package edu.stanford.nlp.simple; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefProperties; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.NaturalLogicAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.OperatorSpec; import edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.Polarity; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.SentimentCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import static edu.stanford.nlp.simple.Sentence.SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT; import static edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotator.*; /** * A representation of a Document. Most blobs of raw text should become documents. * * @author Gabor Angeli */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class Document { /** * The empty {@link java.util.Properties} object, for use with creating default annotators. */ static final Properties EMPTY_PROPS = PropertiesUtils.asProperties( "language", "english", "annotators", "", "tokenize.class", "PTBTokenizer", "tokenize.language", "en", "parse.binaryTrees", "true", "mention.type", "dep", "coref.mode", "statistical", // Use the new coref "", "dep" ); /** * The caseless {@link java.util.Properties} object. * * @see Document#caseless() * @see Sentence#caseless() */ static final Properties CASELESS_PROPS = PropertiesUtils.asProperties( "language", "english", "annotators", "", "tokenize.class", "PTBTokenizer", "tokenize.language", "en", "parse.binaryTrees", "true", "pos.model", "edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/wsj-0-18-caseless-left3words-distsim.tagger", "parse.model", "edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.caseless.ser.gz", "ner.model", "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.muc.7class.caseless.distsim.crf.ser.gz," + "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.conll.4class.caseless.distsim.crf.ser.gz," + "edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.all.3class.caseless.distsim.crf.ser.gz"); /** * The backend to use for constructing {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotator}s. */ private static AnnotatorImplementations backend = new AnnotatorImplementations(); /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.TokenizerAnnotator} implementation */ private static final Annotator defaultTokenize = backend.tokenizer(EMPTY_PROPS); /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.WordsToSentencesAnnotator} implementation */ private static final Annotator defaultSSplit = backend.wordToSentences(EMPTY_PROPS); /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.POSTaggerAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultPOS = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.posTagger(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.MorphaAnnotator} implementation */ private static final Supplier<Annotator> defaultLemma = () -> backend.morpha(EMPTY_PROPS, false); /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.NERCombinerAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultNER = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.ner(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.RegexNERAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultRegexner = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.tokensRegexNER(EMPTY_PROPS, Annotator.STANFORD_REGEXNER); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.ParserAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultParse = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.parse(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.DependencyParseAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultDepparse = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.dependencies(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.NaturalLogicAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultNatlog = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.natlog(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link EntityMentionsAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultEntityMentions = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.entityMentions(EMPTY_PROPS, Annotator.STANFORD_ENTITY_MENTIONS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link KBPAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultKBP = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.kbp(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli.OpenIE} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultOpenie = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.openie(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.MentionAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultMention = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.mention(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.CorefAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultCoref = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.coref(EMPTY_PROPS); } return impl; } }; /** * The default {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.SentimentAnnotator} implementation */ private static Supplier<Annotator> defaultSentiment = new Supplier<Annotator>() { Annotator impl = null; @Override public synchronized Annotator get() { if (impl == null) { impl = backend.sentiment(EMPTY_PROPS, Annotator.STANFORD_SENTIMENT); } return impl; } }; /** * Cache the most recently used custom annotators. */ private static final AnnotatorPool customAnnotators = AnnotatorPool.SINGLETON; /** * Either get a custom annotator which was recently defined, or create it if it has never been defined. * This method is synchronized to avoid race conditions when loading the annotators. * * @param name The name of the annotator. * @param props The properties used to create the annotator, if we need to create it. * @param annotator The actual function used to make the annotator, if needed. * * @return An annotator as specified by the given name and properties. */ private synchronized static Supplier<Annotator> getOrCreate(String name, Properties props, Supplier<Annotator> annotator) { customAnnotators.register(name, props, Lazy.cache(annotator)); return () -> customAnnotators.get(name); } /** The protocol buffer representing this document */ protected final CoreNLPProtos.Document.Builder impl; /** The list of sentences associated with this document */ protected List<Sentence> sentences = null; /** A serializer to assist in serializing and deserializing from Protocol buffers */ protected final ProtobufAnnotationSerializer serializer = new ProtobufAnnotationSerializer(false ); /** * THIS IS NONSTANDARD. * An indicator of whether we have run the OpenIE annotator. * Unlike most other annotators, it's quite common for a sentence to not have any extracted triples, * and therefore it's hard to determine whether we should rerun the annotator based solely on the saved * annotation. * At the same time, the proto file should not have this flag in it. * So, here it is. */ private boolean haveRunOpenie = false; /** * THIS IS NONSTANDARD. * An indicator of whether we have run the KBP annotator. * Unlike most other annotators, it's quite common for a sentence to not have any extracted triples, * and therefore it's hard to determine whether we should rerun the annotator based solely on the saved * annotation. * At the same time, the proto file should not have this flag in it. * So, here it is. */ private boolean haveRunKBP = false; /** The default properties to use for annotating things (e.g., coref for the document level) */ private Properties defaultProps = EMPTY_PROPS; /** * Set the backend implementations for our CoreNLP pipeline. * For example, to a {@link ServerAnnotatorImplementations}. * * @param backend The backend to use from now on for annotating * documents. */ public static void setBackend(AnnotatorImplementations backend) { Document.backend = backend; } /** * Use the CoreNLP Server ({@link StanfordCoreNLPServer}) for the * heavyweight backend annotation job. * * @param host The hostname of the server. * @param port The port the server is running on. */ public static void useServer(String host, int port) { backend = new ServerAnnotatorImplementations(host, port); } /** * Use the CoreNLP Server ({@link StanfordCoreNLPServer}) for the * heavyweight backend annotation job, authenticating with the given * credentials. * * @param host The hostname of the server. * @param port The port the server is running on. * @param apiKey The api key to use as the username for authentication * @param apiSecret The api secrete to use as the password for authentication * @param lazy Only run the annotations that are required at this time. If this is * false, we will also run a bunch of standard annotations, to cut down on * expected number of round-trips. */ public static void useServer(String host, int port, String apiKey, String apiSecret, boolean lazy) { backend = new ServerAnnotatorImplementations(host, port, apiKey, apiSecret, lazy); } /** @see Document#useServer(String, int, String, String, boolean) */ public static void useServer(String host, String apiKey, String apiSecret, boolean lazy) { useServer(host, host.startsWith("http://") ? 80 : 443, apiKey, apiSecret, lazy); } /** @see Document#useServer(String, int, String, String, boolean) */ public static void useServer(String host, String apiKey, String apiSecret) { useServer(host, host.startsWith("http://") ? 80 : 443, apiKey, apiSecret, true); } /* * A static block that'll automatically fault in the CoreNLP server, if the appropriate environment * variables are set. * These are: * * <ul> * <li>CORENLP_HOST</li> -- this is already sufficient to trigger creating a server * <li>CORENLP_PORT</li> * <li>CORENLP_KEY</li> * <li>CORENLP_SECRET</li> * <li>CORENLP_LAZY</li> (if true, do as much annotation on a single round-trip as possible) * </ul> */ static { String host = System.getenv("CORENLP_HOST"); String portStr = System.getenv("CORENLP_PORT"); String key = System.getenv("CORENLP_KEY"); String secret = System.getenv("CORENLP_SECRET"); String lazystr = System.getenv("CORENLP_LAZY"); if (host != null) { int port = 443; if (portStr == null) { if (host.startsWith("http://")) { port = 80; } } else { port = Integer.parseInt(portStr); } boolean lazy = true; if (lazystr != null) { lazy = Boolean.parseBoolean(lazystr); } if (key != null && secret != null) { useServer(host, port, key, secret, lazy); } else { useServer(host, port); } } } /** * Create a new document from the passed in text and the given properties. * @param