package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import java.util.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CategoryWordTag; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasContext; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.math.SloppyMath; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.KBestViterbiParser; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.LabeledScoredTreeFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*; /** Implements Eisner and Satta style algorithms for bilexical * PCFG parsing. The basic class provides O(n<sup>4</sup>) * parsing, with the passed in PCFG and dependency parsers * providing outside scores in an efficient A* search. * * @author Dan Klein */ public class BiLexPCFGParser implements KBestViterbiParser { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(BiLexPCFGParser.class); protected static final boolean VERBOSE = false; protected static final boolean VERY_VERBOSE = false; protected HookChart chart; protected Heap<Item> agenda; protected int length; protected int[] words; protected Edge goal; protected Interner interner; protected Scorer scorer; protected ExhaustivePCFGParser fscorer; protected ExhaustiveDependencyParser dparser; protected GrammarProjection projection; //pair dep scores protected BinaryGrammar bg; protected UnaryGrammar ug; protected DependencyGrammar dg; protected Lexicon lex; protected Options op; protected List<IntTaggedWord>[] taggedWordList; protected final Index<String> wordIndex; protected final Index<String> tagIndex; protected final Index<String> stateIndex; protected CoreLabel[] originalLabels; protected TreeFactory tf = new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(); // temp protected long relaxHook1 = 0; protected long relaxHook2 = 0; protected long relaxHook3 = 0; protected long relaxHook4 = 0; protected long builtHooks = 0; protected long builtEdges = 0; protected long extractedHooks = 0; protected long extractedEdges = 0; private static final double TOL = 1e-10; protected static boolean better(double x, double y) { return ((x - y) / (Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y) + 1e-100) > TOL); } public double getBestScore() { if (goal == null) { return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else { return goal.score(); } } protected Tree extractParse(Edge edge) { String head = wordIndex.get(words[edge.head]); String tag = tagIndex.get(edge.tag); String state = stateIndex.get(edge.state); Label label = new CategoryWordTag(state, head, tag); if (edge.backEdge == null && edge.backHook == null) { // leaf, but needs word terminal Tree leaf; if (originalLabels[edge.head] != null) { leaf = tf.newLeaf(originalLabels[edge.head]); } else { leaf = tf.newLeaf(head); } List<Tree> childList = Collections.singletonList(leaf); return tf.newTreeNode(label, childList); } if (edge.backHook == null) { // unary List<Tree> childList = Collections.singletonList(extractParse(edge.backEdge)); return tf.newTreeNode(label, childList); } // binary List<Tree> children = new ArrayList<>(); if (edge.backHook.isPreHook()) { children.add(extractParse(edge.backEdge)); children.add(extractParse(edge.backHook.backEdge)); } else { children.add(extractParse(edge.backHook.backEdge)); children.add(extractParse(edge.backEdge)); } return tf.newTreeNode(label, children); } /** * Return the best parse of the sentence most recently parsed. * * @return The best (highest score) tree */ public Tree getBestParse() { return extractParse(goal); } public boolean hasParse() { return goal != null && goal.iScore != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } // Added by Dan Zeman to store the list of N best trees. protected List<Edge> nGoodTrees = new LinkedList<>(); /** * Return the list of k "good" parses of the sentence most recently parsed. * (The first is guaranteed to be the best, but later ones are only * guaranteed the best subject to the possibilities that disappear because * the PCFG/Dep charts only store the best over each span.) * * @return The list of k best trees */ public List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKGoodParses(int k) { List<ScoredObject<Tree>> nGoodTreesList = new ArrayList<>(op.testOptions.printFactoredKGood); for (Edge e : nGoodTrees) { nGoodTreesList.add(new ScoredObject<>(extractParse(e), e.iScore)); } return nGoodTreesList; } /** Get the exact k best parses for the sentence. * * @param k The number of best parses to return * @return The exact k best parses for the sentence, with * each accompanied by its score (typically a * negative log probability). */ public List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKBestParses(int k) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("BiLexPCFGParser doesn't support k best parses"); } /** Get a complete set of the maximally scoring parses for a sentence, * rather than one chosen at random. This set may be of size 1 or larger. * * @return All the equal best parses for a sentence, with each * accompanied by its score */ public List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getBestParses() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("BiLexPCFGParser doesn't support best parses"); } /** Get k parse samples for the sentence. It is expected that the * parses are sampled based on their relative probability. * * @param k The number of sampled parses to return * @return A list of k parse samples for the sentence, with * each accompanied by its score */ public List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKSampledParses(int k) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("BiLexPCFGParser doesn't support k sampled parses"); } protected Edge tempEdge; protected void combine(Edge edge, Hook hook) { if (VERBOSE) {"Combining: " + edge + " and " + hook); } // make result edge if (hook.isPreHook()) { tempEdge.start = edge.start; tempEdge.end = hook.end; } else { tempEdge.start = hook.start; tempEdge.end = edge.end; } tempEdge.state = hook.state; tempEdge.head = hook.head; tempEdge.tag = hook.tag; tempEdge.iScore = hook.iScore + edge.iScore; tempEdge.backEdge = edge; tempEdge.backHook = hook; relaxTempEdge(); } protected void relaxTempEdge() { // if (tempEdge.iScore > scorer.iScore(tempEdge)+1e-4) { //" has i "+tempEdge.iScore+" iE "+scorer.iScore(tempEdge)); // } Edge resultEdge = (Edge) interner.intern(tempEdge); if (VERBOSE) { System.err.printf("Formed %s %s %.2f was %.2f better? %b\n", (resultEdge == tempEdge ? "new" : "pre-existing"), resultEdge, tempEdge.iScore, resultEdge.iScore, better(tempEdge.iScore, resultEdge.iScore)); } if (resultEdge == tempEdge) { tempEdge = new Edge(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); discoverEdge(resultEdge); } else { if (better(tempEdge.iScore, resultEdge.iScore) && resultEdge.oScore > Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { // we've found a better way of making an edge that may make a parse double back = resultEdge.iScore; Edge backE = resultEdge.backEdge; Hook backH = resultEdge.backHook; resultEdge.iScore = tempEdge.iScore; resultEdge.backEdge = tempEdge.backEdge; resultEdge.backHook = tempEdge.backHook; try { agenda.decreaseKey(resultEdge); } catch (NullPointerException e) { if (false) {"");"Old backEdge: " + backE + " i " + backE.iScore + " o " + backE.oScore + " s " + backE.score());"Old backEdge: " + backE + " iE " + scorer.iScore(backE));"Old backHook: " + backH + " i " + backH.iScore + " o " + backH.oScore + " s " + backH.score());"New backEdge: " + tempEdge.backEdge + " i " + tempEdge.backEdge.iScore + " o " + tempEdge.backEdge.oScore + " s " + tempEdge.backEdge.score());"New backEdge: " + tempEdge.backEdge + " iE " + scorer.iScore(tempEdge.backEdge));"New backHook: " + tempEdge.backHook + " i " + tempEdge.backHook.iScore + " o " + tempEdge.backHook.oScore + " s " + tempEdge.backHook.score()); log.error("Formed " + resultEdge + " i " + tempEdge.iScore + " o " + resultEdge.oScore + " s " + resultEdge.score()); log.error("Formed " + resultEdge + " " + (resultEdge == tempEdge ? "new" : "old") + " " + tempEdge.iScore + " was " + back + " better? " + better(tempEdge.iScore, back)); } } } } } protected void discoverEdge(Edge edge) { // create new edge edge.oScore = scorer.oScore(edge); agenda.add(edge); builtEdges++; } protected void discoverHook(Hook hook) { hook.oScore = buildOScore(hook); if (hook.oScore == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { relaxHook4++; } builtHooks++; agenda.add(hook); } protected double buildOScore(Hook hook) { double bestOScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Edge iTemp = new Edge(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); Edge oTemp = new Edge(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); iTemp.head = hook.head; iTemp.tag = hook.tag; iTemp.state = hook.subState; oTemp.head = hook.head; oTemp.tag = hook.tag; oTemp.state = hook.state; if (hook.isPreHook()) { iTemp.end = hook.start; oTemp.end = hook.end; for (int start = 0; start <= hook.head; start++) { iTemp.start = start; oTemp.start = start; double oScore = scorer.oScore(oTemp) + scorer.iScore(iTemp); //"Score for "+hook+" is i "+iTemp+" ("+scorer.iScore(iTemp)+") o "+oTemp+" ("+scorer.oScore(oTemp)+")"); bestOScore = SloppyMath.max(bestOScore, oScore); } } else { iTemp.start = hook.end; oTemp.start = hook.start; for (int end = hook.head + 1; end <= length; end++) { iTemp.end = end; oTemp.end = end; double oScore = scorer.oScore(oTemp) + scorer.iScore(iTemp); bestOScore = SloppyMath.max(bestOScore, oScore); } } return bestOScore; } protected Hook tempHook; protected void projectHooks(Edge edge) { // form hooks // POST HOOKS //for (Iterator rI = bg.ruleIteratorByLeftChild(edge.state); // rI.hasNext(); ) { List<BinaryRule> ruleList = bg.ruleListByLeftChild(edge.state); for (BinaryRule br : ruleList) { //BinaryRule br =; if (scorer instanceof LatticeScorer) { LatticeScorer lscorer = (LatticeScorer) scorer; Edge latEdge = (Edge) lscorer.convertItemSpan(new Edge(edge)); if (!fscorer.oPossibleL(project(br.parent), latEdge.start) || !fscorer.iPossibleL(project(br.rightChild), latEdge.end)) { if (!op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest) { continue; } } } else { if (!fscorer.oPossibleL(project(br.parent), edge.start) || !fscorer.iPossibleL(project(br.rightChild), edge.end)) { if (!op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest) { continue; } } } for (int head = edge.end; head < length; head++) { // cdm Apr 2006: avoid Iterator allocation // for (Iterator iTWI = taggedWordList[head].iterator(); iTWI.hasNext();) { // IntTaggedWord iTW = (IntTaggedWord); for (int hdi = 0, sz = taggedWordList[head].size(); hdi < sz; hdi++) { IntTaggedWord iTW = taggedWordList[head].get(hdi); int tag = iTW.tag; tempHook.start = edge.start; tempHook.end = edge.end; tempHook.head = head; tempHook.tag = tag; tempHook.state = br.parent; tempHook.subState = br.rightChild; if (!chart.isBuiltL(tempHook.subState, tempHook.end, tempHook.head, tempHook.tag)) { continue; } tempHook.iScore = edge.iScore + br.score + dparser.headScore[dparser.binDistance[head][edge.end]][head][dg.tagBin(tag)][edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)] + dparser.headStop[edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)][edge.start] + dparser.headStop[edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)][edge.end]; tempHook.backEdge = edge; relaxTempHook(); } } } // PRE HOOKS //for (Iterator<BinaryRule> rI = bg.ruleIteratorByRightChild(edge.state); // rI.hasNext(); ) { ruleList = bg.ruleListByRightChild(edge.state); for (BinaryRule br : ruleList) { //BinaryRule br =; if (scorer instanceof LatticeScorer) { LatticeScorer lscorer = (LatticeScorer) scorer; Edge latEdge = (Edge) lscorer.convertItemSpan(new Edge(edge)); if (!fscorer.oPossibleR(project(br.parent), latEdge.end) || !fscorer.iPossibleR(project(br.leftChild), latEdge.start)) { if (!op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest) { continue; } } } else { if (!fscorer.oPossibleR(project(br.parent), edge.end) || !fscorer.iPossibleR(project(br.leftChild), edge.start)) { if (!op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest) { continue; } } } for (int head = 0; head < edge.start; head++) { // cdm Apr 2006: avoid Iterator allocation // for (Iterator iTWI = taggedWordList[head].iterator(); iTWI.hasNext();) { //IntTaggedWord iTW = (IntTaggedWord); for (int hdi = 0, sz = taggedWordList[head].size(); hdi < sz; hdi++) { IntTaggedWord iTW = taggedWordList[head].get(hdi); int tag = iTW.tag; tempHook.start = edge.start; tempHook.end = edge.end; tempHook.head = head; tempHook.tag = tag; tempHook.state = br.parent; tempHook.subState = br.leftChild; if (!chart.isBuiltR(tempHook.subState, tempHook.start, tempHook.head, tempHook.tag)) { continue; } tempHook.iScore = edge.iScore + br.score + dparser.headScore[dparser.binDistance[head][edge.start]][head][dg.tagBin(tag)][edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)] + dparser.headStop[edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)][edge.start] + dparser.headStop[edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)][edge.end]; tempHook.backEdge = edge; relaxTempHook(); } } } } protected void registerReal(Edge real) { chart.registerRealEdge(real); } protected void triggerHooks(Edge edge) { // we might have built a synth edge, enabling some old real edges to project hooks (the difference between this method and triggerAllHooks is that here we look only at realEdges) boolean newL = !chart.isBuiltL(edge.state, edge.start, edge.head, edge.tag); boolean newR = !chart.isBuiltR(edge.state, edge.end, edge.head, edge.tag); if (VERY_VERBOSE) { if (newL) {"Triggering on L: " + edge); } if (newR) {"Triggering on R: " + edge); } } chart.registerEdgeIndexes(edge); if (newR) { // PRE HOOKS BinaryRule[] rules = bg.splitRulesWithLC(edge.state); for (BinaryRule br : rules) { Collection<Edge> realEdges = chart.getRealEdgesWithL(br.rightChild, edge.end); for (Edge real : realEdges) { tempHook.start = real.start; tempHook.end = real.end; tempHook.state = br.parent; tempHook.subState = br.leftChild; tempHook.head = edge.head; tempHook.tag = edge.tag; tempHook.backEdge = real; tempHook.iScore = real.iScore + br.score + dparser.headScore[dparser.binDistance[edge.head][edge.end]][edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)][real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)] + dparser.headStop[real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)][real.start] + dparser.headStop[real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)][real.end]; relaxTempHook(); } } } if (newL) { // POST HOOKS BinaryRule[] rules = bg.splitRulesWithRC(edge.state); for (BinaryRule br : rules) { Collection<Edge> realEdges = chart.getRealEdgesWithR(br.leftChild, edge.start); for (Edge real : realEdges) { tempHook.start = real.start; tempHook.end = real.end; tempHook.state = br.parent; tempHook.subState = br.rightChild; tempHook.head = edge.head; tempHook.tag = edge.tag; tempHook.backEdge = real; tempHook.iScore = real.iScore + br.score + dparser.headScore[dparser.binDistance[edge.head][edge.start]][edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)][real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)] + dparser.headStop[real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)][real.start] + dparser.headStop[real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)][real.end]; relaxTempHook(); } } } } protected void triggerAllHooks(Edge edge) { // we might have built a new edge, enabling some old edges to project hooks boolean newL = !chart.isBuiltL(edge.state, edge.start, edge.head, edge.tag); boolean newR = !chart.isBuiltR(edge.state, edge.end, edge.head, edge.tag); if (VERY_VERBOSE) { if (newL) {"Triggering on L: " + edge); } if (newR) {"Triggering on R: " + edge); } } chart.registerEdgeIndexes(edge); if (newR) { // PRE HOOKS for (Iterator<BinaryRule> rI = bg.ruleIteratorByLeftChild(edge.state); rI.hasNext();) { BinaryRule br =; Collection<Edge> edges = chart.getRealEdgesWithL(br.rightChild, edge.end); for (Edge real : edges) { tempHook.start = real.start; tempHook.end = real.end; tempHook.state = br.parent; tempHook.subState = br.leftChild; tempHook.head = edge.head; tempHook.tag = edge.tag; tempHook.backEdge = real; tempHook.iScore = real.iScore + br.score + dparser.headScore[dparser.binDistance[edge.head][edge.end]][edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)][real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)] + dparser.headStop[real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)][real.start] + dparser.headStop[real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)][real.end]; relaxTempHook(); } } } if (newL) { // POST HOOKS for (Iterator rI = bg.ruleIteratorByRightChild(edge.state); rI.hasNext();) { BinaryRule br = (BinaryRule); Collection<Edge> edges = chart.getRealEdgesWithR(br.leftChild, edge.start); if (VERBOSE) {"Looking for: " + stateIndex.get(br.leftChild) + " ending at " + edge.start);"Found: " + edges); } for (Edge real : edges) { tempHook.start = real.start; tempHook.end = real.end; tempHook.state = br.parent; tempHook.subState = br.rightChild; tempHook.head = edge.head; tempHook.tag = edge.tag; tempHook.backEdge = real; tempHook.iScore = real.iScore + br.score + dparser.headScore[dparser.binDistance[edge.head][edge.start]][edge.head][dg.tagBin(edge.tag)][real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)] + dparser.headStop[real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)][real.start] + dparser.headStop[real.head][dg.tagBin(real.tag)][real.end]; relaxTempHook(); } } } } protected void relaxTempHook() { relaxHook1++; if (VERBOSE) {"Considering: " + tempHook + " iP: " + scorer.iPossible(tempHook) + " oP: " + scorer.oPossible(tempHook)); } if (!op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest) { if (!scorer.oPossible(tempHook) || !scorer.iPossible(tempHook)) { return; } } relaxHook2++; Hook resultHook = (Hook) interner.intern(tempHook); if (VERBOSE) { System.err.printf("Formed %s %s %f was %f\n", resultHook, (resultHook == tempHook ? "new" : "old"), tempHook.iScore, resultHook.iScore); if (resultHook.backEdge != null) {" Backtrace: " + resultHook.backEdge); } } if (resultHook == tempHook) { relaxHook3++; tempHook = new Hook(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); discoverHook(resultHook); } if (better(tempHook.iScore, resultHook.iScore)) { resultHook.iScore = tempHook.iScore; resultHook.backEdge = tempHook.backEdge; try { agenda.decreaseKey(resultHook); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } } protected void projectUnaries(Edge edge) { for (Iterator rI = ug.ruleIteratorByChild(edge.state); rI.hasNext();) { UnaryRule ur = (UnaryRule); if (ur.child == ur.parent) { continue; } tempEdge.start = edge.start; tempEdge.end = edge.end; tempEdge.head = edge.head; tempEdge.tag = edge.tag; tempEdge.state = ur.parent; tempEdge.backEdge = edge; tempEdge.backHook = null; tempEdge.iScore = edge.iScore + ur.score; relaxTempEdge(); } } protected void processEdge(Edge edge) { // add to chart if (VERBOSE) {"Adding to chart: " + edge); } chart.addEdge(edge); // fetch existing hooks that can combine with it and combine them for (Hook hook : chart.getPreHooks(edge)) { combine(edge, hook); } for (Hook hook : chart.getPostHooks(edge)) { combine(edge, hook); } // do projections //if (VERBOSE)"Projecting: "+edge); projectUnaries(edge); if (!bg.isSynthetic(edge.state) && !op.freeDependencies) { projectHooks(edge); registerReal(edge); } if (op.freeDependencies) { projectHooks(edge); registerReal(edge); triggerAllHooks(edge); } else { triggerHooks(edge); } } protected void processHook(Hook hook) { // add to chart //if (VERBOSE)"Adding to chart: "+hook); chart.addHook(hook); Collection<Edge> edges = chart.getEdges(hook); for (Edge edge : edges) { combine(edge, hook); } } protected void processItem(Item item) { if (item.isEdge()) { processEdge((Edge) item); } else { processHook((Hook) item); } } protected void discoverItem(Item item) { if (item.isEdge()) { discoverEdge((Edge) item); } else { discoverHook((Hook) item); } } protected Item makeInitialItem(int pos, int tag, int state, double iScore) { Edge edge = new Edge(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); edge.start = pos; edge.end = pos + 1; edge.state = state; edge.head = pos; edge.tag = tag; edge.iScore = iScore; return edge; } protected List<Item> makeInitialItems(List<? extends HasWord> wordList) { List<Item> itemList = new ArrayList<>(); int length = wordList.size(); int numTags = tagIndex.size(); words = new int[length]; taggedWordList = new List[length]; int terminalCount = 0; originalLabels = new CoreLabel[wordList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { taggedWordList[i] = new ArrayList<>(numTags); HasWord wordObject = wordList.get(i); if (wordObject instanceof CoreLabel) { originalLabels[i] = (CoreLabel) wordObject; } String wordStr = wordObject.word(); //Word context (e.g., morphosyntactic info) String wordContextStr = null; if(wordObject instanceof HasContext) { wordContextStr = ((HasContext) wordObject).originalText(); if("".equals(wordContextStr)) wordContextStr = null; } if (!wordIndex.contains(wordStr)) { wordStr = Lexicon.UNKNOWN_WORD; } int word = wordIndex.indexOf(wordStr); words[i] = word; for (Iterator<IntTaggedWord> tagI = lex.ruleIteratorByWord(word, i, wordContextStr); tagI.hasNext(); ) { IntTaggedWord tagging =; int tag = tagging.tag; //String curTagStr = tagIndex.get(tag); //if (!tagStr.equals("") && !tagStr.equals(curTagStr)) // continue; int state = stateIndex.indexOf(tagIndex.get(tag)); //itemList.add(makeInitialItem(i,tag,state,1.0*tagging.score)); // THIS WILL CAUSE BUGS!!! Don't use with another A* scorer tempEdge.state = state; tempEdge.head = i; tempEdge.start = i; tempEdge.end = i + 1; tempEdge.tag = tag; itemList.add(makeInitialItem(i, tag, state, scorer.iScore(tempEdge))); terminalCount++; taggedWordList[i].add(new IntTaggedWord(word, tag)); } } if (op.testOptions.verbose) {"Terminals (# of tag edges in chart): " + terminalCount); } return itemList; } protected void scoreDependencies() { // just leach it off the dparser for now... /* IntDependency dependency = new IntDependency(); for (int head = 0; head < words.length; head++) { for (int hTag = 0; hTag < tagIndex.size(); hTag++) { for (int arg = 0; arg < words.length; arg++) { for (int aTag = 0; aTag < tagIndex.size(); aTag++) { Arrays.fill(depScore[head][hTag][arg][aTag],Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); } } } } for (int head = 0; head < words.length; head++) { for (int arg = 0; arg < words.length; arg++) { if (head == arg) continue; for (Iterator<IntTaggedWord> headTWI=taggedWordList[head].iterator(); headTWI.hasNext();) { IntTaggedWord headTW =; for (Iterator<IntTaggedWord> argTWI=taggedWordList[arg].iterator(); argTWI.hasNext();) { IntTaggedWord argTW =; dependency.head = headTW; dependency.arg = argTW; dependency.leftHeaded = (head < arg); dependency.distance = Math.abs(head-arg); depScore[head][headTW.tag][arg][argTW.tag] = dg.score(dependency); if (false && depScore[head][headTW.tag][arg][argTW.tag] > -100)"/"+tagIndex.get(headTW.tag)+" -> "+wordIndex.get(argTW.word)+"/"+tagIndex.get(argTW.tag)+" score "+depScore[head][headTW.tag][arg][argTW.tag]); } } } } */ } protected void setGoal(int length) { goal = new Edge(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); goal.start = 0; goal.end = length; goal.state = stateIndex.indexOf(op.langpack().startSymbol()); goal.tag = tagIndex.indexOf(Lexicon.BOUNDARY_TAG); goal.head = length - 1; //goal = (Edge)interner.intern(goal); } protected void initialize(List<? extends HasWord> words) { length = words.size(); interner = new Interner(); agenda = new