package edu.stanford.nlp.process; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Document; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Word; import; /** * Filter which removes stop-listed words. * * @author Sepandar Kamvar ( */ public class StoplistFilter<L, F> implements DocumentProcessor<Word, Word, L, F> { private StopList stoplist; /** * Create a new StopListFilter with a small default stoplist */ public StoplistFilter() { this(new StopList()); } /** * Create a new StopListFilter with the stoplist given in <code>stoplistfile</code> */ public StoplistFilter(String stoplistfile) { this(new StopList(new File(stoplistfile))); } /** * Create a new StoplistFilter with the given StopList. */ public StoplistFilter(StopList stoplist) { this.stoplist = stoplist; } /** * Returns a new Document with the same meta-data as <tt>in</tt> and the same words * except those on the stop list this filter was constructed with. */ public Document<L, F, Word> processDocument(Document<L, F, Word> in) { Document<L, F, Word> out = in.blankDocument(); for (Word w: in) { if (!stoplist.contains(w)) { out.add(w); } } return (out); } }