package edu.stanford.nlp.trees; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.Macros; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPatternCompiler; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.Tsurgeon; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.TsurgeonPattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; public class EnglishPTBTreebankCorrector implements TreebankTransformer { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(EnglishPTBTreebankCorrector.class); private static final boolean DEBUG = false; // "ai" is from "ai n't"; occasionally there is a bare "s" from "is" private static final String BE = "/^(?i:am|is|are|was|were|be|being|been|'s|'m|'re|s|ai)$/"; private static final String DO = "/^(?i:do|did|does|doing|done)$/"; /** List of be, have, and get auxiliary forms: things that you would expect * to have a VBN complement if anything verbal. * A few times the apostrophe is missing on "'s", so we have just "s". * Could also add become, feel, seem, remain for some PTB cases, but * maybe should reparse them? */ private static final String BE_HAVE_GET = "/^(?i:has|have|had|having|am|is|are|was|were|be|being|been|'s|'ve|'d|'m|'re|s|ai|get|gets|getting|got|gotten)$/"; private static final String MODAL_WORD = "/^(?i:should|would|wo|could|may|might|ca|can|dare|will|'ll|must|shall|sha|'d)$/"; private static final String MODAL = "[ < (__ < /^(?i:should|would|wo|could|may|might|ca|can|dare|will|'ll|must|shall|sha)$/) | < (MD < /^(?i:'d)$/) ]"; /** Contexts that take VB complement. This is a tregex subexpression * that includes the tag. Something to specify next to VP: * "(@VP" + MODAL_DO_TO + ")". na is gonna. sha is shan't (though doesn't occur). * Not modals that take TO: need, ought. Or mighta. * Note that "'d" can also be "had", so one needs to be careful on that! */ private static final String MODAL_DO_TO = "[ < (__ < /^(?i:do|did|does|doing|done|to|na|should|would|wo|could|may|might|ca|can|dare|will|'ll|must|shall|sha)$/) | < (MD < /^(?i:'d)$/) ]"; /** Verbs that take bare VB complements. * 'say' is sort of special, these are semi-direct speech cases where there * are no inverted quotes but imperatives follow. Check for * overgeneralization. */ private static final String BARE_VP_VERB = " < (__ < /^(?i:help|helps|helping|helped|make|makes|making|made|see|sees|saw|seen|seeing|hear|heard|hears|hearing|let|lets|letting)$/)"; private static final String SAY_VERB = " < (__ < /^(?i:say|says|said|saying)$/)"; private final List<Pair<TregexPattern,TsurgeonPattern>> ops; public EnglishPTBTreebankCorrector() { // initialize the transformations to be done ops = new ArrayList<>(); TreebankLanguagePack tlp = new PennTreebankLanguagePack(); TregexPatternCompiler tpc = new TregexPatternCompiler(tlp.headFinder(), tlp.getBasicCategoryFunction()); Macros.addAllMacros(tpc, getBufferedReader(macroStr)); try { BufferedReader br = getBufferedReader(editStr); List<TsurgeonPattern> tsp = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; ) { TregexPattern matchPattern = tpc.compile(line); tsp.clear(); if (DEBUG)"Pattern is " + line + " [" + matchPattern + ']'); while (continuing(line = br.readLine())) { TsurgeonPattern p = Tsurgeon.parseOperation(line); if (DEBUG)"Operation is " + line + " [" + p + ']'); tsp.add(p); } if ( ! tsp.isEmpty()) { TsurgeonPattern tp = Tsurgeon.collectOperations(tsp); ops.add(new Pair<>(matchPattern, tp)); } } // while not at end of file } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } /** Fix all the English Penn Treebank errors, or at least some of them (!). */ @Override public MemoryTreebank transformTrees(Treebank tb) { MemoryTreebank mtb = new MemoryTreebank(tb.treeReaderFactory(), tb.encoding()); for (Tree t : tb) { mtb.add(Tsurgeon.processPatternsOnTree(ops, t)); } return mtb; } private static boolean continuing(String str) { return str != null && ! str.matches("\\s*"); } private static BufferedReader getBufferedReader(String source) { return new BufferedReader(new StringReader(source)); } // Note that backslashes and dollar signs need to be escaped. // Maybe we should have an easy syntax for invoking Matcher.quoteReplacement? private static final String macroStr = "HAVE_AUX_WORD\t/^(?i:has|have|had|having|'s|'ve|'d)\\$/\n"; private static final String editStr = // 1. Bung tree fixing // NOTE: if you add more of these, make sure to group the string concatenations // into chunks using parentheses, or the compiler will choke with a // StackOverflowError (!) ( // Fix a bad parse in wsj_0415.mrg ("@VP=adj < (NP < (NP=ex < (NN < growth)) < CC=bad < (NP=bd < (VB < service)))\n" + "excise ex ex\n" + "delete bad\n" + "delete bd\n" + "adjoinF (VP VP@ (CC and) (VP (VB service) (NP (NN debt)))) adj\n" + '\n') + // sec 24 ("@SBAR=home <1 /^-NONE-$/=emp <2 (@S < (@NP <1 (DT=bad < that|That) <-1 NNS))\n" + "delete emp\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + "move bad >1 home\n" + '\n') + // sec 22 bad parse! ("@NP < (@NP=gone < (NN < authority)) < (@PP=bad < (TO < to) < (NP=vp < (NN=newv < block) < (NNS=newnp < mergers)))\n" + "excise gone gone\n" + "adjoin (S (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)) VP@) bad\n" + "relabel vp VP\n" + "relabel newv VB\n" + "adjoin (NP NN@) newnp\n" + '\n') + // Fix some cases of 'as well as' not made into a CONJP unit // There are a few other wierd cases that should also be reviewed with the tregex // well|Well|WELL , as|AS|As . as|AS|As !