ArrayHeap<>(ScoredComparator.DESCENDING_COMPARATOR); chart = new HookChart(); setGoal(length); List<Item> initialItems = makeInitialItems(words); // scoreDependencies(); for (Item item : initialItems) { item = (Item) interner.intern(item); //if (VERBOSE)"Initial: "+item); discoverItem(item); } } /** * Parse a Sentence. * * @return true iff it could be parsed */ public boolean parse(List<? extends HasWord> words) { int nGoodRemaining = 0; if (op.testOptions.printFactoredKGood > 0) { nGoodRemaining = op.testOptions.printFactoredKGood; nGoodTrees.clear(); } int spanFound = 0; long last = 0; int exHook = 0; relaxHook1 = 0; relaxHook2 = 0; relaxHook3 = 0; relaxHook4 = 0; builtHooks = 0; builtEdges = 0; extractedHooks = 0; extractedEdges = 0; if (op.testOptions.verbose) { Timing.tick("Starting combined parse."); } dparser.binDistance = dparser.binDistance; // THIS IS TERRIBLE, BUT SAVES MEMORY initialize(words); while (!agenda.isEmpty()) { Item item = agenda.extractMin(); if (!item.isEdge()) { exHook++; extractedHooks++; } else { extractedEdges++; } if (relaxHook1 > last + 1000000) { last = relaxHook1; if (op.testOptions.verbose) {"Proposed hooks: " + relaxHook1);"Unfiltered hooks: " + relaxHook2);"Built hooks: " + relaxHook3);"Waste hooks: " + relaxHook4);"Extracted hooks: " + exHook); } } if (item.end - item.start > spanFound) { spanFound = item.end - item.start; if (op.testOptions.verbose) { + " "); } } //if (item.end < 5)"Extracted: "+item+" iScore "+item.iScore+" oScore "+item.oScore+" score "+item.score()); if (item.equals(goal)) { if (op.testOptions.verbose) {"Found goal!");"Comb iScore " + item.iScore); // was goal.iScore Timing.tick("Done, parse found.");"Built items: " + (builtEdges + builtHooks));"Built hooks: " + builtHooks);"Built edges: " + builtEdges);"Extracted items: " + (extractedEdges + extractedHooks));"Extracted hooks: " + extractedHooks);"Extracted edges: " + extractedEdges); //postMortem(); } if (op.testOptions.printFactoredKGood <= 0) { goal = (Edge) item; interner = null; agenda = null; return true; } else { // Store the parse goal = (Edge) item; nGoodTrees.add(goal); nGoodRemaining--; if (nGoodRemaining > 0) { if (VERBOSE) {"Found parse! Number of remaining trees to find = " + nGoodRemaining); } } else { if (VERBOSE) {"Found last parse!"); } interner = null; agenda = null; return true; } } } // Is the currently best item acceptable at all? if (item.score() == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { // Do not report failure in nGood mode if we found something earlier. if (nGoodTrees.size() > 0) { if (VERBOSE) {"Aborting kGood search because of an unacceptable (-Inf) item: " + item); } goal = nGoodTrees.get(0); interner = null; agenda = null; return true; }"FactoredParser: no consistent parse [hit A*-blocked edges, aborting]."); if (op.testOptions.verbose) { Timing.tick("FactoredParser: no consistent parse [hit A*-blocked edges, aborting]."); } return false; } // Keep the number of items from getting too large if (op.testOptions.MAX_ITEMS > 0 && (builtEdges + builtHooks) >= op.testOptions.MAX_ITEMS) { // Do not report failure in kGood mode if we found something earlier. if (nGoodTrees.size() > 0) {"DEBUG: aborting search because of reaching the MAX_ITEMS work limit [" + op.testOptions.MAX_ITEMS + " items]"); goal = nGoodTrees.get(0); interner = null; agenda = null; return true; }"FactoredParser: exceeded MAX_ITEMS work limit [" + op.testOptions.MAX_ITEMS + " items]; aborting."); if (op.testOptions.verbose) { Timing.tick("FactoredParser: exceeded MAX_ITEMS work limit [" + op.testOptions.MAX_ITEMS + " items]; aborting."); } return false; } if (VERBOSE && item.score() != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { System.err.printf("Removing from agenda: %s score i %.2f + o %.2f = %.2f\n", item, item.iScore, item.oScore, item.score()); if (item.backEdge != null) {" Backtrace: " + item.backEdge.toString() + " " + (item.isEdge() ? (((Edge) item).backHook != null ? ((Edge) item).backHook.toString() : "") : "")); } } processItem(item); } // end while agenda is not empty // If we are here, the agenda is empty. // Do not report failure if we found something earlier. if (nGoodTrees.size() > 0) {"DEBUG: aborting search because of empty agenda"); goal = nGoodTrees.get(0); interner = null; agenda = null; return true; }"FactoredParser: emptied agenda, no parse found!"); if (op.testOptions.verbose) { Timing.tick("FactoredParser: emptied agenda, no parse found!"); } return false; } protected void postMortem() { int numHooks = 0; int numEdges = 0; int numUnmatchedHooks = 0; int total = agenda.size(); int done = 0; while (!agenda.isEmpty()) { Item item = agenda.extractMin(); done++; //if(done % (total/10) == 0) //"Scanning: "+100*done/total); if (item.isEdge()) { numEdges++; } else { numHooks++; Collection edges = chart.getEdges((Hook) item); if (edges.size() == 0) { numUnmatchedHooks++; } } }"--- Agenda Post-Mortem ---");"Edges: " + numEdges);"Hooks: " + numHooks);"Unmatched Hooks: " + numUnmatchedHooks); } protected int project(int state) { return projection.project(state); } public BiLexPCFGParser(Scorer scorer, ExhaustivePCFGParser fscorer, ExhaustiveDependencyParser dparser, BinaryGrammar bg, UnaryGrammar ug, DependencyGrammar dg, Lexicon lex, Options op, Index<String> stateIndex, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) { this(scorer, fscorer, dparser, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, new NullGrammarProjection(bg, ug), stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex); } BiLexPCFGParser(Scorer scorer, ExhaustivePCFGParser fscorer, ExhaustiveDependencyParser dparser, BinaryGrammar bg, UnaryGrammar ug, DependencyGrammar dg, Lexicon lex, Options op, GrammarProjection projection, Index<String> stateIndex, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) { this.fscorer = fscorer; this.projection = projection; this.dparser = dparser; this.scorer = scorer; = bg; = ug; this.dg = dg; this.lex = lex; this.op = op; this.stateIndex = stateIndex; this.wordIndex = wordIndex; this.tagIndex = tagIndex; tempEdge = new Edge(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); tempHook = new Hook(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); } public static class N5BiLexPCFGParser extends BiLexPCFGParser { @Override protected void relaxTempHook() { relaxHook1++; if (VERBOSE) {"Considering: " + tempHook + " iP: " + scorer.iPossible(tempHook) + " oP: " + scorer.oPossible(tempHook)); } if (!op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest) { if (!scorer.oPossible(tempHook) || !scorer.iPossible(tempHook)) { return; } } relaxHook2++; Hook resultHook = tempHook; //Hook resultHook = (Hook)interner.intern(tempHook); if (VERBOSE) {"Formed " + resultHook + " " + (resultHook == tempHook ? "new" : "old") + " " + tempHook.iScore + " was " + resultHook.iScore); } if (resultHook == tempHook) { relaxHook3++; tempHook = new Hook(op.testOptions.exhaustiveTest); processHook(resultHook); builtHooks++; } } N5BiLexPCFGParser(Scorer scorer, ExhaustivePCFGParser fscorer, ExhaustiveDependencyParser leach, BinaryGrammar bg, UnaryGrammar ug, DependencyGrammar dg, Lexicon lex, Options op, Index<String> stateIndex, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) { super(scorer, fscorer, leach, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, new NullGrammarProjection(bg, ug), stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex); } N5BiLexPCFGParser(Scorer scorer, ExhaustivePCFGParser fscorer, ExhaustiveDependencyParser leach, BinaryGrammar bg, UnaryGrammar ug, DependencyGrammar dg, Lexicon lex, Options op, GrammarProjection proj, Index<String> stateIndex, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) { super(scorer, fscorer, leach, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, proj, stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex); } } // end class N5BiLexPCFGParser } // end class BiLexPCFGParser