package edu.stanford.nlp.trees.ud; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.Morphology; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import; /** * * Command-line utility to: * * a) convert constituency trees to basic English UD trees * b) convert basic dependency trees to enhanced and enhanced++ UD graphs * * * @author Sebastian Schuster */ public class UniversalDependenciesConverter { private static final boolean USE_NAME = System.getProperty("UDUseNameRelation") != null; private UniversalDependenciesConverter() {} // static main private static GrammaticalStructure semanticGraphToGrammaticalStructure(SemanticGraph sg) { /* sg.typedDependency() generates an ArrayList */ List<TypedDependency> deps = (List<TypedDependency>) sg.typedDependencies(); IndexedWord root = deps.get(0).gov(); TreeGraphNode rootNode = new TreeGraphNode(root); GrammaticalStructure gs = new UniversalEnglishGrammaticalStructure(deps, rootNode); return gs; } /** * Converts basic UD tree to enhanced UD graph. * */ private static SemanticGraph convertBasicToEnhanced(SemanticGraph sg) { GrammaticalStructure gs = semanticGraphToGrammaticalStructure(sg); return SemanticGraphFactory.generateEnhancedDependencies(gs); } /** * Converts basic UD tree to enhanced++ UD graph. * */ private static SemanticGraph convertBasicToEnhancedPlusPlus(SemanticGraph sg) { GrammaticalStructure gs = semanticGraphToGrammaticalStructure(sg); return SemanticGraphFactory.generateEnhancedPlusPlusDependencies(gs); } private static SemanticGraph convertTreeToBasic(Tree tree) { addLemmata(tree); addNERTags(tree); SemanticGraph sg = SemanticGraphFactory.makeFromTree(tree, SemanticGraphFactory.Mode.BASIC, GrammaticalStructure.Extras.NONE, null, false, true); addLemmata(sg); if (USE_NAME) { addNERTags(sg); } return sg; } private static class TreeToSemanticGraphIterator implements Iterator<SemanticGraph> { private Iterator<Tree> treeIterator; private Tree currentTree; // = null; public TreeToSemanticGraphIterator(Iterator<Tree> treeIterator) { this.treeIterator = treeIterator; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return treeIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public SemanticGraph next() { Tree t =; currentTree = t; return convertTreeToBasic(t); } public Tree getCurrentTree() { return this.currentTree; } } private static Morphology MORPH = new Morphology(); private static void addLemmata(SemanticGraph sg) { sg.vertexListSorted().forEach(w -> { if(w.lemma() == null) { w.setLemma(MORPH.lemma(w.word(), w.tag())); } }); } private static void addLemmata(Tree tree) { tree.yield().forEach(l-> { CoreLabel w = (CoreLabel) l; if(w.lemma() == null) { w.setLemma(MORPH.lemma(w.word(), w.tag())); } }); } private static NERClassifierCombiner NER_TAGGER = null; private static void addNERTags(SemanticGraph sg) { if (NER_TAGGER == null) { NER_TAGGER = NERClassifierCombiner.createNERClassifierCombiner(null, new Properties()); } List<CoreLabel> labels = sg.vertexListSorted().stream().map(IndexedWord::backingLabel).collect(Collectors.toList()); NER_TAGGER.classify(labels); } private static void addNERTags(Tree tree) { if (NER_TAGGER == null) { NER_TAGGER = NERClassifierCombiner.createNERClassifierCombiner(null, new Properties()); } List<CoreLabel> labels = tree.yield().stream().map(w -> (CoreLabel) w).collect(Collectors.toList()); NER_TAGGER.classify(labels); } /** * * Converts a constituency tree to the English basic, enhanced, or * enhanced++ Universal dependencies representation, or an English basic * Universal dependencies tree to the enhanced or enhanced++ representation. * * Command-line options:<br> * {@code -treeFile}: File with PTB-formatted constituency trees<br> * {@code -conlluFile}: File with basic dependency trees in CoNLL-U format<br> * {@code -outputRepresentation}: "basic" (default), "enhanced", or "enhanced++" * */ public static void main(String[] args) { Properties props = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args); String treeFileName = props.getProperty("treeFile"); String conlluFileName = props.getProperty("conlluFile"); String outputRepresentation = props.getProperty("outputRepresentation", "basic"); Iterator<SemanticGraph> sgIterator; // = null; if (treeFileName != null) { MemoryTreebank tb = new MemoryTreebank(new NPTmpRetainingTreeNormalizer(0, false, 1, false)); tb.loadPath(treeFileName); Iterator<Tree> treeIterator = tb.iterator(); sgIterator = new TreeToSemanticGraphIterator(treeIterator); } else if (conlluFileName != null) { CoNLLUDocumentReader reader = new CoNLLUDocumentReader(); try { sgIterator = reader.getIterator(IOUtils.readerFromString(conlluFileName)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { System.err.println("No input file specified!"); System.err.println(""); System.err.printf("Usage: java %s [-treeFile trees.tree | -conlluFile deptrees.conllu]" + " [-outputRepresentation basic|enhanced|enhanced++ (default: basic)]%n", UniversalDependenciesConverter.class.getCanonicalName()); return; } CoNLLUDocumentWriter writer = new CoNLLUDocumentWriter(); while (sgIterator.hasNext()) { SemanticGraph sg =; if (treeFileName != null) { //add UPOS tags Tree tree = ((TreeToSemanticGraphIterator) sgIterator).getCurrentTree(); Tree uposTree = UniversalPOSMapper.mapTree(tree); List<Label> uposLabels = uposTree.preTerminalYield(); for (IndexedWord token: sg.vertexListSorted()) { int idx = token.index() - 1; String uposTag = uposLabels.get(idx).value(); token.set(CoreAnnotations.CoarseTagAnnotation.class, uposTag); } } else { addLemmata(sg); if (USE_NAME) { addNERTags(sg); } } if (outputRepresentation.equalsIgnoreCase("enhanced")) { sg = convertBasicToEnhanced(sg); } else if (outputRepresentation.equalsIgnoreCase("enhanced++")) { sg = convertBasicToEnhancedPlusPlus(sg); } System.out.print(writer.printSemanticGraph(sg)); } } }