package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import java.util.Collections; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasTag; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.BobChrisTreeNormalizer; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeFactory; import java.util.function.Predicate; /** * Prepares French Treebank trees for parsing. * * @author Spence Green * */ public class FrenchTreeNormalizer extends BobChrisTreeNormalizer { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(FrenchTreeNormalizer.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 7868735300308066991L; private final String rootLabel; private final MorphoFeatureSpecification morpho = new FrenchMorphoFeatureSpecification(); private final boolean ccTagset; public FrenchTreeNormalizer(boolean ccTagset) { super(new FrenchTreebankLanguagePack()); rootLabel = tlp.startSymbol(); this.ccTagset = ccTagset; aOverAFilter = new FrenchAOverAFilter(); emptyFilter = new Predicate<Tree>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -22673346831392110L; public boolean test(Tree tree) { if(tree.isPreTerminal() && (tree.firstChild().value().equals("") || tree.firstChild().value().equals("-NONE-"))) { return false; } return true; } }; } @Override public String normalizeTerminal(String terminal) { if(terminal == null) return terminal; // PTB escaping if(terminal.equals(")")) return "-RRB-"; else if(terminal.equals("(")) return "-LRB-"; return super.normalizeTerminal(terminal).intern(); } @Override public String normalizeNonterminal(String category) { return super.normalizeNonterminal(category).intern(); } private static void replacePOSTag(Tree t, MorphoFeatureSpecification morpho) { if (!t.isPreTerminal()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only operate on preterminals"); } if (!(t.label() instanceof CoreLabel)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only operates on CoreLabels"); } CoreLabel label = (CoreLabel) t.label(); Tree child = t.children()[0]; if (!(child.label() instanceof CoreLabel)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only operates on CoreLabels"); } CoreLabel childLabel = (CoreLabel) child.label(); // Morphological Analysis String morphStr = childLabel.originalText(); if (morphStr == null || morphStr.equals("")) { morphStr = label.value(); // POS subcategory String subCat = childLabel.category(); if (subCat != null && subCat != "") { morphStr += "-" + subCat + "--"; } else { morphStr += "---"; } } MorphoFeatures feats = morpho.strToFeatures(morphStr); if(feats.getAltTag() != null && !feats.getAltTag().equals("")) { label.setValue(feats.getAltTag()); label.setTag(feats.getAltTag()); } } /** * Sets POS for punctuation to the punctuation token (like the PTB). * * @param t */ private String normalizePreterminal(Tree t) { if (ccTagset) { replacePOSTag(t, morpho); } if(tlp.isPunctuationWord(t.firstChild().value())) return tlp.punctuationTags()[0].intern(); //Map to a common tag // return t.firstChild().value();//Map to the punctuation item return t.value(); } @Override public Tree normalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, TreeFactory tf) { tree = tree.prune(emptyFilter, tf).spliceOut(aOverAFilter, tf); for(Tree t : tree) { //Map punctuation tags back like the PTB if(t.isPreTerminal()) { String posStr = normalizePreterminal(t); t.setValue(posStr); if(t.label() instanceof HasTag) ((HasTag) t.label()).setTag(posStr); } else if(t.isLeaf()) { //Strip off morphological analyses and place them in the OriginalTextAnnotation, which is //specified by HasContext. if(t.value().contains(MorphoFeatureSpecification.MORPHO_MARK)) { String[] toks = t.value().split(MorphoFeatureSpecification.MORPHO_MARK); if(toks.length != 2) System.err.printf("%s: Word contains malformed morph annotation: %s%n",this.getClass().getName(),t.value()); else if(t.label() instanceof CoreLabel) { ((CoreLabel) t.label()).setValue(toks[0].trim().intern()); ((CoreLabel) t.label()).setWord(toks[0].trim().intern()); ((CoreLabel) t.label()).setOriginalText(toks[1].trim().intern()); } else { System.err.printf("%s: Cannot store morph analysis in non-CoreLabel: %s%n",this.getClass().getName(),t.label().getClass().getName()); } } } } //Add start symbol so that the root has only one sub-state. Escape any enclosing brackets. //If the "tree" consists entirely of enclosing brackets e.g. ((())) then this method //will return null. In this case, readers e.g. PennTreeReader will try to read the next tree. while(tree != null && (tree.value() == null || tree.value().equals("")) && tree.numChildren() <= 1) tree = tree.firstChild(); //Ensure that the tree has a top-level unary rewrite if(tree != null && !tree.value().equals(rootLabel)) tree = tf.newTreeNode(rootLabel, Collections.singletonList(tree)); return tree; } public static class FrenchAOverAFilter implements Predicate<Tree>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 793800623099852951L; /** Doesn't accept nodes that are A over A nodes (perhaps due to * empty removal or are EDITED nodes). * * Also removes all w nodes. */ public boolean test(Tree t) { if(t.value() != null && t.value().equals("w")) return false; if (t.isLeaf() || t.isPreTerminal()) return true; return ! (t.label() != null && t.label().value() != null && t.label().value().equals(t.getChild(0).label().value())); } } }