>(__ > @CONJP) // but note that there are also non-CONJP uses as adverbial form of 'as good as' // This bleeds retagging of 'well' inside NP below ("@NP < (__=bad < well|Well|WELL $, (__=before < as|AS|As) $. (__=after < as|AS|As))\n" + "adjoinH (CONJP RB@) bad\n" + "relabel bad CONJP\n" + "move before >1 bad\n" + "move after >-1 bad\n" + '\n' ) ) + // 2. POS tag fixing // 2.a. Ones specific to a phrasal category // 2.a.i NP ( ("@NP < (/^``$/ < /^`$/) < (POS=bad < /^'$/)\n" + "relabel bad /''/\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (IN|WDT=bad < /^(?:a|that|That)$/)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (IN=bad < /^(?:so|about)$/)\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (IN=bad < /^(?:fiscal|next)$/)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (RB=bad < /^(?:a|that|Some)$/)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (RB=bad < most $. DT)\n" + "relabel bad PDT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (RB=bad < /^(?:MORE)$/)\n" + "relabel bad JJR\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < the)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (/^VB/=bad < won)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // "well". Other rules for under INTJ further below. ("@NP < (/^RB/=bad < well|WELL|Well)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // treat like "sheep": if it would be "dollars", make it plural ("@NP < (NN=bad < yen|won [ $- (CD !< one|One|1) | $- (@QP !< (CD < one|One|1)) ] )\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + // it's 69 NNPS, 17 NNS, 3 NNP for Democrats; 46, 17, 3 for Republicans; all political party mentions ("@NP < (NNP|NNS=bad < Democrats|Republicans)\n" + "relabel bad NNPS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (CD=bad < the)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (JJ=bad < the)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP|NX < (NNP=bad < the)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP=bad < (NNP=badder < Technically|Historically)\n" + "relabel bad ADVP\n" + "relabel badder RB\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (RB=bad < /^(?:McNally)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (RB=bad < /^(?:vice|night|multifamily|hand|fist)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (RP=bad < /^(?:whole)$/)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (RP=bad < Howard) < (NN=badder < /^A\\.$/)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + "relabel badder NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (JJ=bad < (First , (__ !> /^``$/ !> /^-LRB-$/ !> /^PRP\\$$/)) $. NNP)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (JJ=bad < /^(?:U\\.S\\.|Sept\\.)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (JJ=bad <1 Sharp) !<2 __\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (JJ=bad < /^(?:mine)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + // noun usages (mining) '\n') + ("@NP <-1 (JJ=bad < firm)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + // noun usages '\n') + ("@NP < (JJ=bad < /^(?:ours)$/)\n" + "relabel bad PRP\n" + '\n') + // don't regard aluminum as an adjective (color) // all uses of plastic are also for the noun, not adjectivally for things showing plasticity ("@NP < (JJ=bad < aluminum|plastic|textile)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // gold and silver can validly be colours but are usually metals in WSJ. Use noun to decide ("@NP < (JJ=bad < gold|silver|bronze . stocks|bat|standard|reserves|prices|market|price|prices|fund|funds|consumers|use|commemorative|medal|bullion|exploration|producer|producers|trader|traders)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // gold and silver can validly be colours but are usually metals in WSJ. Use noun to decide ("@NP <: (JJ=bad < gold|silver|bronze)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // make all uses of 'the House' (Congress) NNP, like most, and // like all uses of 'the Senate' ("@NP <2 (NN=bad < House $- (DT < /^[Tt]he$/))\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NNP=bad < Democrats|Republicans)\n" + "relabel bad NNPS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NNS=bad < Democrats|Republicans , __)\n" + "relabel bad NNPS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < /^(?:Chapman|Ok|Oslo|Boeing|Jan\\.|Sept\\.|Oct\\.|Nov\\.|Dec\\.|Treasury|Esso)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < /^(?:members|bureaus|days|outfits|institutes|innings|write-offs|wines|trade-offs|tie-ins|thrips|1980s|1920s|receivables|earnings)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NNP=bad < Dutch $. NN|NNS|JJ|VBG)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < /^(?:this)$/)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (/^:/=bad < /^(?:')$/)\n" + "relabel bad /''/\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NNS=bad < /^(?:start-up|ground-handling|word-processing|T-shirt|co-pilot|sell-off)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // not clear why Sens isn't NNPS ("@NP < (NNS=bad < /^(?:Sens\\.|Aichi|Asahi|Cincinnati|Hawaii|Pepsi)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + // VBZ under @NP. Strong rule ordering! // move up misplaced possessives ("@NP <1 (@NP=dest !< @NP . (__=wrong < /^\u0027s$/))\n" + "move wrong >-1 dest\n" + '\n') + // fix bung syntax in wsj_0295 and wsj_1142 ("@S < (@NP=bad < PRP < (VBZ=bottom < /^'s$/)) < (@VP=adj < VBN|VBG)\n" + "adjoin (VP (VBZ 's) VP@) adj\n" + "delete bottom\n" + '\n') + ("@S < (NP-SBJ < (PRP < I)) < (VP < (VB=bad < think) < SBAR)\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + // and an extra weird NP in wsj_0446 and wsj_1101 ("@VP < (@NP=bad < (VBZ < kills|blames) < @NP)\n" + "excise bad bad\n" + '\n') + // then turn all 's VBZ ino a POS // except for Everything's a Dollar Inc. ! ("@NP < (VBZ=bad < /^'s$/) !< (NNP < Everything)\n" + "relabel bad POS\n" + '\n') + // and then turn all other VBZ that aren't the 's into NNS. // 100% precision now! // CHECK IF CAN DELETE kills HERE NOW! ("@NP|NX < (VBZ=bad !< /^(?:'s|kills)/)\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + // but turn POS under NP to PRP if it is the 's of let's ("@NP < (POS=bad < /^'s$/) > (@S > (@VP < (VB < let)))\n" + "relabel bad PRP\n" + '\n') + // fix VB at root level ( // these ones are VBD ("@S < (@VP < (VB=bad < /...ed$/ )) < (/^NP-SBJ/ !< /^-NONE-$/) > (__ !> __)\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + // these ones are also VBD in practice (though in principle ambiguous) ("@S < (@VP < (VB < let|cut|bid| )) < (/^NP-SBJ/ !< /^-NONE-$/) > (__ !> __)\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + // Then, except in a few weird cases (treebank err, missing letter, reduced "better not" they should be VBP ("@S < (@VP < (VB=bad !, Tait|MD|not )) < (/^NP-SBJ/ !< /^-NONE-$/) > (__ !