package edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.dep; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.function.Function; //import org.jdom.Element; //import org.jdom.Namespace; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.semgrex.SemgrexMatcher; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.semgrex.SemgrexPattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionValuedMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.IntPair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; public class ExtractPhraseFromPattern { public List<String> cutoffRelations = new ArrayList<>(); public int maxDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static List<String> ignoreTags = Arrays.asList("PRP", "PRP$", "CD", "DT", ".", "..", ",", "SYM"); boolean ignoreCommonTags = true; public static ArrayList<String> cutoffTags = new ArrayList<>(); public int maxPhraseLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //Namespace curNS; Map<SemgrexPattern, List<Pair<String, SemanticGraph>>> matchedGraphsForPattern = new HashMap<>(); // 0 means none, 1 means partial, 2 means it shows sentences and their // techniques, app and focus, and 3 means full private static int DEBUG = 1; public ExtractPhraseFromPattern() {} public ExtractPhraseFromPattern(boolean ignoreCommonTags, int maxPhraseLength) { this.maxPhraseLength = maxPhraseLength; this.ignoreCommonTags = ignoreCommonTags; //this.curNS = null; } public void setMaxPhraseLength(int maxPhraseLength){ this.maxPhraseLength = maxPhraseLength; } //public ExtractPhraseFromPattern(Namespace curNS) { // this.curNS = curNS; //} private boolean checkIfSatisfiedMaxDepth(SemanticGraph g, IndexedWord parent, IndexedWord child, IntPair depths) { if (depths.get(0) == Integer.MAX_VALUE) return true; if (parent.equals(child)) return true; boolean foundInMaxDepth = false; for (IndexedWord c : g.getChildren(parent)) { if (c.equals(child)) { return true; } } depths.set(1, depths.get(1) + 1); if (depths.get(1) >= depths.get(0)) return false; for (IndexedWord c : g.getChildren(parent)) { foundInMaxDepth = checkIfSatisfiedMaxDepth(g, c, child, depths); if (foundInMaxDepth == true) return foundInMaxDepth; } return false; } public void processSentenceForType(SemanticGraph g, List<SemgrexPattern> typePatterns, List<String> textTokens, Collection<String> typePhrases, Collection<IntPair> typeIndices, Collection<IndexedWord> typeTriggerWords, boolean findSubTrees, Collection<ExtractedPhrase> extractedPhrases, boolean lowercase) { for (SemgrexPattern pattern : typePatterns) { Collection<IndexedWord> triggerWords = getSemGrexPatternNodes(g, textTokens, typePhrases, typeIndices, pattern, findSubTrees, extractedPhrases, lowercase, o -> true); for (IndexedWord w : triggerWords) { if (!typeTriggerWords.contains(w)) typeTriggerWords.add(w); } // System.out.println("the string is " + StringUtils.join(focuss, ";")); } } /* * Given a SemanticGraph g and a SemgrexPattern pattern * And a bunch of other parameters, * run the pattern matcher (get SemgrexMatcher m) * Iterate through to get matching words/phrases * * Next, gets matchedGraphsForPattern.get(pattern), * a list of matched (String, semgraph) pairs * and adds the new graph and tokens if matched. * * I need to clarify what's going on with tokens. */ public Set<IndexedWord> getSemGrexPatternNodes(SemanticGraph g, List<String> tokens, Collection<String> outputNodes, Collection<IntPair> outputIndices, SemgrexPattern pattern, boolean findSubTrees, Collection<ExtractedPhrase> extractedPhrases, boolean lowercase, Function<CoreLabel, Boolean> acceptWord) { Set<IndexedWord> foundWordsParents = new HashSet<>(); SemgrexMatcher m = pattern.matcher(g, lowercase); while (m.find()) { IndexedWord w = m.getNode("node"); //System.out.println("found a match for " + pattern.pattern()); IndexedWord parent = m.getNode("parent"); boolean ifSatisfiedMaxDepth = checkIfSatisfiedMaxDepth(g, parent, w, new IntPair(maxDepth, 0)); if (ifSatisfiedMaxDepth == false) continue; if(DEBUG > 3) { List<Pair<String, SemanticGraph>> matchedGraphs = matchedGraphsForPattern.get(pattern); if (matchedGraphs == null) matchedGraphs = new ArrayList<>(); matchedGraphs.add(new Pair<>(StringUtils.join( tokens, " "), g)); //if (DEBUG >= 3) // System.out.println("matched