package edu.stanford.nlp.wordseg; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.sequences.SeqClassifierFlags; public class NonDict2 { //public String sighanCorporaDict = "/u/nlp/data/chinese-segmenter/"; public String corporaDict = "/u/nlp/data/gale/segtool/stanford-seg/data/"; private static CorpusDictionary cd = null; private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels logger = Redwood.channels(NonDict2.class); public NonDict2(SeqClassifierFlags flags) { if (cd == null) { if (flags.sighanCorporaDict != null) { corporaDict = flags.sighanCorporaDict; // use the same flag for Sighan 2005, // but our list is extracted from ctb } String path; if (flags.useAs || flags.useHk || flags.useMsr) { throw new RuntimeException("only support settings for CTB and PKU now."); } else if ( flags.usePk ) { path = corporaDict+"/dict/pku.non"; } else { // CTB path = corporaDict+"/dict/ctb.non"; } cd = new CorpusDictionary(path); // just output the msg... if (flags.useAs || flags.useHk || flags.useMsr) { } else if ( flags.usePk ) {"INFO: flags.usePk=true | building NonDict2 from "+path); } else { // CTB"INFO: flags.usePk=false | building NonDict2 from "+path); } } } public String checkDic(String c2, SeqClassifierFlags flags) { if (cd.getW(c2).equals("1")) { return "1"; } return "0"; } }