> __)\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') ) + // VBP under NP. First fix one that should be a verb! NP is wrong ("@NP=bad < (VBP < are) > (@VP > (@S < NP-SBJ))\n" + "excise bad bad\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VBP=bad < charge)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VBP=bad < the)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VBP=bad < we)\n" + "relabel bad PRP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VBP=bad < /^[A-Z]/)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + // VBN under NP ("@NP < (VBN=bad < Applied !$ __)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VBG=bad < preferred)\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VB=bad < The)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VB=bad < allowed)\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + ("@NP <-1 (JJR=bad < cleaner)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VB=bad < /^(?:Nov\\.|Jan\\.|Dec\\.|Tandy|Release|Orkem|McDonald|Citicorp|Anne)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VB=bad < /^(?:short|key|many|last|further)$/)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VB=bad < lower)\n" + "relabel bad JJR\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VB=bad < /^(?:spill|watch|review|risk|realestate|love|experience|control|Transport|mind|term|program|gender|audit|blame|stock|run|group|affect|rent|show|accord|change|finish|work|schedule|influence|school|freight|growth|travel|call|autograph|demand|abuse|return|defeat|pressure|bank|notice|tax|ooze|network|concern|pit|contract|cash|help|lunch|combat|pot|care|date|Streetspeak|face|effect|worry)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP <1 (NNP=bad < Officials|Cartoonists|Prices)\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP=badder < (NNP=bad < Currently)\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + "relabel badder ADVP-TMP\n" + '\n') + // nth-quarter as a modifier: may as well treat it as JJ as manual says and majority of instances are ("@NP < (NN=bad < /^(?i:first|second|third|fourth)-quarter$/ $+ __)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + // may as well take all of "K mart" as a proper noun ("@NP < (NNP < K $+ (NN=bad < mart))\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (PRP=bad < US & $. __)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (PRP=bad < her & $. __)\n" + "relabel bad /PRP$/\n" + '\n') + ("@NP <1 (PRP=bad < his) !<2 __\n" + "relabel bad /PRP$/\n" + '\n') + ("VBD=bad [ > @NP | > (@ADJP < CC|CONJP > @NP) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < Time) < (NNP < Warner)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (MD=bad < Can|May)\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + // there are a number of cases of 'the the' -- errors in sources or // mistakes in Perl scripts? // and one case of a/DT half/DT ("@NP <1 (DT=bad !< the $. (DT !< half))\n" + "relabel bad PDT\n" + '\n') + // filling out NP with PP modifier. This rule should precede ("@NP=place < (@NP <1 DT !<2 __ $. (JJ=bad $. (NN=badder $. PP)))\n" + "move bad >-1 place\n" + "move badder >-1 place\n" + '\n') + // filling out NP with PP modifier. This rule should follow ("@NP=place < (@NP <1 DT|JJ !<2 __ $. (NN=bad $. PP))\n" + "move bad >-1 place\n" + '\n') + // NEWSPAPERS ("@NP < (NNPS=bad < NEWSPAPERS ! $ /^NN/)\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (@NP < (NNPS=bad < CERTIFICATES)) < (PP < (IN < OF) < (NP < (__ < DEPOSIT)))\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (@NP < (__ < CERTIFICATES)) < (PP < (IN < OF) < (NP < (NNPS=bad < DEPOSIT)))\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NNP=bad < DISCOUNT) < (NNP=badder < RATE)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (JJ=bad < DISCOUNT) < (NN < RATE)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (__ < chief $. (NN=bad < executive $. (NN < officer)))\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < chief $. (__ < executive $. (NN < officer)))\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP <: (NNP=bad < /^'s$/)\n" + "relabel bad PRP\n" + '\n') + "NP-TMP=bad < (NN < Leisure)\n" + "relabel bad NP\n" + '\n' + "@NP < (RB=bad < well !$, (RB < as) $,, (DT < The|the))\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n' + // chief executive officer ("@NP < (NN < officer $- (NN=bad < executive $- (__ < chief)))\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + // chief executive officer ("@NP < (NN < officer $- (JJ < executive $- (NN=bad < chief)))\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + // the infamous "Ad Notes" ("@NP < (NNP=bad < Ad) < (/^NN/ < Notes)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // the infamous "Ad Notes" ("@NP < (/^NN/ < Ad) < (NNPS=bad < Notes)\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + // the infamous "Ad Notes" ("NP=bad < (/^NN/ < Ad) < (/^NN/ < Notes)\n" + "relabel bad NP-HLN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < nonperforming)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (IN=bad < next|Next) < NN|NNP\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("NP-PRD=x < (JJ=y $+ (NN=z < simple))\n" + "relabel x ADJP-PRD\n" + "relabel y RB\n" + "relabel z JJ\n" + '\n') + ("NP-PRD=x <: (NN=z < simple)\n" + "relabel x ADJP-PRD\n" + "relabel z JJ\n" + '\n') + // this needs to be after the above two "simple" ones ("NN=z < simple\n" + "relabel z JJ\n" + '\n') + "") + ("@PP < (IN < behind) < (@NP < PRP=bad < (RB=no < back))\n" + "relabel bad /PRP$/\n" + "relabel no NN\n" + '\n') + // equally infamous "Who's News:" ("@SBAR=bad < (@WHNP < (WP < WHO)) < (S=badder < (VP < (@NP < (NN < NEWS))))\n" + "relabel bad /SBARQ-HLN/\n" + "relabel badder SQ\n" + '\n') + // equally infamous "Who's News:" ("@SBARQ < (@WHNP < (WP < WHO)) < (SQ < (VP < (@NP < (NNP=bad < NEWS))))\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // equally infamous "Who's News:" ("@SBARQ < (@WHNP < (WP < WHO)) < (S=bad < (VP < (@NP < (NN < NEWS))))\n" + "relabel bad SQ\n" + '\n') + ("@WHNP < @WHNP=bad < @WHPP\n" + "relabel bad NP\n" + '\n') + // How much always has 'much' as a JJ ("/^WH/ < (WRB < /^(?i:how)$/) < (__=bad < (much !