text The text of the document. */ public Document(Properties props, String text) { this.impl = CoreNLPProtos.Document.newBuilder().setText(text); } /** * Create a new document from the passed in text. * @param text The text of the document. */ public Document(String text) { this(EMPTY_PROPS, text); } /** * Convert a CoreNLP Annotation object to a Document. * @param ann The CoreNLP Annotation object. */ @SuppressWarnings("Convert2streamapi") public Document(Properties props, Annotation ann) { StanfordCoreNLP.getDefaultAnnotatorPool(props, new AnnotatorImplementations()); // cache the annotator pool this.impl = new ProtobufAnnotationSerializer(false).toProtoBuilder(ann); List<CoreMap> sentences = ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class); this.sentences = new ArrayList<>(sentences.size()); for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) { this.sentences.add(new Sentence(this, this.serializer.toProtoBuilder(sentence), sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class), defaultProps)); } } /** @see Document#Document(Properties, Annotation) */ public Document(Annotation ann) { this(Document.EMPTY_PROPS, ann); } /** * Create a Document object from a read Protocol Buffer. * @see edu.stanford.nlp.simple.Document#serialize() * @param proto The protocol buffer representing this document. */ @SuppressWarnings("Convert2streamapi") public Document(Properties props, CoreNLPProtos.Document proto) { StanfordCoreNLP.getDefaultAnnotatorPool(props, new AnnotatorImplementations()); // cache the annotator pool this.impl = proto.toBuilder(); if (proto.getSentenceCount() > 0) { this.sentences = new ArrayList<>(proto.getSentenceCount()); for (CoreNLPProtos.Sentence sentence : proto.getSentenceList()) { this.sentences.add(new Sentence(this, sentence.toBuilder(), defaultProps)); } } } /** @see Document#Document(Properties, CoreNLPProtos.Document) */ public Document(CoreNLPProtos.Document proto) { this(Document.EMPTY_PROPS, proto); } /** * Make this document caseless. That is, from now on, run the caseless models * on the document by default rather than the standard CoreNLP models. * * @return This same document, but with the default properties swapped out. */ public Document caseless() { this.defaultProps = CASELESS_PROPS; return this; } /** * Make this document case sensitive. * A document is case sensitive by default; this only has an effect if you have previously * called {@link Sentence#caseless()}. * * @return This same document, but with the default properties swapped out. */ public Document cased() { this.defaultProps = EMPTY_PROPS; return this; } /** * Serialize this Document as a Protocol Buffer. * This can be deserialized with the constructor {@link Document#Document(edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.CoreNLPProtos.Document)}. * * @return The document as represented by a Protocol Buffer. */ public CoreNLPProtos.Document serialize() { synchronized (impl) { // Serialize sentences this.impl.clearSentence(); for (Sentence sent : sentences()) { this.impl.addSentence(sent.serialize()); } // Serialize document return; } } /** * Write this document to an output stream. * Internally, this stores the document as a protocol buffer, and saves that buffer to the output stream. * This method does not close the stream after writing. * * @param out The output stream to write to. The stream is not closed after the method returns. * @throws IOException Thrown from the underlying write() implementation. * * @see Document#deserialize(InputStream) */ public void serialize(OutputStream out) throws IOException { serialize().writeDelimitedTo(out); out.flush(); } /** * Read a document from an input stream. * This does not close the input stream. * * @param in The input stream to deserialize from. * @return The next document encoded in the input stream. * @throws IOException Thrown by the underlying parse() implementation. * * @see Document#serialize( */ public static Document deserialize(InputStream in) throws IOException { return new Document(CoreNLPProtos.Document.parseDelimitedFrom(in)); } /** * <p> * Write this annotation as a JSON string. * Optionally, you can also specify a number of operations to call on the document before * dumping it to JSON. * This allows the user to ensure that certain annotations have been computed before the document * is dumped. * For example: * </p> * * <pre>{@code * String json = new Document("Lucy in the sky with diamonds").json(Sentence::parse, Sentence::ner); * }</pre> * * <p> * will create a JSON dump of the document, ensuring that at least the parse tree and ner tags are populated. * </p> * * @param functions The (possibly empty) list of annotations to populate on the document before dumping it * to JSON. * @return The JSON String for this document. */ @SafeVarargs public final String json(Function<Sentence, Object>... functions) { for (Function<Sentence, Object> f : functions) { f.apply(this.sentence(0)); } try { return new JSONOutputter().print(this.asAnnotation()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } /** * Like the {@link Document@json(Function...)