package; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.TokenizerFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.*; import java.util.function.Predicate; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Filters; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord; /** * Language pack for the UPenn/Colorado/Brandeis Chinese treebank. * The native character set for the Chinese Treebank was GB18030, but later became UTF-8. * This file (like the rest of JavaNLP) is in UTF-8. * * @author Roger Levy */ public class ChineseTreebankLanguagePack extends AbstractTreebankLanguagePack { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5757403475523638802L; private TokenizerFactory<? extends HasWord> tf; public void setTokenizerFactory(TokenizerFactory<? extends HasWord> tf) { = tf; } @Override public TokenizerFactory<? extends HasWord> getTokenizerFactory() { if (tf != null) { return tf; } else { return super.getTokenizerFactory(); } } public static final String ENCODING = "utf-8"; /** * Return the input Charset encoding for the Treebank. * See documentation for the <code>Charset</code> class. * * @return Name of Charset */ @Override public String getEncoding() { return ENCODING; } /** * Accepts a String that is a punctuation * tag name, and rejects everything else. * * @return Whether this is a punctuation tag */ @Override public boolean isPunctuationTag(String str) { return str.equals("PU"); } /** * Accepts a String that is a punctuation * word, and rejects everything else. * If one can't tell for sure (as for ' in the Penn Treebank), it * maks the best guess that it can. * * @return Whether this is a punctuation word */ @Override public boolean isPunctuationWord(String str) { return chineseCommaAcceptFilter().test(str) || chineseEndSentenceAcceptFilter().test(str) || chineseDouHaoAcceptFilter().test(str) || chineseQuoteMarkAcceptFilter().test(str) || chineseParenthesisAcceptFilter().test(str) || chineseColonAcceptFilter().test(str) || chineseDashAcceptFilter().test(str) || chineseOtherAcceptFilter().test(str); } /** * Accepts a String that is a sentence end * punctuation tag, and rejects everything else. * TODO FIXME: this is testing whether it is a sentence final word, * not a sentence final tag. * * @return Whether this is a sentence final punctuation tag */ @Override public boolean isSentenceFinalPunctuationTag(String str) { return chineseEndSentenceAcceptFilter().test(str); } /** * Returns a String array of punctuation tags for this treebank/language. * * @return The punctuation tags */ @Override public String[] punctuationTags() { return tags; } /** * Returns a String array of punctuation words for this treebank/language. * * @return The punctuation words */ @Override public String[] punctuationWords() { return punctWords; } /** * Returns a String array of sentence final punctuation tags for this * treebank/language. * * @return The sentence final punctuation tags */ @Override public String[] sentenceFinalPunctuationTags() { return tags; } /** * Returns a String array of sentence final punctuation words for this * treebank/language. * * @return The sentence final punctuation tags */ @Override public String[] sentenceFinalPunctuationWords() { return endSentence; } /** * Accepts a String that is a punctuation * tag that should be ignored by EVALB-style evaluation, * and rejects everything else. * Traditionally, EVALB has ignored a subset of the total set of * punctuation tags in the English Penn Treebank (quotes and * period, comma, colon, etc., but not brackets) * * @return Whether this is a EVALB-ignored punctuation tag */ @Override public boolean isEvalBIgnoredPunctuationTag(String str) { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(tags).test(str); } /** * The first 3 are used by the Penn Treebank; # is used by the * BLLIP corpus, and ^ and ~ are used by Klein's * lexparser. Identical to PennTreebankLanguagePack. */ private static final char[] annotationIntroducingChars = {'-', '=', '|', '#', '^', '~'}; /** * Return an array of characters at which a String should be * truncated to give the basic syntactic category of a label. * The idea here is that Penn treebank style labels follow a syntactic * category with various functional and crossreferencing information * introduced by special characters (such as "NP-SBJ=1"). This would * be truncated to "NP" by the array containing '-' and "=". * * @return An array of characters that set off label name suffixes */ @Override public char[] labelAnnotationIntroducingCharacters() { return annotationIntroducingChars; } /** * This is valid for "BobChrisTreeNormalizer" conventions * only. Again, identical to PennTreebankLanguagePack. */ private static final String[] startSymbols = {"ROOT"}; /** * Returns a String array of treebank start symbols. * * @return The start symbols */ @Override public String[] startSymbols() { return startSymbols; } private static final String[] tags = {"PU"}; private static final String[] comma = {",", ",", " "}; //  last is an "ideographic space"...? private static final String[] endSentence = {"。", ".", "!", "?", "?", "!", "."