package edu.stanford.nlp.trees.treebank; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; /** * * @author Spence Green * */ public class ConfigParser implements Iterable<Properties> { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ConfigParser.class); //The parameter names and delimiter private static final String DELIM = "="; public static final String paramName = "NAME"; //Name of the dataset public static final String paramPath = "PATH"; //Path to files in the dataset public static final String paramOutputPath = "OUTPUT_PATH"; // Where to output the results public static final String paramSplit = "SPLIT"; //A file listing filenames in a split public static final String paramEncode = "OUTPUT_ENCODING"; //Preferred output encoding [Buckwalter | UTF8] public static final String paramMapping = "MAPPING"; //Path to an LDC-format POS tag mapping file public static final String paramDistrib = "DISTRIB"; //Add to distribution or not [true | false] public static final String paramType = "TYPE"; //Specify the Dataset type to use public static final String paramFlat = "FLAT"; //Output terminals only public static final String paramDT = "USEDET"; //Add a determiner to the Bies tag ("Stanfordization") public static final String paramTagDelim = "TAGDELIM"; //Delimiter for separating words and tags in tagger datasets public static final String paramFileExt = "FILEEXT"; //File extension for the treebank files public static final String paramLexMapper = "LEXMAPPER"; //Class name for the LexMapper to use public static final String paramLexMapOptions = "LEXOPTS";//Option string for the lexmapper (comma-separated) public static final String paramNoDashTags = "NODASHTAGS";//Remove ATB dash tags public static final String paramAddRoot = "ADDROOT"; //Add a node "ROOT" to every tree public static final String paramUnEscape = "UNESCAPE"; //Remove LDC/ATB special characters from flattened output public static final String paramPosMapper = "POSMAPPER"; //Class name for POS mapper to use public static final String paramPosMapOptions = "POSOPTS";//Options string for the posmapper (comma-separated) public static final String paramMaxLen = "MAXLEN"; //Max yield of the trees in the data set public static final String paramMorph = "MORPH"; //Add the pre-terminal morphological analysis to the leaf (using the delimiter) public static final String paramTransform = "TVISITOR"; //Apply a custom TreeVisitor to each tree in the dataset public static final String paramCCTagset = "CC_TAGSET"; // specific to French. TODO: move it to the French dataset //Absolute parameters private static final Pattern matchName = Pattern.compile(paramName + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchSplit = Pattern.compile(paramSplit + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchDistrib = Pattern.compile(paramDistrib + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchType = Pattern.compile(paramType + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchFlat = Pattern.compile(paramFlat + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchDT = Pattern.compile(paramDT + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchTagDelim = Pattern.compile(paramTagDelim + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchFileExt = Pattern.compile(paramFileExt + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchLexMapper = Pattern.compile(paramLexMapper + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchNoDashTags = Pattern.compile(paramNoDashTags + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchAddRoot = Pattern.compile(paramAddRoot + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchUnEscape = Pattern.compile(paramUnEscape + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchLexMapOptions = Pattern.compile(paramLexMapOptions + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchPosMapper = Pattern.compile(paramPosMapper + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchPosMapOptions = Pattern.compile(paramPosMapOptions + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchMaxLen = Pattern.compile(paramMaxLen + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchMorph = Pattern.compile(paramMorph + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchTransform = Pattern.compile(paramTransform + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchEncode = Pattern.compile(paramEncode + DELIM); private static final Pattern matchEncodeArgs = Pattern.compile("Buckwalter|UTF8"); private static final Pattern matchCCTagset = Pattern.compile(paramCCTagset + DELIM); private static final Pattern booleanArgs = Pattern.compile("true|false"); //Pre-fix parameters public static final Pattern matchPath = Pattern.compile(paramPath); public static final Pattern matchOutputPath = Pattern.compile(paramOutputPath); public static final Pattern matchMapping = Pattern.compile(paramMapping); //Patterns for the parser private static final Pattern setDelim = Pattern.compile(";;"); private static final Pattern skipLine = Pattern.compile("^#|^\\s*$"); //Other members private final List<Properties> datasetList; private final Map<String,Pair<Pattern,Pattern>> patternsMap; private final String configFile; public ConfigParser(String filename) { configFile = filename; datasetList = new ArrayList<>(); //For Pair<Pattern,Pattern>, the first pattern matches the parameter name //while the second (optionally) accepts the parameter values patternsMap = Generics.newHashMap(); patternsMap.put(paramName, new Pair<>(matchName, null)); patternsMap.put(paramType, new Pair<>(matchType, null)); patternsMap.put(paramPath, new Pair<>(matchPath, null)); patternsMap.put(paramOutputPath, new Pair<>(matchOutputPath, null)); patternsMap.put(paramSplit, new Pair<>(matchSplit, null)); patternsMap.put(paramTagDelim, new Pair<>(matchTagDelim, null)); patternsMap.put(paramFileExt, new Pair<>(matchFileExt, null)); patternsMap.put(paramEncode, new Pair<>(matchEncode, matchEncodeArgs)); patternsMap.put(paramMapping, new Pair<>(matchMapping, null)); patternsMap.put(paramDistrib, new Pair<>(matchDistrib, booleanArgs)); patternsMap.put(paramFlat, new Pair<>(matchFlat, booleanArgs)); patternsMap.put(paramDT, new Pair<>(matchDT, booleanArgs)); patternsMap.put(paramLexMapper, new Pair<>(matchLexMapper, null)); patternsMap.put(paramNoDashTags, new Pair<>(matchNoDashTags, booleanArgs)); patternsMap.put(paramAddRoot, new Pair<>(matchAddRoot, booleanArgs)); patternsMap.put(paramUnEscape, new Pair<>(matchUnEscape, booleanArgs)); patternsMap.put(paramLexMapOptions, new Pair<>(matchLexMapOptions, null)); patternsMap.put(paramPosMapper, new Pair<>(matchPosMapper, null)); patternsMap.put(paramPosMapOptions, new Pair<>(matchPosMapOptions, null)); patternsMap.put(paramMaxLen, new Pair<>(matchMaxLen, null)); patternsMap.put(paramMorph, new Pair<>(matchMorph, null)); patternsMap.put(paramTransform, new Pair<>(matchTransform, null)); patternsMap.put(paramCCTagset, new Pair<>(matchCCTagset, null)); } public Iterator<Properties> iterator() { Iterator<Properties> itr = Collections.unmodifiableList(datasetList).iterator(); return itr; } public void parse() { int lineNum = 0; try { LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(configFile)); Properties paramsForDataset = null; while(reader.ready()) { String line = reader.readLine(); lineNum = reader.getLineNumber(); //For exception handling Matcher m = skipLine.matcher(line); if(m.lookingAt()) continue; m = setDelim.matcher(line); if(m.matches() && paramsForDataset != null) { datasetList.add(paramsForDataset); paramsForDataset = null; continue; } else if(paramsForDataset == null) { paramsForDataset = new Properties(); } boolean matched = false; for(String param : patternsMap.keySet()) { Pair<Pattern,Pattern> paramTemplate = patternsMap.get(param); Matcher paramToken = paramTemplate.first.matcher(line); if(paramToken.lookingAt()) { matched = true; String[] tokens = line.split(DELIM); if(tokens.length != 2) { System.err.printf("%s: Skipping malformed parameter in %s (line %d)%n", this.getClass().getName(), configFile,reader.getLineNumber()); break; } String actualParam = tokens[0].trim(); String paramValue = tokens[1].trim(); if(paramTemplate.second != null) { paramToken = paramTemplate.second.matcher(paramValue); if(paramToken.matches()) { paramsForDataset.setProperty(actualParam, paramValue); } else { System.err.printf("%s: Skipping illegal parameter value in %s (line %d)%n", this.getClass().getName(), configFile,reader.getLineNumber()); break; } } else { paramsForDataset.setProperty(actualParam, paramValue); } } } if (!matched) { String error = this.getClass().getName() + ": Unknown token in " + configFile + " (line " + reader.getLineNumber() + ")%n"; System.err.printf(error); throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } } if(paramsForDataset != null) datasetList.add(paramsForDataset); reader.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.printf("%s: Cannot open file %s%n", this.getClass().getName(), configFile); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.printf("%s: Error reading %s (line %d)%n", this.getClass().getName(), configFile, lineNum); } } @Override public String toString() { final int numDatasets = datasetList.size(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.format("Loaded %d datasets: %n",numDatasets)); int dataSetNum = 1; for(Properties sm : datasetList) { if(sm.containsKey(paramName)) sb.append(String.format(" %d: %s%n",dataSetNum++, sm.getProperty(paramName))); else sb.append(String.format(" %d: %s%n",dataSetNum++,"UNKNOWN NAME")); } return sb.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { ConfigParser cp = new ConfigParser("configurations/sample.conf"); cp.parse(); System.out.println(cp.toString()); for(Properties sm : cp) { System.out.println("--------------------"); for(String key : sm.stringPropertyNames()) System.out.printf(" %s: %s%n",key,sm.get(key)); } } }