pattern is " + pattern); matchedGraphsForPattern.put(pattern, matchedGraphs); } foundWordsParents.add(parent); // String relationName = m.getRelnString("reln"); // System.out.println("word is " + w.lemma() + " and " + w.tag()); ArrayList<IndexedWord> seenNodes = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> cutoffrelations = new ArrayList<>(); // if (elementStr.equalsIgnoreCase("technique")) // cutoffrelations = cutoffRelationsForTech; // if (elementStr.equalsIgnoreCase("app")) // cutoffrelations = this.cuttoffRelationsForApp; //System.out.println("g is "); //g.prettyPrint(); printSubGraph(g, w, cutoffrelations, tokens, outputNodes, outputIndices, seenNodes, new ArrayList<>(), findSubTrees, extractedPhrases, pattern, acceptWord); } return foundWordsParents; } //Here, the index (startIndex, endIndex) seems to be inclusive of the endIndex public void printSubGraph(SemanticGraph g, IndexedWord w, List<String> additionalCutOffRels, List<String> textTokens, Collection<String> listOfOutput, Collection<IntPair> listOfOutputIndices, List<IndexedWord> seenNodes, List<IndexedWord> doNotAddThese, boolean findSubTrees, Collection<ExtractedPhrase> extractedPhrases, SemgrexPattern pattern, Function<CoreLabel, Boolean> acceptWord) { try { if (seenNodes.contains(w)) return; seenNodes.add(w); if (doNotAddThese.contains(w)) return; List<IndexedWord> andNodes = new ArrayList<>(); descendantsWithReln(g, w, "conj_and", new ArrayList<>(), andNodes); //System.out.println("and nodes are " + andNodes); for (IndexedWord w1 : andNodes) { printSubGraph(g, w1, additionalCutOffRels, textTokens, listOfOutput, listOfOutputIndices, seenNodes, doNotAddThese, findSubTrees, extractedPhrases, pattern, acceptWord); } doNotAddThese.addAll(andNodes); List<String> allCutOffRels = new ArrayList<>(); if (additionalCutOffRels != null) allCutOffRels.addAll(additionalCutOffRels); allCutOffRels.addAll(cutoffRelations); CollectionValuedMap<Integer, String> featPerToken = new CollectionValuedMap<>(); Collection<String> feat = new ArrayList<>(); GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass.getFeatures(g, w, true, feat, null); Set<IndexedWord> words = descendants(g, w, allCutOffRels, doNotAddThese, ignoreCommonTags, acceptWord, featPerToken); // words.addAll(andNodes); // if (includeSiblings == true) { // for (IndexedWord ws : g.getSiblings(w)) { // if (additionalCutOffNodes == null // || !additionalCutOffNodes.contains(g.reln(g.getParent(w), // ws).getShortName())) // words.addAll(descendants(g, ws, additionalCutOffNodes, doNotAddThese)); // } // } // if(afterand != null){ // Set<IndexedWord> wordsAnd = descendants(g,afterand, // additionalCutOffNodes); // words.removeAll(wordsAnd); // printSubGraph(g,afterand, includeSiblings, additionalCutOffNodes); // } //System.out.println("words are " + words); if (words.size() > 0) { int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE, max = -1; for (IndexedWord word : words) { if (word.index() < min) min = word.index(); if (word.index() > max) max = word.index(); } IntPair indices; // Map<Integer, String> ph = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); // String phrase = ""; // for (IndexedWord word : words) { // ph.put(word.index(), word.value()); // } // phrase = StringUtils.join(ph.values(), " "); if ((max - min + 1) > maxPhraseLength){ max = min + maxPhraseLength - 1 ; } indices = new IntPair(min - 1, max -1); String phrase = StringUtils.join( textTokens.subList(min - 1, max), " "); phrase = phrase.trim(); feat.add("LENGTH-" + (max - min + 1)); for(int i = min; i <= max; i++) feat.addAll(featPerToken.get(i)); //System.out.println("phrase is " + phrase + " index is " + indices + " and maxphraselength is " + maxPhraseLength + " and descendentset is " + words); ExtractedPhrase extractedPh = new ExtractedPhrase(min - 1, max -1, pattern, phrase, Counters.asCounter(feat)); if (!listOfOutput.contains(phrase) && !doNotAddThese.contains(phrase)) { // if (sentElem != null) { // Element node = new Element(elemString, curNS); // node.addContent(phrase); // sentElem.addContent(node); // } listOfOutput.add(phrase); if (!listOfOutputIndices.contains(indices)) { listOfOutputIndices.add(indices); extractedPhrases.add(extractedPh); } if (findSubTrees == true) { for (IndexedWord word : words) if (!seenNodes.contains(word)) printSubGraph(g, word, additionalCutOffRels, textTokens, listOfOutput, listOfOutputIndices, seenNodes, doNotAddThese, findSubTrees, extractedPhrases, pattern, acceptWord); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static Set<IndexedWord> descendants(SemanticGraph g, IndexedWord vertex, List<String> allCutOffRels, List<IndexedWord> doNotAddThese, boolean ignoreCommonTags, Function<CoreLabel, Boolean> acceptWord, CollectionValuedMap<Integer, String> feat) throws Exception { // Do a depth first search Set<IndexedWord> descendantSet = new HashSet<>(); if (doNotAddThese !