package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Tag; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index; /** * An unknown word model for a generic language. This was originally designed for * German, changing only to remove German-specific numeric features. Models unknown * words based on their prefix and suffixes, as well as capital letters. * * @author Roger Levy * @author Greg Donaker (corrections and modeling improvements) * @author Christopher Manning (generalized and improved what Greg did) * @author Anna Rafferty * */ public class BaseUnknownWordModel implements UnknownWordModel { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(BaseUnknownWordModel.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 6355171148751673822L; protected static final boolean VERBOSE = false; protected boolean useFirst; //= true; private final boolean useEnd; protected boolean useGT; private final boolean useFirstCap; // Only care if first is capitalized private int endLength = 2; // only used if useEnd==true /** What type of equivalence classing is done in getSignature */ protected final int unknownLevel; protected static final String unknown = "UNK"; protected static final int nullWord = -1; protected static final short nullTag = -1; protected static final IntTaggedWord NULL_ITW = new IntTaggedWord(nullWord, nullTag); protected final TrainOptions trainOptions; protected final Index<String> wordIndex; protected final Index<String> tagIndex; /** * Has counts for taggings in terms of unseen signatures. The IntTagWords are * for (tag,sig), (tag,null), (null,sig), (null,null). (None for basic UNK if * there are signatures.) */ protected final ClassicCounter<IntTaggedWord> unSeenCounter; /** This maps from a tag (as a label) to a Counter from word signatures to * their P(sig|tag), as estimated in the model. For Chinese, the word * signature is just the first character or its unicode type for things * that aren't Chinese characters. */ protected final Map<Label,ClassicCounter<String>> tagHash; /** This is the set of all signatures that we have seen. */ private final Set<String> seenEnd; final Map<String,Float> unknownGT; /** All classes that implement UnknownWordModel must call the constructor that initializes this variable. */ private final Lexicon lex; public BaseUnknownWordModel(Options op, Lexicon lex, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex, ClassicCounter<IntTaggedWord> unSeenCounter, Map<Label,ClassicCounter<String>> tagHash, Map<String,Float> unknownGT, Set<String> seenEnd) { endLength = op.lexOptions.unknownSuffixSize; // TODO: refactor these terms into BaseUnknownWordModelTrainer useEnd = (op.lexOptions.unknownSuffixSize > 0 && op.lexOptions.useUnknownWordSignatures > 0); useFirstCap = op.lexOptions.useUnknownWordSignatures > 0; useGT = (op.lexOptions.useUnknownWordSignatures == 0); useFirst = false; this.lex = lex; this.trainOptions = op.trainOptions; this.wordIndex = wordIndex; this.tagIndex = tagIndex; this.unSeenCounter = unSeenCounter; this.tagHash = tagHash; this.seenEnd = seenEnd; this.unknownGT = unknownGT; unknownLevel = op.lexOptions.useUnknownWordSignatures; } /** * This constructor creates an UWM with empty data structures. Only * use if loading in the data separately, such as by reading in text * lines containing the data. */ public BaseUnknownWordModel(Options op, Lexicon lex, Index<String> wordIndex, Index<String> tagIndex) { this(op, lex, wordIndex, tagIndex, new ClassicCounter<>(), Generics.<Label,ClassicCounter<String>>newHashMap(), Generics.<String,Float>newHashMap(), Generics.<String>newHashSet()); } /** * Currently we don't consider loc or the other parameters in determining * score in the default implementation; only English uses them. */ @Override public float score(IntTaggedWord itw, int loc, double c_Tseen, double total, double smooth, String word) { return score(itw, word); } // todo [cdm 2010]: Recheck that this method really does the right thing in making a P(W|T) estimate.... public float score(IntTaggedWord itw, String word) { float logProb; // Label tag = itw.tagLabel(); String tagStr = itw.tagString(tagIndex); Label tag = new Tag(tagStr); // testing //EncodingPrintWriter.out.println("Scoring unknown word " + word + " with tag " + tag,encoding); // end testing if (useEnd || useFirst || useFirstCap) { String end = getSignature(word, -1); // The getSignature here doesn't use sentence position if (useGT && ! seenEnd.contains(end)) { logProb = scoreGT(tagStr); } else { if ( ! seenEnd.contains(end)) { end = unknown; } //System.out.println("using end-character model for for unknown word "+ word + " for tag " + tag); /* get the Counter of terminal rewrites for the relevant tag */ ClassicCounter<String> wordProbs = tagHash.get(tag); /* if the proposed tag has never been seen before, issue a * warning and return probability 0 */ if (wordProbs == null) {"Warning: proposed tag is unseen in training data:\t"+tagStr); logProb = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if (wordProbs.keySet().contains(end)) { logProb = (float) wordProbs.getCount(end); } else { logProb = (float) wordProbs.getCount(unknown); } } } else if (useGT) { logProb = scoreGT(tagStr); } else {"Warning: no unknown word model in place!\nGiving the combination " + word + ' ' + tagStr + " zero probability."); logProb = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // should never get this! } //EncodingPrintWriter.out.println("Unknown word estimate for " + word + " as " + tag + ": " + logProb,encoding); //debugging return logProb; } /** Calculate P(Tag|Signature) with Bayesian smoothing via just P(Tag|Unknown) */ @Override public double scoreProbTagGivenWordSignature(IntTaggedWord iTW, int loc, double smooth, String word) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // todo [cdm 2012, based on error report from Thang]: this is broken because the Label passed in is a Tag, which will never match on the CoreLabel's now in unknownGT.keySet() // todo [cdm 2012]: But see if this bug is only if you use Lexicon's main method, or also when training a parser in the usual way. protected float scoreGT(String tag) { if (VERBOSE)"using GT for unknown word and tag " + tag); if (unknownGT.containsKey(tag)) { return unknownGT.get(tag).floatValue(); } else { return Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } } /** * Signature for a specific word; loc parameter is ignored. * @param word The word * @param loc Its sentence position * @return A "signature" (which represents an equivalence class of Strings), e.g., a suffix of the string */ @Override public String getSignature(String word, int loc) { StringBuilder subStr = new StringBuilder("UNK-"); int n = word.length() - 1; char first = word.charAt(0); if (useFirstCap) { if (Character.isUpperCase(first) || Character.isTitleCase(first)) { subStr.append('C'); } else { subStr.append('c'); } } if (useFirst) { subStr.append(first); } if (useEnd) { subStr.append(word.substring(n - endLength > 0 ? n - endLength : 0, n)); } return subStr.toString(); } @Override public int getSignatureIndex(int wordIndex, int sentencePosition, String word) { return 0; } /** * Get the lexicon associated with this unknown word model; usually not used, but * might be useful to tell you if a related word is known or unknown, for example. */ @Override public Lexicon getLexicon() { return lex; } @Override public int getUnknownLevel() { return unknownLevel; } /** * Adds the tagging with count to the data structures in this Lexicon. */ @Override public void addTagging(boolean seen, IntTaggedWord itw, double count) { if (seen) {"UWM.addTagging: Shouldn't call with seen word!"); } else { unSeenCounter.incrementCount(itw, count); // if (itw.tag() == nullTag) { // sigs.add(itw); // } } } @Override public Counter<IntTaggedWord> unSeenCounter() { return unSeenCounter; } }