon */ @Override public Lexicon lex(Options op, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) { if (useCharacterBasedLexicon) { return lex = new ChineseCharacterBasedLexicon(this, wordIndex, tagIndex); // } else if (useMaxentLexicon) { // return lex = new ChineseMaxentLexicon(); } if (op.lexOptions.uwModelTrainer == null) { op.lexOptions.uwModelTrainer = "edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.ChineseUnknownWordModelTrainer"; } if (segmenterClass != null) { try { segmenter = ReflectionLoading.loadByReflection(segmenterClass, this, wordIndex, tagIndex); } catch (ReflectionLoading.ReflectionLoadingException e) { segmenter = ReflectionLoading.loadByReflection(segmenterClass); } } ChineseLexicon clex = new ChineseLexicon(op, this, wordIndex, tagIndex); if (segmenter != null) { lex = new ChineseLexiconAndWordSegmenter(clex, segmenter); ctlp.setTokenizerFactory(WordSegmentingTokenizer.factory(segmenter)); } else { lex = clex; } return lex; } @Override public double[] MLEDependencyGrammarSmoothingParams() { return new double[]{5.8, 17.7, 6.5, 0.4}; } @Override public TreeReaderFactory treeReaderFactory() { final TreeNormalizer tn = new CTBErrorCorrectingTreeNormalizer(splitNPTMP, splitPPTMP, splitXPTMP, charTags); return new CTBTreeReaderFactory(tn, discardFrags); } /** * Uses a DiskTreebank with a CHTBTokenizer and a * BobChrisTreeNormalizer. */ @Override public DiskTreebank diskTreebank() { String encoding = inputEncoding; if (!java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(encoding)) { printlnErr("Warning: desired encoding " + encoding + " not accepted. "); printlnErr("Using UTF-8 to construct DiskTreebank"); encoding = "UTF-8"; } return new DiskTreebank(treeReaderFactory(), encoding); } /** * Uses a MemoryTreebank with a CHTBTokenizer and a * BobChrisTreeNormalizer */ @Override public MemoryTreebank memoryTreebank() { String encoding = inputEncoding; if (!java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(encoding)) { System.out.println("Warning: desired encoding " + encoding + " not accepted. "); System.out.println("Using UTF-8 to construct MemoryTreebank"); encoding = "UTF-8"; } return new MemoryTreebank(treeReaderFactory(), encoding); } /** * Returns a ChineseCollinizer */ @Override public TreeTransformer collinizer() { return new ChineseCollinizer(ctlp); } /** * Returns a ChineseCollinizer that doesn't delete punctuation */ @Override public TreeTransformer collinizerEvalb() { return new ChineseCollinizer(ctlp, false); } // /** Returns a <code>ChineseTreebankLanguagePack</code> */ // public TreebankLanguagePack treebankLanguagePack() { // return new ChineseTreebankLanguagePack(); // } /* --------- not used now // Automatically generated by ParentAnnotationStats -- preferably don't edit private static final String[] splitters1 = new String[] {"VA^VCD", "NP^NP", "NP^VP", "NP^IP", "NP^DNP", "NP^PP", "NP^LCP", "NP^PRN", "NP^QP", "PP^IP", "PP^NP", "NN^FRAG", "NN^NP", "NT^FRAG", "NT^NP", "NR^FRAG", "NR^NP", "VV^FRAG", "VV^VRD", "VV^VCD", "VV^VP", "VV^VSB", "VP^VP", "VP^IP", "VP^DVP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "IP^CP", "IP^VP", "IP^PP", "IP^NP", "IP^LCP", "CP^IP", "QP^NP", "QP^PP", "QP^VP", "ADVP^CP", "CC^VP", "CC^NP", "CC^IP", "CC^QP", "PU^NP", "PU^FRAG", "PU^IP", "PU^VP", "PU^PRN", "PU^QP", "PU^LST", "NP^DNP~QP", "NT^NP~NP", "NT^NP~VP", "NT^NP~IP", "NT^NP~LCP", "NT^NP~PP", "NT^NP~PRN", "NT^NP~QP", "NT^NP~DNP", "NP^NP~VP", "NP^NP~NP", "NP^NP~IP", "NP^NP~PP", "NP^NP~DNP", "NP^NP~LCP", "NN^NP~VP", "NN^NP~IP", "NN^NP~NP", "NN^NP~PP", "NN^NP~DNP", "NN^NP~LCP", "NN^NP~UCP", "NN^NP~QP", "NN^NP~PRN", "M^CLP~DP", "M^CLP~QP", "M^CLP~NP", "M^CLP~CLP", "CD^QP~VP", "CD^QP~NP", "CD^QP~QP", "CD^QP~LCP", "CD^QP~PP", "CD^QP~DNP", "CD^QP~DP", "CD^QP~IP", "IP^IP~IP", "IP^IP~ROOT", "IP^IP~VP", "LC^LCP~PP", "LC^LCP~IP", "NP^VP~IP", "NP^VP~VP", "AD^ADVP~IP", "AD^ADVP~QP", "AD^ADVP~VP", "AD^ADVP~NP", "AD^ADVP~PP", "AD^ADVP~ADVP", "NP^IP~ROOT", "NP^IP~IP", "NP^IP~CP", "NP^IP~VP", "DT^DP~PP", "P^PP~IP", "P^PP~NP", "P^PP~VP", "P^PP~DNP", "VV^VP~IP", "VV^VP~VP", "PU^IP~IP", "PU^IP~VP", "PU^IP~ROOT", "PU^IP~CP", "JJ^ADJP~DNP", "JJ^ADJP~ADJP", "NR^NP~IP", "NR^NP~NP", "NR^NP~PP", "NR^NP~VP", "NR^NP~DNP", "NR^NP~LCP", "NR^NP~PRN", "NP^PP~NP", "NP^PP~IP", "NP^PP~DNP", "VA^VP~VP", "VA^VP~IP", "VA^VP~DVP", "VP^VP~VP", "VP^VP~IP", "VP^VP~DVP", "VP^IP~ROOT", "VP^IP~CP", "VP^IP~IP", "VP^IP~VP", "VP^IP~PP", "VP^IP~LCP", "VP^IP~NP", "PN^NP~NP", "PN^NP~IP", "PN^NP~PP"}; private static final String[] splitters2 = new