package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.common.ParserAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.common.ParserConstraint; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotator; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.HeadFinder; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; /** * * @author Andrey Gusev * @author Mihai * */ public class GenericDataSetReader { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(GenericDataSetReader.class); protected Logger logger; /** Finds the syntactic head of a syntactic constituent */ protected final HeadFinder headFinder = new NoPunctuationHeadFinder(); /** NL processor to use for sentence pre-processing */ protected StanfordCoreNLP processor; /** * Additional NL processor that implements only syntactic parsing (needed for head detection) * We need this processor to detect heads of predicted entities that cannot be matched to an existing constituent. * This is created on demand, only when necessary */ protected Annotator parserProcessor; /** If true, we perform syntactic analysis of the dataset sentences and annotations */ protected final boolean preProcessSentences; /** * If true, sets the head span to match the syntactic head of the extent. * Otherwise, the head span is not modified. * This is enabled for the NFL domain, where head spans are not given. */ protected final boolean calculateHeadSpan; /** If true, it regenerates the index spans for all tree nodes (useful for KBP) */ protected final boolean forceGenerationOfIndexSpans; /** Only around for legacy results */ protected boolean useNewHeadFinder = true; public GenericDataSetReader() { this(null, false, false, false); } public GenericDataSetReader(StanfordCoreNLP processor, boolean preProcessSentences, boolean calculateHeadSpan, boolean forceGenerationOfIndexSpans) { this.logger = Logger.getLogger(GenericDataSetReader.class.getName()); this.logger.setLevel(Level.SEVERE); if(processor != null) setProcessor(processor); parserProcessor = null; /* old parser options parser.setOptionFlags(new String[] { "-outputFormat", "penn,typedDependenciesCollapsed", "-maxLength", "100", "-retainTmpSubcategories" }); */ this.preProcessSentences = preProcessSentences; this.calculateHeadSpan = calculateHeadSpan; this.forceGenerationOfIndexSpans = forceGenerationOfIndexSpans; } public void setProcessor(StanfordCoreNLP p) { this.processor = p; } public void setUseNewHeadFinder(boolean useNewHeadFinder) { this.useNewHeadFinder = useNewHeadFinder; } public Annotator getParser() { if(parserProcessor == null){ parserProcessor = StanfordCoreNLP.getExistingAnnotator("parse"); assert(parserProcessor != null); } return parserProcessor; } public void setLoggerLevel(Level level) { logger.setLevel(level); } public Level getLoggerLevel() { return logger.getLevel(); } /** * Parses one file or directory with data from one domain * @param path * @throws IOException */ public final Annotation parse(String path) throws IOException { Annotation retVal; // set below or exceptions try { // // this must return a dataset Annotation. each sentence in this dataset must contain: // - TokensAnnotation // - EntityMentionAnnotation // - RelationMentionAnnotation // - EventMentionAnnotation // the other annotations (parse, NER) are generated in preProcessSentences // retVal =; } catch (Exception ex) { IOException iox = new IOException(); iox.initCause(ex); throw iox; } if (preProcessSentences) { preProcessSentences(retVal); if(MachineReadingProperties.trainUsePipelineNER){ logger.severe("Changing NER tags using the CoreNLP pipeline."); modifyUsingCoreNLPNER(retVal); } } return retVal; } private void modifyUsingCoreNLPNER(Annotation doc) { Properties ann = new Properties(); ann.setProperty("annotators", "pos, lemma, ner"); StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(ann, false); pipeline.annotate(doc); for (CoreMap sentence : doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) { List<EntityMention> entities = sentence.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class); if (entities != null) { List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); for (EntityMention en : entities) { //System.out.println("old ner tag for " + en.getExtentString() + " was " + en.getType()); Span s = en.getExtent(); Counter<String> allNertagforSpan = new ClassicCounter<>(); for (int i = s.start(); i < s.end(); i++) { allNertagforSpan.incrementCount(tokens.get(i).ner()); } String entityNertag = Counters.argmax(allNertagforSpan); en.setType(entityNertag); //System.out.println("new ner tag is " + entityNertag); } } } } public Annotation read(String path) throws Exception { return null; } private static String sentenceToString(List<CoreLabel> tokens) { StringBuilder os = new StringBuilder(); // // Print text and tokens // if(tokens != null){ boolean first = true; for(CoreLabel token: tokens) { if(! first) os.append(" "); os.append(token.word()); first = false; } } return os.toString(); } /** * Find the index of the head of an entity. * * @param ent The entity mention * @param tree The Tree for the entire sentence in which it occurs. * @param tokens The Sentence in which it occurs * @param setHeadSpan Whether to set the head span in the entity mention. * @return The index of the entity head */ public int assignSyntacticHead(EntityMention ent, Tree tree, List<CoreLabel> tokens, boolean setHeadSpan) { if (ent.