package edu.stanford.nlp.wordseg; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.ChineseDocumentToSentenceProcessor; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; /** This class provides a main method that loads various dictionaries, and * saves them in a serialized version, and runtime compiles them into a word list used as a feature in the segmenter. * * The features are added in the method {@link Sighan2005DocumentReaderAndWriter#addDictionaryFeatures}. * * @author Pi-Chuan Chang */ public class ChineseDictionary { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; // todo [2017]: This should be redone sometime to not have such a hardcoded upper limit. public static final int MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH = 6; private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels logger = Redwood.channels(ChineseDictionary.class); @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private final Set<String>[] words_ = new HashSet[MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH+1]; private final ChineseDocumentToSentenceProcessor cdtos_; // = null; private void serializeDictionary(String serializePath) {"Serializing dictionaries to " + serializePath + " ... "); try { ObjectOutputStream oos = IOUtils.writeStreamFromString(serializePath); //oos.writeObject(MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH); oos.writeObject(words_); //oos.writeObject(cdtos_); oos.close();"done."); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed", e); throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private static Set<String>[] loadDictionary(String serializePath) { Set<String>[] dict = new HashSet[MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH+1]; for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH; i++) { dict[i] = Generics.newHashSet(); } //"loading dictionaries from " + serializePath + "..."); try { // once we read MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH and cdtos as well // now these files only store one object we care about //ChineseDictionary.MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH = (int) ois.readObject(); dict = IOUtils.readObjectFromURLOrClasspathOrFileSystem(serializePath); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to load Chinese dictionary " + serializePath, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return dict; } public ChineseDictionary(String dict) { this(new String[] { dict }); } public ChineseDictionary(String[] dicts) { this(dicts, null); } public ChineseDictionary(String[] dicts, ChineseDocumentToSentenceProcessor cdtos) { this(dicts, cdtos, false); } /** * The first argument can be one file path, or multiple files separated by * commas. */ public ChineseDictionary(String serDicts, ChineseDocumentToSentenceProcessor cdtos, boolean expandMidDot) { this(serDicts.split(","), cdtos, expandMidDot); } public ChineseDictionary(String[] dicts, ChineseDocumentToSentenceProcessor cdtos, boolean expandMidDot) {"Loading Chinese dictionaries from %d file%s:%n", dicts.length, (dicts.length == 1) ? "" : "s")); for (String dict : dicts) {" " + dict); } for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH; i++) { words_[i] = Generics.newHashSet(); } this.cdtos_ = cdtos; for (String dict : dicts) { if(dict.endsWith("ser.gz")) { // TODO: the way this is written does not work if we allow dictionaries to have different settings of MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH Set<String>[] dictwords = loadDictionary(dict); for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH; i++) { words_[i].addAll(dictwords[i]); dictwords[i] = null; } } else { addDict(dict, expandMidDot); } } int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH; i++) { total += words_[i].size(); }"Done. Unique words in ChineseDictionary is: %d.%n", total)); } private static final Pattern midDot = Pattern.compile(ChineseUtils.MID_DOT_REGEX_STR); private void addDict(String dict, boolean expandMidDot) { String content = IOUtils.slurpFileNoExceptions(dict,"utf-8"); String[] lines = content.split("\n");" " + dict + ": " + lines.length + " entries"); for (String line : lines) { line = line.trim(); // normalize any midDot if (expandMidDot) { // normalize down middot chars line = line.replaceAll(ChineseUtils.MID_DOT_REGEX_STR, "\u00B7"); } addOneDict(line); if (DEBUG) EncodingPrintWriter.err.println("ORIG: " + line, "UTF-8"); if (expandMidDot && midDot.matcher(line).find()) { line = line.replaceAll(ChineseUtils.MID_DOT_REGEX_STR, ""); if (DEBUG) EncodingPrintWriter.err.println("ALSO: " + line, "UTF-8"); addOneDict(line); } } } private void addOneDict(String item) { int length = item.length(); if (length == 0) { // Do nothing for empty items } else if (length <= MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH-1) { if (cdtos_ != null) { item = cdtos_.normalization(item); } if (DEBUG) EncodingPrintWriter.err.println("DICT: "+item, "UTF-8"); words_[length].add(item); } else { // insist on new String as it may save memory String subItem = new String(item.substring(0,MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH)); if (cdtos_ != null) { subItem = cdtos_.normalization(subItem); } if (DEBUG) EncodingPrintWriter.err.println("DICT: "+subItem, "UTF-8"); // length=MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH and MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH+ words_[MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH].add(subItem); } } public boolean contains(String word) { int length = word.length(); if (length <= MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH-1) { return words_[length].contains(word); } else { length = MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH; return words_[length].contains(word.substring(0,6)); } } public static void main(String[] args) { String inputDicts = "/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/ne_wikipedia-utf8.txt,/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/newsexplorer_entities_utf8.txt,/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/Ch-name-list-utf8.txt,/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/wikilex-20070908-zh-en.txt,/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/adso-1.25-050405-monolingual-clean.utf8.txt,/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/lexicon_108k_normalized.txt,/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/lexicon_mandarintools_normalized.txt,/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/harbin-ChineseNames_utf8.txt,/u/nlp/data/chinese-dictionaries/plain/lexicon_HowNet_normalized.txt"; String output = "/u/nlp/data/gale/segtool/stanford-seg/classifiers/dict-chris6.ser.gz"; Map<String,Integer> flagMap = Generics.newHashMap(); flagMap.put("-inputDicts", 1); flagMap.put("-output", 1); Map<String,String[]> argsMap = StringUtils.argsToMap(args,flagMap); // args = argsMap.get(null); if(argsMap.keySet().contains("-inputDicts")) { inputDicts = argsMap.get("-inputDicts")[0]; } if(argsMap.keySet().contains("-output")) { output = argsMap.get("-output")[0]; } String[] dicts = inputDicts.split(","); ChineseDocumentToSentenceProcessor cdtos = new ChineseDocumentToSentenceProcessor(null); boolean expandMidDot = true; ChineseDictionary dict = new ChineseDictionary(dicts, cdtos, expandMidDot); dict.serializeDictionary(output); /* //ChineseDictionary dict = new ChineseDictionary(args[0]); for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH; i++) {"Length: " + i+": "+dict.words[i].size()); } for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_LEXICON_LENGTH; i++) {"Length: " + i+": "+dict.words[i].size()); if (dict.words[i].size() < 1000) { for (String word : dict.words[i]) { EncodingPrintWriter.err.println(word, "UTF-8"); } } } for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {[i] + " " + Boolean.valueOf(dict.contains(args[i])).toString()); } */ } }