String[] {"VA^VCD", "NP^NP", "NP^VP", "NP^IP", "NP^DNP", "NP^PP", "NP^LCP", "NN^FRAG", "NN^NP", "NT^FRAG", "NT^NP", "NR^FRAG", "NR^NP", "VV^FRAG", "VV^VRD", "VV^VCD", "VV^VP", "VV^VSB", "VP^VP", "VP^IP", "VP^DVP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "IP^CP", "IP^VP", "IP^PP", "CP^IP", "ADVP^CP", "CC^VP", "CC^NP", "PU^NP", "PU^FRAG", "PU^IP", "PU^VP", "PU^PRN", "NT^NP~NP", "NT^NP~VP", "NT^NP~IP", "NT^NP~LCP", "NT^NP~PP", "NP^NP~VP", "NP^NP~NP", "NP^NP~IP", "NP^NP~PP", "NP^NP~DNP", "NN^NP~VP", "NN^NP~IP", "NN^NP~NP", "NN^NP~PP", "NN^NP~DNP", "NN^NP~LCP", "NN^NP~UCP", "NN^NP~QP", "NN^NP~PRN", "M^CLP~DP", "CD^QP~VP", "CD^QP~NP", "CD^QP~QP", "CD^QP~LCP", "CD^QP~PP", "CD^QP~DNP", "CD^QP~DP", "LC^LCP~PP", "NP^VP~IP", "NP^VP~VP", "AD^ADVP~IP", "AD^ADVP~QP", "AD^ADVP~VP", "AD^ADVP~NP", "NP^IP~ROOT", "NP^IP~IP", "NP^IP~CP", "NP^IP~VP", "P^PP~IP", "P^PP~NP", "P^PP~VP", "P^PP~DNP", "VV^VP~IP", "VV^VP~VP", "PU^IP~IP", "PU^IP~VP", "PU^IP~ROOT", "PU^IP~CP", "JJ^ADJP~DNP", "NR^NP~IP", "NR^NP~NP", "NR^NP~PP", "NR^NP~VP", "NR^NP~DNP", "NR^NP~LCP", "NP^PP~NP", "VA^VP~VP", "VA^VP~IP", "VP^VP~VP", "VP^IP~ROOT", "VP^IP~CP", "VP^IP~IP", "VP^IP~VP", "VP^IP~PP", "VP^IP~LCP", "VP^IP~NP", "PN^NP~NP"}; private static final String[] splitters3 = new String[] {"NP^NP", "NP^VP", "NP^IP", "NP^DNP", "NP^PP", "NP^LCP", "NN^FRAG", "NN^NP", "NT^FRAG", "NR^FRAG", "NR^NP", "VV^FRAG", "VV^VRD", "VV^VCD", "VV^VP", "VV^VSB", "VP^VP", "VP^IP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "IP^CP", "IP^VP", "PU^NP", "PU^FRAG", "PU^IP", "PU^VP", "PU^PRN", "NP^NP~VP", "NN^NP~VP", "NN^NP~IP", "NN^NP~NP", "NN^NP~PP", "NN^NP~DNP", "NN^NP~LCP", "M^CLP~DP", "CD^QP~VP", "CD^QP~NP", "CD^QP~QP", "AD^ADVP~IP", "AD^ADVP~QP", "AD^ADVP~VP", "P^PP~IP", "VV^VP~IP", "VV^VP~VP", "PU^IP~IP", "PU^IP~VP", "NR^NP~IP", "NR^NP~NP", "NR^NP~PP", "NR^NP~VP", "VP^VP~VP", "VP^IP~ROOT", "VP^IP~CP", "VP^IP~IP", "VP^IP~VP"}; private static final String[] splitters4 = new String[] {"NP^NP", "NP^VP", "NP^IP", "NN^FRAG", "NT^FRAG", "NR^FRAG", "VV^FRAG", "VV^VRD", "VV^VCD", "VP^VP", "VP^IP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "IP^CP", "IP^VP", "PU^NP", "PU^FRAG", "PU^IP", "PU^VP", "NN^NP~VP", "NN^NP~IP", "NN^NP~NP", "NN^NP~PP", "NN^NP~DNP", "NN^NP~LCP", "CD^QP~VP", "CD^QP~NP", "AD^ADVP~IP", "VV^VP~IP", "VV^VP~VP", "NR^NP~IP", "VP^IP~ROOT", "VP^IP~CP"}; // these ones were built by hand. // one can't tag split under FRAG or everything breaks, because of those // big flat FRAGs.... private static final String[] splitters5 = new String[] {"NN^FRAG", "NT^FRAG", "NR^FRAG", "VV^FRAG", "VV^VCD", "VV^VRD", "NP^NP", "VP^VP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "PU^NP", "PU^FRAG", "P^PP~VP", "P^PP~IP"}; private static final String[] splitters6 = new String[] {"VV^VCD", "VV^VRD", "NP^NP", "VP^VP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "PU^NP", "P^PP~VP", "P^PP~IP"}; private static final String[] splitters7 = new String[] {"NP^NP", "VP^VP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "PU^NP", "P^PP~VP", "P^PP~IP"}; private static final String[] splitters8 = new String[] {"IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "PU^NP", "P^PP~VP", "P^PP~IP"}; private static final String[] splitters9 = new String[] {"VV^VCD", "VV^VRD", "NP^NP", "VP^VP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "P^PP~VP", "P^PP~IP"}; private static final String[] splitters10 = new String[] {"NP^NP", "VP^VP", "IP^ROOT", "IP^IP", "P^PP~VP", "P^PP~IP"}; public String[] splitters() { switch (selectiveSplitLevel) { case 1: return splitters1; case 2: return splitters2; case 3: return splitters3; case 4: return splitters4; case 5: return splitters5; case 6: return splitters6; case 7: return splitters7; case 8: return splitters8; case 9: return splitters9; case 10: return splitters10; default: return new String[0]; } } ------------------ */ @Override public String[] sisterSplitters() { return StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } /** * transformTree does all language-specific tree * transformations. Any parameterizations should be inside the * specific TreebankLangParserParams class. */ @Override public Tree transformTree(Tree t, Tree root) { if (t == null || t.isLeaf()) { return t; } String parentStr; String grandParentStr; Tree parent; Tree grandParent; if (root == null || t.equals(root)) { parent = null; parentStr = ""; } else { parent = t.parent(root); parentStr = parent.label().value(); } if (parent == null || parent.equals(root)) { grandParent = null; grandParentStr = ""; } else { grandParent = parent.parent(root); grandParentStr = grandParent.label().value(); } String baseParentStr = ctlp.basicCategory(parentStr); String baseGrandParentStr = ctlp.basicCategory(grandParentStr); CoreLabel lab = (CoreLabel) t.label(); String word = lab.word(); String tag = lab.tag(); String baseTag = ctlp.basicCategory(tag); String category = lab.value(); String baseCategory = ctlp.basicCategory(category); if (t.isPreTerminal()) { // it's a POS tag List<String> leftAunts = listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.leftSisterLabels(parent, grandParent)); List<String> rightAunts = listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.rightSisterLabels(parent, grandParent)); // Chinese-specific punctuation splits if (chineseSplitPunct && baseTag.equals("PU")) { if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDouHaoAcceptFilter().test(word)) { tag = tag + "-DOU"; // System.out.println("Punct: Split dou hao"); // debugging } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseCommaAcceptFilter().test(word)) { tag = tag + "-COMMA"; // System.out.println("Punct: Split comma"); // debugging } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseColonAcceptFilter().test(word)) { tag = tag + "-COLON"; // System.out.println("Punct: Split colon"); // debugging } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseQuoteMarkAcceptFilter().test(word)) { if (chineseSplitPunctLR) { if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseLeftQuoteMarkAcceptFilter().test(word)) { tag += "-LQUOTE"; } else { tag += "-RQUOTE"; } } else { tag = tag + "-QUOTE"; } // System.out.println("Punct: Split quote"); // debugging } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseEndSentenceAcceptFilter().test(word)) { tag = tag + "-ENDSENT"; // System.out.println("Punct: Split end sent"); // debugging } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseParenthesisAcceptFilter().test(word)) { if (chineseSplitPunctLR) { if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseLeftParenthesisAcceptFilter().test(word)) { tag += "-LPAREN"; } else { tag += "-RPAREN"; } } else { tag += "-PAREN"; //printlnErr("Just used -PAREN annotation"); //printlnErr(word); //throw new RuntimeException(); } // System.out.println("Punct: Split paren"); // debugging } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDashAcceptFilter().test(word)) { tag = tag + "-DASH"; // System.out.println("Punct: Split dash"); // debugging } else if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseOtherAcceptFilter().test(word)) { tag = tag + "-OTHER"; } else { printlnErr("Unknown punct (you should add it to CTLP): " + tag + " |" + word + "|"); } } else if (chineseSplitDouHao) { // only split DouHao if (ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseDouHaoAcceptFilter().test(word) && baseTag.equals("PU")) { tag = tag + "-DOU"; } } // Chinese-specific POS tag splits (non-punctuation) if (tagWordSize) { int l = word.length(); tag += "-" + l + "CHARS"; } if (mergeNNVV && baseTag.equals("NN")) { tag = "VV"; } if ((chineseSelectiveTagPA || chineseVerySelectiveTagPA) && (baseTag.equals("CC") || baseTag.equals("P"))) { tag += "-" + baseParentStr; } if (chineseSelectiveTagPA && (baseTag.equals("VV"))) { tag += "-" + baseParentStr; } if (markMultiNtag && tag.startsWith("N")) { for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) { if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("N") && parent.children()[i] != t) { tag += "=N"; //System.out.println("Found multi=N rewrite"); } } } if (markVVsisterIP && baseTag.equals("VV")) { boolean seenIP = false; for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) { if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("IP")) { seenIP = true; } } if (seenIP) { tag += "-IP"; //System.out.println("Found VV with IP sister"); // testing } } if (markPsisterIP && baseTag.equals("P")) { boolean seenIP = false; for (int i = 0; i < parent.numChildren(); i++) { if (parent.children()[i].label().value().startsWith("IP")) { seenIP = true; } } if (seenIP) { tag += "-IP"; } } if (markADgrandchildOfIP && baseTag.equals("AD") && baseGrandParentStr.equals("IP")) { tag += "~IP"; //System.out.println("Found AD with IP grandparent"); // testing } if (gpaAD && baseTag.equals("AD")) { tag += "~" + baseGrandParentStr; //System.out.println("Found AD with grandparent " + grandParentStr); // testing } if (markPostverbalP && leftAunts.contains("VV") && baseTag.equals("P")) { //System.out.println("Found post-verbal P"); tag += "^=lVV"; } // end Chinese-specific tag splits Label label = new CategoryWordTag(tag, word, tag); t.setLabel(label); } else { // it's a phrasal category Tree[] kids = t.children(); // Chinese-specific category splits List<String> leftSis = listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.leftSisterLabels(t, parent)); List<String> rightSis = listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.rightSisterLabels(t, parent)); if (paRootDtr && baseParentStr.equals("ROOT")) { category += "^ROOT"; } if (markIPsisterBA && baseCategory.equals("IP")) { if (leftSis.contains("BA")) { category += "=BA"; //System.out.println("Found IP sister of BA"); } } if (dominatesV && hasV(t.preTerminalYield())) { // mark categories containing a verb category += "-v"; } if (markIPsisterVVorP && baseCategory.equals("IP")) { // todo: cdm: is just looking for "P" here selective enough?? if (leftSis.contains("VV") || leftSis.contains("P")) { category += "=VVP"; } } if (markIPsisDEC && baseCategory.equals("IP")) { if (rightSis.contains("DEC")) { category += "=DEC"; //System.out.println("Found prenominal IP"); } } if (baseCategory.equals("VP")) { // cdm 2008: this used to just check that it startsWith("VP"), but // I think