package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeTransformer; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CategoryWordTag; import java.util.Set; import; import; /** * Non-language-specific options for training a grammar from a treebank. * These options are not used at parsing time. * * @author Dan Klein * @author Christopher Manning */ public class TrainOptions implements Serializable { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(TrainOptions.class); public String trainTreeFile = null; // same for me -- Teg /* THESE OPTIONS AFFECT ONLY TRAIN TIME */ public TrainOptions() {} public int trainLengthLimit = 100000; /** Add all test set trees to training data for PCFG. * (Currently only supported in FactoredParser main.) */ public boolean cheatPCFG = false; /** Whether to do "horizontal Markovization" (as in ACL 2003 paper). * False means regular PCFG expansions. */ public boolean markovFactor = false; public int markovOrder = 1; public boolean hSelSplit = false; // good with true; public int HSEL_CUT = 10; /** Whether or not to mark final states in binarized grammar. * This must be off to get most value out of grammar compaction. */ public boolean markFinalStates = true; /** * A POS tag has to have been attributed to more than this number of word * types before it is regarded as an open-class tag. Unknown words will * only possibly be tagged as open-class tags (unless flexiTag is on). * If flexiTag is on, unknown words will be able to be tagged any POS for * which the unseenMap has nonzero count (that is, the tag was seen for * a new word after unseen signature counting was started). */ public int openClassTypesThreshold = 50; /** * Start to aggregate signature-tag pairs only for words unseen in the first * this fraction of the data. */ public double fractionBeforeUnseenCounting = 0.5; /** * If true, declare early -- leave this on except maybe with markov on. * @return Whether to do outside factorization in binarization of the grammar */ public boolean outsideFactor() { return !markovFactor; } /** * This variable controls doing parent annotation of phrasal nodes. Good. */ public boolean PA = true; /** * This variable controls doing 2 levels of parent annotation. Bad. */ public boolean gPA = false; public boolean postPA = false; public boolean postGPA = false; /** * Only split the "common high KL divergence" parent categories.... Good. */ public boolean selectiveSplit = false; //true; public double selectiveSplitCutOff = 0.0; public boolean selectivePostSplit = false; public double selectivePostSplitCutOff = 0.0; /** Whether, in post-splitting of categories, nodes are annotated with the * (grand)parent's base category or with its complete subcategorized * category. */ public boolean postSplitWithBaseCategory = false; /** * Selective Sister annotation. */ public boolean sisterAnnotate = false; public Set<String> sisterSplitters; /** * Mark all unary nodes specially. Good for just PCFG. Bad for factored. * markUnary affects phrasal nodes. A value of 0 means to do nothing; * a value of 1 means to mark the parent (higher) node of a unary rewrite. * A value of 2 means to mark the child (lower) node of a unary rewrie. * Values of 1 and 2 only apply if the child (lower) node is phrasal. * (A value of 1 is better than 2 in combos.) A value of 1 corresponds * to the old boolean -unary flag. */ public int markUnary = 0; /** Mark POS tags which are the sole member of their phrasal constituent. * This is like markUnary=2, applied to POS tags. */ public boolean markUnaryTags = false; /** * Mark all pre-preterminals (also does splitBaseNP: don't need both) */ public boolean splitPrePreT = false; /** * Parent annotation on tags. Good (for PCFG?) */ public boolean tagPA = false;//true; /** * Do parent annotation on tags selectively. Neutral, but less splits. */ public boolean tagSelectiveSplit = false; public double tagSelectiveSplitCutOff = 0.0; public boolean tagSelectivePostSplit = false; public double tagSelectivePostSplitCutOff = 0.0; /** * Right edge is right-recursive (X << X) Bad. (NP only is good) */ public boolean rightRec = false;//true; /** * Left edge is right-recursive (X << X) Bad. */ public boolean leftRec = false; /** * Promote/delete punctuation like Collins. Bad (!) */ public boolean collinsPunc = false; /** * Set the splitter strings. These are a set of parent and/or grandparent * annotated categories which should be split off. */ public Set<String> splitters; public Set postSplitters; public Set<String> deleteSplitters; /** * Just for debugging: check that your tree transforms work correctly. This * will print the transformations of the first printTreeTransformations trees. */ public int printTreeTransformations = 0; public PrintWriter printAnnotatedPW; public PrintWriter printBinarizedPW; // todo [cdm nov 2012]: At present this does nothing. It should print the list of all states of a grammar it trains // Maybe just make it an anytime option and print it at the same time that verbose printing of tags is done? public boolean printStates = false; /** How to compact grammars as FSMs. * 0 = no compaction [uses makeSyntheticLabel1], * 1 = no compaction but use label names that wrap from right to left in binarization [uses makeSyntheticLabel2], * 2 = wrapping labels and materialize unary at top rewriting passive to active, * 3 = ExactGrammarCompactor, * 4 = LossyGrammarCompactor, * 5 = CategoryMergingGrammarCompactor. * (May 2007 CDM note: options 4 and 5 don't seem to be functioning sensibly. 0, 1, and 3 * seem to be the 'good' options. 2 is only useful as input to 3. There seems to be * no reason not to use 0, despite the default.) */ public int compactGrammar = 3; // exact compaction on by default public boolean leftToRight = false; // whether to binarize left to right or head out public int compactGrammar() { if (markovFactor) { return compactGrammar; } return 0; } public boolean noTagSplit = false; /** * CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK */ /** * Enables linear rule smoothing during grammar extraction * but before grammar compaction. The alpha term is the same * as that described in Petrov et al. (2006), and has range [0,1]. */ public boolean ruleSmoothing = false; public double ruleSmoothingAlpha = 0.0; /** * TODO wsg2011: This is the old grammar smoothing parameter that no * longer does anything in the parser. It should be removed. */ public boolean smoothing = false; /* public boolean factorOut = false; public boolean rightBonus = false; public boolean brokenDep = false;*/ /** Discounts the count of BinaryRule's (only, apparently) in training data. */ public double ruleDiscount = 0.0; //public boolean outsideFilter = false; public boolean printAnnotatedRuleCounts = false; public boolean printAnnotatedStateCounts = false; /** Where to use the basic or split tags in the dependency grammar */ public boolean basicCategoryTagsInDependencyGrammar = false; /** * A transformer to use on the training data before any other * processing step. This is specified by using the -preTransformer * flag when training the parser. A comma separated list of classes * will be turned into a CompositeTransformer. This can be used to * strip subcategories, to run a tsurgeon pattern, or any number of * other useful operations. */ public TreeTransformer preTransformer = null; /** * A set of files to use as extra information in the lexicon. This * can provide tagged words which are not part of trees */ public String taggedFiles = null; /** * Use the method reported by Berkeley for splitting and recombining * states. This is an experimental and still in development * reimplementation of that work. */ public boolean predictSplits = false; /** * If we are predicting splits, we loop this many times */ public int splitCount = 1; /** * If we are predicting splits, we recombine states at this rate every loop */ public double splitRecombineRate = 0.0; /** * When binarizing trees, don't annotate the labels with anything */ public boolean simpleBinarizedLabels = false; /** * When binarizing trees, don't binarize trees with two children. * Only applies when using inside markov binarization for now. */ public boolean noRebinarization = false; /** * If the training algorithm allows for parallelization, how many * threads to use */ public int trainingThreads = 1; /** * When training the DV parsing method, how many of the top K trees * to analyze from the underlying parser */ static public final int DEFAULT_K_BEST = 100; public int dvKBest = DEFAULT_K_BEST; /** * When training a parsing method where the training has a (max) * number of iterations, how