package edu.stanford.nlp.trees; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Sets; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.StringLabel; import*; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.AbstractCollection; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Set; /** * A <code>Treebank</code> object provides access to a corpus of examples with * given tree structures. * This class now implements the Collection interface. However, it may offer * less than the full power of the Collection interface: some Treebanks are * read only, and so may throw the UnsupportedOperationException. * * @author Christopher Manning * @author Roger Levy (added encoding variable and method) */ public abstract class Treebank extends AbstractCollection<Tree> { /** * Stores the <code>TreeReaderFactory</code> that will be used to * create a <code>TreeReader</code> to process a file of trees. */ private TreeReaderFactory trf; /** * Stores the charset encoding of the Treebank on disk. */ private String encoding = TreebankLanguagePack.DEFAULT_ENCODING; public static final String DEFAULT_TREE_FILE_SUFFIX = "mrg"; /** * Create a new Treebank (using a LabeledScoredTreeReaderFactory). */ public Treebank() { this(new LabeledScoredTreeReaderFactory()); } /** * Create a new Treebank. * * @param trf the factory class to be called to create a new * <code>TreeReader</code> */ public Treebank(TreeReaderFactory trf) { this.trf = trf; } /** * Create a new Treebank. * * @param trf the factory class to be called to create a new * <code>TreeReader</code> * @param encoding The charset encoding to use for treebank file decoding */ public Treebank(TreeReaderFactory trf, String encoding) { this.trf = trf; this.encoding = encoding; } /** * Create a new Treebank. * * @param initialCapacity The initial size of the underlying Collection, * (if a Collection-based storage mechanism is being provided) */ public Treebank(int initialCapacity) { this(initialCapacity, new LabeledScoredTreeReaderFactory()); } /** * Create a new Treebank. * * @param initialCapacity The initial size of the underlying Collection, * (if a Collection-based storage mechanism is being provided) * @param trf the factory class to be called to create a new * <code>TreeReader</code> */ @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) public Treebank(int initialCapacity, TreeReaderFactory trf) { this.trf = trf; } /** * Get the <code>TreeReaderFactory</code> for a <code>Treebank</code> -- * this method is provided in order to make the * <code>TreeReaderFactory</code> available to subclasses. * * @return The TreeReaderFactory */ protected TreeReaderFactory treeReaderFactory() { return trf; } /** * Returns the encoding in use for treebank file bytestream access. * * @return The encoding in use for treebank file bytestream access. */ public String encoding() { return encoding; } /** * Empty a <code>Treebank</code>. */ @Override public abstract void clear(); /** * Load a sequence of trees from given directory and its subdirectories. * Trees should reside in files with the suffix "mrg". * Or: load a single file with the given pathName (including extension) * * @param pathName file or directory name */ public void loadPath(String pathName) { loadPath(new File(pathName)); } /** * Load a sequence of trees from given file or directory and its subdirectories. * Either this loads from a directory (tree) and * trees must reside in files with the suffix "mrg" (this is an English * Penn Treebank holdover!), * or it loads a single file with the given path (including extension) * * @param path File specification */ public void loadPath(File path) { loadPath(path, DEFAULT_TREE_FILE_SUFFIX, true); } /** * Load trees from given directory. * * @param pathName File or directory name * @param suffix Extension of files to load: If <code>pathName</code> * is a directory, then, if this is * non-<code>null</code>, all and only files ending in "." followed * by this extension will be loaded; if it is <code>null</code>, * all files in directories will be loaded. If <code>pathName</code> * is not a directory, this parameter is ignored. * @param recursively descend into subdirectories as well */ public void loadPath(String pathName, String suffix, boolean recursively) { loadPath(new File(pathName), new ExtensionFileFilter(suffix, recursively)); } /** * Load trees from given directory. * * @param path file or directory to load from * @param suffix suffix of files to load * @param recursively descend into subdirectories as well */ public void loadPath(File path, String suffix, boolean recursively) { loadPath(path, new ExtensionFileFilter(suffix, recursively)); } /** * Load a sequence of trees from given