that was bad because it also matched VPT verb compounds if (chineseSplitVP == 3) { boolean hasCC = false; boolean hasPU = false; boolean hasLexV = false; for (Tree kid : kids) { if (kid.label().value().startsWith("CC")) { hasCC = true; } else if (kid.label().value().startsWith("PU")) { hasPU = true; } else if (StringUtils.lookingAt(kid.label().value(), "(V[ACEV]|VCD|VCP|VNV|VPT|VRD|VSB)")) { hasLexV = true; } } if (hasCC || (hasPU && ! hasLexV)) { category += "-CRD"; //System.out.println("Found coordinate VP"); // testing } else if (hasLexV) { category += "-COMP"; //System.out.println("Found complementing VP"); // testing } else { category += "-ADJT"; //System.out.println("Found adjoining VP"); // testing } } else if (chineseSplitVP >= 1) { boolean hasBA = false; for (Tree kid : kids) { if (kid.label().value().startsWith("BA")) { hasBA = true; } else if (chineseSplitVP == 2 && tlp.basicCategory(kid.label().value()).equals("VP")) { for (Tree kidkid : kid.children()) { if (kidkid.label().value().startsWith("BA")) { hasBA = true; } } } } if (hasBA) { category += "-BA"; } } } if (markVPadjunct && baseParentStr.equals("VP")) { // cdm 2008: This used to use startsWith("VP") but changed to baseCat Tree[] sisters = parent.children(); boolean hasVPsister = false; boolean hasCC = false; boolean hasPU = false; boolean hasLexV = false; for (Tree sister : sisters) { if (tlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("VP")) { hasVPsister = true; } if (sister.label().value().startsWith("CC")) { hasCC = true; } if (sister.label().value().startsWith("PU")) { hasPU = true; } if (StringUtils.lookingAt(sister.label().value(), "(V[ACEV]|VCD|VCP|VNV|VPT|VRD|VSB)")) { hasLexV = true; } } if (hasVPsister && !(hasCC || hasPU || hasLexV)) { category += "-VPADJ"; //System.out.println("Found adjunct of VP"); // testing } } if (markNPmodNP && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) { if (rightSis.contains("NP")) { category += "=MODIFIERNP"; //System.out.println("Found NP modifier of NP"); // testing } } if (markModifiedNP && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) { if (rightSis.isEmpty() && (leftSis.contains("ADJP") || leftSis.contains("NP") || leftSis.contains("DNP") || leftSis.contains("QP") || leftSis.contains("CP") || leftSis.contains("PP"))) { category += "=MODIFIEDNP"; //System.out.println("Found modified NP"); // testing } } if (markNPconj && baseCategory.equals("NP") && baseParentStr.equals("NP")) { if (rightSis.contains("CC") || rightSis.contains("PU") || leftSis.contains("CC") || leftSis.contains("PU")) { category += "=CONJ"; //System.out.println("Found NP conjunct"); // testing } } if (markIPconj && baseCategory.equals("IP") && baseParentStr.equals("IP")) { Tree[] sisters = parent.children(); boolean hasCommaSis = false; boolean hasIPSis = false; for (Tree sister : sisters) { if (ctlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("PU") && ChineseTreebankLanguagePack.chineseCommaAcceptFilter().test(sister.children()[0].label().toString())) { hasCommaSis = true; //System.out.println("Found CommaSis"); // testing } if (ctlp.basicCategory(sister.label().value()).equals("IP") && sister != t) { hasIPSis = true; } } if (hasCommaSis && hasIPSis) { category += "-CONJ"; //System.out.println("Found IP conjunct"); // testing } } if (unaryIP && baseCategory.equals("IP") && t.numChildren() == 1) { category += "-U"; //System.out.println("Found unary IP"); //testing } if (unaryCP && baseCategory.equals("CP") && t.numChildren() == 1) { category += "-U"; //System.out.println("Found unary CP"); //testing } if (splitBaseNP && baseCategory.equals("NP")) { if (t.isPrePreTerminal()) { category = category + "-B"; } } //if (Test.verbose) printlnErr(baseCategory + " " + leftSis.toString()); //debugging if (markPostverbalPP && leftSis.contains("VV") && baseCategory.equals("PP")) { //System.out.println("Found post-verbal PP"); category += "=lVV"; } if ((markADgrandchildOfIP || gpaAD) && listBasicCategories(SisterAnnotationStats.kidLabels(t)).contains("AD")) { category += "^ADVP"; } if (markCC) { // was: for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) { // This second version takes an idea from Collins: don't count // marginal conjunctions which don't conjoin 2 things. for (int i = 1; i < kids.length - 1; i++) { String cat2 = kids[i].label().value(); if (cat2.startsWith("CC")) { category += "-CC"; } } } Label label = new CategoryWordTag(category, word, tag); t.setLabel(label); } return t; } /** * Chinese: Split the dou hao (a punctuation mark separating * members of a list) from other punctuation. Good but included below. */ public boolean chineseSplitDouHao = false; /** * Chinese: split Chinese punctuation several ways, along the lines * of English punctuation plus another category for the dou hao. Good. */ public boolean chineseSplitPunct = true; /** * Chinese: split left right/paren quote (if chineseSplitPunct is also * true. Only very