many iterations to loop */ static public final int DEFAULT_TRAINING_ITERATIONS = 40; public int trainingIterations = DEFAULT_TRAINING_ITERATIONS; /** * When training using batches of trees, such as in the DVParser, * how many trees to use in one batch */ static public final int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 25; public int batchSize = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE; /** * regularization constant */ public static final double DEFAULT_REGCOST = 0.0001; public double regCost = DEFAULT_REGCOST; /** * When training the DV parsing method, how many iterations to loop * for one batch of trees */ static public final int DEFAULT_QN_ITERATIONS_PER_BATCH = 1; public int qnIterationsPerBatch = DEFAULT_QN_ITERATIONS_PER_BATCH; /** * When training the DV parsing method, how many estimates to keep * for the qn approximation. */ public int qnEstimates = 15; /** * When training the DV parsing method, the tolerance to use if we * want to stop qn early */ public double qnTolerance = 15; /** * If larger than 0, the parser may choose to output debug information * every X seconds, X iterations, or some other similar metric */ public int debugOutputFrequency = 0; public long randomSeed = 0; public static final double DEFAULT_LEARNING_RATE = 0.1; /** * How fast to learn (can mean different things for different algorithms) */ public double learningRate = DEFAULT_LEARNING_RATE; public static final double DEFAULT_DELTA_MARGIN = 0.1; /** * How much to penalize the wrong trees for how different they are * from the gold tree when training */ public double deltaMargin = DEFAULT_DELTA_MARGIN; /** * Whether or not to build an unknown word vector specifically for numbers */ public boolean unknownNumberVector = true; /** * Whether or not to handle unknown dashed words by taking the last part */ public boolean unknownDashedWordVectors = true; /** * Whether or not to build an unknown word vector for words with caps in them */ public boolean unknownCapsVector = true; /** * Make the dv model as simple as possible */ public boolean dvSimplifiedModel = false; /** * Whether or not to build an unknown word vector to match Chinese years */ public boolean unknownChineseYearVector = true; /** * Whether or not to build an unknown word vector to match Chinese numbers */ public boolean unknownChineseNumberVector = true; /** * Whether or not to build an unknown word vector to match Chinese percentages */ public boolean unknownChinesePercentVector = true; public static final double DEFAULT_SCALING_FOR_INIT = 0.5; /** * How much to scale certain parameters when initializing models. * For example, the DVParser uses this to rescale its initial * matrices. */ public double scalingForInit = DEFAULT_SCALING_FOR_INIT; public int maxTrainTimeSeconds = 0; public static final String DEFAULT_UNK_WORD = "*UNK*"; /** * Some models will use external data sources which contain * information about unknown words. This variable is a way to * provide the name of the unknown word in the external data source. */ public String unkWord = DEFAULT_UNK_WORD; /** * Whether or not to lowercase word vectors */ public boolean lowercaseWordVectors = false; public enum TransformMatrixType { DIAGONAL, RANDOM, OFF_DIAGONAL, RANDOM_ZEROS } public TransformMatrixType transformMatrixType = TransformMatrixType.DIAGONAL; /** * Specifically for the DVModel, uses words on either side of a * context when combining constituents. Gives perhaps a microscopic * improvement in performance but causes a large slowdown. */ public boolean useContextWords = false; /** * Do we want a model that uses word vectors (such as the DVParser) * to train those word vectors when training the model? * <br> * Note: models prior to 2014-02-13 may have incorrect values in * this field, as it was originally a compile time constant */ public boolean trainWordVectors = true; public static final int DEFAULT_STALLED_ITERATION_LIMIT = 12; /** * How many iterations to allow training to stall before taking the * best model, if training in an iterative manner */ public int stalledIterationLimit = DEFAULT_STALLED_ITERATION_LIMIT; /** Horton-Strahler number/dimension (Maximilian Schlund) */ public boolean markStrahler; public void display() {; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("Train