package edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBEscapingProcessor; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.LabeledScoredTreeNode; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.Tsurgeon; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.tsurgeon.TsurgeonPattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionUtils; import java.util.function.Function; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; /** * Reads the sentiment dataset and writes it to the appropriate files. * * @author John Bauer */ public class ReadSentimentDataset { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ReadSentimentDataset.class); static final Function<Tree, String> TRANSFORM_TREE_TO_WORD = tree -> tree.label().value(); static final Function<String, String> TRANSFORM_PARENS = word -> { if (word.equals("(")) { return "-LRB-"; } if (word.equals(")")) { return "-RRB-"; } return word; }; // A bunch of trees have some funky tokenization which we can // somewhat correct using these tregex / tsurgeon expressions. static final TregexPattern[] tregexPatterns = { TregexPattern.compile("__=single <1 (__ < /^-LRB-$/) <2 (__ <... { (__ < /^[a-zA-Z]$/=letter) ; (__ < /^-RRB-$/) }) > (__ <2 =single <1 (__=useless <<- (__=word !< __)))"), TregexPattern.compile("__=single <1 (__ < /^-LRB-$/) <2 (__ <... { (__ < /^[aA]$/=letter) ; (__ < /^-RRB-$/) }) > (__ <1 =single <2 (__=useless <<, /^n$/=word))"), TregexPattern.compile("__=single <1 (__ < /^-LRB-$/) <2 (__=A <... { (__ < /^[aA]$/=letter) ; (__=paren < /^-RRB-$/) })"), TregexPattern.compile("__ <1 (__ <<- (/^(?i:provide)$/=provide !<__)) <2 (__ <<, (__=s > __=useless <... { (__ <: -LRB-) ; (__ <1 (__ <: s)) } ))"), TregexPattern.compile("__=single <1 (__ < /^-LRB-$/) <2 (__ <... { (__ < /^[a-zA-Z]$/=letter) ; (__ < /^-RRB-$/) }) > (__ <1 =single <2 (__=useless <<, (__=word !< __)))"), TregexPattern.compile("-LRB-=lrb !, __ : (__=ltop > __ <<, =lrb <<- (-RRB-=rrb > (__ > __=rtop)) !<< (-RRB- !== =rrb))"), // uncensor "fucked" TregexPattern.compile("__=top <1 (__=f1 < f) <2 (__=f2 <... { (__ < /^[*\\\\]+$/) ; (__ < ed) })"), // fix don ' t TregexPattern.compile("__=top <1 (__=f1 <1 (__ < don=do) <2 (__ < /^[\']$/=apos)) <2 (__=wrong < t)"), // parens at the start of a sentence - always appears wrong TregexPattern.compile("-LRB-=lrb !, __ .. (-RRB-=rrb !< __ !.. -RRB-)"), // parens with a single word that we can drop TregexPattern.compile("-LRB-=lrb . and|Haneke|is|Evans|Harmon|Harris|its|it|Aniston|headbanger|Testud|but|frames|yet|Denis|DeNiro|sinks|screenwriter|Cho|meditation|Watts|that|the|this|Madonna|Ahola|Franco|Hopkins|Crudup|writer-director|Diggs|very|Crane|Frei|Reno|Jones|Quills|Bobby|Hill|Kim|subjects|Wang|Jaglom|Vega|Sabara|Sade|Goldbacher|too|being|opening=last : (=last . -RRB-=rrb)"), // parens with two word expressions TregexPattern.compile("-LRB-=lrb . (__=n1 !< __ . (__=n2 !< __ . -RRB-=rrb)) : (=n1 (== Besson|Kissinger|Godard|Seagal|jaglon|It|it|Tsai|Nelson|Rifkan|Shakespeare|Solondz|Madonna|Herzog|Witherspoon|Woo|Eyre|there|Moore|Ricci|Seinfeld . (=n2 == /^\'s$/)) | (== Denis|Skins|Spears|Assayas . (=n2 == /^\'$/)) | (== Je-Gyu . (=n2 == is)) | (== the . (=n2 == leads|film|story|characters)) | (== Monsoon . (=n2 == Wedding)) | (== De . (=n2 == Niro)) | (== Roman . (=n2 == Coppola)) | (== than . (=n2 == Leon)) | (==Colgate . (=n2 == /^U.$/)) | (== teen . (=n2 == comedy)) | (== a . (=n2 == remake)) | (== Powerpuff . (=n2 == Girls)) | (== Woody . (=n2 == Allen)))"), // parens with three word expressions TregexPattern.compile("-LRB-=lrb . (__=n1 !< __ . (__=n2 !< __ . (__=n3 !< __ . -RRB-=rrb))) : (=n1 [ (== the . (=n2 == characters . (=n3 == /^\'$/))) | (== the . (=n2 == movie . (=n3 == /^\'s$/))) | (== of . (=n2 == middle-aged . (=n3 == romance))) | (== Jack . (=n2 == Nicholson . (=n3 == /^\'s$/))) | (== De . (=n2 == Palma . (=n3 == /^\'s$/))) | (== Clara . (=n2 == and . (=n3 == Paul))) | (== Sex . (=n2 == and . (=n3 == LucĂ­a))) ])"), // only one of these, so can be very general TregexPattern.compile("/^401$/ > (__ > __=top)"), TregexPattern.compile("by . (all > (__=all > __=allgp) . (means > (__=means > __=meansgp))) : (=allgp !