package edu.stanford.nlp.optimization; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; /** A differentiable function that caches the last evaluation of its value and * derivative. * * @author Dan Klein */ public abstract class AbstractCachingDiffFunction implements DiffFunction, HasInitial { /** A logger for this class */ private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(AbstractCachingDiffFunction.class); private double[] lastX; // = null; private int fEvaluations; // = 0; protected double[] derivative; // = null; protected double value; // = 0.0; private final Random generator = new Random(2147483647L); public boolean gradientCheck() { return gradientCheck(100, 50, initial()); } public boolean gradientCheck(int numOfChecks, int numOfRandomChecks, double[] x) { double epsilon = 1e-5; double diffThreshold = 0.01; double diffPctThreshold = 0.1; double twoEpsilon = epsilon * 2; int xLen = x.length; //"\n\n\ncalling derivativeAt"); derivativeAt(x); double[] savedDeriv = new double[xLen]; System.arraycopy(derivative, 0, savedDeriv, 0, derivative.length); int interval = Math.max(1, x.length / numOfChecks); Set<Integer> indicesToCheck = new TreeSet<>(); for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < xLen; paramIndex+=interval) { indicesToCheck.add(paramIndex); } for (int i = xLen-1; i >= 0 && i > xLen-numOfChecks; i--) { indicesToCheck.add(i); } for (int i = 1; i < xLen && i < numOfChecks; i++) { indicesToCheck.add(i); } for (int i = 0; i < numOfRandomChecks; i++) { indicesToCheck.add(generator.nextInt(xLen)); } boolean returnVal = true; List<Integer> badIndices = new ArrayList<>(); for (int paramIndex: indicesToCheck) { double oldX = x[paramIndex]; x[paramIndex] = oldX + epsilon; //"\n\n\ncalling valueAt1"); double plusVal = valueAt(x); x[paramIndex] = oldX - epsilon; //"\n\n\ncalling valueAt2"); double minusVal = valueAt(x); double appDeriv = (plusVal - minusVal) / twoEpsilon; double calcDeriv = savedDeriv[paramIndex]; double diff = Math.abs(appDeriv - calcDeriv); double pct = diff / Math.min(Math.abs(appDeriv), Math.abs(calcDeriv)); if (diff > diffThreshold && pct > diffPctThreshold) { System.err.printf("Grad fail at %2d, appGrad=%9.7f, calcGrad=%9.7f, diff=%9.7f, pct=%9.7f\n", paramIndex,appDeriv,calcDeriv,diff,pct); badIndices.add(paramIndex); returnVal= false; } else { System.err.printf("Grad good at %2d, appGrad=%9.7f, calcGrad=%9.7f, diff=%9.7f, pct=%9.7f\n", paramIndex,appDeriv,calcDeriv,diff,pct); } x[paramIndex] = oldX; } if (returnVal){ System.err.printf("ALL gradients passed. Yay!\n"); } else {"Bad indices: "); for (int i = 0; i < badIndices.size() && i < 10; ++i) {" " + badIndices.get(i)); } if (badIndices.size() >= 10) {" (...)"); }; } return returnVal; } /** * Calculate the value at x and the derivative * and save them in the respective fields. * * @param x The point at which to calculate the function */ protected abstract void calculate(double[] x); /** * Clears the cache in a way that doesn't require reallocation :-) */ protected void clearCache() { if (lastX != null) lastX[0] = Double.NaN; } @Override public double[] initial() { double[] initial = new double[domainDimension()]; // Arrays.fill(initial, 0.0); // You get zero fill of array for free in Java! (Like it or not....) return initial; } public double[] randomInitial() { double[] initial = new double[domainDimension()]; for (int i = 0; i < initial.length; i++) { initial[i] = generator.nextDouble(); } return initial; } protected static void copy(double[] copy, double[] orig) { System.arraycopy(orig, 0, copy, 0, orig.length); } public void ensure(double[] x) { if (Arrays.equals(x, lastX)) { return; } if (lastX == null) { lastX = new double[domainDimension()]; } if (derivative == null) { derivative = new double[domainDimension()]; } copy(lastX, x); fEvaluations += 1; calculate(x); } @Override public double valueAt(double[] x) { ensure(x); return value; } @Override public double[] derivativeAt(double[] x) { ensure(x); return derivative; } public double lastValue() { return value; } public double[] getDerivative() { return derivative; } }