> JJ))\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + // the VP is for extraposed relatives.... ("@WHNP|WHADVP < (VBP|DT|IN=bad < /^(?i:that)$/) [ > (@SBAR > @NP|VP) | > (@SBAR > (@SBAR < /^(?:CC|CONJP|,)$/ > @NP|VP)) ]\n" + "relabel bad WDT\n" + '\n') + ("@UCP < (RB=bad < multifamily)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@PRT < (RBR=bad < in)\n" + "relabel bad RP\n" + '\n') + ("@PRT < (NNP=bad < up)\n" + "relabel bad RP\n" + '\n') + // PP parent ("@PP < (RP=bad < through) < @NP\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + ("@PP < (RP|NN=bad < in) < @NP\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + ("@PP < (RB=bad < for|For|after|After|past|Past|under|Under)\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + ("@PP < (JJ=bad < if)\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + // VP parent ("@VP=bad < (IN < past) < @NP\n" + "relabel bad PP\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (RB=bad < back $. (PRT < (RP < down))) > (@SINV|SQ|VP < MD)\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (IN=bad < complicated) > @S\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (IN=bad < near) > @VP\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (IN=bad < like|post) > (@SQ|VP < /^(?:VB|MD)/)\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (IN=bad < like|post) [ > @S | > (@VP < CC|CONJP > @S) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (/^VBD?$/=ins < take|sold) < (IN=bad < off)\n" + "delete bad\n" + "insert (PRT (RP off)) $- ins\n" + '\n') + // NNS under VP. Easy. ("@VP < NNS=bad\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + // ordered rules for NN under VP // first fix the ones ending in -ing ("@VP < (NN=bad < /.{2}ing$/)\n" + "relabel bad VBG\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (NN=bad [ < set|beat|bid|redone|reset|hurt|underwritten|overrun | < /.{2}[^e]ed$/ ]) [ > (@VP < (/^VB/ < " + BE_HAVE_GET + ")) | > (@NP < @NP)]\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (NN=bad < agreed|set|rebounded|fell) [ > @S | > (@VP < @CC|CONJP > @S) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + // contexts where an untensed verb should occur // an imperative is VB! The 'say' cases are direct speech imperatives ("@VP !< /^VB/ < (NN|NNP|JJ=bad !< /...(?i:ing)$/) [ > (@VP|SINV|SQ " + MODAL_DO_TO + ") | > (@VP|SINV|UCP|SQ < CC|CONJP > (@VP|SINV|UCP|SQ " + MODAL_DO_TO + ")) | > (@S > (@VP " + BARE_VP_VERB + ")) | > (@VP " + BARE_VP_VERB + ") | > (@S < (/^NP-SBJ/ < /^-NONE-$/) > (@VP " + SAY_VERB + ")) ]\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + '\n') + // file should maybe be VB - subjunctive (look at higher verb? wsj_0979) ("@VP !< /^VB/ < (NN=bad [ [ !< /s$/ & !< /e[dn]$/ & !< /ing$/ ] | < stress ] ) [ > @S | > (@VP < @CONJP|CC > @S) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + // not just anything ending in s. Definitely not if -ss, but also 'focus' ("@VP < (NN=bad < institutes) > @S\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VBP=bad !< /...(?i:ing)$/) [ > (@VP|SQ|SINV " + MODAL_DO_TO + ") | > (@VP|UCP|SQ|SINV < CC|CONJP > (@VP|UCP|SQ|SINV " + MODAL_DO_TO + ")) | > (@S > (@VP " + BARE_VP_VERB + ")) | > (@VP " + BARE_VP_VERB + ") | > (@S < (/^NP-SBJ/ < /^-NONE-$/) > (@VP " + SAY_VERB + ")) ]\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + '\n') + // Don't allow SINV for VBN as get participial clauses // unless the SINV has a modal under it // Allow VBN in complement of SEE or HEAR (but not LET or MAKE) ("@VP < (VBN=bad !< /...(?i:ing)$/ !< /...(?i:ed)$/) [ > (@VP|SQ " + MODAL_DO_TO + ") | > (@VP|SQ < CC|CONJP !< /^VB/ > (@VP|SQ " + MODAL_DO_TO + ")) | > (@SINV " + MODAL + ") | > (@SINV < CC|CONJP !< /^VB/ > (@SINV " + MODAL + ")) ]\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + '\n') + // for transitive, it can't be VBN under see/hear ("@VP < (VBN=bad !< /...(?i:ing)$/) < (NP !< /^-NONE-$/) [ > (@S > (@VP " + BARE_VP_VERB + ")) | > (@VP " + BARE_VP_VERB + ") | > (@S < (/^NP-SBJ/ < /^-NONE-$/) > (@VP " + SAY_VERB + ")) ]\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (NN=bad < relocate) > (@VP < @CONJP > (@VP < MD))\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (NN=bad < might|will)\n" + "relabel bad MD\n" + '\n') + // ordered rules for NNP under VP // it's VBD for SINV ("@VP < (NNP=bad < /...(?i:ed)$/) [ > (SINV !> /TTL/) | > (@VP < @CONJP|CC > (SINV !> /TTL/)) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + // it's VBN not VBD because the one or two there are headline-speak ("@VP < (NNP=bad < /...(?i:ed)$/) [ > (S|S-HLN|S-ADV !> /TTL/) | > (@VP < @CONJP|CC > (S|S-HLN|S-ADV !> /TTL/)) | > (@VP < (__ < " + BE_HAVE_GET + ")) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + // it's VBN not VBD because the one or two there are headline-speak ("@VP < (NNP=bad < Got|Gotten) [ > (S|S-HLN|S-ADV !> /TTL/) | > (@VP < @CONJP|CC > (S|S-HLN|S-ADV !> /TTL/)) | > (@VP < (__ < " + BE_HAVE_GET + ")) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + // ordered rules for NNP under VP (2 dots as want to get "Adds") ("@VP < (NNP=bad < /..[^Ss](?i:s)$/) [ > (S|S-HLN|SINV !> /TTL/) | > (@VP < @CONJP|CC > (S|SINV|S-HLN !> /TTL/)) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + // ordered rules for NNP under VP ("@VP !< /^VB/ < (NNP=bad < /(?i:ing)$/)\n" + "relabel bad VBG\n" + '\n') + // ordered rules for NNP under VP ("@VP < NNP=bad [ > (S|S-HLN !> /TTL/) | > (@VP < @CONJP|CC > (S|S-HLN !