package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Index; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Maintains efficient indexing of unary grammar rules. * * @author Dan Klein * @author Christopher Manning */ public class UnaryGrammar implements Serializable, Iterable<UnaryRule> { private final Index<String> index; private transient List<UnaryRule>[] rulesWithParent; // = null; private transient List<UnaryRule>[] rulesWithChild; // = null; private transient List<UnaryRule>[] closedRulesWithParent; // = null; private transient List<UnaryRule>[] closedRulesWithChild; // = null; private transient UnaryRule[][] closedRulesWithP; // = null; private transient UnaryRule[][] closedRulesWithC; // = null; /** The basic list of UnaryRules. Really this is treated as a set */ private Map<UnaryRule,UnaryRule> coreRules; // = null; /** The closure of the basic list of UnaryRules. Treated as a set */ private transient Map<UnaryRule,UnaryRule> bestRulesUnderMax; // = null; // private transient Map<UnaryRule,Integer> backTrace = null; public int numClosedRules() { return bestRulesUnderMax.keySet().size(); } public UnaryRule getRule(UnaryRule ur) { return coreRules.get(ur); } public Iterator<UnaryRule> closedRuleIterator() { return bestRulesUnderMax.keySet().iterator(); } public int numRules() { return coreRules.keySet().size(); } public Iterator<UnaryRule> iterator() { return ruleIterator(); } public Iterator<UnaryRule> ruleIterator() { return coreRules.keySet().iterator(); } public List<UnaryRule> rules() { return new ArrayList<>(coreRules.keySet()); } /** Remove A -> A UnaryRules from bestRulesUnderMax. */ public final void purgeRules() { Map<UnaryRule,UnaryRule> bR = Generics.newHashMap(); for (UnaryRule ur : bestRulesUnderMax.keySet()) { if (ur.parent != ur.child) { bR.put(ur, ur); } else { closedRulesWithParent[ur.parent].remove(ur); closedRulesWithChild[ur.child].remove(ur); } } bestRulesUnderMax = bR; makeCRArrays(); } /* ----------------- // Not needed any more as we reconstruct unaries in extractBestParse public List<Integer> getBestPath(int parent, int child) { List<Integer> path = new ArrayList<Integer>(); UnaryRule tempR = new UnaryRule(); tempR.parent = parent; tempR.child = child; //System.out.println("Building path..."); int loc = parent; while (loc != child) { path.add(new Integer(loc)); //System.out.println("Path is "+path); tempR.parent = loc; Integer nextInt = backTrace.get(tempR); if (nextInt == null) { loc = child; } else { loc = nextInt.intValue(); } //System.out.println(Numberer.getGlobalNumberer(stateSpace).object(parent)+"->"+Numberer.getGlobalNumberer(stateSpace).object(child)+" went via "+Numberer.getGlobalNumberer(stateSpace).object(loc)); if (path.size() > 10) { throw new RuntimeException("UnaryGrammar path > 10"); } } path.add(new Integer(child)); return path; } --------------------------- */ private void closeRulesUnderMax(UnaryRule ur) { for (int i = 0, isz = closedRulesWithChild[ur.parent].size(); i < isz; i++) { UnaryRule pr = closedRulesWithChild[ur.parent].get(i); for (int j = 0, jsz = closedRulesWithParent[ur.child].size(); j < jsz; j++) { UnaryRule cr = closedRulesWithParent[ur.child].get(j); UnaryRule resultR = new UnaryRule(pr.parent, cr.child, pr.score + cr.score + ur.score); relaxRule(resultR); /* ----- No longer need to maintain unary rule backpointers if (relaxRule(resultR)) { if (resultR.parent != ur.parent) { backTrace.put(resultR, new Integer(ur.parent)); } else { backTrace.put(resultR, new Integer(ur.child)); } } -------- */ } } } /** Possibly update the best way to make this UnaryRule in the * bestRulesUnderMax hash and closedRulesWithX lists. * * @param ur A UnaryRule with a score * @return true if ur is the new best scoring case of that unary rule. */ private boolean relaxRule(UnaryRule ur) { UnaryRule bestR = bestRulesUnderMax.get(ur); if (bestR == null) { bestRulesUnderMax.put(ur, ur); closedRulesWithParent[ur.parent].add(ur); closedRulesWithChild[ur.child].add(ur); return true; } else { if (bestR.score < ur.score) { bestR.score = ur.score; return true; } return false; } } public double scoreRule(UnaryRule ur) { UnaryRule bestR = bestRulesUnderMax.get(ur); return (bestR != null ? bestR.score : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); } public final void addRule(UnaryRule ur) { // add rules' closure closeRulesUnderMax(ur); coreRules.put(ur, ur); rulesWithParent[ur.parent].add(ur); rulesWithChild[ur.child].add(ur); } //public Iterator closedRuleIterator() { // return bestRulesUnderMax.keySet().iterator(); //} private static final UnaryRule[] EMPTY_UNARY_RULE_ARRAY = new UnaryRule[0]; void makeCRArrays() { int numStates = index.size(); closedRulesWithP = new UnaryRule[numStates][]; closedRulesWithC = new UnaryRule[numStates][]; for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { // cdm [2012]: Would it be faster to use same EMPTY_UNARY_RULE_ARRAY when of size zero? It must be! closedRulesWithP[i] = closedRulesWithParent[i].toArray(new