package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.DefaultPaths; import edu.stanford.nlp.sequences.DocumentReaderAndWriter; import edu.stanford.nlp.sequences.SeqClassifierFlags; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ErasureUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.PropertiesUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; /** * Merges the outputs of two or more AbstractSequenceClassifiers according to * a simple precedence scheme: any given base classifier contributes only * classifications of labels that do not exist in the base classifiers specified * before, and that do not have any token overlap with labels assigned by * higher priority classifiers. * <p> * This is a pure AbstractSequenceClassifier, i.e., it sets the AnswerAnnotation label. * If you work with NER classifiers, you should use NERClassifierCombiner. This class * inherits from ClassifierCombiner, and takes care that all AnswerAnnotations are also * copied to NERAnnotation. * <p> * You can specify up to 10 base classifiers using the -loadClassifier1 to -loadClassifier10 * properties. We also maintain the older usage when only two base classifiers were accepted, * specified using -loadClassifier and -loadAuxClassifier. * <p> * ms 2009: removed all NER functionality (see NERClassifierCombiner), changed code so it * accepts an arbitrary number of base classifiers, removed dead code. * * @author Chris Cox * @author Mihai Surdeanu */ public class ClassifierCombiner<IN extends CoreMap & HasWord> extends AbstractSequenceClassifier<IN> { /** A logger for this class */ private static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ClassifierCombiner.class); private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private List<AbstractSequenceClassifier<IN>> baseClassifiers; /** * NORMAL means that if one classifier uses PERSON, later classifiers can't also add PERSON, for example. <br> * HIGH_RECALL allows later models do set PERSON as long as it doesn't clobber existing annotations. */ enum CombinationMode { NORMAL, HIGH_RECALL } private static final CombinationMode DEFAULT_COMBINATION_MODE = CombinationMode.NORMAL; private static final String COMBINATION_MODE_PROPERTY = "ner.combinationMode"; private final CombinationMode combinationMode; // keep track of properties used to initialize private Properties initProps; // keep track of paths used to load CRFs private List<String> initLoadPaths = new ArrayList<>(); /** * @param p Properties File that specifies {@code loadClassifier} * and {@code loadAuxClassifier} properties or, alternatively, {@code loadClassifier[1-10]} properties. * @throws FileNotFoundException If classifier files not found */ public ClassifierCombiner(Properties p) throws IOException { super(p); this.combinationMode = extractCombinationModeSafe(p); String loadPath1, loadPath2; List<String> paths = new ArrayList<>(); // // preferred configuration: specify up to 10 base classifiers using loadClassifier1 to loadClassifier10 properties // if((loadPath1 = p.getProperty("loadClassifier1")) != null && (loadPath2 = p.getProperty("loadClassifier2")) != null) { paths.add(loadPath1); paths.add(loadPath2); for(int i = 3; i <= 10; i ++){ String path; if ((path = p.getProperty("loadClassifier" + i)) != null) { paths.add(path); } } loadClassifiers(p, paths); } // // second accepted setup (backward compatible): two classifier given in loadClassifier and loadAuxClassifier // else if((loadPath1 = p.getProperty("loadClassifier")) != null && (loadPath2 = p.getProperty("loadAuxClassifier")) != null){ paths.add(loadPath1); paths.add(loadPath2); loadClassifiers(p, paths); } // // fall back strategy: use the two default paths on NLP machines // else { paths.add(DefaultPaths.DEFAULT_NER_THREECLASS_MODEL); paths.add(DefaultPaths.DEFAULT_NER_MUC_MODEL); loadClassifiers(p, paths); } this.initLoadPaths = new ArrayList<>(paths); this.initProps = p; } /** Loads a series of base classifiers from the paths specified using the * Properties specified. * * @param props Properties for the classifier to use (encodings, output format, etc.) * @param combinationMode How to handle multiple classifiers specifying the same entity type * @param loadPaths Paths to the base classifiers * @throws IOException If IO errors in loading classifier files */ public ClassifierCombiner(Properties props, CombinationMode combinationMode, String... loadPaths) throws IOException { super(props); this.combinationMode = combinationMode; List<String> paths = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(loadPaths)); loadClassifiers(props, paths); this.initLoadPaths = new ArrayList<>(paths); this.initProps = props; } /** Loads a series of base classifiers from the paths specified using the * Properties specified. * * @param combinationMode How to handle multiple classifiers specifying the same entity type * @param loadPaths Paths to the base classifiers * @throws IOException If IO errors in loading classifier files */ public ClassifierCombiner(CombinationMode combinationMode, String... loadPaths) throws IOException { this(new Properties(), combinationMode, loadPaths); } /** Loads a series of base classifiers from the paths specified. * * @param loadPaths Paths to the base classifiers * @throws FileNotFoundException If classifier files not found */ public ClassifierCombiner(String... loadPaths) throws IOException { this(DEFAULT_COMBINATION_MODE, loadPaths); } /** Combines a series of base classifiers. * * @param classifiers The base classifiers */ @SafeVarargs public ClassifierCombiner(AbstractSequenceClassifier<IN>... classifiers) { super(new Properties()); this.combinationMode = DEFAULT_COMBINATION_MODE; baseClassifiers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(classifiers)); flags.backgroundSymbol = baseClassifiers.get(0).flags.backgroundSymbol; this.initProps = new Properties(); } // constructor for building a ClassifierCombiner from an ObjectInputStream public ClassifierCombiner(ObjectInputStream ois, Properties props) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ClassCastException { // read the initial Properties out of the ObjectInputStream so you can properly start the AbstractSequenceClassifier // note now we load in props from command line and overwrite any that are given for command line super(PropertiesUtils.overWriteProperties((Properties) ois.readObject(),props)); // read another copy of initProps that I have helpfully included // TODO: probably set initProps in AbstractSequenceClassifier to avoid this writing twice thing, its hacky this.initProps = PropertiesUtils.overWriteProperties((Properties) ois.readObject(),props); // read the initLoadPaths this.initLoadPaths = (ArrayList<String>) ois.readObject(); // read the combinationMode from the serialized version String cm = (String) ois.readObject(); // see if there is a commandline override for the combinationMode, else set newCM to the serialized version CombinationMode newCM; if (props.getProperty("ner.combinationMode") != null) { // there is a possible commandline override, have to see if its valid try { // see if the commandline has a proper value newCM = CombinationMode.valueOf(props.getProperty("ner.combinationMode")); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // the commandline override did not have a proper value, so just use the serialized version newCM = CombinationMode.valueOf(cm); } } else { // there was no commandline override given, so just use the serialized version newCM = CombinationMode.valueOf(cm); } this.combinationMode = newCM; // read in the base classifiers Integer numClassifiers = ois.readInt(); // set up the list of base classifiers this.baseClassifiers = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0; while (i < numClassifiers) { try {"loading CRF..."); CRFClassifier<IN> newCRF = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(CRFClassifier.getClassifier(ois, props)); baseClassifiers.add(newCRF); i++; } catch (Exception e) { try {"loading CMM..."); CMMClassifier newCMM = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(CMMClassifier.getClassifier(ois, props)); baseClassifiers.add(newCMM); i++; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException("Couldn't load classifier!", ex); } } } } /** * Either finds COMBINATION_MODE_PROPERTY or returns a default value. */ public static CombinationMode extractCombinationMode(Properties p) { String mode = p.getProperty(COMBINATION_MODE_PROPERTY); if (mode == null) { return DEFAULT_COMBINATION_MODE; } else { return CombinationMode.valueOf(mode.toUpperCase()); } } /** * Either finds COMBINATION_MODE_PROPERTY or returns a default * value. If the value is not a legal value, a warning is printed. */ public static CombinationMode extractCombinationModeSafe(Properties p) { try { return extractCombinationMode(p); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Illegal value of " + COMBINATION_MODE_PROPERTY + ": " + p.getProperty(COMBINATION_MODE_PROPERTY));" Legal values:"); for (CombinationMode mode : CombinationMode.values()) {" " + mode); }; return CombinationMode.NORMAL; } } private void loadClassifiers(Properties props, List<String> paths) throws IOException { baseClassifiers = new ArrayList<>(); for(String path: paths){ AbstractSequenceClassifier<IN> cls = loadClassifierFromPath(props, path); baseClassifiers.add(cls); if(DEBUG){ System.err.printf("Successfully loaded classifier #%d from %s.