> /TTL/)) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + // this one is in a title.... ("@VP < (NNP=bad < are) [ > @S | > (@VP < @CONJP|CC > @S) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + /* ---------------------------- tregex3 -f -w '@VP < NN' | & less // unresolved: some bid, ask cases // so far only done 1-1000 inclusive } else if (word.equals("reconfirm")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VB"); } else if (word.equals("rebounded")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBD"); } // still need to do NNP > VP rules as well! --------------------- */ /* } else if (baseCat.equals("NNP")) { if (word.equals("GRAB")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBP"); } else if (word.equals("mature")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VB"); } else if (word.equals("Face")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBP"); } else if (word.equals("are")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBP"); } else if (word.equals("say")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBP"); } else if (word.equals("Added")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBD"); } else if (word.equals("Adds")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBZ"); } else if (word.equals("BRACED")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBD"); } else if (word.equals("REQUIRED")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBN"); } else if (word.equals("REVIEW")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VB"); } else if (word.equals("code-named")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBN"); } else if (word.equals("Printed")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBN"); } else if (word.equals("Rated")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBN"); } else if (word.equals("FALTERS")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBZ"); } else if (word.equals("Got")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBN"); } else if (word.equals("Adds")) { cat = changeBaseCat(cat, "VBZ"); } */ // Modal fixes: of 'd tagged as VBD and others tagged VBP // first fix one where the complement verb tag is wrong ("@VP < (VBD < /^(?i:'d)$/) < (@VP < (VB=badder < seen))\n" + "relabel badder VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VBP=bad < " + MODAL_WORD + ") < (@VP < VB)\n" + "relabel bad MD\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VBP=bad < /^(?i:'d)$/) < (@VP < VB)\n" + "relabel bad MD\n" + '\n') + // this must be ordered before the have/be auxiliary complement fix! ("@VP < POS=bad\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VBD=bad < heaves)\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VB=bad < /.{2}[^e]ed$/) > @S\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VB=bad < /^(?i:.{2,}[^e]ed|reset|run|become|hit|remade|gone|rid|put|hurt|become)$/) [ > (@VP < (/^VB/ < " + BE_HAVE_GET + ")) | > (@NP < @NP) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VBN=bad < has)\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VBN=bad < grew|fell|had) [ > @S | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > @S)]\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + // Doing the VBN to VBD is too general because of auxiliary deletion in // contracted constructions, headlines, etc. // Nevertheless, there are quite a few cases.... // Try ones with objects?? // "@VP < VBN=bad [ > @S | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > @S) ]\n" + // "relabel bad VBN\n" + // "\n" + // Below are three patterns that doesn't overgeneralize and still gets a // lot of the cases: note that they don't use @ so as to not match NP-TMP // or S-HLN, and checks for non-NULL constituents // must be finite in clause with overt NPsubj and NPobj ("@VP < VBN=bad < (NP !< /^-NONE-$/) [ > (S < (@NP !< /^-NONE-$/)) | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > (S < (@NP !< /^-NONE-$/))) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + // root main clauses with overt subj must be finite ("@VP < VBN=bad [ > (S < (@NP !< /^-NONE-$/) > (__ !> __)) | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > (S < (@NP !< /^-NONE-$/) > (__ !> __))) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + // that clauses (or that-less that clauses) with overt subjects are finite ("@SBAR [ < (/^-NONE-$/ < /^0$/) | < (IN < that) ] < (@S < (NP-SBJ !< /^-NONE-$/) < (@VP < VBN=bad))\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + // similar but more limited corrections of VB to VBP // have to beware getting VB in imperatives, subjunctives, etc. // root main clauses with overt subj must be finite ("@VP < VB=bad [ > (S < (NP-SBJ !< /^-NONE-$/) > (__ !> __)) | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > (S < (NP-SBJ !< /^-NONE-$/) > (__ !> __))) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + // Should have a finite VBP not a VB in a finite relative clause ("@NP < @NP < (@SBAR < @WHNP < (@S < (VP < VB=bad)))\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < CONJP|CC <1 (VBP $.. VB=bad)\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (VBP=bad < has)\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + // JJ under VP rewrites (see also above for BARE_VP_VERB generalizations) ("@VP < (JJ=bad < own|elaborate) [ > @S | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > @S)]\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (JJ=bad < /$/) < (@S < (@NP !< /^-NONE-$/) < (VP < TO))\n" + "relabel bad VBG\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (JJ=bad < /...ed$/) [ > @S | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > @S)]\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (JJ=bad < pressured|known) [ > (@VP < (__ < " + BE + ")) | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > (@VP < (__ < " + BE + "))) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (JJ=bad < /(?i:..e[dn])$/) > (@VP < (__ < HAVE_AUX_WORD))\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (JJ=bad < /.