package edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.model; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.model.proto.ConcatVectorProto; import; import; import; import java.util.function.Function; /** * Created on 12/7/14. * @author keenon * <p> * Implements a concat vector using an array of arrays, with all its attending resizing efficiencies, and double-pointer * inefficiencies. Benchmarking from MinimalML (where I adapted this design from) shows that this is the most efficient * of several strategies that can be used to implement this. * <p> * What is a ConcatVector? Why do I need it? * <p> * In short, you want this for online learning, where you may not know all your sparse features' sizes at initialization. * A concat vector is a vector that behaves like a concatenation of smaller component vectors when you want a dot product. * However, it never physically concatenates anything, it just dot products each component, and takes the sum. That way, * if you need to expand a component during online learning, it's no problem. As an auxiliary benefit, you can specify * sparse and dense components, greatly speeding up dot product calculation when you have lots of sparse features. */ public class ConcatVector { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ConcatVector.class); double[][] pointers; boolean[] sparse; boolean[] copyOnWrite; /** * Constructor that initializes space for this concat vector. Don't worry, it can resize individual elements as * necessary but it's most efficient if you get this right at construction. * * @param numComponents The number of components (usually number of features) to allocate for. */ public ConcatVector(int numComponents) { pointers = new double[numComponents][]; sparse = new boolean[numComponents]; copyOnWrite = new boolean[numComponents]; } /** * Clone a concat vector constructor. Marks both vectors as copyOnWrite, but makes no immediate copies. * * @param clone the concat vector to clone. */ private ConcatVector(ConcatVector clone) { pointers = new double[clone.pointers.length][]; copyOnWrite = new boolean[clone.pointers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < clone.pointers.length; i++) { if (clone.pointers[i] == null) continue; pointers[i] = clone.pointers[i]; copyOnWrite[i] = true; clone.copyOnWrite[i] = true; } sparse = new boolean[clone.pointers.length]; if (clone.pointers.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(clone.sparse, 0, sparse, 0, clone.pointers.length); } } /** * Creates a ConcatVector whose dimensions are the same as this one for all dense components, but is otherwise * completely empty. This is useful to prevent resizing during optimizations where we're adding lots of sparse * vectors. * * @return an empty vector suitable for use as a gradient */ public ConcatVector newEmptyClone() { ConcatVector clone = new ConcatVector(getNumberOfComponents()); for (int i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) { if (pointers[i] != null && !sparse[i]) { clone.pointers[i] = new double[pointers[i].length]; clone.sparse[i] = false; } } return clone; } /** * Sets a single component of the concat vector value as a dense vector. This will make a copy of you values array, * so you're free to continue mutating it. * * @param component the index of the component to set * @param values the array of dense values to put into the component */ public void setDenseComponent(int component, double[] values) { if (component >= pointers.length) { increaseSizeTo(component + 1); } pointers[component] = values; sparse[component] = false; copyOnWrite[component] = true; } /** * Sets a single component of the concat vector value as a sparse, one hot value. * * @param component the index of the component to set * @param index the index of the vector to one-hot * @param value the value of that index */ public void setSparseComponent(int component, int index, double value) { if (component >= pointers.length) { increaseSizeTo(component + 1); } double[] sparseInfo = new double[2]; sparseInfo[0] = index; sparseInfo[1] = value; pointers[component] = sparseInfo; sparse[component] = true; copyOnWrite[component] = false; } /** * This function assumes both vectors are infinitely padded with 0s, so it won't complain if there's a dim mismatch. * There are no side effects. * * @param other the MV to dot product with * @return the dot product of this and other */ public double dotProduct(ConcatVector other) { if (loadedNative) { return dotProductNative(other); } else { double sum = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(pointers.length, other.pointers.length); i++) { if (pointers[i] == null || other.pointers[i] == null) continue; if (sparse[i] && other.sparse[i]) { if ((int) pointers[i][0] == (int) other.pointers[i][0]) { sum += pointers[i][1] * other.pointers[i][1]; } } else