package edu.stanford.nlp.stats; import edu.stanford.nlp.classify.Classifier; import edu.stanford.nlp.classify.GeneralDataset; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Datum; import java.util.function.Function; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.HashIndex; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Extension of MultiClassPrecisionRecallStats that also computes accuracy * @author Angel Chang */ public class MultiClassPrecisionRecallExtendedStats<L> extends MultiClassPrecisionRecallStats<L> { protected IntCounter<L> correctGuesses; protected IntCounter<L> foundCorrect; protected IntCounter<L> foundGuessed; protected int tokensCount = 0; protected int tokensCorrect = 0; protected int noLabel = 0; protected Function<String,L> stringConverter; public <F> MultiClassPrecisionRecallExtendedStats(Classifier<L,F> classifier, GeneralDataset<L,F> data, L negLabel) { super(classifier, data, negLabel); } public MultiClassPrecisionRecallExtendedStats(L negLabel) { super(negLabel); } public MultiClassPrecisionRecallExtendedStats(Index<L> dataLabelIndex, L negLabel) { this(negLabel); setLabelIndex(dataLabelIndex); } public void setLabelIndex(Index<L> dataLabelIndex) { labelIndex = dataLabelIndex; negIndex = labelIndex.indexOf(negLabel); } public <F> double score(Classifier<L,F> classifier, GeneralDataset<L,F> data) { labelIndex = new HashIndex<>(); labelIndex.addAll(classifier.labels()); labelIndex.addAll(data.labelIndex.objectsList()); clearCounts(); int[] labelsArr = data.getLabelsArray(); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { Datum<L, F> d = data.getRVFDatum(i); L guess = classifier.classOf(d); addGuess(guess, labelIndex.get(labelsArr[i])); } finalizeCounts(); return getFMeasure(); } /** * Returns the score (F1) for the given list of guesses * @param guesses - Guesses by classifier * @param trueLabels - Gold labels to compare guesses against * @param dataLabelIndex - Index of labels * @return F1 score */ public double score(List<L> guesses, List<L> trueLabels, Index<L> dataLabelIndex) { setLabelIndex(dataLabelIndex); return score(guesses, trueLabels); } /** * Returns the score (F1) for the given list of guesses * @param guesses - Guesses by classifier * @param trueLabels - Gold labels to compare guesses against * @return F1 score */ public double score(List<L> guesses, List<L> trueLabels) { clearCounts(); addGuesses(guesses, trueLabels); finalizeCounts(); return getFMeasure(); } public double score() { finalizeCounts(); return getFMeasure(); } public void clearCounts() { if (foundCorrect != null) { foundCorrect.clear(); } else { foundCorrect = new IntCounter<>(); } if (foundGuessed != null) { foundGuessed.clear(); } else { foundGuessed = new IntCounter<>(); } if (correctGuesses != null) { correctGuesses.clear(); } else { correctGuesses = new IntCounter<>(); } if (tpCount != null) { Arrays.fill(tpCount, 0); } if (fnCount != null) { Arrays.fill(fnCount, 0); } if (fpCount != null) { Arrays.fill(fpCount, 0); } tokensCount = 0; tokensCorrect = 0; } protected void finalizeCounts() { negIndex = labelIndex.indexOf(negLabel); int numClasses = labelIndex.size(); if (tpCount == null || tpCount.length != numClasses) { tpCount = new int[numClasses]; } if (fpCount == null || fpCount.length != numClasses) { fpCount = new int[numClasses]; } if (fnCount == null || fnCount.length != numClasses) { fnCount = new int[numClasses]; } for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { L label = labelIndex.get(i); tpCount[i] = correctGuesses.getIntCount(label); fnCount[i] = foundCorrect.getIntCount(label) - tpCount[i]; fpCount[i] = foundGuessed.getIntCount(label) - tpCount[i]; } } protected void markBoundary() { } protected void addGuess(L guess, L label) { addGuess(guess, label, true); } protected void addGuess(L guess, L label, boolean addUnknownLabels) { if (label == null) { noLabel++; return; } if (addUnknownLabels) { if (labelIndex == null) { labelIndex = new HashIndex<>(); } labelIndex.add(guess); labelIndex.add(label); } if (guess.equals(label)) { correctGuesses.incrementCount(label); tokensCorrect++; } if (!guess.equals(negLabel)) { foundGuessed.incrementCount(guess); } if (!label.equals(negLabel)) { foundCorrect.incrementCount(label); } tokensCount++; } public void addGuesses(List<L> guesses, List<L> trueLabels) { for (int i=0; i < guesses.size(); ++i) { L guess = guesses.get(i); L label = trueLabels.get(i); addGuess(guess, label); } } /** * Return overall number of correct