package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; public class EntityExtractorResultsPrinter extends ResultsPrinter { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(EntityExtractorResultsPrinter.class); /** Contains a set of labels that should be excluded from scoring */ private Set<String> excludedClasses; /** Use subtypes for scoring or just types? */ private boolean useSubTypes; private boolean verbose; private boolean verboseInstances; private static final DecimalFormat FORMATTER = new DecimalFormat(); static { FORMATTER.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); FORMATTER.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); } public EntityExtractorResultsPrinter() { this(null, false); } protected EntityExtractorResultsPrinter(Set<String> excludedClasses, boolean useSubTypes) { this.excludedClasses = excludedClasses; this.useSubTypes = useSubTypes; this.verbose = true; this.verboseInstances = true; } @Override public void printResults(PrintWriter pw, List<CoreMap> goldStandard, List<CoreMap> extractorOutput) { ResultsPrinter.align(goldStandard, extractorOutput); Counter<String> correct = new ClassicCounter<>(); Counter<String> predicted = new ClassicCounter<>(); Counter<String> gold = new ClassicCounter<>(); for (int i = 0; i < goldStandard.size(); i++) { CoreMap goldSent = goldStandard.get(i); CoreMap sysSent = extractorOutput.get(i); String sysText = sysSent.get(TextAnnotation.class); String goldText = goldSent.get(TextAnnotation.class); if (verbose) {"SCORING THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE:");; } HashSet<String> matchedGolds = new HashSet<>(); List<EntityMention> goldEntities = goldSent .get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class); if (goldEntities == null) { goldEntities = new ArrayList<>(); } for (EntityMention m : goldEntities) { String label = makeLabel(m); if (excludedClasses != null && excludedClasses.contains(label)) continue; gold.incrementCount(label); } List<EntityMention> sysEntities = sysSent .get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class); if (sysEntities == null) { sysEntities = new ArrayList<>(); } for (EntityMention m : sysEntities) { String label = makeLabel(m); if (excludedClasses != null && excludedClasses.contains(label)) continue; predicted.incrementCount(label); if (verbose)"COMPARING PREDICTED MENTION: " + m); boolean found = false; for (EntityMention gm : goldEntities) { if (matchedGolds.contains(gm.getObjectId())) continue; if (verbose)"\tagainst: " + gm); if(gm.equals(m, useSubTypes)){ if (verbose)"\t\t\tMATCH!"); found = true; matchedGolds.add(gm.getObjectId()); if(verboseInstances){"TRUE POSITIVE: " + m + " matched " + gm);"In sentence: " + sysText); } break; } } if (found) { correct.incrementCount(label); } else if(verboseInstances){"FALSE POSITIVE: " + m.toString());"In sentence: " + sysText); } } if (verboseInstances) { for (EntityMention m : goldEntities) { String label = makeLabel(m); if (!matchedGolds.contains(m.getObjectId()) && (excludedClasses == null || !excludedClasses.contains(label))) {"FALSE NEGATIVE: " + m.toString());"In sentence: " + goldText); } } } } double totalCount = 0; double totalCorrect = 0; double totalPredicted = 0; pw.println("Label\tCorrect\tPredict\tActual\tPrecn\tRecall\tF"); List<String> labels = new ArrayList<>(gold.keySet()); Collections.sort(labels); for (String label : labels) { if (excludedClasses != null && excludedClasses.contains(label)) continue; double numCorrect = correct.getCount(label); double numPredicted = predicted.getCount(label); double trueCount = gold.getCount(label); double precision = (numPredicted > 0) ? (numCorrect / numPredicted) : 0; double recall = numCorrect / trueCount; double f = (precision + recall > 0) ? 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) : 0.0; pw.println(StringUtils.padOrTrim(label, 21) + "\t" + numCorrect + "\t" + numPredicted + "\t" + trueCount + "\t" + FORMATTER.format(precision * 100) + "\t" + FORMATTER.format(100 * recall) + "\t" + FORMATTER.format(100 * f)); totalCount += trueCount; totalCorrect += numCorrect; totalPredicted += numPredicted; } double precision = (totalPredicted > 0) ? (totalCorrect / totalPredicted) : 0; double recall = totalCorrect / totalCount; double f = (totalPredicted > 0 && totalCorrect > 0) ? 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) : 0.0; pw.println("Total\t" + totalCorrect + "\t" + totalPredicted + "\t" + totalCount + "\t" + FORMATTER.format(100 * precision) + "\t" + FORMATTER.format(100 * recall) + "\t" + FORMATTER.format(100 * f)); } private String makeLabel(EntityMention m) { String label = m.getType(); if (useSubTypes && m.getSubType() != null) label += "-" + m.getSubType(); return label; } public void printResultsUsingLabels(PrintWriter pw, List<String> goldStandard, List<String> extractorOutput) {} }