package edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.AssignableExpression; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Expression; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Expressions; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Value; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Rules for matching sequences using regular expressions * <p> * There are 2 types of rules: * <ol> * <li><b>Assignment rules</b> which assign a value to a variable for later use. * </li> * <li><b>Extraction rules</b> which specifies how regular expression patterns are to be matched against text, * which matched text expressions are to extracted, and what value to assign to the matched expression.</li> * </ol> * </p> * * NOTE: {@code #} or {@code //} can be used to indicates one-line comments * * <p><b>Assignment Rules</b> are used to assign values to variables. * The basic format is: {@code variable = value} * </p> * <p> * <em>Variable Names</em>: * <ul> * <li>Variable names should follow the pattern [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*</li> * <li>Variable names for use in regular expressions (to be expanded later) must start with {@code $}</li> * </ul> * </p> * <p> * <em>Value Types</em>: * <table> * <tr><th>Type</th><th>Format</th><th>Example</th><th>Description</th></tr> * <tr><td>{@code BOOLEAN}</td><td>{@code TRUE | FALSE}</td><td>{@code TRUE}</td><td></td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code STRING}</td><td>{@code "..."}</td><td>{@code "red"}</td><td></td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code INTEGER}</td><td>{@code [+-]\d+}</td><td>{@code 1500}</td><td></td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code LONG}</td><td>{@code [+-]\d+L}</td><td>{@code 1500000000000L}</td><td></td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code DOUBLE}</td><td>{@code [+-]\d*\.\d+}</td><td>{@code 6.98}</td><td></td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code REGEX}</td><td>{@code /.../}</td><td>{@code /[Aa]pril/}</td> * <td>String regular expression {@link Pattern}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code TOKENS_REGEX}</td><td>{@code ( [...] [...] ... ) }</td><td>{@code ( /up/ /to/ /4/ /months/ )}</td> * <td>Tokens regular expression {@link TokenSequencePattern}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code LIST}</td><td>{@code ( [item1] , [item2], ... )}</td><td>{@code ("red", "blue", "yellow" )}</td> * <td></td></tr> * </table> * </p> * <p> * Some typical uses and examples for assignment rules include: * <ol> * <li>Assignment of value to variables for use in later rules</li> * <li>Binding of text key to annotation key (as {@code Class}). * <pre> * tokens = { type: "CLASS", value: "edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations$TokensAnnotation" } * </pre> * </li> * <li>Defining regular expressions macros to be embedded in other regular expressions * <pre> * $SEASON = "/spring|summer|fall|autumn|winter/" * $NUM = ( [ { numcomptype:NUMBER } ] ) * </pre> * </li> * <li>Setting default environment variables. * Rules are applied with respect to an environment ({@link Env}), which can be accessed using the variable {@code ENV}. * Members of the Environment can be set as needed. * <pre> * # Set default parameters to be used when reading rules * ENV.defaults["ruleType"] = "tokens" * # Set default string pattern flags (to case-insensitive) * ENV.defaultStringPatternFlags = 2 * # Specifies that the result should go into the {@code tokens} key (as defined above). * ENV.defaultResultAnnotationKey = tokens * </pre> * </li> * <li>Defining options</li> * </ol> * </p> * * Predefined values are: * <table> * <tr><th>Variable</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr> * <tr><td>{@code ENV}</td><td>{@link Env}</td><td>The environment with respect to which the rules are applied.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code TRUE}</td><td>{@code BOOLEAN}</td><td>The {@code Boolean} value {@code true}.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code FALSE}</td><td>{@code BOOLEAN}</td><td>The {@code Boolean} value {@code false}.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code NIL}</td><td>{@code}</td><td>The {@code null} value.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code tags}</td><td>{@code Class}</td><td>The annotation key {@link edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Tags.TagsAnnotation}.</td></tr> * </table> * </p> * <p><b>Extraction Rules</b> specifies how regular expression patterns are to be matched against text. * See {@link CoreMapExpressionExtractor} for more information on the types of the rules, and in what sequence the rules are applied. * A basic rule can be specified using the following template: * <pre>{ * # Type of the rule * ruleType: "tokens" | "text" | "composite" | "filter", * # Pattern to match against * pattern: ( <TokenSequencePattern> ) | /<TextPattern>/, * # Resulting value to go into the resulting annotation * result: ... * * # More fields following... * } * </pre> * Example: * <pre> * { * ruleType: "tokens", * pattern: ( /one/ ), * result: 1 * } * </pre> * </p> * Extraction rule fields (most fields are optional): * <table> * <tr><th>Field</th><th>Values</th><th>Example</th><th>Description</th></tr> * <tr><td>{@code ruleType}</td><td>{@code "tokens" | "text" | "composite" | "filter" }</td> * <td>{@code tokens}</td><td>Type of the rule (required).