== =meansgp)"), // 20th century, 21st century TregexPattern.compile("/^(?:20th|21st)$/ . Century=century"), // Fix any stranded unitary nodes TregexPattern.compile("__ <: (__=unitary < __)"), // relabel some nodes where punctuation changes the score for no apparent reason // TregexPattern.compile("__=node <2 (__ < /^[!.?,;]$/) !<1 ~node <1 __=child > ~child"), // TODO: relabel words in some less expensive way? TregexPattern.compile("/^[1]$/=label <: /^(?i:protagonist)$/"), }; static final TsurgeonPattern[] tsurgeonPatterns = { Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[relabel word /^.*$/={word}={letter}/] [prune single] [excise useless useless]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[relabel word /^.*$/={letter}n/] [prune single] [excise useless useless]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[excise single A] [prune paren]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[relabel provide /^.*$/={provide}s/] [prune s] [excise useless useless]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[relabel word /^.*$/={letter}={word}/] [prune single] [excise useless useless]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[prune lrb] [prune rrb] [excise ltop ltop] [excise rtop rtop]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("replace top (0 fucked)"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[prune wrong] [relabel do do] [relabel apos /^.*$/n={apos}t/] [excise top top]"), // Note: the next couple leave unitary nodes, so we then fix them at the end Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[prune rrb] [prune lrb]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[prune rrb] [prune lrb]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[prune rrb] [prune lrb]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[prune rrb] [prune lrb]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("replace top (2 (2 401k) (2 statement))"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[move means $- all] [excise meansgp meansgp] [createSubtree 2 all means]"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel century century"), // Fix any stranded unitary nodes Tsurgeon.parseOperation("[excise unitary unitary]"), //Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel node /^.*$/={child}/"), Tsurgeon.parseOperation("relabel label /^.*$/2/"), }; static { if (tregexPatterns.length != tsurgeonPatterns.length) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected the same number of tregex and tsurgeon when initializing"); } } private ReadSentimentDataset() {} // static class public static Tree convertTree(List<Integer> parentPointers, List<String> sentence, Map<List<String>, Integer> phraseIds, Map<Integer, Double> sentimentScores, PTBEscapingProcessor escaper, int numClasses) { int maxNode = 0; for (Integer parent : parentPointers) { maxNode = Math.max(maxNode, parent); } Tree[] subtrees = new Tree[maxNode + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < sentence.size(); ++i) { CoreLabel word = new CoreLabel(); word.setValue(sentence.get(i)); Tree leaf = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(word); subtrees[i] = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new CoreLabel()); subtrees[i].addChild(leaf); } for (int i = sentence.size(); i <= maxNode; ++i) { subtrees[i] = new LabeledScoredTreeNode(new CoreLabel()); } boolean[] connected = new boolean[maxNode + 1]; Tree root = null; for (int index = 0; index < parentPointers.size(); ++index) { if (parentPointers.get(index) == -1) { if (root != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Found two roots for sentence " + sentence); } root = subtrees[index]; } else { // Walk up the tree structure to make sure that leftmost // phrases are added first. Otherwise, if the numbers are // inverted, we might get the right phrase added to a parent // first, resulting in "case zero in this", for example, // instead of "in this case zero" // Note that because we keep track of which ones are already // connected, we process this at most once per parent, so the // overall construction time is still efficient. connect(parentPointers, subtrees, connected, index); } } for (int i = 0; i <= maxNode; ++i) { List<Tree> leaves = subtrees[i].getLeaves(); List<String> words = CollectionUtils.transformAsList(leaves, TRANSFORM_TREE_TO_WORD); // First we look for a copy of the phrase with -LRB- -RRB- // instead of (). The sentiment trees sometimes have both, and // the escaped versions seem to have more reasonable scores. // If a particular phrase doesn't have -LRB- -RRB- we fall back // to the unescaped versions. Integer phraseId = phraseIds.get(CollectionUtils.transformAsList(words, TRANSFORM_PARENS)); if (phraseId == null) { phraseId = phraseIds.get(words); } if (phraseId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find phrase id for phrase " + sentence); } // TODO: should we make this an option? Perhaps we want cases // where the trees have the phrase id and not their class Double score = sentimentScores.get(phraseId); if (score == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find sentiment score for phrase id " + phraseId); } // TODO: make this a numClasses option int classLabel = Math.round((float) Math.floor(score * (float) numClasses)); if (classLabel > numClasses - 1) { classLabel = numClasses - 1; } subtrees[i].label().setValue(Integer.toString(classLabel)); } for (int i = 0; i < sentence.size(); ++i) { Tree leaf = subtrees[i].children()[0]; leaf.label().setValue(escaper.escapeString(leaf.label().value())); } for (int i = 0; i < tregexPatterns.length; ++i) { root = Tsurgeon.processPattern(tregexPatterns[i], tsurgeonPatterns[i], root); } return root; } private static void connect(List<Integer> parentPointers, Tree[] subtrees, boolean[] connected, int index) { if (connected[index]) { return; } if (parentPointers.get(index) < 0) { return; } subtrees[parentPointers.get(index)].addChild(subtrees[index]); connected[index] = true; connect(parentPointers, subtrees, connected, parentPointers.get(index)); } private static void writeTrees(String filename, List<Tree> trees, List<Integer> treeIds) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); BufferedWriter bout = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); for (Integer id : treeIds) { bout.write(trees.get(id).toString()); bout.write("\n"); } bout.flush(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } /** * This program converts the format of the Sentiment data set * prepared by Richard, Jean, etc. into trees readable with the * normal TreeReaders. * <br> * An example command line is * <br> * <code>java edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.ReadSentimentDataset -dictionary stanfordSentimentTreebank/dictionary.txt -sentiment stanfordSentimentTreebank/sentiment_labels.txt -tokens stanfordSentimentTreebank/SOStr.txt -parse stanfordSentimentTreebank/STree.txt -split stanfordSentimentTreebank/datasetSplit.txt -train train.txt -dev dev.txt -test test.txt</code> * <br> * The arguments are as follows: <br> * <code>-dictionary</code>, <code>-sentiment</code>, * <code>-tokens</code>, <code>-parse</code>, <code>-split</code> * Path to the corresponding files from the dataset <br> * <code>-train</code>, <code>-dev</code>, <code>-test</code> * Paths for saving the corresponding output files <br> * Each of these arguments is required. * <br> * Macro arguments exist in -inputDir and -outputDir, so you can for example run <br> * <code>java edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.ReadSentimentDataset -inputDir ../data/sentiment/stanfordSentimentTreebank -outputDir .