{2}ing$/) [ > @S | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > @S)]\n" + "relabel bad VBG\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (JJ=bad < to)\n" + "relabel bad TO\n" + '\n') + ("@VP|S < (JJ=bad < all|ALL|All)\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + // VBN after have/be auxiliaries ("@VP < VBD=bad [ > (@VP < (/^VB/ < " + BE_HAVE_GET + ")) | > (@VP < CONJP|CC > (@VP < (/^VB/ < " + BE_HAVE_GET + "))) | > (@NP < @NP) ]\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + // Asked, Warned, etc. at start of sentence ("@VP < (VBD=bad < /[A-Z]/) > S-ADV\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (/^VB/ $. (IN=bad < up|off))\n" + "adjoin (PRT (RP@)) bad\n" + '\n') + // remove the two (!) unsure phrasal categories: ADVP|PRT, PRT|ADVP ("@VP < /^VB/ < (/^(?:ADVP|PRT)\\|(?:ADVP|PRT)$/=bad < (RB|NN=badder < back))\n" + "relabel bad PRT\n" + "relabel badder RP\n" + '\n') + // make other instances of 'win back' particle verbs ("@VP < (/^VB/ < win|wins|winning|won) < (@ADVP=bad < (RB=badder < back))\n" + "relabel bad PRT\n" + "relabel badder RP\n" + '\n') + // TODO: do other instances of put back. Worth looking at Treebank II -PUT ("@VP < (PDT=bad < all)\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (PRT < (VBP=bad < down))\n" + "relabel bad RP\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (PRT=bad < (RBS < best))\n" + "relabel bad ADVP\n" + '\n') + ("@VP <1 (VB=bad < plea) <2 (NN=badder < bargain) > (@VP" + MODAL_DO_TO + ")\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + "relabel badder VB\n" + '\n') + // ADJP rules ( ("@ADJP < UH=bad\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + // "alive and well" ("@ADJP < (JJ < alive) < CC < (RB=bad < well)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < (JJ=bad < more)\n" + "relabel bad JJR\n" + '\n') + ("Korean > (NNP=x $- (NNP=y < South))\n" + "relabel x JJ\n" + "relabel y JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP <1 (NNP=x < /^(?:New|San|Los|Des|St\\.|Washington|Hong)$/) <2 (__ < /^(?:York|Francisco|Angeles|London|Orleans|Zealand|Diego|Moines|Louis|D\\.C\\.|Kong)-based$/) !<3 __\n" + "relabel x JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP <1 (__ < New|San|Los) <2 (NNP=y < /^(?:York|Francisco|Angeles)-based$/) !<3 __\n" + "relabel y JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < (NN=bad < firm|due|permissible)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < (NNS=bad < due)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < (NNP=bad < READY)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < (RB=bad < free|clear|tight|sure|particular|due)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + // consider also "hard" -- many but not all cases should be JJ ("@ADJP < (RB=bad < likely) > @VP\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + // reconsider also cases not under VP, but some looked more complex.... ("@ADJP < (VB=bad < /^(?i:stock|No\\.)$/)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < (VBP=bad < fit|close)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < (VB=bad < secure|keen|quiet)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < JJ < (IN=bad < that)\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + "") + ("@QP < (IN|JJ|RBR|RP=bad < about)\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + ("@QP < (JJ=bad < as)\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + // look at 'as' examples, but don't want to maul 'as much as X' idiom ("@QP < (JJ|JJS=bad < more|less)\n" + "relabel bad JJR\n" + '\n') + // need to work out whether to relabel all the RBR ones similarly.... ("@QP < (RP=bad < up $. (TO <to))\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + // there's some IN/RB variability for this up ... what's correct/why? ("@ADVP < EX=bad\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + ("@ADVP < (NN=bad < that)\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("@ADVP < (NNP=bad [ < /.{2}ly$/ | < Overall | < Systemwide ])\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + ("@ADVP < (RP=bad < around|before)\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + ("@ADVP=bad <1 PRT !<2 __\n" + "excise bad bad\n" + '\n') + // special for let ("@ADVP < (VBD=bad < let) < (RB=badder < alone)\n" + "relabel bad VB\n" + "relabel badder JJ\n" + '\n') + // in general must be non finite ("@ADVP < VBD=bad\n" + "relabel bad VBN\n" + '\n') + ("@SBAR < (DT|WDT|NN|NNP|RB=bad < that|because|while|Though|Whether)\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + ("@SQ < VB=bad\n" + "relabel bad VBP\n" + '\n') + ("@SQ < (NNS=bad $. NP-SBJ)\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + ("@SQ < (NNP=bad < Does)\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + '\n') + ("@SQ < (NNP=bad < Should)\n" + "relabel bad MD\n" + '\n') + ("@X < (JJS=bad < more|less)\n" + "relabel bad JJR\n" + '\n') + // Under INTJ ("@INTJ < (RB=bad < well|WELL|Well)\n" + "relabel bad UH\n" + '\n') + ("@INTJ < (NNP=bad < UH|HUH)\n" + "relabel bad UH\n" + '\n') + // non-phrasally rooted POS tag corrections ("JJ=bad < /^%$/\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("NN|NNP|JJ|IN=bad < and\n" + "relabel bad CC\n" + '\n') + ("VB=bad < even\n" + "relabel bad RB\n" + '\n') + // bad comma tags section ("/^,$/=bad < /^2$/\n" + "relabel bad CD\n" + '\n') + ("/^,$/=bad < an\n" + "relabel bad DT\n" + '\n') + ("/^,$/=bad < Wa\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("/^,$/=bad < section\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("/^,$/=bad < underwriters\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + ("CD=bad < high-risk\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("RB|RP|NN=bad < for|at\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + ("NN=bad [ < /^.\\.$/ | < Lorillard ]\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("JJS=bad < StatesWest\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("JJR=bad < Richter|Gartner\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("IN|JJ|NN|NNP=bad < /^[Aa][Nn][Dd]$/\n" + "relabel bad CC\n" + '\n') + // This is for 'ago' as adverb // TODO: reconsider this -- I think Pullum argues for IN // "IN=bad < ago\n" + // "relabel bad RB\n" + // "\n" + // The next several are for 'ago' as postposition IN // NP is marked -ADV at least once... (strip it?) ("/^(?:ADVP|ADVP-TMP.