if (sparse[i] && !other.sparse[i]) { int sparseIndex = (int) pointers[i][0]; if (sparseIndex >= 0 && sparseIndex < other.pointers[i].length) { sum += other.pointers[i][sparseIndex] * pointers[i][1]; } } else if (!sparse[i] && other.sparse[i]) { int sparseIndex = (int) other.pointers[i][0]; if (sparseIndex >= 0 && sparseIndex < pointers[i].length) { sum += pointers[i][sparseIndex] * other.pointers[i][1]; } } else { for (int j = 0; j < Math.min(pointers[i].length, other.pointers[i].length); j++) { sum += pointers[i][j] * other.pointers[i][j]; } } } return sum; } } /** * @return a clone of this concat vector, with deep copies of datastructures */ public ConcatVector deepClone() { return new ConcatVector(this); } /** * This will add the vector "other" to this vector, scaling other by multiple. In algebra, * <p> * this = this + (other * multiple) * <p> * The function assumes that both vectors are padded infinitely with 0s, so will scale this vector by adding components * and changing component sizes (dense to bigger dense) and shapes (sparse to dense) in order to accommodate the result. * * @param other the vector to add to this one * @param multiple the multiple to use */ public void addVectorInPlace(ConcatVector other, double multiple) { // Resize if necessary if (pointers == null) { pointers = new double[other.pointers.length][]; sparse = new boolean[other.pointers.length]; copyOnWrite = new boolean[other.pointers.length]; } else if (pointers.length < other.pointers.length) { increaseSizeTo(other.pointers.length); } // Do the addition piece by piece for (int i = 0; i < other.pointers.length; i++) { // If the other vector has no segment here, then skip if (other.pointers[i] == null) continue; // If we previously had no element here, fill it in accordingly if (pointers[i] == null || pointers[i].length == 0) { sparse[i] = other.sparse[i]; // If the multiple is one, just follow the copying procedure if (multiple == 1.0) { pointers[i] = other.pointers[i]; copyOnWrite[i] = true; other.copyOnWrite[i] = true; } // Otherwise do the standard thing else { if (other.sparse[i]) { pointers[i] = new double[2]; copyOnWrite[i] = false; pointers[i][0] = other.pointers[i][0]; pointers[i][1] = other.pointers[i][1] * multiple; } else { pointers[i] = new double[other.pointers[i].length]; copyOnWrite[i] = false; for (int j = 0; j < other.pointers[i].length; j++) { pointers[i][j] = other.pointers[i][j] * multiple; } } } } // Handle rescaling on a component-by-component basis else if (sparse[i] && !other.sparse[i]) { int sparseIndex = (int) pointers[i][0]; double sparseValue = pointers[i][1]; sparse[i] = false; pointers[i] = new double[Math.max(sparseIndex + 1, other.pointers[i].length)]; copyOnWrite[i] = false; if (sparseIndex >= 0) { pointers[i][sparseIndex] = sparseValue; } for (int j = 0; j < other.pointers[i].length; j++) { pointers[i][j] += other.pointers[i][j] * multiple; } } else if (sparse[i] && other.sparse[i]) { int mySparseIndex = (int) pointers[i][0]; int otherSparseIndex = (int) other.pointers[i][0]; if (mySparseIndex == otherSparseIndex) { if (copyOnWrite[i]) { pointers[i] = pointers[i].clone(); copyOnWrite[i] = false; } pointers[i][1] += other.pointers[i][1] * multiple; } else { sparse[i] = false; double mySparseValue = pointers[i][1]; pointers[i] = new double[Math.max(mySparseIndex + 1, otherSparseIndex + 1)]; copyOnWrite[i] = false; if (mySparseIndex >= 0) { pointers[i][mySparseIndex] = mySparseValue; } if (otherSparseIndex >= 0) { pointers[i][otherSparseIndex] = other.pointers[i][1] * multiple; } } } else if (!sparse[i] && other.sparse[i]) { int sparseIndex = (int) other.pointers[i][0]; if (sparseIndex >= pointers[i].length) { int newSize = pointers[i].length; while (newSize <= sparseIndex) newSize *= 2; double[] denseBuf = new double[newSize]; System.arraycopy(pointers[i], 0, denseBuf, 0, pointers[i].length); copyOnWrite[i] = false; pointers[i] = denseBuf; } if (sparseIndex >= 0) { if (copyOnWrite[i]) { pointers[i] = pointers[i].clone(); copyOnWrite[i] = false; } pointers[i][sparseIndex] += other.pointers[i][1] * multiple; } } else { assert (!sparse[i] && !other.sparse[i]); if (pointers[i].length < other.pointers[i].length) { double[] denseBuf = new double[other.pointers[i].length]; System.arraycopy(pointers[i], 0, denseBuf, 0, pointers[i].length); copyOnWrite[i] = false; pointers[i] = denseBuf; } if (copyOnWrite[i]) { pointers[i] = pointers[i].clone(); copyOnWrite[i] = false; } for (int j = 0; j < other.pointers[i].length; j++) { pointers[i][j] += other.pointers[i][j] * multiple; } } } } /** * This will multiply the vector "other" to this vector. It's the equivalent of the Matlab * <p> * this = this .