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() != -1) { return ent.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition(); } logger.finest("Finding syntactic head for entity: " + ent + " in tree: " + tree.toString()); logger.finest("Flat sentence is: " + tokens); Tree sh = null; try { sh = findSyntacticHead(ent, tree, tokens); } catch(Exception e) { logger.severe("WARNING: failed to parse sentence. Will continue with the right-most head heuristic: " + sentenceToString(tokens)); e.printStackTrace(); } catch(AssertionError e) { logger.severe("WARNING: failed to parse sentence. Will continue with the right-most head heuristic: " + sentenceToString(tokens)); e.printStackTrace(); } int headPos = ent.getExtentTokenEnd() - 1; if(sh != null){ CoreLabel label = (CoreLabel) sh.label(); headPos = label.get(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class); } else { logger.fine("WARNING: failed to find syntactic head for entity: " + ent + " in tree: " + tree); logger.fine("Fallback strategy: will set head to last token in mention: " + tokens.get(headPos)); } ent.setHeadTokenPosition(headPos); if (setHeadSpan){ // set the head span to match exactly the syntactic head // this is needed for some corpora where the head span is not given ent.setHeadTokenSpan(new Span(headPos, headPos + 1)); } return headPos; } /** * Take a dataset Annotation, generate their parse trees and identify syntactic heads (and head spans, if necessary) */ public void preProcessSentences(Annotation dataset) { logger.severe("GenericDataSetReader: Started pre-processing the corpus..."); // run the processor, i.e., NER, parse etc. if (processor != null) { // we might already have syntactic annotation from offline files List<CoreMap> sentences = dataset.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class); if (sentences.size() > 0 && !sentences.get(0).containsKey(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class)) {"Annotating dataset with " + processor); processor.annotate(dataset); } else {"Found existing syntactic annotations. Will not use the NLP processor."); } } /* List<CoreMap> sentences = dataset.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class); for(int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); i ++){ CoreMap sent = sentences.get(i); List<CoreLabel> tokens = sent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);"Tokens for sentence #" + i + ": " + tokens);"Parse tree for sentence #" + i + ": " + sent.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class).pennString()); } */ List<CoreMap> sentences = dataset.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class); logger.fine("Extracted " + sentences.size() + " sentences."); for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) { List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); logger.fine("Processing sentence " + tokens); Tree tree = sentence.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class); if(tree == null) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: MR requires full syntactic analysis!"); // convert tree labels to CoreLabel if necessary // we need this because we store additional info in the CoreLabel, such as the spans of each tree convertToCoreLabels(tree); // store the tree spans, if not present already CoreLabel l = (CoreLabel) tree.label(); if(forceGenerationOfIndexSpans || (! l.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class) && ! l.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.EndIndexAnnotation.class))){ tree.indexSpans(0); logger.fine("Index spans were generated."); } else { logger.fine("Index spans were NOT generated."); } logger.fine("Parse tree using CoreLabel:\n" + tree.pennString()); // // now match all entity mentions against the syntactic tree // if (sentence.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class) != null) { for (EntityMention ent : sentence.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class)) { logger.fine("Finding head for entity: " + ent); int headPos = assignSyntacticHead(ent, tree, tokens, calculateHeadSpan); logger.fine("Syntactic head of mention \"" + ent + "\" is: " + tokens.get(headPos).word()); assert(ent.getExtent() != null); assert(ent.getHead() != null); assert(ent.