package edu.stanford.nlp.trees.ud; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; /** * @author Sebastian Schuster */ public class CoNLLUDocumentReaderWriterTest extends TestCase { private static String MULTIWORD_TEST_INPUT = "1 I I PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1 2 nsubj _ _\n" + "2-3 haven't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\n" + "2 have have VERB VBP Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Pres 0 root _ _\n" + "3 not not PART RB Negative=Neg 2 neg _ _\n" + "4 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 5 det _ _\n" + "5 clue clue NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 dobj _ _\n" + "6 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct _ _\n\n"; private static String COMMENT_TEST_INPUT = "#comment line 1\n" + "#comment line 2\n" + "1 I I PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1 2 nsubj _ _\n" + "2 have have VERB VBP Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Pres 0 root _ _\n" + "3 not not PART RB Negative=Neg 2 neg _ _\n" + "4 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 5 det _ _\n" + "5 clue clue NOUN NN Number=Sing 2 dobj _ _\n" + "6 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct _ _\n\n"; private static String EXTRA_DEPS_TEST_INPUT = "1 They They PRON PRP _ 2 nsubj 4:nsubj _\n" + "2 buy buy VERB VBP _ 0 root _ _\n" + "3 and and CONJ CC _ 2 cc _ _\n" + "4 sell sell VERB VBP _ 5 conj _ _\n" + "5 books book NOUN NNS _ 2 dobj 4:dobj _\n" + "6 , , PUNCT , _ 5 punct _ _\n" + "7 newspapers newspaper NOUN NNS _ 5 conj 2:dobj|4:dobj _\n" + "8 and and CONJ CC _ 5 cc _ _\n" + "9 magazines magazine NOUN NNS _ 5 conj 2:dobj|4:dobj _\n" + "10 . . PUNCT . _ 2 punct _ _\n\n"; public void testMultiWords() { CoNLLUDocumentReader reader = new CoNLLUDocumentReader(); Reader stringReader = new StringReader(MULTIWORD_TEST_INPUT); Iterator<SemanticGraph> it = reader.getIterator(stringReader); SemanticGraph sg =; assertNotNull(sg); assertFalse("The input only contains one dependency tree.", it.hasNext()); assertEquals("[have/VBP nsubj>I/PRP neg>not/RB dobj>[clue/NN det>a/DT] punct>./.]", sg.toCompactString(true)); for (IndexedWord iw : sg.vertexListSorted()) { if (iw.index() != 2 && iw.index() != 3) { assertEquals("", iw.originalText()); } else { assertEquals("haven't", iw.originalText()); } } assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), sg.getNodeByIndex(2).get(CoreAnnotations.LineNumberAnnotation.class)); } public void testComment() { CoNLLUDocumentReader reader = new CoNLLUDocumentReader(); Reader stringReader = new StringReader(COMMENT_TEST_INPUT); Iterator<SemanticGraph> it = reader.getIterator(stringReader); SemanticGraph sg =; assertNotNull(sg); assertFalse("The input only contains one dependency tree.", it.hasNext()); assertEquals("[have/VBP nsubj>I/PRP neg>not/RB dobj>[clue/NN det>a/DT] punct>./.]", sg.toCompactString(true)); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), sg.getNodeByIndex(1).get(CoreAnnotations.LineNumberAnnotation.class)); assertEquals(2, sg.getComments().size()); assertEquals("#comment line 1", sg.getComments().get(0)); } /** * Tests whether extra dependencies are correctly parsed. */ public void testExtraDependencies() { CoNLLUDocumentReader reader = new CoNLLUDocumentReader(); Reader stringReader = new StringReader(EXTRA_DEPS_TEST_INPUT); Iterator<SemanticGraph> it = reader.getIterator(stringReader); SemanticGraph sg =; assertNotNull(sg); assertFalse("The input only contains one dependency tree.", it.hasNext()); assertTrue(sg.containsEdge(sg.getNodeByIndex(4), sg.getNodeByIndex(1))); assertTrue(sg.containsEdge(sg.getNodeByIndex(2), sg.getNodeByIndex(7))); assertTrue(sg.containsEdge(sg.getNodeByIndex(4), sg.getNodeByIndex(7))); } /** * Tests whether reading a Semantic Graph and printing it * is equal to the original input. */ private void testSingleReadAndWrite(String input) { String clean = input.replaceAll("[\\t ]+", "\t"); CoNLLUDocumentReader reader = new CoNLLUDocumentReader(); CoNLLUDocumentWriter writer = new CoNLLUDocumentWriter(); Reader stringReader = new StringReader(clean); Iterator<SemanticGraph> it = reader.getIterator(stringReader); SemanticGraph sg =; String output = writer.printSemanticGraph(sg); assertEquals(clean, output); } public void testReadingAndWriting() { testSingleReadAndWrite(COMMENT_TEST_INPUT); testSingleReadAndWrite(EXTRA_DEPS_TEST_INPUT); testSingleReadAndWrite(MULTIWORD_TEST_INPUT); } }