%n", baseClassifiers.size(), path); } } if (baseClassifiers.size() > 0) { flags.backgroundSymbol = baseClassifiers.get(0).flags.backgroundSymbol; } } public static <INN extends CoreMap & HasWord> AbstractSequenceClassifier<INN> loadClassifierFromPath(Properties props, String path) throws IOException { //try loading as a CRFClassifier try { return ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(CRFClassifier.getClassifier(path, props)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //try loading as a CMMClassifier try { return ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(CMMClassifier.getClassifier(path)); } catch (Exception e) { //fail //"Couldn't load classifier from path :"+path); throw new IOException("Couldn't load classifier from " + path, e); } } @Override public Set<String> labels() { Set<String> labs = Generics.newHashSet(); for(AbstractSequenceClassifier<? extends CoreMap> cls: baseClassifiers) labs.addAll(cls.labels()); return labs; } /** * Reads the Answer annotations in the given labellings (produced by the base models) * and combines them using a priority ordering, i.e., for a given baseDocument all * labellings seen before in the baseDocuments list have higher priority. * Writes the answer to AnswerAnnotation in the labeling at position 0 * (considered to be the main document). * * @param baseDocuments Results of all base AbstractSequenceClassifier models * @return A List of IN with the combined annotations. (This is an * updating of baseDocuments.get(0), not a new List.) */ private List<IN> mergeDocuments(List<List<IN>> baseDocuments){ // we should only get here if there is something to merge assert(! baseClassifiers.isEmpty() && ! baseDocuments.isEmpty()); // all base outputs MUST have the same length (we generated them internally!) for(int i = 1; i < baseDocuments.size(); i ++) assert(baseDocuments.get(0).size() == baseDocuments.get(i).size()); String background = baseClassifiers.get(0).flags.backgroundSymbol; // baseLabels.get(i) points to the labels assigned by baseClassifiers.get(i) List<Set<String>> baseLabels = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> seenLabels = Generics.newHashSet(); for (AbstractSequenceClassifier<? extends CoreMap> baseClassifier : baseClassifiers) { Set<String> labs = baseClassifier.labels(); if (combinationMode != CombinationMode.HIGH_RECALL) { labs.removeAll(seenLabels); } else { labs.remove(baseClassifier.flags.backgroundSymbol); labs.remove(background); } seenLabels.addAll(labs); baseLabels.add(labs); } if (DEBUG) { for(int i = 0; i < baseLabels.size(); i ++)"mergeDocuments: Using classifier #" + i + " for " + baseLabels.get(i));"mergeDocuments: Background symbol is " + background);"Base model outputs:"); for( int i = 0; i < baseDocuments.size(); i ++){ System.err.printf("Output of model #%d:", i); for (IN l : baseDocuments.get(i)) {' ');; }; } } // incrementally merge each additional model with the main model (i.e., baseDocuments.get(0)) // this keeps adding labels from the additional models to mainDocument // hence, when all is done, mainDocument contains the labels of all base models List<IN> mainDocument = baseDocuments.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < baseDocuments.size(); i ++) { mergeTwoDocuments(mainDocument, baseDocuments.get(i), baseLabels.get(i), background); } if (DEBUG) {"Output of combined model:"); for (IN l: mainDocument) {' ');; };; } return mainDocument; } /** This merges in labels from the auxDocument into the mainDocument when * tokens have one of the labels in auxLabels, and the subsequence * labeled with this auxLabel does not conflict with any non-background * labelling in the mainDocument. */ static <INN extends CoreMap & HasWord> void mergeTwoDocuments(List<INN> mainDocument, List<INN> auxDocument, Set<String> auxLabels, String background) { boolean insideAuxTag = false; boolean auxTagValid = true; String prevAnswer = background; Collection<INN> constituents = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<INN> auxIterator = auxDocument.listIterator(); for (INN wMain : mainDocument) { String mainAnswer = wMain.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); INN wAux =; String auxAnswer = wAux.