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() >= 0); } } } logger.severe("GenericDataSetReader: Pre-processing complete."); } /** * Converts the tree labels to CoreLabels. * We need this because we store additional info in the CoreLabel, like token span. * @param tree */ public static void convertToCoreLabels(Tree tree) { Label l = tree.label(); if(! (l instanceof CoreLabel)){ CoreLabel cl = new CoreLabel(); cl.setValue(l.value()); tree.setLabel(cl); } for (Tree kid : tree.children()) { convertToCoreLabels(kid); } } private static String printTree(Tree tree) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); return tree.toStringBuilder(sb, true).toString(); } private Tree safeHead(Tree top) { Tree head = top.headTerminal(headFinder); if (head != null) return head; // if no head found return the right-most leaf List<Tree> leaves = top.getLeaves(); if(leaves.size() > 0) return leaves.get(leaves.size() - 1); // fallback: return top return top; } /** * Finds the syntactic head of the given entity mention. * * @param ent The entity mention * @param root The Tree for the entire sentence in which it occurs. * @param tokens The Sentence in which it occurs * @return The tree object corresponding to the head. This MUST be a child of root. * It will be a leaf in the parse tree. */ public Tree findSyntacticHead(EntityMention ent, Tree root, List<CoreLabel> tokens) { if (!useNewHeadFinder) { return originalFindSyntacticHead(ent, root, tokens); } logger.fine("Searching for tree matching " + ent); Tree exactMatch = findTreeWithSpan(root, ent.getExtentTokenStart(), ent.getExtentTokenEnd()); // // found an exact match // if (exactMatch != null) { logger.fine("Mention \"" + ent + "\" mapped to tree: " + printTree(exactMatch)); return safeHead(exactMatch); } // no exact match found // in this case, we parse the actual extent of the mention, embedded in a sentence // context, so as to make the parser work better :-) int approximateness = 0; List<CoreLabel> extentTokens = new ArrayList<>(); extentTokens.add(initCoreLabel("It")); extentTokens.add(initCoreLabel("was")); final int ADDED_WORDS = 2; for (int i = ent.getExtentTokenStart(); i < ent.getExtentTokenEnd(); i++) { // Add everything except separated dashes! The separated dashes mess with the parser too badly. CoreLabel label = tokens.get(i); if ( ! "-".equals(label.word())) { extentTokens.add(tokens.get(i)); } else { approximateness++; } } extentTokens.add(initCoreLabel(".")); // constrain the parse to the part we're interested in. // Starting from ADDED_WORDS comes from skipping "It was". // -1 to exclude the period. // We now let it be any kind of nominal constituent, since there // are VP and S ones ParserConstraint constraint = new ParserConstraint(ADDED_WORDS, extentTokens.size() - 1, ".*"); List<ParserConstraint> constraints = Collections.singletonList(constraint); Tree tree = parse(extentTokens, constraints); logger.fine("No exact match found. Local parse:\n" + tree.pennString()); convertToCoreLabels(tree); tree.indexSpans(ent.getExtentTokenStart() - ADDED_WORDS); // remember it has ADDED_WORDS extra words at the beginning Tree subtree = findPartialSpan(tree, ent.getExtentTokenStart()); Tree extentHead = safeHead(subtree); logger.fine("Head is: " + extentHead); assert(extentHead != null); // extentHead is a child in the local extent parse tree. we need to find the corresponding node in the main tree // Because we deleted dashes, it's index will be >= the index in the extent parse tree CoreLabel l = (CoreLabel) extentHead.label(); // Tree realHead = findTreeWithSpan(root, l.get(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class), l.get(CoreAnnotations.EndIndexAnnotation.class)); Tree realHead = funkyFindLeafWithApproximateSpan(root, l.value(), l.get(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class), approximateness); if(realHead != null) logger.fine("Chosen head: " + realHead); return realHead; } private Tree findPartialSpan(Tree current, int start) { CoreLabel label = (CoreLabel) current.label(); int startIndex = label.get(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class); if (startIndex == start) { logger.fine("findPartialSpan: Returning " + current); return current; } for (Tree kid : current.children()) { CoreLabel kidLabel = (CoreLabel) kid.label(); int kidStart = kidLabel.get(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class); int kidEnd = kidLabel.get(CoreAnnotations.EndIndexAnnotation.class); //"findPartialSpan: Examining " + kidLabel.value() + " from " + kidStart + " to " + kidEnd); if (kidStart <= start && kidEnd > start) { return findPartialSpan(kid, start); } } throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't happen: " + start + " " + current); } private Tree funkyFindLeafWithApproximateSpan(Tree root, String token, int index, int approximateness) { logger.fine("Looking for " + token + " at pos " + index + " plus upto " + approximateness + " in tree: " + root.pennString()); List<Tree> leaves = root.getLeaves(); for (Tree leaf : leaves) { CoreLabel label = CoreLabel.class.cast(leaf.label()); int ind = label.get(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class); //"Token #" + ind + ": " + leaf.value()); if (token.equals(leaf.value()) && ind >= index && ind <= index + approximateness) { return leaf; } } // this shouldn't happen // but it does happen (VERY RARELY) on some weird web text that includes SGML tags with spaces // TODO: does this mean that somehow tokenization is different for the parser? check this by throwing an Exception in KBP logger.severe("GenericDataSetReader: WARNING: Failed to find head token"); logger.severe(" when looking for " + token + " at pos " + index + " plus upto " + approximateness + " in tree: " + root.pennString()); return null; } /** * This is the original version of {@link #findSyntacticHead} before Chris's modifications. * There's no good reason to use it except for producing historical results. * It Finds the syntactic head of the given entity mention. * * @param ent The entity mention * @param root The Tree for the entire sentence in which it occurs. * @param tokens The Sentence in which it occurs * @return The tree object corresponding to the head. This MUST be a child of root. * It will be a leaf in the parse tree. */ public Tree originalFindSyntacticHead(EntityMention ent, Tree root, List<CoreLabel> tokens) { logger.fine("Searching for tree matching " + ent); Tree exactMatch = findTreeWithSpan(root, ent.getExtentTokenStart(), ent.getExtentTokenEnd()); // // found an exact match // if (exactMatch != null) { logger.fine("Mention \"" + ent + "\" mapped to tree: " + printTree(exactMatch)); return safeHead(exactMatch); } // // no exact match found // in this case, we parse the actual extent of the mention // List<CoreLabel> extentTokens = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = ent.getExtentTokenStart(); i < ent.getExtentTokenEnd(); i++) extentTokens.add(tokens.get(i)); Tree tree = parse(extentTokens); logger.fine("No exact match found. Local parse:\n" + tree.pennString()); convertToCoreLabels(tree); tree.indexSpans(ent.getExtentTokenStart()); Tree extentHead = safeHead(tree); assert (extentHead != null); // extentHead is a child in the local extent parse tree. we need to find the // corresponding node in the main tree CoreLabel l = (CoreLabel) extentHead.label(); Tree realHead = findTreeWithSpan(root, l.get(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class), l.get(CoreAnnotations.EndIndexAnnotation.class)); assert (realHead != null); return realHead; } private static CoreLabel initCoreLabel(String token) { CoreLabel label = new CoreLabel(); label.setWord(token); label.setValue(token); label.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, token); label.set(CoreAnnotations.ValueAnnotation.class, token); return label; } protected Tree parseStrings(List<String> tokens) { List<CoreLabel> labels = new ArrayList<>(); for (String t : tokens) { CoreLabel l = initCoreLabel(t); labels.add(l); } return parse(labels); } protected Tree parse(List<CoreLabel> tokens) { return parse(tokens, null); } protected Tree parse(List<CoreLabel> tokens, List<ParserConstraint> constraints) { CoreMap sent = new Annotation(""); sent.set(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class, tokens); sent.set(ParserAnnotations.ConstraintAnnotation.class, constraints); Annotation doc = new Annotation(""); List<CoreMap> sents = new ArrayList<>(); sents.add(sent); doc.set(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class, sents); getParser().annotate(doc); sents = doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class); return sents.get(0).get(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class); } /** * Finds the tree with the given token span. * The tree must have CoreLabel labels and Tree.indexSpans must be called before this method. * * @param tree The tree to search in * @param start The beginning index * @param end * @return A child of tree if match; otherwise null */ private static Tree findTreeWithSpan(Tree tree, int start, int end) { CoreLabel l = (CoreLabel) tree.label(); if (l != null && l.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class) && l.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.EndIndexAnnotation.class)) { int myStart = l.get(CoreAnnotations.BeginIndexAnnotation.class); int myEnd = l.get(CoreAnnotations.EndIndexAnnotation.class); if (start == myStart && end == myEnd){ // found perfect match return tree; } else if (end < myStart) { return null; } else if (start >= myEnd) { return null; } } // otherwise, check inside children - a match is possible for (Tree kid : tree.children()) { if (kid == null) continue; Tree ret = findTreeWithSpan(kid, start, end); // found matching child if (ret != null) return ret; } // no match return null; } }