</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code pattern}</td><td>{@code <Token Sequence Pattern> = (...) | <Text Pattern> = /.../}</td> * <td>{@code ( /winter/ /of/ $YEAR )}</td><td>Pattern to match against. * See {@link TokenSequencePattern} and {@link Pattern} for * how to specify patterns over tokens and strings (required).</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code action}</td><td>{@code <Action List> = (...)}</td> * <td>{@code ( Annotate($0, ner, "DATE") )}</td><td>List of actions to apply when the pattern is triggered. * Each action is a {@link Expressions TokensRegex Expression}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code result}</td><td>{@code <Expression>}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Resulting value to go into the resulting annotation. See {@link Expressions} for how to specify the result.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code name}</td><td>{@code STRING}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Name to identify the extraction rule.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code stage}</td><td>{@code INTEGER}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Stage at which the rule is to be applied. Rules are grouped in stages, which are applied from lowest to highest.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code active}</td><td>{@code Boolean}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Whether this rule is enabled (active) or not (default true).</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code priority}</td><td>{@code DOUBLE}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Priority of rule. Within a stage, matches from higher priority rules are preferred.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code weight}</td><td>{@code DOUBLE}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Weight of rule (not currently used).</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code over}</td><td>{@code CLASS}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Annotation field to check pattern against.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code matchFindType}</td><td>{@code FIND_NONOVERLAPPING | FIND_ALL}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Whether to find all matched expression or just the nonoverlapping ones (default {@code FIND_NONOVERLAPPING}).</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code matchWithResults}</td><td>{@code Boolean}</td> * <td>{@code}</td><td>Whether results of the matches should be returned (default false). * Set to true to access captured groups of embedded regular expressions.</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code matchedExpressionGroup}</td><td>{@code Integer}</td> * <td>{@code 2}</td><td>What group should be treated as the matched expression group (default 0).</td></tr> * </table> * * @author Angel Chang * @see CoreMapExpressionExtractor * @see TokenSequencePattern */ public class SequenceMatchRules { private SequenceMatchRules() { } // static class with inner classes /** A sequence match rule */ public interface Rule { } /** * Rule that specifies what value to assign to a variable */ public static class AssignmentRule implements Rule { Expression expr; public AssignmentRule(AssignableExpression varExpr, Expression value) { expr = varExpr.assign(value); } public void evaluate(Env env) { expr.evaluate(env); } } /** * Rule that specifies how to extract sequence of MatchedExpression from an annotation (CoreMap). * @param <T> Output type (MatchedExpression) */ public static class AnnotationExtractRule<S, T extends MatchedExpression> implements Rule, ExtractRule<S,T>, Predicate<T>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2148125332223720424L; /** Name of the rule */ public String name; /** Stage in which this rule should be applied with respect to others */ public int stage = 1; /** Priority in which this rule should be applied with respect to others */ public double priority; /** Weight given to the rule (how likely is this rule to fire) */ public double weight; /** Annotation field to apply rule over: text or tokens or numerizedtokens */ public Class annotationField; public Class tokensAnnotationField; /** Annotation field(s) on individual tokens to put new annotation */ public List<Class> tokensResultAnnotationField; /** Annotation field(s) to put new annotation */ public List<Class> resultAnnotationField; /** Annotation field for child/nested annotations */ public Class resultNestedAnnotationField; public SequenceMatcher.FindType matchFindType; /** Which group to take as the matched expression - default is 0 */ public int matchedExpressionGroup; public boolean matchWithResults; // TODO: Combine ruleType and isComposite /** Type of rule to apply: token string match, pattern string match */ public String ruleType; public boolean isComposite; public boolean includeNested = true; // TODO: Get parameter from somewhere.... public boolean active = true; /** Actual rule performing the extraction (converting annotation to MatchedExpression) */ public ExtractRule<S, T> extractRule; public Predicate<T> filterRule; /** Pattern - the type of which is dependent on the rule type */ public Object pattern; public Expression result; public void update(Env env, Map<String, Object> attributes) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> stringObjectEntry : attributes.entrySet()) { String key = stringObjectEntry.getKey(); Object obj = stringObjectEntry.getValue(); switch (key) { case "name": name = (String) Expressions.asObject(env, obj); break; case "priority": priority = ((Number) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).doubleValue(); break; case "stage": stage = ((Number) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).intValue(); break; case "weight": weight = ((Number) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).doubleValue(); break; case "over": Object annoKey = Expressions.asObject(env, obj); if (annoKey instanceof Class) { annotationField = (Class) annoKey; } else if (annoKey instanceof String) { annotationField = EnvLookup.lookupAnnotationKeyWithClassname(env, (String) annoKey); } else if (annotationField == null) { annotationField = CoreMap.class; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid annotation key " + annoKey); } break; case "active": active = (Boolean) Expressions.asObject(env, obj); break; case "ruleType": ruleType = (String) Expressions.asObject(env, obj); break; case "matchFindType": matchFindType = SequenceMatcher.FindType.valueOf((String) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)); break; case "matchWithResults": matchWithResults = ((Boolean) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).booleanValue(); break; case "matchedExpressionGroup": matchedExpressionGroup = ((Number) Expressions.asObject(env, obj)).intValue(); break; } } } @Override public boolean extract(S in, List<T> out) { return extractRule.extract(in, out); } @Override public boolean test(T obj) { return filterRule.test(obj); } public boolean isMostlyCompatible(AnnotationExtractRule<S, T> aer) { // TODO: Check tokensResultAnnotationField, resultAnnotationField, resultNestedAnnotationField? return (stage == aer.stage && Objects.equals(annotationField, aer.annotationField) && Objects.equals(tokensAnnotationField, aer.tokensAnnotationField) && matchedExpressionGroup == 0 && aer.matchedExpressionGroup == 0 && matchWithResults == aer.matchWithResults && Objects.equals(ruleType, aer.ruleType) && isComposite == aer.isComposite && active == && Objects.equals(result, aer.result)); } public boolean hasTokensRegexPattern() { return pattern != null && pattern instanceof TokenSequencePattern; } public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + '[' + pattern.toString() + ']'; } } // end static class AnnotationExtractRule public static AssignmentRule createAssignmentRule(Env env, AssignableExpression var, Expression result) { AssignmentRule ar = new AssignmentRule(var, result); ar.evaluate(env); return ar; } public static Rule createRule(Env env, Expressions.CompositeValue cv) { Map<String, Object> attributes; cv = cv.simplifyNoTypeConversion(env); attributes = new HashMap<>();//Generics.newHashMap(); for (String s:cv.getAttributes()) { attributes.put(s, cv.getExpression(s)); } return createExtractionRule(env, attributes); } protected static AnnotationExtractRule createExtractionRule(Env env, Map<String,Object> attributes) { String ruleType = (String) Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("ruleType")); if (ruleType == null && env != null) { ruleType = (String) env.getDefaults().get("ruleType"); } AnnotationExtractRuleCreator ruleCreator = lookupExtractRuleCreator(env, ruleType); if (ruleCreator != null) { return ruleCreator.create(env, attributes); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rule type: " + ruleType); } } public static AnnotationExtractRule createExtractionRule(Env env, String ruleType, Object pattern, Expression result) { if (ruleType == null && env != null) { ruleType = (String) env.getDefaults().get("ruleType"); } AnnotationExtractRuleCreator ruleCreator = lookupExtractRuleCreator(env, ruleType); if (ruleCreator != null) { Map<String,Object> attributes = new HashMap<>();//Generics.newHashMap(); attributes.put("ruleType", ruleType); attributes.put("pattern", pattern); attributes.put("result", result); return ruleCreator.create(env, attributes); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rule type: " + ruleType); } } public static final String COMPOSITE_RULE_TYPE = "composite"; public static final String TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE = "tokens"; public static final String TEXT_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE = "text"; public static final String FILTER_RULE_TYPE = "filter"; public static final TokenPatternExtractRuleCreator TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = new TokenPatternExtractRuleCreator(); public static final CompositeExtractRuleCreator COMPOSITE_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = new CompositeExtractRuleCreator(); public static final TextPatternExtractRuleCreator TEXT_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = new TextPatternExtractRuleCreator(); public static final MultiTokenPatternExtractRuleCreator MULTI_TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = new MultiTokenPatternExtractRuleCreator(); public static final AnnotationExtractRuleCreator DEFAULT_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR = TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR; private static final Map<String, AnnotationExtractRuleCreator> registeredRuleTypes = new HashMap<>();//Generics.newHashMap(); static { registeredRuleTypes.put(TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE, TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR); registeredRuleTypes.put(COMPOSITE_RULE_TYPE, COMPOSITE_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR); registeredRuleTypes.put(TEXT_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE, TEXT_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR); registeredRuleTypes.put(FILTER_RULE_TYPE, TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR); } private static