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); boolean insideMainTag = !mainAnswer.equals(background); /* if the auxiliary classifier gave it one of the labels unique to auxClassifier, we might set the mainLabel to that. */ if (auxLabels.contains(auxAnswer)) { if ( ! prevAnswer.equals(auxAnswer) && ! prevAnswer.equals(background)) { if (auxTagValid){ for (INN wi : constituents) { wi.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, prevAnswer); } } auxTagValid = true; constituents = new ArrayList<>(); } insideAuxTag = true; if (insideMainTag) { auxTagValid = false; } prevAnswer = auxAnswer; constituents.add(wMain); } else { if (insideAuxTag) { if (auxTagValid){ for (INN wi : constituents) { wi.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, prevAnswer); } } constituents = new ArrayList<>(); } insideAuxTag=false; auxTagValid = true; prevAnswer = background; } } // deal with a sequence final auxLabel if (auxTagValid){ for (INN wi : constituents) { wi.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, prevAnswer); } } } /** * Generates the AnswerAnnotation labels of the combined model for the given * tokens, storing them in place in the tokens. * * @param tokens A List of IN * @return The passed in parameters, which will have the AnswerAnnotation field added/overwritten */ @Override public List<IN> classify(List<IN> tokens) { if (baseClassifiers.isEmpty()) { return tokens; } List<List<IN>> baseOutputs = new ArrayList<>(); // the first base model works in place, modifying the original tokens List<IN> output = baseClassifiers.get(0).classifySentence(tokens); // classify(List<IN>) is supposed to work in place, so add AnswerAnnotation to tokens! for (int i = 0, sz = output.size(); i < sz; i++) { tokens.get(i).set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, output.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class)); } baseOutputs.add(tokens); for (int i = 1, sz = baseClassifiers.size(); i < sz; i ++) { //List<CoreLabel> copy = deepCopy(tokens); // no need for deep copy: classifySentence creates a copy of the input anyway // List<CoreLabel> copy = tokens; output = baseClassifiers.get(i).classifySentence(tokens); baseOutputs.add(output); } assert(baseOutputs.size() == baseClassifiers.size()); List<IN> finalAnswer = mergeDocuments(baseOutputs); return finalAnswer; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void train(Collection<List<IN>> docs, DocumentReaderAndWriter<IN> readerAndWriter) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // write a ClassifierCombiner to disk, this is based on CRFClassifier code @Override public void serializeClassifier(String serializePath) {"Serializing classifier to " + serializePath + "..."); ObjectOutputStream oos = null; try { oos = IOUtils.writeStreamFromString(serializePath); serializeClassifier(oos);"done."); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeIOException("Failed to save classifier", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeIgnoringExceptions(oos); } } // method for writing a ClassifierCombiner to an ObjectOutputStream @Override public void serializeClassifier(ObjectOutputStream oos) { try { // record the properties used to initialize oos.writeObject(initProps); // this is a bit of a hack, but have to write this twice so you can get it again // after you initialize AbstractSequenceClassifier // basically when this is read from the ObjectInputStream, I read it once to call // super(props) and then I read it again so I can set this.initProps // TODO: probably should have AbstractSequenceClassifier store initProps to get rid of this double writing oos.writeObject(initProps); // record the initial loadPaths oos.writeObject(initLoadPaths); // record the combinationMode String combinationModeString =; oos.writeObject(combinationModeString); // get the number of classifiers to write to disk Integer numClassifiers = baseClassifiers.size(); oos.writeInt(numClassifiers); // go through baseClassifiers and write each one to disk with CRFClassifier's serialize method""); for (AbstractSequenceClassifier<IN> asc : baseClassifiers) { //CRFClassifier crfc = (CRFClassifier) asc; //"Serializing a base classifier..."); asc.serializeClassifier(oos); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } @Override public void loadClassifier(ObjectInputStream in, Properties props) throws IOException, ClassCastException, ClassNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public List<IN> classifyWithGlobalInformation(List<IN> tokenSeq, CoreMap doc, CoreMap sent) { return classify(tokenSeq); } // static method for getting a ClassifierCombiner from a string path public static ClassifierCombiner getClassifier(String