* other * <p> * The function assumes that both vectors are padded infinitely with 0s, so will result in lots of 0s in this * vector if it is longer than 'other'. * * @param other the vector to multiply into this one */ public void elementwiseProductInPlace(ConcatVector other) { for (int i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) { if (pointers[i] == null) continue; if (copyOnWrite[i]) { copyOnWrite[i] = false; pointers[i] = pointers[i].clone(); } if (i >= other.pointers.length) { if (sparse[i]) { pointers[i][1] = 0; } else { for (int j = 0; j < pointers[i].length; j++) { pointers[i][j] = 0; } } } else if (other.pointers[i] == null) { pointers[i] = null; } else if (sparse[i] && other.sparse[i]) { if ((int) pointers[i][0] == (int) other.pointers[i][0]) { pointers[i][1] *= other.pointers[i][1]; } else { pointers[i][1] = 0.0f; } } else if (sparse[i] && !other.sparse[i]) { int sparseIndex = (int) pointers[i][0]; if (sparseIndex >= 0 && sparseIndex < other.pointers[i].length) { pointers[i][1] *= other.pointers[i][sparseIndex]; } else { pointers[i][1] = 0.0f; } } else if (!sparse[i] && other.sparse[i]) { int sparseIndex = (int) other.pointers[i][0]; double sparseValue = 0.0f; if (sparseIndex >= 0 && sparseIndex < pointers[i].length) { sparseValue = pointers[i][sparseIndex] * other.pointers[i][1]; } sparse[i] = true; pointers[i] = new double[]{ sparseIndex, sparseValue }; } else { for (int j = 0; j < Math.min(pointers[i].length, other.pointers[i].length); j++) { pointers[i][j] *= other.pointers[i][j]; } for (int j = other.pointers[i].length; j < pointers[i].length; j++) { pointers[i][j] = 0.0f; } } } } /** * Apply a function to every element of every component of this vector, and replace with the result. * * @param fn the function to apply to every element of every component. */ public void mapInPlace(Function<Double, Double> fn) { for (int i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) { if (pointers[i] == null) continue; if (copyOnWrite[i]) { copyOnWrite[i] = false; pointers[i] = pointers[i].clone(); } if (sparse[i]) { pointers[i][1] = fn.apply(pointers[i][1]); } else { for (int j = 0; j < pointers[i].length; j++) { pointers[i][j] = fn.apply(pointers[i][j]); } } } } /** * @return the number of concatenated vectors that compose this ConcatVector */ public int getNumberOfComponents() { return pointers.length; } /** * @param i the index of the component to check * @return whether component i is sparse or not */ public boolean isComponentSparse(int i) { return sparse[i]; } /** * This function will throw an assert if the component you're requesting isn't dense * * @param i the index of the component to look at * @return the dense array composing that component */ public double[] getDenseComponent(int i) { assert (!sparse[i]); // This will save the special case code down the line, so is worth the tiny object creation if (pointers[i] == null) return new double[0]; return pointers[i]; } /** * This assumes infinite padding with 0s. It will return you 0 if you're OOB (use getSegmentSizes() to check, if * that's undesirable behavior). Otherwise it will return you the correct value. * * @param component the index of the component to retrieve a value from * @param offset the offset within that component * @return the value retrieved, of 0 if OOB */ public double getValueAt(int component, int offset) { if (component < pointers.length) { if (pointers[component] == null) return 0; else if (sparse[component]) { int sparseIndex = (int) pointers[component][0]; if (sparseIndex == offset) return pointers[component][1]; } else { if (offset < pointers[component].length) { return pointers[component][offset]; } } } return 0; } /** * Gets you the index of one hot in a component, assuming it is sparse. Throws an assert if it isn't. * * @param component the index of the sparse component. * @return the index of the one-hot value within that sparse component. */ public int getSparseIndex(int component) { assert (sparse[component]); return (int) pointers[component][0]; } /** * Writes the protobuf version of this vector to a stream. reversible with readFromStream(). * * @param stream the output stream to write to * @throws IOException passed through from the stream */ public void writeToStream(OutputStream stream) throws IOException { getProtoBuilder().build().writeDelimitedTo(stream); } /** * Static function to deserialize a concat vector from an input stream. * * @param stream the stream to read from, assuming protobuf encoding * @return a new concat vector * @throws IOException passed through from the stream */ public static ConcatVector readFromStream(InputStream stream) throws IOException { return readFromProto(ConcatVectorProto.ConcatVector.parseDelimitedFrom(stream)); } /** * @return a Builder for proto serialization */ public ConcatVectorProto.ConcatVector.Builder getProtoBuilder() { ConcatVectorProto.ConcatVector.Builder m = ConcatVectorProto.ConcatVector.newBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) { ConcatVectorProto.ConcatVector.Component.Builder c = ConcatVectorProto.ConcatVector.Component.newBuilder(); c.setSparse(sparse[i]); // We want to keep the data array size 0 if the pointers for this component is null if (pointers[i] != null) { for (int j = 0; j < pointers[i].length; j++) { c.addData(pointers[i][j]); } } m.addComponent(c); } return m; } /** * Recreates an in-memory concat vector object from a Proto serialization. * * @param m the concat vector proto * @return an in-memory concat vector object */ public static ConcatVector readFromProto(ConcatVectorProto.ConcatVector m) { int components = m.getComponentCount(); ConcatVector vec = new ConcatVector(); vec.pointers = new double[components][]; vec.sparse = new boolean[components]; for (int i = 0; i < components; i++) { ConcatVectorProto.ConcatVector.Component c = m.getComponent(i); vec.sparse[i] = c.getSparse(); int dataSize = c.getDataCount(); vec.pointers[i] = new double[dataSize]; for (int j = 0; j < dataSize; j++) { vec.pointers[i][j] = c.getData(j); } } return vec; } /** * Compares two concat vectors by value. This means that we're 0 padding, so a dense and sparse component might * both be considered the same, if the dense array reflects the same value as the sparse array. This is pretty much * only useful for testing. Since it's primarily for testing, we went with the slower, more obviously correct design. * * @param other the vector we're comparing to * @param tolerance the amount any pair of values can differ before we say the two vectors are different. * @return whether the two vectors are the same */ public boolean valueEquals(ConcatVector other, double tolerance) { for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(pointers.length, other.pointers.length); i++) { int size = 0; // Find the maximum non-zero element in this component if (i < pointers.length && i < other.pointers.length && pointers[i] == null && other.pointers[i] == null) { size = 0; } else if (i >= pointers.length || (i < pointers.length && pointers[i] == null)) { if (i >= other.pointers.length) { size = 0; } else if (other.sparse[i]) { size = other.getSparseIndex(i) + 1; } else { size = other.pointers[i].length; } } else if (i >= other.pointers.length || (i < other.pointers.length && other.pointers[i] == null)) { if (i >= pointers.length) { size = 0; } else if (sparse[i]) { size = getSparseIndex(i) + 1; } else { size = pointers[i].length; } } else { if (sparse[i] && getSparseIndex(i) >= size) size = getSparseIndex(i) + 1; else if (!sparse[i] && pointers[i].length > size) size = pointers[i].length; if (other.sparse[i] && other.getSparseIndex(i) >= size) size = other.getSparseIndex(i) + 1; else if (!other.sparse[i] && other.pointers[i].length > size) size = other.pointers[i].length; } for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { if (Math.abs(getValueAt(i, j) - other.getValueAt(i, j)) > tolerance) return false; } } return true; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) { sb.append(" .."); if (pointers[i] == null) { sb.append("0=0.0"); } else if (sparse[i]) { sb.append((int) pointers[i][0]).append("=").append(pointers[i][1]); } else { for (int j = 0; j < pointers[i].length; j++) { sb.append(pointers[i][j]); if (j != pointers[i].length - 1) sb.append(" "); } } sb.append(".."); } sb.append(" ]"); return sb.toString(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIVATE IMPLEMENTATION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This increases the length of the vector, while preserving its contents * * @param newSize the new size to increase to. Must be larger than the current size */ private void increaseSizeTo(int newSize) { assert (newSize > pointers.length); double[][] pointersBuf = new double[newSize][]; boolean[] sparseBuf = new boolean[newSize]; boolean[] copyOnWriteBuf = new boolean[newSize]; System.arraycopy(pointers, 0, pointersBuf, 0, pointers.length); System.arraycopy(sparse, 0, sparseBuf, 0, pointers.length); System.arraycopy(copyOnWrite, 0, copyOnWriteBuf, 0, pointers.length); pointers = pointersBuf; sparse = sparseBuf; copyOnWrite = copyOnWriteBuf; } static boolean loadedNative = false; // Right now I'm not loading the native library even if it's available, since the dot product "speedup" is actually // 10x slower. First need to diagnose if a speedup is possible by going through the JNI, which is unlikely. /* static { try { System.load(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/src/main/c/"); loadedNative = true; } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {"Couldn't find the native acceleration library for ConcatVector"); } } */ private native double dotProductNative(ConcatVector other); /** * DO NOT USE. FOR SERIALIZERS ONLY. */ private ConcatVector() { } }