marginal gains, but seems positive. */ public boolean chineseSplitPunctLR = false; /** * Chinese: mark VVs that are sister of IP (communication & * small-clause-taking verbs). Good: give 0.5% */ public boolean markVVsisterIP = true; /** * Chinese: mark P's that are sister of IP. Negative effect */ public boolean markPsisterIP = true; /** * Chinese: mark IP's that are sister of VV or P. These rarely * have punctuation. Small positive effect. */ public boolean markIPsisterVVorP = true; /** * Chinese: mark ADs that are grandchild of IP. */ public boolean markADgrandchildOfIP = false; /** * Grandparent annotate all AD. Seems slightly negative. */ public boolean gpaAD = true; // using tagPA on Chinese 100k is negative. public boolean chineseVerySelectiveTagPA = false; public boolean chineseSelectiveTagPA = false; /** * Chinese: mark IPs that are sister of BA. These always have * overt NP. Very slightly positive. */ public boolean markIPsisterBA = true; /** * Chinese: mark phrases that are adjuncts of VP (these tend to be * locatives/temporals, and have a specific distribution). * Necessary even with chineseSplitVP==3 and parent annotation because * parent annotation happens with unsplit parent categories. * Slightly positive. */ public boolean markVPadjunct = true; /** * Chinese: mark NP modifiers of NPs. Quite positive (0.5%) */ public boolean markNPmodNP = true; /** * Chinese: mark left-modified NPs (rightmost NPs with a left-side * mod). Slightly positive. */ public boolean markModifiedNP = true; /** * Chinese: mark NPs that are conjuncts. Negative on small set. */ public boolean markNPconj = true; /** * Chinese: mark nominal tags that are part of multi-nominal * rewrites. Doesn't seem any good. */ public boolean markMultiNtag = false; /** * Chinese: mark IPs that are part of prenominal modifiers. Negative. */ public boolean markIPsisDEC = true; /** * Chinese: mark IPs that are conjuncts. Or those that have * (adjuncts or subjects) */ public boolean markIPconj = false; public boolean markIPadjsubj = false; /** * Chinese VP splitting. 0 = none; * 1 = mark with -BA a VP that directly dominates a BA; * 2 = mark with -BA a VP that directly dominates a BA or a VP that * directly dominates a BA * 3 = split VPs into VP-COMP, VP-CRD, VP-ADJ. (Negative value.) */ public int chineseSplitVP = 3; /** Chinese: if an IP has no subject (including no empty-category * subject), then it should only have an NP (adjunct) daughter if * it's a coordinate IP and the NP scopes over the conjunct * IPs. (sometimes this NP daughter is adjoined in an IP -> NP * IP_coord structure, sometimes the IP conjuncts are at the same * level as the NP). In other cases NP adjuncts should be inside * VP. So: an IP dominating neither a non-subject NP nor another IP * should have no NP daughters. BUT this generalization breaks down * when you try to extend it to IPs ignoring their empty subjects. * So the simplest thing to do would be to mark non-subject dtrs of * IP.... but I think we need to leave the SBJ functional tagging * on categories to be consistent about this. * * Update: I tried retaining SBJ markers with * SbjRetainingTreeNormalizer but it works worse than using * markVPadjunct. */ /** * Chinese: merge NN and VV. A lark. */ public boolean mergeNNVV = false; // XXXX upto in testing /** * Chinese: unary category marking */ public boolean unaryIP = false; public boolean unaryCP = false; /** * Chinese: parent annotate daughter of root. Meant only for * selectivesplit=false. */ public boolean paRootDtr = false; // true /** * Chinese: mark P with a left aunt VV, and PP with a left sister * VV. Note that it's necessary to mark both to thread the * context-marking. Used to identify post-verbal P's, which are * rare. */ public boolean markPostverbalP = false; public boolean markPostverbalPP = false; // Not used now // /** How selectively to split. */ // public int selectiveSplitLevel = 1; /** * Mark base NPs. Good. */ public boolean splitBaseNP = false; /** * Annotate tags for number of characters contained. */ public boolean tagWordSize = false; /** * Mark phrases which are conjunctions. * Appears negative, even with 200K words training data. */ public boolean markCC = false; /** * Whether to retain the -TMP functional tag on various phrasal * categories. On 80K words training, minutely helpful; on 200K * words, best option gives 0.6%. Doing * splitNPTMP and splitPPTMP (but not splitXPTMP) is best. */ public boolean splitNPTMP = false; public boolean splitPPTMP = false; public boolean splitXPTMP = false; /** * Verbal distance -- mark whether symbol dominates a verb (V*). * Seems bad for Chinese. */ public boolean dominatesV = false; /** * Parameters specific for creating a ChineseLexicon */ public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_GOOD_TURNING_UNKNOWN_WORD_MODEL = false; public boolean useGoodTuringUnknownWordModel = DEFAULT_USE_GOOD_TURNING_UNKNOWN_WORD_MODEL; public