}; private static final String[] douHao = {"、"}; private static final String[] quoteMark = {"“", "”", "‘", "’", "《", "》", "『", "』", "〈", "〉", "「", "」", """, "<", ">", "'", "`", "'", "`", "「", "」"}; private static final String[] parenthesis = {"(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "-LRB-", "-RRB-", "【", "】", "〔", "〖", "〘", "〚", "⦅", "〕", "〗", "〙", "〛", "⦆" }; // ( and ) still must be escaped private static final String[] colon = {":", ";", "∶", ":"}; private static final String[] dash = {"…", "―", "——", "———", "————", "—", "——", "———", "-", "--", "---", "--", "---", "----", "-----", "------", "──", "━", "━━", "—-", "-", "----", "~", "~~", "~~~", "~~~~", "~~~~~", "……", "~", "..." /* 3 full width dots as ellipsis */ }; private static final String[] other = {"·", "/", "/", "*", "&", "/", "//", "*", "※", "■", "●", "|" }; // slashes are used in urls // Note that these next four should contain only things in quoteMark and parenthesis. All such things are there but straight quotes private static final String[] leftQuoteMark = {"“", "‘", "《", "『", "〈", "「", "<", "`", "`", "「"}; private static final String[] rightQuoteMark = {"”", "’", "》", "』", "〉", "」", ">", "'", "」"}; private static final String[] leftParenthesis = {"(", "-LRB-", "[", "{", "【", "〔", "〖", "〘", "〚", "⦅"}; private static final String[] rightParenthesis = {")", "-RRB-", "]", "}", "】", "〕", "〗", "〙", "〛", "⦆"}; // "〔", "〖", "〘", "〚", "⦅", "〕", "〗", "〙", "〛", "⦆" private static final String[] punctWords; static { final int n = comma.length + endSentence.length + douHao.length + quoteMark.length + parenthesis.length + colon.length + dash.length + other.length + leftQuoteMark.length + rightQuoteMark.length + leftParenthesis.length + rightParenthesis.length; punctWords = new String[n]; int m = 0; System.arraycopy(comma, 0, punctWords, m, comma.length); m += comma.length; System.arraycopy(endSentence, 0, punctWords, m, endSentence.length); m += endSentence.length; System.arraycopy(douHao, 0, punctWords, m, douHao.length); m += douHao.length; System.arraycopy(quoteMark, 0, punctWords, m, quoteMark.length); m += quoteMark.length; System.arraycopy(parenthesis, 0, punctWords, m, parenthesis.length); m += parenthesis.length; System.arraycopy(colon, 0, punctWords, m, colon.length); m += colon.length; System.arraycopy(dash, 0, punctWords, m, dash.length); m += dash.length; System.arraycopy(other, 0, punctWords, m, other.length); m += other.length; } public static Predicate<String> chineseCommaAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(comma); } public static Predicate<String> chineseEndSentenceAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(endSentence); } public static Predicate<String> chineseDouHaoAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(douHao); } public static Predicate<String> chineseQuoteMarkAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(quoteMark); } public static Predicate<String> chineseParenthesisAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(parenthesis); } public static Predicate<String> chineseColonAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(colon); } public static Predicate<String> chineseDashAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(dash); } public static Predicate<String> chineseOtherAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(other); } public static Predicate<String> chineseLeftParenthesisAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(leftParenthesis); } public static Predicate<String> chineseRightParenthesisAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(rightParenthesis); } public static Predicate<String> chineseLeftQuoteMarkAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(leftQuoteMark); } public static Predicate<String> chineseRightQuoteMarkAcceptFilter() { return Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(rightQuoteMark); } /** * Returns the extension of treebank files for this treebank. * This is "fid". */ @Override public String treebankFileExtension() { return "fid"; } @Override public GrammaticalStructureFactory grammaticalStructureFactory() { if (this.generateOriginalDependencies()) { return new ChineseGrammaticalStructureFactory(); } else { return new UniversalChineseGrammaticalStructureFactory(); } } @Override public GrammaticalStructureFactory grammaticalStructureFactory(Predicate<String> puncFilt) { if (this.generateOriginalDependencies()) { return new ChineseGrammaticalStructureFactory(puncFilt); } else { return new UniversalChineseGrammaticalStructureFactory(puncFilt); } } @Override public GrammaticalStructureFactory grammaticalStructureFactory(Predicate<String> puncFilt, HeadFinder hf) { if (this.generateOriginalDependencies()) { return new ChineseGrammaticalStructureFactory(puncFilt, hf); } else { return new UniversalChineseGrammaticalStructureFactory(puncFilt, hf); } } @Override public boolean supportsGrammaticalStructures() { return true; } @Override public TreeReaderFactory treeReaderFactory() { final TreeNormalizer tn = new BobChrisTreeNormalizer(); return new CTBTreeReaderFactory(tn); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public HeadFinder headFinder() { return new ChineseHeadFinder(this); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public HeadFinder typedDependencyHeadFinder() { if (this.generateOriginalDependencies()) { return new ChineseSemanticHeadFinder(this); } else { return new UniversalChineseSemanticHeadFinder(); } } @Override public boolean generateOriginalDependencies() { return generateOriginalDependencies; } }