package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.treebank.ConfigParser; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.treebank.Dataset; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.treebank.Mapper; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; /** * Applies the same orthographic transformations developed for ATB parse trees to flat * MT input. This data set escapes IBM Arabic (for example, it removes explicit clitic markings). * <p> * NOTE: This class expects UTF-8 input (not Buckwalter) * * @author Spence Green * */ public class IBMMTArabicDataset implements Dataset { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(IBMMTArabicDataset.class); protected Mapper lexMapper = null; protected final List<File> pathsToData; protected String outFileName; protected final Pattern fileNameNormalizer = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); protected final IBMArabicEscaper escaper; private static final Pattern utf8ArabicChart = Pattern.compile("[\u0600-\u06FF]"); protected final Set<String> configuredOptions; protected final Set<String> requiredOptions; protected final StringBuilder toStringBuffer; public IBMMTArabicDataset() { configuredOptions = Generics.newHashSet(); toStringBuffer = new StringBuilder(); pathsToData = new ArrayList<>(); escaper = new IBMArabicEscaper(true); escaper.disableWarnings(); requiredOptions = Generics.newHashSet(); requiredOptions.add(ConfigParser.paramName); requiredOptions.add(ConfigParser.paramPath); } public void build() { LineNumberReader infile = null; PrintWriter outfile = null; String currentInfile = ""; try { outfile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFileName),"UTF-8"))); for(File path : pathsToData) { infile = new LineNumberReader(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(path),"UTF-8"))); currentInfile = path.getPath(); while(infile.ready()) { ArrayList<Word> sent = SentenceUtils.toUntaggedList(infile.readLine().split("\\s+")); for(Word token : sent) { Matcher hasArabic = utf8ArabicChart.matcher(token.word()); if(hasArabic.find()) { token.setWord(escaper.apply(token.word())); token.setWord(, token.word())); } } outfile.println(SentenceUtils.listToString(sent)); } toStringBuffer.append(String.format(" Read %d input lines from %s",infile.getLineNumber(),path.getPath())); } infile.close(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { System.err.printf("%s: Filesystem does not support UTF-8 output\n", this.getClass().getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.printf("%s: Could not open %s for writing\n", this.getClass().getName(), outFileName); } catch(IOException e) { System.err.printf("%s: Error reading from %s (line %d)\n", this.getClass().getName(), currentInfile,infile.getLineNumber()); } catch(RuntimeException e) { System.err.printf("%s: Input sentence from %s contains token mapped to null (line %d)\n", this.getClass().getName(),currentInfile,infile.getLineNumber()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(outfile != null) outfile.close(); } } public List<String> getFilenames() { List<String> l = new ArrayList<>(); l.add(outFileName); return l; } @Override public String toString() { return toStringBuffer.toString(); } public boolean setOptions(Properties opts) { for(String opt : opts.stringPropertyNames()) { String value = opts.getProperty(opt); if(value == null) { System.err.printf("%s: Read parameter with null value (%s)\n", this.getClass().getName(),opt); continue; } configuredOptions.add(opt); Matcher pathMatcher = ConfigParser.matchPath.matcher(opt); if(pathMatcher.lookingAt()) { pathsToData.add(new File(value)); configuredOptions.add(ConfigParser.paramPath); } else if(opt.equals(ConfigParser.paramName)) { Matcher inThisFilename = fileNameNormalizer.matcher(value.trim()); outFileName = inThisFilename.replaceAll("-"); toStringBuffer.append(String.format("Dataset Name: %s\n",value.trim())); } } if(!configuredOptions.containsAll(requiredOptions)) return false; //Finalize the output file names outFileName += ".txt"; //Used for codifying lexical hacks lexMapper = new DefaultLexicalMapper(); return true; } }