} function, but with minified JSON more suitable * for sending over the wire. * * @param functions The (possibly empty) list of annotations to populate on the document before dumping it * to JSON. * @return The JSON String for this document, without unnecessary whitespace. * */ @SafeVarargs public final String jsonMinified(Function<Sentence, Object>... functions) { for (Function<Sentence, Object> f : functions) { f.apply(this.sentence(0)); } try { AnnotationOutputter.Options options = new AnnotationOutputter.Options(); options.pretty = false; return new JSONOutputter().print(this.asAnnotation(), options); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } /** * <p> * Write this annotation as an XML string. * Optionally, you can also specify a number of operations to call on the document before * dumping it to XML. * This allows the user to ensure that certain annotations have been computed before the document * is dumped. * For example: * </p> * * <pre>{@code * String xml = new Document("Lucy in the sky with diamonds").xml(Document::parse, Document::ner); * }</pre> * * <p> * will create a XML dump of the document, ensuring that at least the parse tree and ner tags are populated. * </p> * * @param functions The (possibly empty) list of annotations to populate on the document before dumping it * to XML. * @return The XML String for this document. */ @SafeVarargs public final String xml(Function<Sentence, Object>... functions) { for (Function<Sentence, Object> f : functions) { f.apply(this.sentence(0)); } try { return new XMLOutputter().print(this.asAnnotation()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } /** * Like the {@link Document@xml(Function...)} function, but with minified XML more suitable * for sending over the wire. * * @param functions The (possibly empty) list of annotations to populate on the document before dumping it * to XML. * @return The XML String for this document, without unecessary whitespace. * */ @SafeVarargs public final String xmlMinified(Function<Sentence, Object>... functions) { for (Function<Sentence, Object> f : functions) { f.apply(this.sentence(0)); } try { AnnotationOutputter.Options options = new AnnotationOutputter.Options(); options.pretty = false; return new XMLOutputter().print(this.asAnnotation(false), options); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } /** * Get the sentences in this document, as a list. * @param props The properties to use in the {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.WordsToSentencesAnnotator}. * @return A list of Sentence objects representing the sentences in the document. */ public List<Sentence> sentences(Properties props) { return this.sentences(props, props == EMPTY_PROPS ? defaultTokenize : getOrCreate(Annotator.STANFORD_TOKENIZE, props, () -> backend.tokenizer(props)).get()); } /** * Get the sentences in this document, as a list. * @param props The properties to use in the {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.WordsToSentencesAnnotator}. * @return A list of Sentence objects representing the sentences in the document. */ protected List<Sentence> sentences(Properties props, Annotator tokenizer) { if (sentences == null) { Annotator ssplit = props == EMPTY_PROPS ? defaultSSplit : getOrCreate(STANFORD_SSPLIT, props, () -> backend.wordToSentences(props)).get(); // Annotate Annotation ann = new Annotation(this.impl.getText()); tokenizer.annotate(ann); ssplit.annotate(ann); // Grok results // (docid) if (ann.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class)) { impl.setDocID(ann.get(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class)); } // (sentences) List<CoreMap> sentences = ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class); this.sentences = new ArrayList<>(sentences.size()); for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) { //Sentence sent = new Sentence(this, sentence); Sentence sent = new Sentence(this, this.serializer.toProtoBuilder(sentence), sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class), defaultProps); this.sentences.add(sent); this.impl.addSentence(sent.serialize()); } } return sentences; } /** @see Document#sentences(java.util.Properties) */ public List<Sentence> sentences() { return sentences(EMPTY_PROPS); } /** @see Document#sentences(java.util.Properties) */ public Sentence sentence(int sentenceIndex, Properties props) { return sentences(props).get(sentenceIndex); } /** @see Document#sentences(java.util.Properties) */ public Sentence sentence(int sentenceIndex) { return sentences().get(sentenceIndex); } /** Get the raw text of the document, as input by, e.g., {@link Document#Document(String)}. */ public String text() { synchronized (impl) { return impl.getText(); } } /** * Returns the coref chains in the document. This is a map from coref cluster IDs, to the coref chain * with that ID. * @param props The properties to use in the {@link edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.DeterministicCorefAnnotator}. */ public Map<Integer, CorefChain> coref(Properties props) { synchronized (this.impl) { if (impl.getCorefChainCount() == 0) { // Run prerequisites this.runLemma(props).runNER(props); if (CorefProperties.mdType(props) != CorefProperties.MentionDetectionType.DEPENDENCY) { this.runParse(props); } else { this.runDepparse(props); } // Run mention Supplier<Annotator> mention = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultMention : getOrCreate(STANFORD_MENTION, props, () -> backend.mention(props)); // Run coref Supplier<Annotator> coref = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultCoref : getOrCreate(STANFORD_COREF, props, () -> backend.coref(props)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); mention.get().annotate(ann); coref.get().annotate(ann); // Convert to proto synchronized (serializer) { for (CorefChain chain : ann.get(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefChainAnnotation.class).values()) { impl.addCorefChain(serializer.toProto(chain)); } } } Map<Integer, CorefChain> corefs = Generics.newHashMap(); for (CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain chain : impl.getCorefChainList()) { corefs.put(chain.getChainID(), fromProto(chain)); } return corefs; } } /** @see Document#coref(java.util.Properties) */ public Map<Integer, CorefChain> coref() { return coref(defaultProps); } /** Returns the document id of the document, if one was found */ public Optional<String> docid() { synchronized (impl) { if (impl.hasDocID()) { return Optional.of(impl.getDocID()); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } } /** Sets the document id of the document, returning this. */ public Document setDocid(String docid) { synchronized (impl) { this.impl.setDocID(docid); } return this; } /** * <p> * Bypass the tokenizer and sentence splitter -- axiomatically set the sentences for this document. * This is a VERY dangerous method to call if you don't know what you're doing. * The primary use case is for forcing single-sentence documents, where most of the fields in the document * do not matter. * </p> * * @param sentences The sentences to force for the sentence list of this document. */ void forceSentences(List<Sentence> sentences) { this.sentences = sentences; synchronized (impl) { this.impl.clearSentence(); for (Sentence sent : sentences) { this.impl.addSentence(sent.serialize()); } } } // // Begin helpers // Document runPOS(Properties props) { // Cached result if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && this.sentences.get(0).rawToken(0).hasPos()) { return this; } // Prerequisites sentences(); // Run annotator Supplier<Annotator> pos = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultPOS : getOrCreate(STANFORD_POS, props, () -> backend.posTagger(props)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(false); pos.get().annotate(ann); // Update data for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { sentences.get(i).updateTokens(ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class), (pair) -> pair.first.setPos(pair.second), CoreLabel::tag); } return this; } Document runLemma(Properties props) { // Cached result if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && this.sentences.get(0).rawToken(0).hasLemma()) { return this; } // Prerequisites runPOS(props); // Run annotator Supplier<Annotator> lemma = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultLemma : getOrCreate(STANFORD_LEMMA, props, () -> backend.morpha(props, false)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); lemma.get().annotate(ann); // Update data for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { sentences.get(i).updateTokens(ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class), (pair) -> pair.first.setLemma(pair.second), CoreLabel::lemma); } return this; } Document mockLemma(Properties props) { // Cached result if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && this.sentences.get(0).rawToken(0).hasLemma()) { return this; } // Prerequisites runPOS(props); // Mock lemma with word Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { sentences.get(i).updateTokens(ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class), (pair) -> pair.first.setLemma(pair.second), CoreLabel::word); } return this; } Document runNER(Properties props) { if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && this.sentences.get(0).rawToken(0).hasNer()) { return this; } // Run prerequisites runPOS(props); // Run annotator Supplier<Annotator> ner = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultNER : getOrCreate(STANFORD_NER, props, () -> backend.ner(props)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); ner.get().annotate(ann); // Update data for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { sentences.get(i).updateTokens(ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class), (pair) -> pair.first.setNer(pair.second), CoreLabel::ner); } return this; } Document runRegexner(Properties props) { // Run prerequisites runNER(props); // Run annotator Supplier<Annotator> ner = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultRegexner : getOrCreate(STANFORD_REGEXNER, props, () -> backend.tokensRegexNER(props, STANFORD_REGEXNER)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); ner.get().annotate(ann); // Update data for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { sentences.get(i).updateTokens(ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class), (pair) -> pair.first.setNer(pair.second), CoreLabel::ner); } return this; } Document runParse(Properties props) { if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && this.sentences.get(0).rawSentence().hasParseTree()) { return