*)$/=badder < (RB=bad < ago) < @NP\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + "relabel badder PP-TMP\n" + '\n') + ("ADV-TMP=bad < (ADVP|NP=badder < (IN < ago) < @NP)\n" + "relabel bad PP-TMP\n" + "relabel badder PP\n" + '\n') + // TODO: for cases embedded in ADV-TMP: "a year ago, when X was snamed pres": // higher one PP-TMP. ("/^(?:ADVP|NP)/=badder < (IN < ago) < @NP\n" + "relabel badder PP-TMP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP=badder < (RB=bad < ago) < @NP\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + "relabel badder PP-TMP\n" + '\n') + ("/^ADVP-TMP/=badder < (RB < not|Not|so|So) < (RB=jj < long) < (RB=bad < ago)\n" + "adjoin (PP-TMP NP@ (IN ago)) badder\n" + "delete bad\n" + "relabel jj JJ\n" + '\n') + ("/^ADVP-TMP/=badder <1 (RB|JJ=jj < long) <2 (RB=bad < ago)\n" + "adjoin (PP-TMP NP@ (IN ago)) badder\n" + "delete bad\n" + "relabel jj JJ\n" + '\n') + ("ADJP=badder <1 (NN=baddest < Year) <2 (RB=bad < ago)\n" + "adjoin (NP NN@) baddest\n" + "relabel badder PP-TMP\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP=bad <1 NP <2 (ADVP-TMP=badder < (RB=baddest < ago))\n" + "relabel bad PP-TMP\n" + "excise badder badder\n" + "relabel baddest IN\n" + '\n') + ("/^NP/=badder < DT|CD < NN|NNS < (RB|IN=bad < ago)\n" + "adjoin (PP-TMP NP@ (IN ago)) badder\n" + "delete bad\n" + '\n') + // TODO: Provisional rule for this tree; should be revised! // (ADVP-TMP // (ADVP // (ADVP (RB As) (RB long)) // (PP (IN as) // (NP (DT a) (NN decade)))) // (IN ago)) ("ADVP-TMP=badder < (IN < ago) < @ADVP\n" + "relabel badder PP-TMP\n" + '\n') + // TODO: this suggests a postposing in the above sentence! Do as movement? // (ADVP-TMP // (ADVP (RB as) (JJ long) (RB ago)) // (PP (IN as) // (NP (JJ early) (CD 1988)))) // "RB=bad < ago\n" + // "relabel bad IN\n" + // "\n" + /* (ADVP-TMP (ADVP (NP (CD 25) (NNS years)) (RB ago)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 (WRB when)) (NP-TMP (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (RB ago)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 (WRB when)) (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (RB ago)))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (RB ago)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 (WRB when)) (S (PP-DIR (IN from) (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (RB ago))))))))) (NP (DT the) (NN use)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS incentives))) (UCP-TMP (NP (DT this) (NN year)) (CC and) (RB not) (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (RB ago))))) (ADVP-TMP (RB so) (RB long) (RB ago)))) (PP-DIR (IN from) (NP-TMP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (IN ago)))))) (NP-TMP (DT a) (NN year) (IN ago))))))) (PP-TMP (IN from) (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (IN ago))) (ADVP-TMP (ADVP (NP (CD five) (NNS years)) (IN ago)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHPP-2 (IN at) (WHNP (WDT which) (NN time))) (ADVP (NP (QP (JJR more) (IN than) (CD 30)) (NNS years)) (IN ago)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (NP-SBJ-1 (ADJP (NN Year) (RB ago)) (NN figure)) (PP-TMP (IN until) (ADVP (NP (CD three) (NNS years)) (RB ago)))))))) (PP-TMP (IN from) (ADVP (NP (CD six) (NNS years)) (RB ago))))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (RB about) (CD two) (NNS decades)) (ADVP-TMP (RB ago))))))) (PP-DIR (IN from) (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (RB ago)))))))) (NP-TMP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (RB ago)))) (PP-TMP (IN from) (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (IN ago))))))))) (NP (ADVP (NP (CD six) (NNS months)) (IN ago)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 (WRB when)) (PP-TMP (IN from) (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (IN ago))) (NP-TMP (ADVP (NP (DT a) (NN year)) (IN ago)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP-2 (WRB when)) (PP-TMP (IN until) (NP (DT a) (JJ few) (NNS years) (IN ago))) (ADVP-TMP (RB long) (RB ago)) */ ("RB=bad < newsweekly\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("RB=bad < stocks\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + ("NN=bad < PaineWebber\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("NNP=bad < Though\n" + "relabel bad IN\n" + '\n') + // phrase structure stuff / phrasal categories // at best/least ("@PP < (IN < /^(?i:at)$/ $. RBS=adj)\n" + "adjoin (NP RBS@) adj\n" + '\n') + // Wh-phrases // treee in wsj_1447. ("@SBAR < (/^WP\\$$/=bad $. (@WHNP=dest < NN))\n" + "move bad >1 dest\n" + '\n') + // tree in wsj_2155 ("@SBAR=sbar < (/^WP\\$$/=wrong $. (S=ins < NP-SBJ=fix < VP))\n" + "move wrong >1 fix\n" + "relabel fix WHNP\n" + "move fix >1 sbar\n" + "insert (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *T*)) >1 ins\n" + '\n') + // tree in wsj_1457 ("@SBAR <1 @WHNP <2 @S=loc <3 @VP=bad !<4 __\n" + "move bad >-1 loc\n" + '\n') + ("@WHNP < (@WHADVP=bad < (WRB < /^(?i:how)$/) < (JJ < many|much)) < NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS\n" + "relabel bad WHADJP\n" + '\n') + ("@WHNP < (@NP=bad < /^(?:WP\\$|WDT|WRB)$/ $.. @PP|PRN|NP)\n" + "relabel bad WHNP\n" + '\n') + ("@WHNP < (@WHADVP=bad < (WRB < /^(?i:how)$/)) < (JJ < much)\n" + "excise bad bad\n" + '\n') + ("@WHNP < @NP < (@PP=bad < (@WHNP < WDT|WP))\n" + "relabel bad WHPP\n" + '\n') + // Make a "What" before a noun a WDT (Santorini p.22) // Except not when there's a DT, since I'm unsure of the "What a good feeling" case.... ("@WHNP < (WP=bad $.. NN|NNS !$.. DT)\n" + "relabel bad WDT\n" + '\n') + ("@WHNP < @NP < (@PP=bad < (@NP=badder < WDT))\n" + "relabel bad WHPP\n" + "relabel badder WHNP\n" + '\n') + // ordered PP with noun directly in it - fix wrong size NP ("@PP <1 (IN|TO $. (@NP=place < ADJP)) <-1 NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS=word\n" + "move word >-1 place\n" + '\n') + // ordered PP with noun directly in it - fix missing NP ("@PP=head <1 IN|TO=prep <-1 NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS\n" + "adjoinH (PP NP@) head\n" + "move prep >1 head\n" + '\n') + ("@S < (@SBAR < (SBAR < SINV $. (CC $. (SBAR=adj < VBD < S))))\n" + "adjoin (SBAR SINV@) adj\n" + '\n') + ("@SINV < (NP-SBJ=subj $. (@VP=base $.. (@VP=say < (/^VB/ < say|says|said))))\n" + "adjoinH (S VP@) base\n" + "move subj >1 base\n" + "relabel base S-1\n" + "insert (S (-NONE- *T*-1)) >-1 say\n" + '\n') + ("NP-SBJ=bad < NP-TMP !