answers */ public int getCorrect() { return correctGuesses.totalIntCount(); } public int getCorrect(L label) { return correctGuesses.getIntCount(label); } public int getRetrieved(L label) { return foundGuessed.getIntCount(label); } public int getRetrieved() { return foundGuessed.totalIntCount(); } public int getRelevant(L label) { return foundCorrect.getIntCount(label); } public int getRelevant() { return foundCorrect.totalIntCount(); } /** * Return overall per token accuracy */ public Triple<Double, Integer, Integer> getAccuracyInfo() { int totalCorrect = tokensCorrect; int totalWrong = tokensCount - tokensCorrect; return new Triple<>((((double) totalCorrect) / tokensCount), totalCorrect, totalWrong); } public double getAccuracy() { return getAccuracyInfo().first(); } /** * Returns a String summarizing overall accuracy that will print nicely. */ public String getAccuracyDescription(int numDigits) { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(numDigits); Triple<Double, Integer, Integer> accu = getAccuracyInfo(); return nf.format(accu.first()) + " (" + accu.second() + "/" + (accu.second() + accu.third()) + ")"; } public double score(String filename, String delimiter) throws IOException { return score(filename, delimiter, null); } public double score(String filename, String delimiter, String boundary) throws IOException { return score(IOUtils.getBufferedFileReader(filename), delimiter, boundary); } public double score(BufferedReader br, String delimiter) throws IOException { return score(br, delimiter, null); } public double score(BufferedReader br, String delimiter, String boundary) throws IOException { int TOKEN_INDEX = 0; int ANSWER_INDEX = 1; int GUESS_INDEX = 2; String line; Pattern delimPattern = Pattern.compile(delimiter); clearCounts(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.length() > 0) { String[] fields = delimPattern.split(line); if (boundary != null && boundary.equals(fields[TOKEN_INDEX])) { markBoundary(); } else { L answer = stringConverter.apply(fields[ANSWER_INDEX]); L guess = stringConverter.apply(fields[GUESS_INDEX]); addGuess(guess, answer); } } else { markBoundary(); } } finalizeCounts(); return getFMeasure(); } public List<L> getLabels() { return labelIndex.objectsList(); } public String getConllEvalString() { return getConllEvalString(true); } public String getConllEvalString(boolean ignoreNegLabel) { List<L> labels = getLabels(); if (labels.size() > 1 && labels.get(0) instanceof Comparable) { List<Comparable> sortedLabels = (List<Comparable>) labels; Collections.sort(sortedLabels); } return getConllEvalString(labels, ignoreNegLabel); } private String getConllEvalString(List<L> orderedLabels, boolean ignoreNegLabel) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int correctPhrases = getCorrect() - getCorrect(negLabel); Triple<Double,Integer,Integer> accuracyInfo = getAccuracyInfo(); int totalCount = accuracyInfo.second() + accuracyInfo.third(); sb.append("processed " + totalCount + " tokens with " + getRelevant() + " phrases; "); sb.append("found: " + getRetrieved() + " phrases; correct: " + correctPhrases + "\n"); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb, Locale.US); formatter.format("accuracy: %6.2f%%; ", accuracyInfo.first() * 100); formatter.format("precision: %6.2f%%; ", getPrecision() * 100); formatter.format("recall: %6.2f%%; ", getRecall() * 100); formatter.format("FB1: %6.2f\n", getFMeasure() * 100); for (L label: orderedLabels) { if (ignoreNegLabel && label.equals(negLabel)) { continue; } formatter.format("%17s: ", label); formatter.format("precision: %6.2f%%; ", getPrecision(label) * 100); formatter.format("recall: %6.2f%%; ", getRecall(label) * 100); formatter.format("FB1: %6.2f %d\n", getFMeasure(label) * 100, getRetrieved(label)); } return sb.toString(); } public static class StringStringConverter implements Function<String,String> { public String apply(String str) { return str; } } public static class MultiClassStringLabelStats extends MultiClassPrecisionRecallExtendedStats<String> { public <F> MultiClassStringLabelStats(Classifier<String,F> classifier, GeneralDataset<String,F> data, String negLabel) { super(classifier, data, negLabel); stringConverter = new StringStringConverter(); } public MultiClassStringLabelStats(String negLabel) { super(negLabel); stringConverter = new StringStringConverter(); } public MultiClassStringLabelStats(Index<String> dataLabelIndex, String negLabel) { this(negLabel); setLabelIndex(dataLabelIndex); } } }