parameters:\n"); result.append(" smooth=" + smoothing + "\n"); result.append(" PA=" + PA + "\n"); result.append(" GPA=" + gPA + "\n"); result.append(" selSplit=" + selectiveSplit + "\n"); result.append(" (" + selectiveSplitCutOff + ((deleteSplitters != null) ? ("; deleting " + deleteSplitters): "") + ")" + "\n"); result.append(" mUnary=" + markUnary + "\n"); result.append(" mUnaryTags=" + markUnaryTags + "\n"); result.append(" sPPT=" + splitPrePreT + "\n"); result.append(" tagPA=" + tagPA + "\n"); result.append(" tagSelSplit=" + tagSelectiveSplit + " (" + tagSelectiveSplitCutOff + ")" + "\n"); result.append(" rightRec=" + rightRec + "\n"); result.append(" leftRec=" + leftRec + "\n"); result.append(" collinsPunc=" + collinsPunc + "\n"); result.append(" markov=" + markovFactor + "\n"); result.append(" mOrd=" + markovOrder + "\n"); result.append(" hSelSplit=" + hSelSplit + " (" + HSEL_CUT + ")" + "\n"); result.append(" compactGrammar=" + compactGrammar() + "\n"); result.append(" postPA=" + postPA + "\n"); result.append(" postGPA=" + postGPA + "\n"); result.append(" selPSplit=" + selectivePostSplit + " (" + selectivePostSplitCutOff + ")" + "\n"); result.append(" tagSelPSplit=" + tagSelectivePostSplit + " (" + tagSelectivePostSplitCutOff + ")" + "\n"); result.append(" postSplitWithBase=" + postSplitWithBaseCategory + "\n"); result.append(" fractionBeforeUnseenCounting=" + fractionBeforeUnseenCounting + "\n"); result.append(" openClassTypesThreshold=" + openClassTypesThreshold + "\n"); result.append(" preTransformer=" + preTransformer + "\n"); result.append(" taggedFiles=" + taggedFiles + "\n"); result.append(" predictSplits=" + predictSplits + "\n"); result.append(" splitCount=" + splitCount + "\n"); result.append(" splitRecombineRate=" + splitRecombineRate + "\n"); result.append(" simpleBinarizedLabels=" + simpleBinarizedLabels + "\n"); result.append(" noRebinarization=" + noRebinarization + "\n"); result.append(" trainingThreads=" + trainingThreads + "\n"); result.append(" dvKBest=" + dvKBest + "\n"); result.append(" trainingIterations=" + trainingIterations + "\n"); result.append(" batchSize=" + batchSize + "\n"); result.append(" regCost=" + regCost + "\n"); result.append(" qnIterationsPerBatch=" + qnIterationsPerBatch + "\n"); result.append(" qnEstimates=" + qnEstimates + "\n"); result.append(" qnTolerance=" + qnTolerance + "\n"); result.append(" debugOutputFrequency=" + debugOutputFrequency + "\n"); result.append(" randomSeed=" + randomSeed + "\n"); result.append(" learningRate=" + learningRate + "\n"); result.append(" deltaMargin=" + deltaMargin + "\n"); result.append(" unknownNumberVector=" + unknownNumberVector + "\n"); result.append(" unknownDashedWordVectors=" + unknownDashedWordVectors + "\n"); result.append(" unknownCapsVector=" + unknownCapsVector + "\n"); result.append(" unknownChineseYearVector=" + unknownChineseYearVector + "\n"); result.append(" unknownChineseNumberVector=" + unknownChineseNumberVector + "\n"); result.append(" unknownChinesePercentVector=" + unknownChinesePercentVector + "\n"); result.append(" dvSimplifiedModel=" + dvSimplifiedModel + "\n"); result.append(" scalingForInit=" + scalingForInit + "\n"); result.append(" maxTrainTimeSeconds=" + maxTrainTimeSeconds + "\n"); result.append(" unkWord=" + unkWord + "\n"); result.append(" lowercaseWordVectors=" + lowercaseWordVectors + "\n"); result.append(" transformMatrixType=" + transformMatrixType + "\n"); result.append(" useContextWords=" + useContextWords + "\n"); result.append(" trainWordVectors=" + trainWordVectors + "\n"); result.append(" stalledIterationLimit=" + stalledIterationLimit + "\n"); result.append(" markStrahler=" + markStrahler + "\n"); return result.toString(); } public static void printTrainTree(PrintWriter pw, String message, Tree t) { PrintWriter myPW; if (pw == null) { myPW = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); } else { myPW = pw; } if (message != null && pw == null) { // hard coded to not print message if using file output! myPW.println(message); } // TODO FIXME: wtf is this shit boolean previousState = CategoryWordTag.printWordTag; CategoryWordTag.printWordTag = false; t.pennPrint(myPW); CategoryWordTag.printWordTag = previousState; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 72571349843538L; } // end class Train