< NP < PP-TMP\n" + "excise bad bad\n" + '\n') + ("@S < NP-SBJ < (NP=bad < (/^NN/ < Tuesday|yesterday|Yesterday))\n" + "relabel bad NP-TMP\n" + '\n') + ("@S=bad < (VBP $. (NP-SBJ $. VP))\n" + "relabel bad SINV\n" + '\n') + // these two rules show why an "insert above" operation would be nice.... ("@S < (/^NP-SBJ/ $. (VBP|VBZ=aux $. @VP=adj))\n" + "adjoinH (VP VP@) adj\n" + "move aux >1 adj\n" + '\n') + ("@S < (/^NP-SBJ/ $. (VBP|VBZ=aux $. @ADJP=adj))\n" + "adjoinH (VP ADJP@) adj\n" + "move aux >1 adj\n" + '\n') + ("@PP=adj < (IN=prep $. JJ)\n" + "adjoinH (PP NP@) adj\n" + "move prep >1 adj\n" + '\n') + ("@SBARQ <1 @WHADVP <2 VBZ=bad <3 RB=badder <4 @SQ=loc\n" + "move badder >1 loc\n" + "move bad >1 loc\n" + '\n') + ("@SBARQ <2 @WHADVP <3 MD=bad <4 @SQ=loc\n" + "move bad >1 loc\n" + '\n') + ("@SBARQ <2 @WHNP <3 VBZ=bad <4 @SQ=loc\n" + "move bad >1 loc\n" + '\n') + // tree in wsj_0755 ("@VP=adj < (VBN=bad < been) < (JJ < unable) !< CC|CONJP\n" + "adjoin (VP (VBN been) ADJP@) adj\n" + "delete bad\n" + '\n') + // fix a bad tree in wsj_1623 ("@S < (@NP < (NNS=bad < runs)) < (VP=home !< /^VB/ < (IN=badder < up))\n" + "relabel bad VBZ\n" + "relabel badder RP\n" + "move bad >1 home\n" + "adjoin (PRT RP@) badder\n" + '\n') + ("@VP=top < (MD=bottom < will $. /^VB/)\n" + "adjoin (VP (MD will) VP@) top\n" + "delete bottom\n" + '\n') + ("@VP < (MD=bad < /^'d$/)\n" + "relabel bad VBD\n" + '\n') + ("@S < (TO=bottom < to $. (@VP=top < /^VB/))\n" + "adjoin (VP (TO to) VP@) top\n" + "delete bottom\n" + '\n') + ("@S < /^NP-SBJ/ < (VP < (VBD < " + DO + ") < (@NP=bad < (NN=badder < work)))\n" + "relabel bad VP\n" + "relabel badder VB\n" + '\n') + ("@SBARQ !< @SQ !< /^-NONE-$/ !< @SBARQ < (@S|SINV=bad < VBP|VBZ|MD|VBD)\n" + "relabel bad SQ\n" + '\n') + ("@SBARQ < (@SINV=bad < (__ < would))\n" + "relabel bad SQ\n" + '\n') + // NP over NP with nothing else. ("@NP=top < @NP=bottom !<2 __\n" + "excise bottom bottom\n" + '\n') + ("NP-SBJ=bad < (RB < Earlier)\n" + "relabel bad NP-TMP\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (RB=bad < late|early $+ /^NN/)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + // clear cases of NN(P) tagged as JJ after an indefinite article; unclear cases are left JJ ("@NP <1 (DT < a|an) <2 (JJ=bad < Hungary) !<3 __\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + // spelling of "deterrant" is how it appears in wrong tree! ("@NP <1 (DT < a|an) <2 (JJ=bad < /^(?:official|deterrant|bible|academic|fine|buy-out|perk|installment)$/) !<3 __\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + // most complements of help take an S complement (ECM analysis), // but some with null subjects don't, just a VP. Fix them so they do. ("@VP < (/^VB/ < help|helps|helped|helping|start|started|starts|starting|begin|begins|began|beginning) < (@VP=site < VB)\n" + "adjoin (S (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)) VP@) site\n" + '\n') + // This is in a NX-TTL, but just NNP is wrong on both counts so make NNS ("@NP < CD < (NNP < Drugs=bad)\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + // "well" that should be interjection, but done as (ADVP (RB well)) ("well|Well|WELL [ , /^[:,]$/ | !, __ ] . /^[:,]$/ > (RB > ADVP)\n" + "relabel bad UH\n" + "relabel badder INTJ\n" + '\n') + // last minute; check more carefully ( ("NNP=bad < Securities|Manufacturers|Enterprises|Securities|Resources|Corporations|Sports|Merchants|Industries|Holdings|Brothers|Airlines|Systems|Motors|Industries|Parks|Communications|Facilities|Technologies|Sons|Publications|Products|Nations|Monopolies|Mergers|Machines|INDUSTRIES|Giants|Firearms|Associates|ASSOCIATES\n" + "relabel bad NNPS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < chief $++ /^NN/)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (VBG=bad < operating|Operating $++ /^NN/)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP <- (DT=bad < half)\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@ADVP < (RB=bad < easier|harder|earlier)\n" + "relabel bad RBR\n" + '\n') + ("@ADJP < (RB|JJ=bad < easier|harder|earlier)\n" + "relabel bad JJR\n" + '\n') + ("NN=bad < salespeople\n" + "relabel bad NNS\n" + '\n') + ("NN=bad < Chevrolet\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("NNS=bad < Caltrans\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("NNS=bad < Dirks\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("NN=bad < /^U\\.K\\.$/\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + ("@PP < (JJR=bad < more|less)\n" + "relabel bad RBR\n" + '\n') + ("@PP < (@ADVP < (JJR=bad < more|less))\n" + "relabel bad RBR\n" + '\n') + ("RB=bad < earlier\n" + "relabel bad RBR\n" + '\n') + ("@NP <- (NN < month|year) < (@QP < (RBR=bad < less|more) < (IN < than))\n" + "relabel bad JJR\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NNP=bad < Afghan $+ /^NN/)\n" + "relabel bad JJ\n" + '\n') + ("NNS=bad < headquarters\n" + "relabel bad NN\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=bad < managing)\n" + "relabel bad VBG\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NNS=x < East) < (NNS=y < Germans)\n" + "relabel x NNPS\n" + "relabel y NNPS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < DT < (NNS=y < Germans)\n" + "relabel y NNPS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=y < /^S&P$/)\n" + "relabel y NNP\n" + '\n') + ("JJ=y < benchmark\n" + "relabel y NN\n" + '\n') + ("JJ=y < Aeroflot\n" + "relabel y NNP\n" + '\n') + ("NNPS=y < ADRs\n" + "relabel y NNS\n" + '\n') + ("NN=y < telecommunications\n" + "relabel y NNS\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (NN=y < executive $+ (NN|NNS < officer|officers|vice))\n" + "relabel y JJ\n" + '\n') + ("@NP < (CD|NN=y < /^(?:'[0-9]0s|1[1-9][0-9]0s)$/)\n" + "relabel y NNS\n" + '\n') + ("IN|CC|NN|JJ=bad < /^(vs\\.|versus)$/\n" + "relabel bad FW\n" + '\n') + ("NN=bad < /^U\\.S\\.A\\.$/\n" + "relabel bad NNP\n" + '\n') + "") + ""; // not yet done // 94 NP < (RB < much) -- many are determinatives (JJ?) // lots of weird stuff in NP < RB !! // Lots of PP < RP that should be consistentized somehow! // Don Blaheta // Markus Dickinson (does he cite Blaheta??) // Ratnaparkhi tagger paper // Singer et al. POS tagging paper // Huddleston and Pullum analyze 'ago' as IN. Check Treebank guidelines. // turn off markCC in definition of goodFactored. It just doesn't help. // Naiwen Xue et al. for CTB discuss similar style of rules and tgrep error // detection and correction phase. } // Salomon Brothers: is Brothers NNPS or NNP? // Securities (146 NNP vs. 160 NNPS).