boolean useCharBasedUnknownWordModel = false; /** * Parameters for a ChineseCharacterBasedLexicon */ public double lengthPenalty = 5.0; public boolean useUnknownCharacterModel = true; /** * penaltyType should be set as follows: * 0: no length penalty * 1: quadratic length penalty * 2: penalty for continuation chars only * TODO: make this an enum */ public int penaltyType = 0; @Override public void display() { String chineseParams = "Using ChineseTreebankParserParams" + " chineseSplitDouHao=" + chineseSplitDouHao + " chineseSplitPunct=" + chineseSplitPunct + " chineseSplitPunctLR=" + chineseSplitPunctLR + " markVVsisterIP=" + markVVsisterIP + " markVPadjunct=" + markVPadjunct + " chineseSplitVP=" + chineseSplitVP + " mergeNNVV=" + mergeNNVV + " unaryIP=" + unaryIP + " unaryCP=" + unaryCP + " paRootDtr=" + paRootDtr + " markPsisterIP=" + markPsisterIP + " markIPsisterVVorP=" + markIPsisterVVorP + " markADgrandchildOfIP=" + markADgrandchildOfIP + " gpaAD=" + gpaAD + " markIPsisterBA=" + markIPsisterBA + " markNPmodNP=" + markNPmodNP + " markNPconj=" + markNPconj + " markMultiNtag=" + markMultiNtag + " markIPsisDEC=" + markIPsisDEC + " markIPconj=" + markIPconj + " markIPadjsubj=" + markIPadjsubj + " markPostverbalP=" + markPostverbalP + " markPostverbalPP=" + markPostverbalPP // + " selSplitLevel=" + selectiveSplitLevel + " baseNP=" + splitBaseNP + " headFinder=" + (sunJurafskyHeadFinder ? "sunJurafsky" : (bikelHeadFinder ? "bikel" : "levy")) + " discardFrags=" + discardFrags + " dominatesV=" + dominatesV; printlnErr(chineseParams); } private List<String> listBasicCategories(List<String> l) { List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : l) { l1.add(ctlp.basicCategory(s)); } return l1; } // TODO: Rewrite this as general matching predicate private static boolean hasV(List tags) { for (Object tag : tags) { String str = tag.toString(); if (str.startsWith("V")) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Set language-specific options according to flags. * This routine should process the option starting in args[i] (which * might potentially be several arguments long if it takes arguments). * It should return the index after the last index it consumed in * processing. In particular, if it cannot process the current option, * the return value should be i. */ @Override public int setOptionFlag(String[] args, int i) { // [CDM 2008: there are no generic options!] first, see if it's a generic option // int j = super.setOptionFlag(args, i); // if(i != j) return j; //lang. specific options // if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-vSelSplitLevel") && // (i+1 < args.length)) { // selectiveSplitLevel = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]); // i+=2; // } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-paRootDtr")) { paRootDtr = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-unaryIP")) { unaryIP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-unaryCP")) { unaryCP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markPostverbalP")) { markPostverbalP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markPostverbalPP")) { markPostverbalPP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-baseNP")) { splitBaseNP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markVVsisterIP")) { markVVsisterIP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markPsisterIP")) { markPsisterIP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markIPsisterVVorP")) { markIPsisterVVorP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markIPsisterBA")) { markIPsisterBA = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-dominatesV")) { dominatesV = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-gpaAD")) { gpaAD = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markVPadjunct")) { markVPadjunct = Boolean.valueOf(args[i+1]); i += 2; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markNPmodNP")) { markNPmodNP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markModifiedNP")) { markModifiedNP = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-nomarkModifiedNP")) { markModifiedNP = false; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markNPconj")) { markNPconj = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-nomarkNPconj")) { markNPconj = false; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-chineseSplitPunct")) { chineseSplitPunct = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-chineseSplitPunctLR")) { chineseSplitPunct = true; chineseSplitPunctLR = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-chineseSelectiveTagPA")) { chineseSelectiveTagPA = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-chineseVerySelectiveTagPA")) { chineseVerySelectiveTagPA = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markIPsisDEC")) { markIPsisDEC = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-chineseSplitVP")) { chineseSplitVP = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]); i += 2; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-tagWordSize")) { tagWordSize = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-vanilla")) { chineseSplitDouHao = false; chineseSplitPunct = false; chineseSplitPunctLR = false; markVVsisterIP = false; markPsisterIP = false; markIPsisterVVorP = false; markADgrandchildOfIP = false; gpaAD = false; markIPsisterBA = false; markVPadjunct = false; markNPmodNP = false; markModifiedNP = false; markNPconj = false; markMultiNtag = false; markIPsisDEC = false; markIPconj = false; markIPadjsubj = false; chineseSplitVP = 0; mergeNNVV = false; unaryIP = false; unaryCP = false; paRootDtr = false; markPostverbalP = false; markPostverbalPP = false; splitBaseNP = false; // selectiveSplitLevel = 0; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-acl03chinese")) { chineseSplitDouHao = false; chineseSplitPunct = true; chineseSplitPunctLR = true; markVVsisterIP = true; markPsisterIP = true; markIPsisterVVorP = true; markADgrandchildOfIP = false; gpaAD = true; markIPsisterBA = false; markVPadjunct = true; markNPmodNP = true; markModifiedNP = true; markNPconj = true; markMultiNtag = false; markIPsisDEC = true; markIPconj = false; markIPadjsubj = false; chineseSplitVP = 3; mergeNNVV = false; unaryIP = true; unaryCP = true; paRootDtr = true; markPostverbalP = false; markPostverbalPP = false; splitBaseNP = false; // selectiveSplitLevel = 0; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-chineseFactored")) { chineseSplitDouHao = false; chineseSplitPunct = true; chineseSplitPunctLR = true; markVVsisterIP = true; markPsisterIP = true; markIPsisterVVorP = true; markADgrandchildOfIP = false; gpaAD = true; markIPsisterBA = true; markVPadjunct = true; markNPmodNP = true; markModifiedNP = true; markNPconj = true; markMultiNtag = false; markIPsisDEC = true; markIPconj = false; markIPadjsubj = false; chineseSplitVP = 3; mergeNNVV = false; unaryIP = true; unaryCP = true; paRootDtr = true; markPostverbalP = false; markPostverbalPP = false; splitBaseNP = false; // selectiveSplitLevel = 0; chineseVerySelectiveTagPA = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-chinesePCFG")) { chineseSplitDouHao = false; chineseSplitPunct = true; chineseSplitPunctLR = true; markVVsisterIP = true; markPsisterIP = false; markIPsisterVVorP = true; markADgrandchildOfIP = false; gpaAD = false; markIPsisterBA = true; markVPadjunct = true; markNPmodNP = true; markModifiedNP = true; markNPconj = false; markMultiNtag = false; markIPsisDEC = false; markIPconj = false; markIPadjsubj = false; chineseSplitVP = 0; mergeNNVV = false; unaryIP = false; unaryCP = false; paRootDtr = false; markPostverbalP = false; markPostverbalPP = false; splitBaseNP = false; // selectiveSplitLevel = 0; chineseVerySelectiveTagPA = true; i += 1; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-sunHead")) { sunJurafskyHeadFinder = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-bikelHead")) { bikelHeadFinder = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-discardFrags")) { discardFrags = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-charLex")) { useCharacterBasedLexicon = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-charUnk")) { useCharBasedUnknownWordModel = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-rad")) { useUnknownCharacterModel = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-lengthPenalty") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { lengthPenalty = Double.parseDouble(args[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-penaltyType") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { penaltyType = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-gtUnknown")) { useGoodTuringUnknownWordModel = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-maxentUnk")) { // useMaxentUnknownWordModel = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-tuneSigma")) { // ChineseMaxentLexicon.tuneSigma = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-trainCountThresh") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { // ChineseMaxentLexicon.trainCountThreshold = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-markCC")) { markCC = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-segmentMarkov") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-segmentWords")) { segment = true; segmentMarkov = true; segmenterClass = "edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.ChineseMarkovWordSegmenter"; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-segmentMaxMatch")) { segment = true; segmentMarkov = false; segmenterClass = "edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.MaxMatchSegmenter"; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-segmentDPMaxMatch")) { segment = true; segmentMarkov = false; segmenterClass = "edu.stanford.nlp.wordseg.MaxMatchSegmenter"; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-maxentLex")) { // useMaxentLexicon = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-fixUnkFunctionWords")) { // ChineseMaxentLexicon.fixUnkFunctionWords = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-similarWordSmoothing")) { useSimilarWordMap = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-maxentLexSeenTagsOnly")) { // useMaxentLexicon = true; // ChineseMaxentLexicon.seenTagsOnly = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-maxentLexFeatLevel") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { // ChineseMaxentLexicon.featureLevel = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-maxentDepGrammarFeatLevel") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { depGramFeatureLevel = Integer.parseInt(args[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-maxentDepGrammar")) { // useMaxentDepGrammar = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-splitNPTMP")) { splitNPTMP = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-splitPPTMP")) { splitPPTMP = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-splitXPTMP")) { splitXPTMP = true; i++; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-segmenter")) { segment = true; segmentMarkov = false; segmenterClass = args[i + 1]; i += 2; } else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-headFinder") && (i + 1 < args.length)) { try { headFinder = (HeadFinder) Class.forName(args[i + 1]).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) {; + ": Could not load head finder " + args[i + 1]); throw new RuntimeException(e); } i+=2; } return i; } private int depGramFeatureLevel = 0; @Override public Extractor<DependencyGrammar> dependencyGrammarExtractor(final Options op, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) { /* ---------- if (useMaxentDepGrammar) { return new Extractor() { public Object extract(Collection<Tree> trees) { ChineseWordFeatureExtractor wfe = new ChineseWordFeatureExtractor(trees); ChineseWordFeatureExtractor wfe2 = new ChineseWordFeatureExtractor(trees); wfe.setFeatureLevel(2); wfe2.turnOffWordFeatures = true; wfe2.setFeatureLevel(depGramFeatureLevel); MaxentDependencyGrammar dg = new MaxentDependencyGrammar(op.tlpParams, wfe, wfe2, true, false, false); dg.train(trees); return dg; } public Object extract(Iterator<Tree> iterator, Function<Tree, Tree> f) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } else ------- */ if (useSimilarWordMap) { return new MLEDependencyGrammarExtractor(op, wordIndex, tagIndex) { @Override public MLEDependencyGrammar formResult() { wordIndex.addToIndex(Lexicon.UNKNOWN_WORD); ChineseSimWordAvgDepGrammar dg = new ChineseSimWordAvgDepGrammar(tlpParams, directional, useDistance, useCoarseDistance, op.trainOptions.basicCategoryTagsInDependencyGrammar, op, wordIndex, tagIndex); if (lex == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to create ChineseSimWordAvgDepGrammar before Lexicon!!!"); } else { dg.setLex(lex); } for (IntDependency dependency : dependencyCounter.keySet()) { dg.addRule(dependency, dependencyCounter.getCount(dependency)); } return dg; } }; } else { return new MLEDependencyGrammarExtractor(op, wordIndex, tagIndex); } } /** * Return a default sentence for the language (for testing) */ @Override public ArrayList<Word> defaultTestSentence() { return SentenceUtils.toUntaggedList("\u951f\u65a4\u62f7", "\u951f\u65a4\u62f7", "\u5b66\u6821", "\u951f\u65a4\u62f7", "\u5b66\u4e60", "\u951f\u65a4\u62f7"); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 2; @Override public List<GrammaticalStructure> readGrammaticalStructureFromFile(String filename) { try { if (this.generateOriginalDependencies()) { return ChineseGrammaticalStructure. readCoNLLXGrammaticalStructureCollection(filename); } else { return UniversalChineseGrammaticalStructure. readCoNLLXGrammaticalStructureCollection(filename); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } @Override public GrammaticalStructure getGrammaticalStructure(Tree t, Predicate<String> filter, HeadFinder hf) { if (this.generateOriginalDependencies()) { return new ChineseGrammaticalStructure(t, filter, hf); } else { return new UniversalChineseGrammaticalStructure(t, filter, hf); } } @Override public boolean supportsBasicDependencies() { return true; } @Override public boolean generateOriginalDependencies() { return generateOriginalDependencies; } /** * For testing: loads a treebank and prints the trees. */ public static void main(String[] args) { TreebankLangParserParams tlpp = new ChineseTreebankParserParams(); System.out.println("Default encoding is: " + tlpp.diskTreebank().encoding()); if (args.length < 2) { printlnErr("Usage: edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.ChineseTreebankParserParams treesPath fileRange"); } else { Treebank m = tlpp.diskTreebank(); m.loadPath(args[0], new NumberRangesFileFilter(args[1], false)); for (Tree t : m ) { t.pennPrint(; } System.out.println("There were " + m.size() + " trees."); } } }