package edu.stanford.nlp.process; import; import; import; import; import java.util.function.Function; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Word; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.WordLemmaTag; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.WordTag; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; /** * Morphology computes the base form of English words, by removing just * inflections (not derivational morphology). That is, it only does noun * plurals, pronoun case, and verb endings, and not things like comparative adjectives * or derived nominals. It is based on a finite-state * transducer implemented by John Carroll et al., written in flex and publicly * available. * See: . * There are several ways of invoking Morphology. One is by calling the static * methods: * <ul> * <li> WordTag stemStatic(String word, String tag) </li> * <li> WordTag stemStatic(WordTag wordTag) </li> * </ul> * If we have created a Morphology object already we can use the methods * WordTag stem(String word, string tag) or WordTag stem(WordTag wordTag). * <p> * Another way of using Morphology is to run it on an input file by running * {@code java Morphology filename}. In this case, POS tags MUST be * separated from words by an underscore ("_"). * <p> * Note that a single instance of Morphology is not thread-safe, as * the underlying lexer object is not built to be re-entrant. One thing that * you can do to get around this is build a new Morphology object for * each thread or each set of calls to the Morphology. For example, the * MorphaAnnotator builds a Morphology for each document it annotates. * The other approach is to use the synchronized methods in this class. * The crucial lexer-accessing portion of all the static methods is synchronized * (otherwise, their use tended to be threading bugs waiting to happen). * If you want less synchronization, create your own Morphology objects. * <br> * @author Kristina Toutanova ( * @author Christopher Manning */ public class Morphology implements Function { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(Morphology.class); private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static Morpha staticLexer; private final Morpha lexer; public Morphology() { lexer = new Morpha(; } /** * Process morphologically words from a Reader. * * @param in The Reader to read from */ public Morphology(Reader in) { lexer = new Morpha(in); } public Morphology(Reader in, int flags) { lexer = new Morpha(in); lexer.setOptions(flags); } public Word next() throws IOException { String nx =; if (nx == null) { return null; } else { return new Word(nx); } } public Word stem(Word w) { return new Word(stem(w.value())); } public String stem(String word) { try { lexer.yyreset(new StringReader(word)); lexer.yybegin(Morpha.any); String wordRes =; return wordRes; } catch (IOException e) { log.warning("Morphology.stem() had error on word " + word); return word; } } public String lemma(String word, String tag) { return lemmatize(word, tag, lexer, lexer.option(1)); } public String lemma(String word, String tag, boolean lowercase) { return lemmatize(word, tag, lexer, lowercase); } /** * Adds the LemmaAnnotation to the given CoreLabel. */ public void stem(CoreLabel label) { stem(label, CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class); } /** * Adds stem under annotation {@code ann} to the given CoreLabel. * Assumes that it has a TextAnnotation and PartOfSpeechAnnotation. */ public void stem(CoreLabel label, Class<? extends CoreAnnotation<String>> ann) { String lemma = lemmatize(label.word(), label.tag(), lexer, lexer.option(1)); label.set(ann, lemma); } /** Lemmatize the word, being sensitive to the tag, using the * passed in lexer. * * @param lowercase If this is true, words other than proper nouns will * be changed to all lowercase. */ private static String lemmatize(String word, String tag, Morpha lexer, boolean lowercase) { boolean wordHasForbiddenChar = word.indexOf('_') >= 0 || word.indexOf(' ') >= 0 || word.indexOf('\n') >= 0; String quotedWord = word; if (wordHasForbiddenChar) { // choose something unlikely. Classical Vedic! quotedWord = quotedWord.replaceAll("_", "\u1CF0"); quotedWord = quotedWord.replaceAll(" ", "\u1CF1"); quotedWord = quotedWord.replaceAll("\n", "\u1CF2"); } String wordtag = quotedWord + '_' + tag; if (DEBUG)"Trying to normalize |" + wordtag + '|'); try { lexer.setOption(1, lowercase); lexer.yyreset(new StringReader(wordtag)); lexer.yybegin(Morpha.scan); String wordRes =;; // go past tag if (wordHasForbiddenChar) { if (DEBUG)"Restoring forbidden chars"); wordRes = wordRes.replaceAll("\u1CF0", "_"); wordRes = wordRes.replaceAll("\u1CF1", " "); wordRes = wordRes.replaceAll("\u1CF2", "\n"); } return wordRes; } catch (IOException e) { log.warning("Morphology.stem() had error on word " + word + '/' + tag); return word; } } private static synchronized void initStaticLexer() { if (staticLexer == null) { staticLexer = new Morpha(; } } /** Return a new WordTag which has the lemma as the value of word(). * The default is to lowercase non-proper-nouns, unless options have * been set. */ public static synchronized WordTag stemStatic(String word, String tag) { initStaticLexer(); return new WordTag(lemmatize(word, tag, staticLexer, staticLexer.option(1)), tag); } /** Lemmatize the word, being sensitive to the tag. * Words other than proper nouns will be changed to all lowercase. * * @param word The word to lemmatize * @param tag What part of speech to assume for it. * @return The lemma for the word */ public static synchronized String lemmaStatic(String word, String tag) { return lemmaStatic(word, tag, true); } /** Lemmatize the word, being sensitive to the tag. * * @param word The word to lemmatize * @param tag What part of speech to assume for it. * @param lowercase If this is true, words other than proper nouns will * be changed to all lowercase. * @return The lemma for the word */ public static synchronized String lemmaStatic(String word, String tag, boolean lowercase) { initStaticLexer(); return lemmatize(word, tag, staticLexer, lowercase); } /** Return a new WordTag which has the lemma as the value of word(). * The default is to lowercase non-proper-nouns, unless options have * been set. */ public static WordTag stemStatic(WordTag wT) { return stemStatic(wT.word(), wT.tag()); } @Override public Object apply(Object in) { if (in instanceof WordTag) { WordTag wt = (WordTag) in; String tag = wt.tag(); return new WordTag(lemmatize(wt.word(), tag, lexer, lexer.option(1)), tag); } if (in instanceof Word) { return stem((Word) in); } return in; } /** * Lemmatize returning a {@code WordLemmaTag}. */ public WordLemmaTag lemmatize(WordTag wT) { String tag = wT.tag(); String word = wT.word(); String lemma = lemma(word, tag); return new WordLemmaTag(word, lemma, tag); } public static WordLemmaTag lemmatizeStatic(WordTag wT) { String tag = wT.tag(); String word = wT.word(); String lemma = stemStatic(wT).word(); return new WordLemmaTag(word, lemma, tag); } /** Run the morphological analyzer. Options are: * <ul> * <li>-rebuildVerbTable verbTableFile Convert a verb table from a text file * (e.g., /u/nlp/data/morph/verbstem.list) to Java code contained in Morpha.flex . * <li>-stem args ... Stem each of the following arguments, which should either be * in the form of just word or word_tag. * <li> args ... Each argument is a file and the contents of it are stemmed as * space-separated tokens. <i>Note:</i> If the tokens are tagged * words, they must be in the format of whitespace separated word_tag pairs. * </ul> */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length == 0) {"java Morphology [-rebuildVerbTable file|-stem word+|file+]"); } else if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equals("-rebuildVerbTable")) { String verbs = IOUtils.slurpFile(args[1]); String[] words = verbs.split("\\s+"); System.out.print(" private static final String[] verbStems = { "); for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { System.out.print('"' + words[i] + '"'); if (i != words.length - 1) { System.out.print(", "); if (i % 5 == 0) { System.out.println(); System.out.print(" "); } } } System.out.println(" };"); } else if (args[0].equals("-stem")) { for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { System.out.println(args[i] + " --> " + stemStatic(WordTag.valueOf(args[i], "_"))); } } else { int flags = 0; for (String arg : args) { if (arg.charAt(0) == '-') { try { flags = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(1)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {"Couldn't handle flag: " + arg + '\n'); // ignore flag } } else { Morphology morph = new Morphology(new FileReader(arg), flags); for (Word next; (next = != null; ) { System.out.print(next); } } } } } }