AnnotationExtractRuleCreator lookupExtractRuleCreator(Env env, String ruleType) { if (env != null) { Object obj = env.get(ruleType); if (obj != null && obj instanceof AnnotationExtractRuleCreator) { return (AnnotationExtractRuleCreator) obj; } } if (ruleType == null) { return DEFAULT_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR; } else { return registeredRuleTypes.get(ruleType); } } public static AnnotationExtractRule createTokenPatternRule(Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression result) { return TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR.create(env, expr, result); } public static AnnotationExtractRule createTextPatternRule(Env env, String expr, Expression result) { return TEXT_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR.create(env, expr, result); } public static AnnotationExtractRule createMultiTokenPatternRule(Env env, AnnotationExtractRule template, List<TokenSequencePattern> patterns) { return MULTI_TOKEN_PATTERN_EXTRACT_RULE_CREATOR.create(env, template, patterns); } public static class AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env) { AnnotationExtractRule r = new AnnotationExtractRule(); r.resultAnnotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultResultAnnotationKey(env); r.resultNestedAnnotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultNestedResultsAnnotationKey(env); r.tokensAnnotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTokensAnnotationKey(env); r.tokensResultAnnotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTokensResultAnnotationKey(env); if (env != null) { r.update(env, env.getDefaults()); } return r; } public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map<String,Object> attributes) { // Get default annotation extract rule from env AnnotationExtractRule r = create(env); if (attributes != null) { r.update(env, attributes); } return r; } } public static MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor createAnnotationExtractor(Env env, AnnotationExtractRule r) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor = new MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor(); =; extractor.tokensAnnotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; extractor.tokensResultAnnotationField = r.tokensResultAnnotationField; extractor.resultAnnotationField = r.resultAnnotationField; extractor.resultNestedAnnotationField = r.resultNestedAnnotationField; extractor.priority = r.priority; extractor.weight = r.weight; extractor.includeNested = r.includeNested; extractor.resultAnnotationExtractor = EnvLookup.getDefaultResultAnnotationExtractor(env); extractor.tokensAggregator = EnvLookup.getDefaultTokensAggregator(env); return extractor; } public static class CompositeExtractRuleCreator extends AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { protected static void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression action, Expression result) { TokenSequencePattern pattern = TokenSequencePattern.compile(expr); updateExtractRule(r, env, pattern, action, result); } protected static void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, TokenSequencePattern pattern, Expression action, Expression result) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor annotationExtractor = createAnnotationExtractor(env, r); SequenceMatchResultExtractor<CoreMap> valueExtractor = new SequenceMatchResultExtractor<>(env, action, result); SequencePatternExtractRule<CoreMap,Value> valueExtractRule = new SequencePatternExtractRule<>(pattern, valueExtractor, r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults); SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor exprExtractor = new SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor( annotationExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup ); SequencePatternExtractRule<CoreMap, MatchedExpression> exprExtractRule = new SequencePatternExtractRule<>(pattern, exprExtractor, r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults); annotationExtractor.expressionToValue = matched -> { if (matched != null && matched.context != null && matched.context instanceof SequenceMatchResult ) { return valueExtractor.apply( (SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap>) matched.context); } else return null; }; annotationExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapFunctionApplier<>(env, r.annotationField, valueExtractRule); r.extractRule = exprExtractRule; r.filterRule = new AnnotationMatchedFilter(annotationExtractor); r.pattern = pattern; r.result = result; pattern.weight = r.weight; pattern.priority = r.priority; } protected AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression result) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, null); r.isComposite = true; if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.resultNestedAnnotationField; } if (r.annotationField == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error creating composite rule: no annotation field"); } r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, null, result); return r; } @Override public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map<String,Object> attributes) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, attributes); r.isComposite = true; if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.resultNestedAnnotationField; } if (r.annotationField == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error creating composite rule: no annotation field"); } if (r.ruleType == null) { r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; } //SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr = (SequencePattern.PatternExpr) attributes.get("pattern"); TokenSequencePattern expr = (TokenSequencePattern) Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("pattern")); Expression action = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("action")); Expression result = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("result")); updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, action, result); return r; } } public static class TokenPatternExtractRuleCreator extends AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { protected static void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression action, Expression result) { TokenSequencePattern pattern = TokenSequencePattern.compile(expr); updateExtractRule(r, env, pattern, action, result); } protected static void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, TokenSequencePattern pattern, Expression action, Expression result) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor annotationExtractor = createAnnotationExtractor(env, r); SequenceMatchResultExtractor<CoreMap> valueExtractor = new SequenceMatchResultExtractor<>(env, action, result); SequencePatternExtractRule<CoreMap,Value> valueExtractRule = new SequencePatternExtractRule<>(pattern, valueExtractor, r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults); SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor exprExtractor = new SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor( annotationExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup ); SequencePatternExtractRule<CoreMap, MatchedExpression> exprExtractRule = new SequencePatternExtractRule<>(pattern, exprExtractor, r.matchFindType, r.matchWithResults); annotationExtractor.expressionToValue = matched -> { if (matched != null && matched.context != null && matched.context instanceof SequenceMatchResult ) { return valueExtractor.apply( (SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap>) matched.context); } else return null; }; if (r.annotationField != null && r.annotationField != CoreMap.class) { annotationExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapFunctionApplier<>(env, r.annotationField, valueExtractRule); r.extractRule = new CoreMapExtractRule<>(env, r.annotationField, exprExtractRule); } else { annotationExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapToListFunctionApplier<>(env, valueExtractRule); r.extractRule = new CoreMapToListExtractRule<>(exprExtractRule); } r.filterRule = new AnnotationMatchedFilter(annotationExtractor); r.pattern = pattern; r.result = result; pattern.weight = r.weight; pattern.priority = r.priority; } protected AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr, Expression result) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, null); if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; } r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, null, result); return r; } @Override public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map<String,Object> attributes) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, attributes); if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; } if (r.ruleType == null) { r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; } //SequencePattern.PatternExpr expr = (SequencePattern.PatternExpr) attributes.get("pattern"); TokenSequencePattern expr = (TokenSequencePattern) Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("pattern")); Expression action = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("action")); Expression result = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("result")); updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, action, result); return r; } } public static class MultiTokenPatternExtractRuleCreator extends AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { protected static void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, MultiPatternMatcher<CoreMap> pattern, Expression action, Expression result) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor annotationExtractor = createAnnotationExtractor(env, r); SequenceMatchResultExtractor<CoreMap> valueExtractor = new SequenceMatchResultExtractor<>(env, action, result); MultiSequencePatternExtractRule<CoreMap,Value> valueExtractRule = new MultiSequencePatternExtractRule<>(pattern, valueExtractor); SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor exprExtractor = new SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor( annotationExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup ); MultiSequencePatternExtractRule<CoreMap, MatchedExpression> exprExtractRule = new MultiSequencePatternExtractRule<>(pattern, exprExtractor); annotationExtractor.expressionToValue = matched -> { if (matched != null && matched.context != null && matched.context instanceof SequenceMatchResult ) { return valueExtractor.apply( (SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap>) matched.context); } else return null; }; if (r.annotationField != null && r.annotationField != CoreMap.class) { annotationExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapFunctionApplier<>(env, r.annotationField, valueExtractRule); r.extractRule = new CoreMapExtractRule<>(env, r.annotationField, exprExtractRule); } else { annotationExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapToListFunctionApplier<>(env, valueExtractRule); r.extractRule = new CoreMapToListExtractRule<>(exprExtractRule); } r.filterRule = new AnnotationMatchedFilter(annotationExtractor); r.pattern = pattern; r.result = result; } protected static AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, SequenceMatchRules.AnnotationExtractRule aerTemplate, List<TokenSequencePattern> patterns) { AnnotationExtractRule r = new AnnotationExtractRule(); r.stage = aerTemplate.stage; =; r.priority = Double.NaN; // Priority from patterns? r.weight = Double.NaN; // weight from patterns? r.annotationField = aerTemplate.annotationField; r.tokensAnnotationField = aerTemplate.tokensAnnotationField; r.tokensResultAnnotationField = aerTemplate.tokensResultAnnotationField; r.resultAnnotationField = aerTemplate.resultAnnotationField; r.resultNestedAnnotationField = aerTemplate.resultNestedAnnotationField; r.matchFindType = aerTemplate.matchFindType; r.matchedExpressionGroup = aerTemplate.matchedExpressionGroup; r.matchWithResults = aerTemplate.matchWithResults; r.ruleType = aerTemplate.ruleType; r.isComposite = aerTemplate.isComposite; r.includeNested = aerTemplate.includeNested; =; r.result = aerTemplate.result; if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; } r.ruleType = TOKEN_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; MultiPatternMatcher<CoreMap> multiPatternMatcher = TokenSequencePattern.getMultiPatternMatcher(patterns); multiPatternMatcher.setMatchWithResult(r.matchWithResults); updateExtractRule(r, env, multiPatternMatcher, null, r.result); return r; } @Override public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map<String,Object> attributes) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public static class TextPatternExtractRuleCreator extends AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { protected static void updateExtractRule(AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, String expr, Expression action, Expression result) { final MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor annotationExtractor = createAnnotationExtractor(env, r); Pattern pattern = env.getStringPattern(expr); StringMatchResultExtractor valueExtractor = new StringMatchResultExtractor(env, action, result); StringPatternExtractRule<Value> valueExtractRule = new StringPatternExtractRule<>(pattern, valueExtractor); StringMatchedExpressionExtractor exprExtractor = new StringMatchedExpressionExtractor( annotationExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup ); StringPatternExtractRule<MatchedExpression> exprExtractRule = new StringPatternExtractRule<>(pattern, exprExtractor); annotationExtractor.valueExtractor = new CoreMapFunctionApplier<>(env, r.annotationField, valueExtractRule); r.extractRule = new CoreMapExtractRule<>(env, r.annotationField, exprExtractRule); r.filterRule = new AnnotationMatchedFilter(annotationExtractor); r.pattern = pattern; r.result = result; } protected AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, String expr, Expression result) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, null); if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTextAnnotationKey(env); } r.ruleType = TEXT_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, null, result); return r; } @Override public AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map<String,Object> attributes) { AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, attributes); if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTextAnnotationKey(env); } if (r.ruleType == null) { r.ruleType = TEXT_PATTERN_RULE_TYPE; } String expr = (String) Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("pattern")); Expression action = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("action")); Expression result = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("result")); updateExtractRule(r, env, expr, action, result); return r; } } public static class AnnotationMatchedFilter implements Predicate<MatchedExpression>, Serializable { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor; public AnnotationMatchedFilter(MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; } @Override public boolean test(MatchedExpression me) { CoreMap cm = me.getAnnotation(); Value v = extractor.apply(cm); if (v != null) { if (v.get() == null) { return true; } else { extractor.annotate(me); return false; } //return v.get() == null; } else { return false; } } } public static class StringMatchResultExtractor implements Function<MatchResult,Value> { Env env; Expression action; Expression result; public StringMatchResultExtractor(Env env, Expression action, Expression result) { this.env = env; this.action = action; this.result = result; } public StringMatchResultExtractor(Env env, Expression result) { this.env = env; this.result = result; } @Override public Value apply(MatchResult matchResult) { Value v = null; if (action != null) { action.evaluate(env, matchResult); } if (result != null) { v = result.evaluate(env, matchResult); } return v; } } public static class SequenceMatchResultExtractor<T> implements Function<SequenceMatchResult<T>,Value> { Env env; Expression action; Expression result; public SequenceMatchResultExtractor(Env env, Expression action, Expression result) { this.env = env; this.action = action; this.result = result; } public SequenceMatchResultExtractor(Env env, Expression result) { this.env = env; this.result = result; } @Override public Value apply(SequenceMatchResult<T> matchResult) { Value v = null; if (action != null) { action.evaluate(env, matchResult); } if (result != null) { v = result.evaluate(env, matchResult); } return v; } } /** * Interface for a rule that extracts a list of matched items from an input. * * @param <I> input type * @param <O> output type */ public interface