directory and its subdirectories * which match the file filter. * Or: load a single file with the given pathName (including extension) * * @param pathName file or directory name * @param filt A filter used to determine which files match */ public void loadPath(String pathName, FileFilter filt) { loadPath(new File(pathName), filt); } /** * Load trees from given path specification. * * @param path file or directory to load from * @param filt a FilenameFilter of files to load */ public abstract void loadPath(File path, FileFilter filt); /** * Apply a TreeVisitor to each tree in the Treebank. * For all current implementations of Treebank, this is the fastest * way to traverse all the trees in the Treebank. * * @param tp The TreeVisitor to be applied */ public abstract void apply(TreeVisitor tp); /** * Return a Treebank (actually a TransformingTreebank) where each * Tree in the current treebank has been transformed using the * TreeTransformer. The argument Treebank is unchanged (assuming * that the TreeTransformer correctly doesn't change input Trees). * * @param treeTrans The TreeTransformer to use * @return A Treebank (actually a TransformingTreebank) where each * Tree in the current treebank has been transformed using the * TreeTransformer. */ public Treebank transform(TreeTransformer treeTrans) { return new TransformingTreebank(this, treeTrans); } /** * Return the whole treebank as a series of big bracketed lists. * Calling this is a really bad idea if your treebank is large. */ @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); apply(t -> { sb.append(t.toString()); sb.append('\n'); }); return sb.toString(); } private static final class CounterTreeProcessor implements TreeVisitor { int i; // = 0; public void visitTree(Tree t) { i++; } public int total() { return i; } } /** * Returns the size of the Treebank. * * @return size How many trees are in the treebank */ @Override public int size() { CounterTreeProcessor counter = new CounterTreeProcessor(); apply(counter); return; } /** Divide a Treebank into 3, by taking every 9th sentence for the dev * set and every 10th for the test set. Penn people do this. */ public void decimate(Writer trainW, Writer devW, Writer testW) throws IOException { PrintWriter trainPW = new PrintWriter(trainW, true); PrintWriter devPW = new PrintWriter(devW, true); PrintWriter testPW = new PrintWriter(testW, true); int i = 0; for (Tree t : this) { if (i == 8) { t.pennPrint(devPW); } else if (i == 9) { t.pennPrint(testPW); } else { t.pennPrint(trainPW); } i = (i+1) % 10; } } /** * Return various statistics about the treebank (number of sentences, * words, tag set, etc.). * * @return A String with various statistics about the treebank (number of * sentences, words, tag set, etc.). */ public String textualSummary() { return textualSummary(null); } /** * Return various statistics about the treebank (number of sentences, * words, tag set, etc.). * * @param tlp The TreebankLanguagePack used to determine punctuation and an * appropriate character encoding * @return A big string for human consumption describing the treebank */ public String textualSummary(TreebankLanguagePack tlp) { int numTrees = 0; int numTreesLE40 = 0; int numNonUnaryRoots = 0; Tree nonUnaryEg = null; ClassicCounter<Tree> nonUnaries = new ClassicCounter<>(); ClassicCounter<String> roots = new ClassicCounter<>(); ClassicCounter<String> starts = new ClassicCounter<>(); ClassicCounter<String> puncts = new ClassicCounter<>(); int numUnenclosedLeaves = 0; int numLeaves = 0; int numNonPhrasal = 0; int numPreTerminalWithMultipleChildren = 0; int numWords = 0; int numTags = 0; int shortestSentence = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int longestSentence = 0; int numNullLabel = 0; Set<String> words = Generics.newHashSet(); ClassicCounter<String> tags = new ClassicCounter<>(); ClassicCounter<String> cats = new ClassicCounter<>(); Tree leafEg = null; Tree preTerminalMultipleChildrenEg = null; Tree nullLabelEg = null; Tree rootRewritesAsTaggedWordEg = null; for (Tree t : this) { roots.incrementCount(t.value()); numTrees++; int leng = t.yield().size(); if (leng <= 40) { numTreesLE40++; } if (leng < shortestSentence) { shortestSentence = leng; } if (leng > longestSentence) { longestSentence = leng; } if (t.numChildren() > 1) { if (numNonUnaryRoots == 0) { nonUnaryEg = t; } if (numNonUnaryRoots < 100) { nonUnaries.incrementCount(t.localTree()); } numNonUnaryRoots++; } else if (t.isLeaf()) { numUnenclosedLeaves++; } else { Tree t2 = t.firstChild(); if (t2.isLeaf()) { numLeaves++; leafEg = t; } else if (t2.isPreTerminal()) { if (numNonPhrasal == 0) { rootRewritesAsTaggedWordEg = t; } numNonPhrasal++; } starts.incrementCount(t2.value()); } for (Tree subtree : t) { Label lab = subtree.label(); if (lab == null || lab.value() == null || "".equals(lab.value())) { if (numNullLabel == 0) { nullLabelEg = subtree; } numNullLabel++; if (lab == null) { subtree.setLabel(new StringLabel("")); } else if (lab.value() == null) { subtree.label().setValue(""); } } if (subtree.isLeaf()) { numWords++; words.add(subtree.value()); } else if (subtree.isPreTerminal()) { numTags++; tags.incrementCount(subtree.value()); if (tlp != null && tlp.isPunctuationTag(subtree.value())) { puncts.incrementCount(subtree.firstChild().value()); } } else if (subtree.isPhrasal()) { boolean hasLeafChild = false; for (Tree kt : subtree.children()) { if (kt.isLeaf()) { hasLeafChild = true; } } if (hasLeafChild) { numPreTerminalWithMultipleChildren++; if (preTerminalMultipleChildrenEg == null) { preTerminalMultipleChildrenEg = subtree; } } cats.incrementCount(subtree.value()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Treebank: Bad tree in treebank!: " + subtree); } } } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(2000); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); pw.println("Treebank has " + numTrees + " trees (" + numTreesLE40 + " of length <= 40) and " + numWords + " words (tokens)"); if (numTrees > 0) { if (numTags != numWords) { pw.println(" Warning! numTags differs and is " + numTags); } if (roots.size() == 1) { String root = (String) roots.keySet().toArray()[0]; pw.println(" The root category is: " + root); } else { pw.println(" Warning! " + roots.size() + " different roots in treebank: " + Counters.toString(roots, nf)); } if (numNonUnaryRoots > 0) { pw.print(" Warning! " + numNonUnaryRoots + " trees without unary initial rewrite. "); if (numNonUnaryRoots > 100) { pw.print("First 100 "); } pw.println("Rewrites: " + Counters.toString(nonUnaries, nf)); pw.println(" Example: " + nonUnaryEg); } if (numUnenclosedLeaves > 0 || numLeaves > 0 || numNonPhrasal > 0) { pw.println(" Warning! Non-phrasal trees: " + numUnenclosedLeaves + " bare leaves; " + numLeaves + " root rewrites as leaf; and " + numNonPhrasal + " root rewrites as tagged word"); if (numLeaves > 0) { pw.println(" Example bad root rewrites as leaf: " + leafEg); } if (numNonPhrasal > 0) { pw.println(" Example bad root rewrites as tagged word: " + rootRewritesAsTaggedWordEg); } } if (numNullLabel > 0) { pw.println(" Warning! " + numNullLabel + " tree nodes with null or empty string labels, e.g.:"); pw.println(" " + nullLabelEg); } if (numPreTerminalWithMultipleChildren > 0) { pw.println(" Warning! " + numPreTerminalWithMultipleChildren + " preterminal nodes with multiple children."); pw.println(" Example: " + preTerminalMultipleChildrenEg); } pw.println(" Sentences range from " + shortestSentence + " to " + longestSentence + " words, with an average length of " + (((numWords * 100) / numTrees) / 100.0) + " words."); pw.println(" " + cats.size() + " phrasal category types, " + tags.size() + " tag types, and " + words.size() + " word types"); String[] empties = {"*", "0", "*T*", "*RNR*", "*U*", "*?*", "*EXP*", "*ICH*", "*NOT*", "*PPA*", "*OP*", "*pro*", "*PRO*"}; // What a dopey choice using 0 as an empty element name!! // The problem with the below is that words aren't turned into a basic // category, but empties commonly are indexed.... Would need to look // for them with a suffix of -[0-9]+ Set<String> knownEmpties = Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(empties)); Set<String> emptiesIntersection = Sets.intersection(words, knownEmpties); if ( ! emptiesIntersection.isEmpty()) { pw.println(" Caution! " + emptiesIntersection.size() + " word types are known empty elements: " + emptiesIntersection); } Set<String> joint = Sets.intersection(cats.keySet(), tags.keySet()); if ( ! joint.isEmpty()) { pw.println(" Warning! " + joint.size() + " items are tags and categories: " + joint); } for (String cat : cats.keySet()) { if (cat != null && cat.contains("@")) { pw.println(" Warning!! Stanford Parser does not work with categories containing '@' like: " + cat); break; } } for (String cat : tags.keySet()) { if (cat != null && cat.contains("@")) { pw.println(" Warning!! Stanford Parser does not work with tags containing '@' like: " + cat); break; } } pw.println(" Cats: " + Counters.toString(cats, nf)); pw.println(" Tags: " + Counters.toString(tags, nf)); pw.println(" " + starts.size() + " start categories: " + Counters.toString(starts, nf)); if ( ! puncts.isEmpty()) { pw.println(" Puncts: " + Counters.toString(puncts, nf)); } } return sw.toString(); } /** * This operation isn't supported for a Treebank. Tell them immediately. */ @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Treebank is read-only"); } }