</code> */ public static void main(String[] args) { String dictionaryFilename = null; String sentimentFilename = null; String tokensFilename = null; String parseFilename = null; String splitFilename = null; String trainFilename = null; String devFilename = null; String testFilename = null; int numClasses = 5; int argIndex = 0; while (argIndex < args.length) { if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-dictionary")) { dictionaryFilename = args[argIndex + 1]; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-sentiment")) { sentimentFilename = args[argIndex + 1]; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-tokens")) { tokensFilename = args[argIndex + 1]; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-parse")) { parseFilename = args[argIndex + 1]; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-split")) { splitFilename = args[argIndex + 1]; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-inputDir") || args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-inputDirectory")) { dictionaryFilename = args[argIndex + 1] + "/dictionary.txt"; sentimentFilename = args[argIndex + 1] + "/sentiment_labels.txt"; tokensFilename = args[argIndex + 1] + "/SOStr.txt"; parseFilename = args[argIndex + 1] + "/STree.txt"; splitFilename = args[argIndex + 1] + "/datasetSplit.txt"; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-train")) { trainFilename = args[argIndex + 1]; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-dev")) { devFilename = args[argIndex + 1]; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-test")) { testFilename = args[argIndex + 1]; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-outputDir") || args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-outputDirectory")) { trainFilename = args[argIndex + 1] + "/train.txt"; devFilename = args[argIndex + 1] + "/dev.txt"; testFilename = args[argIndex + 1] + "/test.txt"; argIndex += 2; } else if (args[argIndex].equalsIgnoreCase("-numClasses")) { numClasses = Integer.parseInt(args[argIndex + 1]); argIndex += 2; } else {"Unknown argument " + args[argIndex]); System.exit(2); } } // Sentence file is formatted // w1|w2|w3... List<List<String>> sentences = Generics.newArrayList(); for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(tokensFilename, "utf-8")) { String[] sentence = line.split("\\|"); sentences.add(Arrays.asList(sentence)); } // Split and read the phrase ids file. This file is in the format // w1 w2 w3 ... | id Map<List<String>, Integer> phraseIds = Generics.newHashMap(); for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(dictionaryFilename, "utf-8")) { String[] pieces = line.split("\\|"); String[] sentence = pieces[0].split(" "); Integer id = Integer.valueOf(pieces[1]); phraseIds.put(Arrays.asList(sentence), id); } // Split and read the sentiment scores file. Each line of this // file is of the format: // phrasenum | score Map<Integer, Double> sentimentScores = Generics.newHashMap(); for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(sentimentFilename, "utf-8")) { if (line.startsWith("phrase")) { continue; } String[] pieces = line.split("\\|"); Integer id = Integer.valueOf(pieces[0]); Double score = Double.valueOf(pieces[1]); sentimentScores.put(id, score); } // Read lines from the tree structure file. This is a file of parent pointers for each tree. int index = 0; PTBEscapingProcessor escaper = new PTBEscapingProcessor(); List<Tree> trees = Generics.newArrayList(); for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(parseFilename, "utf-8")) { String[] pieces = line.split("\\|"); List<Integer> parentPointers = CollectionUtils.transformAsList(Arrays.asList(pieces), arg -> Integer.valueOf(arg) - 1); Tree tree = convertTree(parentPointers, sentences.get(index), phraseIds, sentimentScores, escaper, numClasses); ++index; trees.add(tree); } Map<Integer, List<Integer>> splits = Generics.newHashMap(); splits.put(1, Generics.<Integer>newArrayList()); splits.put(2, Generics.<Integer>newArrayList()); splits.put(3, Generics.<Integer>newArrayList()); for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(splitFilename, "utf-8")) { if (line.startsWith("sentence_index")) { continue; } String[] pieces = line.split(","); Integer treeId = Integer.valueOf(pieces[0]) - 1; Integer fileId = Integer.valueOf(pieces[1]); splits.get(fileId).add(treeId); } writeTrees(trainFilename, trees, splits.get(1)); writeTrees(testFilename, trees, splits.get(2)); writeTrees(devFilename, trees, splits.get(3)); } }