ExtractRule<I,O> { boolean extract(I in, List<O> out); } /** * Extraction rule that filters the input before passing it on to the next extractor * @param <I> input type * @param <O> output type */ public static class FilterExtractRule<I,O> implements ExtractRule<I,O> { Predicate<I> filter; ExtractRule<I,O> rule; public FilterExtractRule(Predicate<I> filter, ExtractRule<I,O> rule) { this.filter = filter; this.rule = rule; } @SafeVarargs public FilterExtractRule(Predicate<I> filter, ExtractRule<I,O>... rules) { this.filter = filter; this.rule = new ListExtractRule<>(rules); } @Override public boolean extract(I in, List<O> out) { if (filter.test(in)) { return rule.extract(in,out); } else { return false; } } } /** * Extraction rule that applies a list of rules in sequence and aggregates * all matches found. * * @param <I> input type * @param <O> output type */ public static class ListExtractRule<I,O> implements ExtractRule<I,O> { List<ExtractRule<I,O>> rules; public ListExtractRule(Collection<ExtractRule<I,O>> rules) { this.rules = new ArrayList<>(rules); } @SafeVarargs public ListExtractRule(ExtractRule<I,O>... rules) { this.rules = new ArrayList<>(rules.length); Collections.addAll(this.rules, rules); } @Override public boolean extract(I in, List<O> out) { boolean extracted = false; for (ExtractRule<I,O> rule:rules) { if (rule.extract(in,out)) { extracted = true; } } return extracted; } @SafeVarargs public final void addRules(ExtractRule<I, O>... rules) { Collections.addAll(this.rules, rules); } public void addRules(Collection<ExtractRule<I,O>> rules) { this.rules.addAll(rules); } public String ruleList() { List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExtractRule rule: rules) { if (rule instanceof AnnotationExtractRule) { AnnotationExtractRule aer = (AnnotationExtractRule) rule; String ruleString = null; if (aer.pattern != null) { ruleString = aer.pattern.toString(); } else if (aer.extractRule != null) { ruleString = aer.extractRule.toString(); } else if (aer.filterRule != null) { ruleString = aer.filterRule.toString(); } else { ruleString = aer.toString(); } names.add(ruleString); } else { names.add(rule.getClass().getName()); } } return names.toString(); } public String toString() { return "ListExtractRule[" + ruleList() + "]"; } } /** * Extraction rule to apply a extraction rule on a particular CoreMap field * Input is of type CoreMap, output is templated type O. * @param <T> type of the annotation field * @param <O> output type */ public static class CoreMapExtractRule<T,O> implements ExtractRule<CoreMap, O> { Env env; Class annotationField; ExtractRule<T,O> extractRule; public CoreMapExtractRule(Env env, Class annotationField, ExtractRule<T,O> extractRule) { this.annotationField = annotationField; this.extractRule = extractRule; this.env = env; } @Override public boolean extract(CoreMap cm, List<O> out) { env.push(Expressions.VAR_SELF, cm); T field = (T) cm.get(annotationField); boolean res = extractRule.extract(field, out); env.pop(Expressions.VAR_SELF); return res; } } /** * Extraction rule that treats a single CoreMap as a list/sequence of CoreMaps * (convenience class, for use with BasicSequenceExtractRule) * Input is of type CoreMap, output is templated type O. * @param <O> output type */ public static class CoreMapToListExtractRule<O> implements ExtractRule<CoreMap, O> { ExtractRule<List<? extends CoreMap>,O> extractRule; public CoreMapToListExtractRule(ExtractRule<List<? extends CoreMap>,O> extractRule) { this.extractRule = extractRule; } @Override public boolean extract(CoreMap cm, List<O> out) { return extractRule.extract(Arrays.asList(cm), out); } } /** * Extraction rule. * Input is of type CoreMap, output is MatchedExpression. */ public static class BasicSequenceExtractRule implements ExtractRule< List<? extends CoreMap>, MatchedExpression> { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor; public BasicSequenceExtractRule(MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; } @Override public boolean extract(List<? extends CoreMap> seq, List<MatchedExpression> out) { boolean extracted = false; for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++) { CoreMap t = seq.get(i); Value v = extractor.apply(t); if (v != null) { MatchedExpression te = extractor.createMatchedExpression(Interval.toInterval(i, i + 1, Interval.INTERVAL_OPEN_END), null); out.add(te); extracted = true; } } return extracted; } } public static class SequencePatternExtractRule<T,O> implements ExtractRule< List<? extends T>, O>, Function<List<? extends T>, O> { SequencePattern<T> pattern; Function<SequenceMatchResult<T>, O> extractor; SequenceMatcher.FindType findType = null; boolean matchWithResult = false; public SequencePatternExtractRule(Env env, String regex, Function<SequenceMatchResult<T>, O> extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; this.pattern = SequencePattern.compile(env, regex); } public SequencePatternExtractRule(SequencePattern<T> p, Function<SequenceMatchResult<T>, O> extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; this.pattern = p; } public SequencePatternExtractRule(SequencePattern<T> p, Function<SequenceMatchResult<T>, O> extractor, SequenceMatcher.FindType findType, boolean matchWithResult) { this.extractor = extractor; this.pattern = p; this.findType = findType; this.matchWithResult = matchWithResult; } @Override public boolean extract(List<? extends T> seq, List<O> out) { if (seq == null) return false; boolean extracted = false; SequenceMatcher<T> m = pattern.getMatcher(seq); if (findType != null) { m.setFindType(findType); } m.setMatchWithResult(matchWithResult); while (m.find()) { out.add(extractor.apply(m)); extracted = true; } // System.err.println("SequencePattern " + pattern + " of type " + pattern.getClass() + " matched on " + extracted); return extracted; } @Override public O apply(List<? extends T> seq) { if (seq == null) return null; SequenceMatcher<T> m = pattern.getMatcher(seq); m.setMatchWithResult(matchWithResult); if (m.matches()) { return extractor.apply(m); } else { return null; } } } // end static class public static class MultiSequencePatternExtractRule<T,O> implements ExtractRule< List<? extends T>, O>, Function<List<? extends T>, O> { MultiPatternMatcher<T> matcher; Function<SequenceMatchResult<T>, O> extractor; public MultiSequencePatternExtractRule(MultiPatternMatcher<T> matcher, Function<SequenceMatchResult<T>, O> extractor) { this.extractor = extractor; this.matcher = matcher; } @Override public boolean extract(List<? extends T> seq, List<O> out) { if (seq == null) return false; boolean extracted = false; List<SequenceMatchResult<T>> matched = matcher.findNonOverlappingMaxScore(seq); for (SequenceMatchResult<T> m : matched) { out.add(extractor.apply(m)); extracted = true; } return extracted; } @Override public O apply(List<? extends T> seq) { if (seq == null) return null; List<SequenceMatchResult<T>> matched = matcher.findNonOverlappingMaxScore(seq); if (matched.size() > 0) { return extractor.apply(matched.get(0)); } else { return null; } } } public static class StringPatternExtractRule<O> implements ExtractRule<String, O>, Function<String, O> { private final Pattern pattern; private final Function<MatchResult, O> extractor; public StringPatternExtractRule(Pattern pattern, Function<MatchResult, O> extractor) { this.pattern = pattern; this.extractor = extractor; } public StringPatternExtractRule(Env env, String regex, Function<MatchResult, O> extractor) { this(env, regex, extractor, false); } public StringPatternExtractRule(String regex, Function<MatchResult, O> extractor) { this(null, regex, extractor, false); } public StringPatternExtractRule(Env env, String regex, Function<MatchResult, O> extractor, boolean addWordBoundaries) { this.extractor = extractor; if (addWordBoundaries) { regex = "\\b" + regex + "\\b"; } if (env != null) { pattern = env.getStringPattern(regex); } else { pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); } } @Override public boolean extract(String str, List<O> out) { if (str == null) return false; boolean extracted = false; Matcher m = pattern.matcher(str); while (m.find()) { out.add(extractor.apply( m )); // System.err.println("StringPatternExtractRule: " + pattern + " extracted " + out.get(out.size() - 1)); // XXXX extracted = true; } return extracted; } @Override public O apply(String str) { if (str == null) return null; Matcher m = pattern.matcher(str); if (m.matches()) { return extractor.apply(m); } else { return null; } } } // end static class StringPatternExtractRule public static class StringMatchedExpressionExtractor implements Function<MatchResult, MatchedExpression> { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor; int group = 0; public StringMatchedExpressionExtractor(MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor, int group) { this.extractor = extractor; = group; } @Override public MatchedExpression apply(MatchResult matched) { MatchedExpression te = extractor.createMatchedExpression(Interval.toInterval(matched.start(group), matched.end(group), Interval.INTERVAL_OPEN_END), null); return te; } } public static class SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor implements Function<SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap>, MatchedExpression> { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor; int group = 0; public SequenceMatchedExpressionExtractor(MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor extractor, int group) { this.extractor = extractor; = group; } @Override public MatchedExpression apply(SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap> matched) { MatchedExpression te = extractor.createMatchedExpression(null, Interval.toInterval(matched.start(group), matched.end(group), Interval.INTERVAL_OPEN_END)); if (Double.isNaN(te.priority)) { te.priority = matched.priority(); } if (Double.isNaN(te.weight)) { te.weight = matched.score(); } if ( != 0) { // Save context so value evaluation can happen te.context = matched.toBasicSequenceMatchResult(); } return te; } } public static class CoreMapFunctionApplier<T,O> implements Function<CoreMap, O> { Env env; Class annotationField; Function<T,O> func; public CoreMapFunctionApplier(Env env, Class annotationField, Function<T,O> func) { this.annotationField = annotationField; if (annotationField == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Annotation field cannot be null"); } this.func = func; this.env = env; } @Override public O apply(CoreMap cm) { if (env != null) { env.push(Expressions.VAR_SELF, cm); } T field = (T) cm.get(annotationField); O res = func.apply(field); if (env != null) { env.pop(Expressions.VAR_SELF); } return res; } } public static class CoreMapToListFunctionApplier<O> implements Function<CoreMap, O> { Env env; Function<List<? extends CoreMap>,O> func; public CoreMapToListFunctionApplier(Env env, Function<List<? extends CoreMap>,O> func) { this.func = func; this.env = env; } @Override public O apply(CoreMap cm) { if (env != null) { env.push(Expressions.VAR_SELF, cm); } O res = func.apply(Collections.singletonList(cm)); if (env != null) { env.pop(Expressions.VAR_SELF); } return res; } } }