package edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.semgrex; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; /** * Parses a batch of SemgrexPatterns from a stream. * Each SemgrexPattern must be defined in a single line. * This includes a preprocessor that supports macros, defined as: "macro NAME = VALUE" and used as ${NAME} * For example: * # lines starting with the pound sign are skipped * macro JOB = president|ceo|star * {}=entity >appos ({lemma:/${JOB}/} >nn {ner:ORGANIZATION}=slot) */ public class SemgrexBatchParser { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(SemgrexBatchParser.class); /** Maximum stream size in characters */ private static final int MAX_STREAM_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; public static boolean VERBOSE = false; private SemgrexBatchParser() { } // static methods class public static List<SemgrexPattern> compileStream(InputStream is) throws IOException { return compileStream(is, null); } public static List<SemgrexPattern> compileStream(InputStream is, Env env) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); reader.mark(MAX_STREAM_SIZE); Map<String, String> macros = preprocess(reader); reader.reset(); return parse(reader, macros, env); } private static List<SemgrexPattern> parse(BufferedReader reader, Map<String, String> macros, Env env) throws IOException { List<SemgrexPattern> patterns = new ArrayList<>(); for(String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null; ) { line = line.trim(); if(line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#")) continue; if(line.startsWith("macro ")) continue; line = replaceMacros(line, macros); SemgrexPattern pattern = SemgrexPattern.compile(line, env); patterns.add(pattern); } return patterns; } private static final Pattern MACRO_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{[a-z0-9]+\\}", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static String replaceMacros(String line, Map<String, String> macros) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); Matcher matcher = MACRO_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(line); int offset = 0; while(matcher.find(offset)) { int start = matcher.start(); int end = matcher.end(); String name = line.substring(start + 2, end - 1); String value = macros.get(name); if(value == null){ throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Unknown macro \"" + name + "\"!"); } if(start > offset) { out.append(line.substring(offset, start)); } out.append(value); offset = end; } if(offset < line.length()) out.append(line.substring(offset)); String postProcessed = out.toString(); if(!postProcessed.equals(line) && VERBOSE)"Line \"" + line + "\" changed to \"" + postProcessed + '"'); return postProcessed; } private static Map<String, String> preprocess(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { Map<String, String> macros = Generics.newHashMap(); for(String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null; ) { line = line.trim(); if(line.startsWith("macro ")){ Pair<String, String> macro = extractMacro(line); macros.put(macro.first(), macro.second()); } } return macros; } private static Pair<String, String> extractMacro(String line) { assert(line.startsWith("macro")); int equalPosition = line.indexOf('='); if(equalPosition < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Invalid syntax in macro line: \"" + line + "\"!"); } String name = line.substring(5, equalPosition).trim(); if(name.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Invalid syntax in macro line: \"" + line + "\"!"); } String value = line.substring(equalPosition + 1).trim(); if(value.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Invalid syntax in macro line: \"" + line + "\"!"); } return new Pair<>(name, value); } }