this; } // Run annotator boolean cacheAnnotation = false; Annotator parse = ((props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultParse : getOrCreate(STANFORD_PARSE, props, () -> backend.parse(props))).get(); if (parse.requires().contains(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class) || System.getenv("CORENLP_HOST") != null) { // Run the POS tagger if we are (or may be) using the shift reduce parser runPOS(props); cacheAnnotation = true; } else { sentences(); } Annotation ann = asAnnotation(cacheAnnotation); parse.annotate(ann); // Update data synchronized (serializer) { for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { CoreMap sentence = ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i); Tree tree = sentence.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class); Tree binaryTree = sentence.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.BinarizedTreeAnnotation.class); sentences.get(i).updateParse(serializer.toProto(tree), binaryTree == null ? null : serializer.toProto(binaryTree)); sentences.get(i).updateDependencies( ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProto(sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class)), ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProto(sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation.class)), ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProto(sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedPlusPlusDependenciesAnnotation.class))); } } return this; } Document runDepparse(Properties props) { if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && this.sentences.get(0).rawSentence().hasBasicDependencies()) { return this; } // Run prerequisites runPOS(props); // Run annotator Supplier<Annotator> depparse = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultDepparse : getOrCreate(STANFORD_DEPENDENCIES, props, () -> backend.dependencies(props)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); depparse.get().annotate(ann); // Update data synchronized (serializer) { for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { CoreMap sentence = ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i); sentences.get(i).updateDependencies( ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProto(sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class)), ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProto(sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation.class)), ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProto(sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedPlusPlusDependenciesAnnotation.class))); } } return this; } Document runNatlog(Properties props) { if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && this.sentences.get(0).rawToken(0).hasPolarity()) { return this; } // Run prerequisites runLemma(props); runDepparse(props); // Run annotator Supplier<Annotator> natlog = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultNatlog : getOrCreate(STANFORD_NATLOG, props, () -> backend.natlog(props)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); natlog.get().annotate(ann); // Update data synchronized (serializer) { for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { sentences.get(i).updateTokens(ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class), (Pair<CoreNLPProtos.Token.Builder, Polarity> pair) -> pair.first().setPolarity(ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProto(pair.second())), x -> x.get(NaturalLogicAnnotations.PolarityAnnotation.class)); sentences.get(i).updateTokens(ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class), (Pair<CoreNLPProtos.Token.Builder, OperatorSpec> pair) -> pair.first().setOperator(ProtobufAnnotationSerializer.toProto(pair.second())), x -> x.get(NaturalLogicAnnotations.OperatorAnnotation.class)); } } return this; } Document runOpenie(Properties props) { if (haveRunOpenie) { return this; } // Run prerequisites runNatlog(props); // Run annotator Supplier<Annotator> openie = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultOpenie : getOrCreate(STANFORD_OPENIE, props, () -> backend.openie(props)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); openie.get().annotate(ann); // Update data synchronized (serializer) { for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { CoreMap sentence = ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i); Collection<RelationTriple> triples = sentence.get(NaturalLogicAnnotations.RelationTriplesAnnotation.class); sentences.get(i).updateOpenIE(; } } // Return haveRunOpenie = true; return this; } Document runKBP(Properties props) { if (haveRunKBP) { return this; } // Run prerequisites coref(props); Supplier<Annotator> entityMention = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultEntityMentions : getOrCreate(STANFORD_ENTITY_MENTIONS, props, () -> backend.entityMentions(props, STANFORD_ENTITY_MENTIONS)); Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); entityMention.get().annotate(ann); // Run annotator Supplier<Annotator> kbp = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultKBP : getOrCreate(STANFORD_KBP, props, () -> backend.kbp(props)); kbp.get().annotate(ann); // Update data synchronized (serializer) { for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { CoreMap sentence = ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i); Collection<RelationTriple> triples = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.KBPTriplesAnnotation.class); sentences.get(i).updateKBP(; } } // Return haveRunKBP = true; return this; } Document runSentiment(Properties props) { if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && this.sentences.get(0).rawSentence().hasSentiment()) { return this; } // Run prerequisites runParse(props); if (this.sentences != null && this.sentences.size() > 0 && !this.sentences.get(0).rawSentence().hasBinarizedParseTree()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No binarized parse tree (perhaps it's not supported in this language?)"); } // Run annotator Annotation ann = asAnnotation(true); Supplier<Annotator> sentiment = (props == EMPTY_PROPS || props == SINGLE_SENTENCE_DOCUMENT) ? defaultSentiment : getOrCreate(STANFORD_SENTIMENT, props, () -> backend.sentiment(props, STANFORD_SENTIMENT)); sentiment.get().annotate(ann); // Update data synchronized (serializer) { for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); ++i) { CoreMap sentence = ann.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(i); String sentimentClass = sentence.get(SentimentCoreAnnotations.SentimentClass.class); sentences.get(i).updateSentiment(sentimentClass); } } // Return return this; } /** * Return this Document as an Annotation object. * Note that, importantly, only the fields which have already been called will be populated in * the Annotation! * * <p>Therefore, this method is generally NOT recommended.</p> */ public Annotation asAnnotation() { return asAnnotation(false); } /** * A cached version of this document as an Annotation. * This will get garbage collected when necessary. */ private SoftReference<Annotation> cachedAnnotation = null; /** * Return this Document as an Annotation object. * Note that, importantly, only the fields which have already been called will be populated in * the Annotation! * * <p>Therefore, this method is generally NOT recommended.</p> * * @param cache If true, allow retrieving this object from the cache. */ Annotation asAnnotation(boolean cache) { Annotation ann = cachedAnnotation == null ? null : cachedAnnotation.get(); if (!cache || ann == null) { ann = serializer.fromProto(serialize()); } cachedAnnotation = new SoftReference<>(ann); return ann; } /** * Read a CorefChain from its serialized representation. * This is private due to the need for an additional partial document. Also, why on Earth are you trying to use * this on its own anyways? * * @see edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.ProtobufAnnotationSerializer#fromProto(edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain, edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation) * * @param proto The serialized representation of the coref chain, missing information on its mention span string. * * @return A coreference chain. */ private CorefChain fromProto(CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain proto) { // Get chain ID int cid = proto.getChainID(); // Get mentions Map<IntPair, Set<CorefChain.CorefMention>> mentions = new HashMap<>(); CorefChain.CorefMention representative = null; for (int i = 0; i < proto.getMentionCount(); ++i) { CoreNLPProtos.CorefChain.CorefMention mentionProto = proto.getMention(i); // Create mention StringBuilder mentionSpan = new StringBuilder(); Sentence sentence = sentence(mentionProto.getSentenceIndex()); for (int k = mentionProto.getBeginIndex(); k < mentionProto.getEndIndex(); ++k) { mentionSpan.append(' ').append(sentence.word(k)); } // Set the coref cluster id for the token CorefChain.CorefMention mention = new CorefChain.CorefMention( Dictionaries.MentionType.valueOf(mentionProto.getMentionType()), Dictionaries.Number.valueOf(mentionProto.getNumber()), Dictionaries.Gender.valueOf(mentionProto.getGender()), Dictionaries.Animacy.valueOf(mentionProto.getAnimacy()), mentionProto.getBeginIndex() + 1, mentionProto.getEndIndex() + 1, mentionProto.getHeadIndex() + 1, cid, mentionProto.getMentionID(), mentionProto.getSentenceIndex() + 1, new IntTuple(new int[]{ mentionProto.getSentenceIndex() + 1, mentionProto.getPosition() }), mentionSpan.substring(mentionSpan.length() > 0 ? 1 : 0)); // Register mention IntPair key = new IntPair(mentionProto.getSentenceIndex() - 1, mentionProto.getHeadIndex() - 1); if (!mentions.containsKey(key)) { mentions.put(key, new HashSet<>()); } mentions.get(key).add(mention); // Check for representative if (proto.hasRepresentative() && i == proto.getRepresentative()) { representative = mention; } } // Return return new CorefChain(cid, mentions, representative); } @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableIfStatement") @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Document)) return false; Document document = (Document) o; if (impl.hasText() && !impl.getText().equals(document.impl.getText())) { return false; } return && sentences.equals(document.sentences); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (impl.hasText()) { return impl.getText().hashCode(); } else { return; } } @Override public String toString() { return impl.getText(); } }