loadPath, Properties props) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ClassCastException { ObjectInputStream ois = IOUtils.readStreamFromString(loadPath); ClassifierCombiner returnCC = getClassifier(ois, props); IOUtils.closeIgnoringExceptions(ois); return returnCC; } // static method for getting a ClassifierCombiner from ObjectInputStream public static ClassifierCombiner getClassifier(ObjectInputStream ois, Properties props) throws IOException, ClassCastException, ClassNotFoundException { return new ClassifierCombiner(ois, props); } // run a particular CRF of this ClassifierCombiner on a testFile // user can say -crfToExamine 0 to get 1st element or -crfToExamine /edu/stanford/models/muc7.crf.ser.gz // this does not currently support drill down on CMM's public static void examineCRF(ClassifierCombiner cc, String crfNameOrIndex, SeqClassifierFlags flags, String testFile, String testFiles, DocumentReaderAndWriter<CoreLabel> readerAndWriter) throws Exception { CRFClassifier<CoreLabel> crf; // potential index into baseClassifiers int ci; // set ci with the following rules // 1. first see if ci is an index into baseClassifiers // 2. if its not an integer or wrong size, see if its a file name of a loadPath try { ci = Integer.parseInt(crfNameOrIndex); if (ci < 0 || ci >= cc.baseClassifiers.size()) { // ci is not an int corresponding to an element in baseClassifiers, see if name of a crf loadPath ci = cc.initLoadPaths.indexOf(crfNameOrIndex); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // cannot interpret crfNameOrIndex as an integer, see if name of a crf loadPath ci = cc.initLoadPaths.indexOf(crfNameOrIndex); } // if ci corresponds to an index in baseClassifiers, get the crf at that index, otherwise set crf to null if (ci >= 0 && ci < cc.baseClassifiers.size()) { // TODO: this will break if baseClassifiers contains something that is not a CRF crf = (CRFClassifier<CoreLabel>) cc.baseClassifiers.get(ci); } else { crf = null; } // if you can get a specific crf, generate the appropriate report, if null do nothing if (crf != null) { // if there is a crf and testFile was set , do the crf stuff for a single testFile if (testFile != null) { if (flags.searchGraphPrefix != null) { crf.classifyAndWriteViterbiSearchGraph(testFile, flags.searchGraphPrefix, crf.makeReaderAndWriter()); } else if (flags.printFirstOrderProbs) { crf.printFirstOrderProbs(testFile, readerAndWriter); } else if (flags.printFactorTable) { crf.printFactorTable(testFile, readerAndWriter); } else if (flags.printProbs) { crf.printProbs(testFile, readerAndWriter); } else if (flags.useKBest) { // TO DO: handle if user doesn't provide kBest int k = flags.kBest; crf.classifyAndWriteAnswersKBest(testFile, k, readerAndWriter); } else if (flags.printLabelValue) { crf.printLabelInformation(testFile, readerAndWriter); } else { // no crf test flag provided"Warning: no crf test flag was provided, running classify and write answers"); crf.classifyAndWriteAnswers(testFile,readerAndWriter,true); } } else if (testFiles != null) { // if there is a crf and testFiles was set , do the crf stuff for testFiles // if testFile was set as well, testFile overrides List<File> files =",")).map(File::new).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (flags.printProbs) { // there is a crf and printProbs crf.printProbs(files, crf.defaultReaderAndWriter()); } else {"Warning: no crf test flag was provided, running classify files and write answers"); crf.classifyFilesAndWriteAnswers(files, crf.defaultReaderAndWriter(), true); } } } } // show some info about a ClassifierCombiner public static void showCCInfo(ClassifierCombiner cc) {"");"classifiers used:");""); if (cc.initLoadPaths.size() == cc.baseClassifiers.size()) { for (int i = 0 ; i < cc.initLoadPaths.size() ; i++) {"baseClassifiers index "+i+" : "+cc.initLoadPaths.get(i)); } } else { for (int i = 0 ; i < cc.initLoadPaths.size() ; i++) {"baseClassifiers index "+i); } }"");"combinationMode: "+cc.combinationMode);""); } /** * Some basic testing of the ClassifierCombiner. * * @param args Command-line arguments as properties: -loadClassifier1 serializedFile -loadClassifier2 serializedFile * @throws Exception If IO or serialization error loading classifiers */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Properties props = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args); ClassifierCombiner ec = new ClassifierCombiner(props);"Marketing : Sony Hopes to Win Much Bigger Market For Wide Range of Small-Video Products --- By Andrew B. Cohen Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal")); } }