UnaryRule[closedRulesWithParent[i].size()]); closedRulesWithC[i] = closedRulesWithChild[i].toArray(new UnaryRule[closedRulesWithChild[i].size()]); } } public UnaryRule[] closedRulesByParent(int state) { if (state >= closedRulesWithP.length) { // cdm [2012]: This check shouldn't be needed; delete return EMPTY_UNARY_RULE_ARRAY; } return closedRulesWithP[state]; } public UnaryRule[] closedRulesByChild(int state) { if (state >= closedRulesWithC.length) { // cdm [2012]: This check shouldn't be needed; delete return EMPTY_UNARY_RULE_ARRAY; } return closedRulesWithC[state]; } public Iterator<UnaryRule> closedRuleIteratorByParent(int state) { if (state >= closedRulesWithParent.length) { List<UnaryRule> lur = Collections.emptyList(); return lur.iterator(); } return closedRulesWithParent[state].iterator(); } public Iterator<UnaryRule> closedRuleIteratorByChild(int state) { if (state >= closedRulesWithChild.length) { List<UnaryRule> lur = Collections.emptyList(); return lur.iterator(); } return closedRulesWithChild[state].iterator(); } public Iterator<UnaryRule> ruleIteratorByParent(int state) { if (state >= rulesWithParent.length) { List<UnaryRule> lur = Collections.emptyList(); return lur.iterator(); } return rulesWithParent[state].iterator(); } public Iterator<UnaryRule> ruleIteratorByChild(int state) { if (state >= rulesWithChild.length) { List<UnaryRule> lur = Collections.emptyList(); return lur.iterator(); } return rulesWithChild[state].iterator(); } public List<UnaryRule> rulesByParent(int state) { if (state >= rulesWithParent.length) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return rulesWithParent[state]; } public List<UnaryRule> rulesByChild(int state) { if (state >= rulesWithChild.length) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return rulesWithChild[state]; } public List<UnaryRule>[] rulesWithParent() { return rulesWithParent; } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); Set<UnaryRule> allRules = Generics.newHashSet(coreRules.keySet()); init(); for (UnaryRule ur : allRules) { addRule(ur); } purgeRules(); } /** Create all the array variables, and put in A -> A UnaryRules to feed * the closure algorithm. They then get deleted later. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void init() { int numStates = index.size(); coreRules = Generics.newHashMap(); rulesWithParent = new List[numStates]; rulesWithChild = new List[numStates]; closedRulesWithParent = new List[numStates]; closedRulesWithChild = new List[numStates]; bestRulesUnderMax = Generics.newHashMap(); // backTrace = Generics.newHashMap(); for (int s = 0; s < numStates; s++) { rulesWithParent[s] = new ArrayList<>(); rulesWithChild[s] = new ArrayList<>(); closedRulesWithParent[s] = new ArrayList<>(); closedRulesWithChild[s] = new ArrayList<>(); UnaryRule selfR = new UnaryRule(s, s, 0.0); relaxRule(selfR); } } public UnaryGrammar(Index<String> stateIndex) { this.index = stateIndex; init(); } /** * Populates data in this UnaryGrammar from a character stream. * * @param in The Reader the grammar is read from. * @throws IOException If there is a reading problem */ public void readData(BufferedReader in) throws IOException { String line; int lineNum = 1; // all lines have one rule per line line = in.readLine(); while (line != null && line.length() > 0) { try { addRule(new UnaryRule(line, index)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Error on line " + lineNum); } lineNum++; line = in.readLine(); } purgeRules(); } /** * Writes out data from this Object. * @param w Data is written to this Writer */ public void writeData(Writer w) { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(w); // all lines have one rule per line for (UnaryRule ur : this) { out.println(ur.toString(index)); } out.flush(); } /** * Writes out a lot of redundant data from this Object to the Writer w. * @param w Data is written to this Writer */ public void writeAllData(Writer w) { int numStates = index.size(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(w); // all lines have one rule per line out.println("Unary ruleIterator"); for (Iterator<UnaryRule> rI = ruleIterator(); rI.hasNext(); ) { out.println(; } out.println("Unary closedRuleIterator"); for (Iterator<UnaryRule> rI = closedRuleIterator(); rI.hasNext(); ) { out.println(; } out.println("Unary rulesWithParentIterator"); for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { out.println(index.get(i)); for (Iterator<UnaryRule> rI = ruleIteratorByParent(i); rI.hasNext(); ) { out.print(" "); out.println(; } } out.println("Unary closedRulesWithParentIterator"); for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { out.println(index.get(i)); for (Iterator<UnaryRule> rI = closedRuleIteratorByParent(i); rI.hasNext(); ) { out.print(" "); out.println(; } } out.flush(); } @Override public String toString() { Writer w = new StringWriter(); writeData(w); return w.toString(); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } // end class UnaryGrammar