package edu.stanford.nlp.patterns; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArgumentParser.Option; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; public class Data { public static double ratioDomainNgramFreqWithDataFreq = 1; static public Counter<CandidatePhrase> rawFreq = null; public static List<File> sentsFiles = null; //when using batch processing, map from sentid to the file that has that sentence public static Map<String, File> sentId2File = null; public static Map<String, DataInstance> sents = null; //save the in-memory sents to this file public static String inMemorySaveFileLocation= ""; public static Counter<CandidatePhrase> processedDataFreq = null; public static Counter<String> domainNGramRawFreq = new ClassicCounter<>();; public static double ratioGoogleNgramFreqWithDataFreq = 1; // @Option(name = "googleNGramsFile") // public static String googleNGramsFile = null; @Option(name = "domainNGramsFile") public static String domainNGramsFile = null; static boolean usingGoogleNgram = false; //public static Counter<String> googleNGram = new ClassicCounter<String>(); public static Map<String, Map<String, List<Integer>>> matchedTokensForEachPhrase = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public static void computeRawFreqIfNull(int numWordsCompound, boolean batchProcess) { ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator iter = new ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator(batchProcess); while(iter.hasNext()){ computeRawFreqIfNull(, numWordsCompound); } } public static void computeRawFreqIfNull(Map<String, DataInstance> sents, int numWordsCompound) { Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Computing raw freq for every 1-" + numWordsCompound + " consecutive words"); for (DataInstance l : sents.values()) { List<List<CoreLabel>> ngrams = CollectionUtils.getNGrams(l.getTokens(), 1, numWordsCompound); for (List<CoreLabel> n : ngrams) { String s = ""; for (CoreLabel c : n) { // if (useWord(c, commonEngWords, ignoreWordRegex)) { s += " " + c.word(); // } } s = s.trim(); if (!s.isEmpty()){ Data.rawFreq.incrementCount(CandidatePhrase.createOrGet(s)); } } } //if (googleNGram != null && googleNGram.size() > 0) if(usingGoogleNgram) setRatioGoogleNgramFreqWithDataFreq(); if (domainNGramRawFreq != null && domainNGramRawFreq.size() > 0) ratioDomainNgramFreqWithDataFreq = domainNGramRawFreq.totalCount() / Data.rawFreq.totalCount(); } public static void setRatioGoogleNgramFreqWithDataFreq() { ratioGoogleNgramFreqWithDataFreq = GoogleNGramsSQLBacked.getTotalCount(1)/ Data.rawFreq.totalCount(); Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Data", "ratioGoogleNgramFreqWithDataFreq is " + ratioGoogleNgramFreqWithDataFreq); //return ratioGoogleNgramFreqWithDataFreq; } // public static void loadGoogleNGrams() { // if (googleNGram == null || googleNGram.size() == 0) { // for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(googleNGramsFile)) { // String[] t = line.split("\t"); // googleNGram.setCount(t[0], Double.valueOf(t[1])); // } // Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Data", "loading freq from google ngram file " + googleNGramsFile); // } // } public static void loadDomainNGrams() { assert(domainNGramsFile != null); if (domainNGramRawFreq == null || domainNGramRawFreq.size() == 0) { for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(domainNGramsFile)) { String[] t = line.split("\t"); domainNGramRawFreq.setCount(t[0], Double.valueOf(t[1])); } Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Data", "loading freq from domain ngram file " + domainNGramsFile); } } }