=null && doNotAddThese.contains(vertex)) return descendantSet; if(!acceptWord.apply(vertex.backingLabel())) return descendantSet; descendantsHelper(g, vertex, descendantSet, allCutOffRels, doNotAddThese, new ArrayList<>(), ignoreCommonTags, acceptWord, feat); // String descStr = ""; // for(IndexedWord descendant: descendantSet){ // descStr += descendant.word()+" "; // } // System.out.println(descStr); return descendantSet; } static boolean checkIfSatisfiesRelConstrains(SemanticGraph g, IndexedWord curr, IndexedWord child, List<String> allCutOffRels, GrammaticalRelation rel) { String relName = rel.getShortName(); String relSpecificName = rel.toString(); String relFullName = rel.getLongName(); if(allCutOffRels!=null) for (String check : allCutOffRels) { if (relName.matches(check) || (relSpecificName != null && relSpecificName.matches(check)) || (relFullName != null && relFullName.matches(check))) { return true; } } return false; } private static void descendantsHelper(SemanticGraph g, IndexedWord curr, Set<IndexedWord> descendantSet, List<String> allCutOffRels, List<IndexedWord> doNotAddThese, List<IndexedWord> seenNodes, boolean ignoreCommonTags, Function<CoreLabel, Boolean> acceptWord, CollectionValuedMap<Integer, String> feat) throws Exception { if (seenNodes.contains(curr)) return; seenNodes.add(curr); if (descendantSet.contains(curr) || (doNotAddThese!=null && doNotAddThese.contains(curr)) || !acceptWord.apply(curr.backingLabel())) { return; } if (!ignoreCommonTags || !ignoreTags.contains(curr.tag().trim())) { descendantSet.add(curr); } for (IndexedWord child : g.getChildren(curr)) { boolean dontuse = false; if (doNotAddThese!=null &&doNotAddThese.contains(child)) dontuse = true; GrammaticalRelation rel = null; if (dontuse == false) { rel = g.reln(curr, child); dontuse = checkIfSatisfiesRelConstrains(g, curr, child, allCutOffRels, rel); } if (dontuse == false) { for (String cutOffTagRegex : cutoffTags) { if (child.tag().matches(cutOffTagRegex)) { if (DEBUG >= 5) System.out.println("ignored tag " + child + " because it satisfied " + cutOffTagRegex); dontuse = true; break; } } } if (dontuse == false){ if(!feat.containsKey(curr.index())){ feat.put(curr.index(), new ArrayList<>()); } GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass.getFeatures(g, curr, false, feat.get(curr.index()), rel); //feat.add(curr.index(), "REL-" + rel.getShortName()); descendantsHelper(g, child, descendantSet, allCutOffRels, doNotAddThese, seenNodes, ignoreCommonTags, acceptWord, feat); } } } // get descendants that have this relation private void descendantsWithReln(SemanticGraph g, IndexedWord w, String relation, List<IndexedWord> seenNodes, List<IndexedWord> descendantSet) { if (seenNodes.contains(w)) return; seenNodes.add(w); if (descendantSet.contains(w)) return; if (ignoreCommonTags && ignoreTags.contains(w.tag().trim())) return; for (IndexedWord child : g.getChildren(w)) { for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : g.getAllEdges(w, child)) { if (edge.getRelation().toString().equals(relation)) { descendantSet.add(child); } } descendantsWithReln(g, child, relation, seenNodes, descendantSet); } } public void printMatchedGraphsForPattern(String filename, int maxGraphsPerPattern) throws Exception { BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)); for (Entry<SemgrexPattern, List<Pair<String, SemanticGraph>>> en : matchedGraphsForPattern .entrySet()) { w.write("\n\nFor Pattern: " + en.getKey().pattern() + "\n"); int num = 0; for (Pair<String, SemanticGraph> gEn : en.getValue()) { num++; if (num > maxGraphsPerPattern) break; w.write(gEn.first() + "\n" + gEn.second().toFormattedString() + "\n\n"); } } w.close(); } }