package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import*; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Datum; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.RVFDatum; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.Morphology; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.EnglishGrammaticalRelations; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalRelation; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphFactory.Mode; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; // XXX convert to BasicRelationFeatureFactory, make RelationFeatureFactory an interface /** * @author Mason Smith * @author Mihai Surdeanu */ public class BasicRelationFeatureFactory extends RelationFeatureFactory implements Serializable { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(BasicRelationFeatureFactory.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = -7376668998622546620L; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BasicRelationFeatureFactory.class.getName()); protected static final List<String> dependencyFeatures = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( "dependency_path_lowlevel","dependency_path_length","dependency_path_length_binary", "verb_in_dependency_path","dependency_path","dependency_path_words","dependency_paths_to_verb", "dependency_path_stubs_to_verb", "dependency_path_POS_unigrams", "dependency_path_word_n_grams", "dependency_path_POS_n_grams", "dependency_path_edge_n_grams","dependency_path_edge_lowlevel_n_grams", "dependency_path_edge-node-edge-grams","dependency_path_edge-node-edge-grams_lowlevel", "dependency_path_node-edge-node-grams","dependency_path_node-edge-node-grams_lowlevel", "dependency_path_directed_bigrams", "dependency_path_edge_unigrams", "dependency_path_trigger" )); protected List<String> featureList; public BasicRelationFeatureFactory(String... featureList) { this.doNotLexicalizeFirstArg = false; this.dependencyType = DEPENDENCY_TYPE.COLLAPSED_CCPROCESSED; this.featureList = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(featureList)); } static { logger.setLevel(Level.INFO); } public Datum<String,String> createDatum(RelationMention rel) { return createDatum(rel, (Logger) null); } public Datum<String,String> createDatum(RelationMention rel, Logger logger) { Counter<String> features = new ClassicCounter<>(); if (rel.getArgs().size() != 2) { return null; } addFeatures(features, rel, featureList, logger); String labelString = rel.getType(); return new RVFDatum<>(features, labelString); } @Override public Datum<String, String> createTestDatum(RelationMention rel, Logger logger) { return createDatum(rel, logger); } public Datum<String,String> createDatum(RelationMention rel, String positiveLabel) { Counter<String> features = new ClassicCounter<>(); if (rel.getArgs().size() != 2) { return null; } addFeatures(features, rel, featureList); String labelString = rel.getType(); if(! labelString.equals(positiveLabel)) labelString = RelationMention.UNRELATED; return new RVFDatum<>(features, labelString); } public boolean addFeatures(Counter<String> features, RelationMention rel, List<String> types) { return addFeatures(features, rel, types, null); } /** * Creates all features for the datum corresponding to this relation mention * Note: this assumes binary relations where both arguments are EntityMention * @param features Stores all features * @param rel The mention * @param types Comma separated list of feature classes to use */ public boolean addFeatures(Counter<String> features, RelationMention rel, List<String> types, Logger logger) { // sanity checks: must have two arguments, and each must be an entity mention if(rel.getArgs().size() != 2) return false; if(! (rel.getArg(0) instanceof EntityMention)) return false; if(! (rel.getArg(1) instanceof EntityMention)) return false; EntityMention arg0 = (EntityMention) rel.getArg(0); EntityMention arg1 = (EntityMention) rel.getArg(1); Tree tree = rel.getSentence().get(TreeAnnotation.class); if(tree == null){ throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Relation extraction requires full syntactic analysis!"); } List<Tree> leaves = tree.getLeaves(); List<CoreLabel> tokens = rel.getSentence().get(TokensAnnotation.class); // this assumes that both args are in the same sentence as the relation object // let's check for this to be safe CoreMap relSentence = rel.getSentence(); CoreMap arg0Sentence = arg0.getSentence(); CoreMap arg1Sentence = arg1.getSentence(); if(arg0Sentence != relSentence){"WARNING: Found relation with arg0 in a different sentence: " + rel);"Relation sentence: " + relSentence.get(TextAnnotation.class));"Arg0 sentence: " + arg0Sentence.get(TextAnnotation.class)); return false; } if(arg1Sentence != relSentence){"WARNING: Found relation with arg1 in a different sentence: " + rel);"Relation sentence: " + relSentence.get(TextAnnotation.class));"Arg1 sentence: " + arg1Sentence.get(TextAnnotation.class)); return false; } // Checklist keeps track of which features have been handled by an if clause // Should be empty after all the clauses have been gone through. List<String> checklist = new ArrayList<>(types); // arg_type: concatenation of the entity types of the args, e.g. // "arg1type=Loc_and_arg2type=Org" // arg_subtype: similar, for entity subtypes if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "arg_type")) { features.setCount("arg1type=" + arg0.getType() + "_and_arg2type=" + arg1.getType(), 1.0); } if (usingFeature(types,checklist,"arg_subtype")) { features.setCount("arg1subtype="+arg0.getSubType()+"_and_arg2subtype="+arg1.getSubType(),1.0); } // arg_order: which arg comes first in the sentence if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "arg_order")) { if (arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()) features.setCount("arg1BeforeArg2", 1.0); } // same_head: whether the two args share the same syntactic head token if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "same_head")) { if (arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() == arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()) features.setCount("arguments_have_same_head",1.0); } // full_tree_path: Path from one arg to the other in the phrase structure tree, // e.g., NNP -> PP -> NN <- NNP if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "full_tree_path")) { //"ARG0: " + arg0); //"ARG0 HEAD: " + arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()); //"TREE: " + tree); //"SENTENCE: " + sentToString(arg0.getSentence())); if(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < leaves.size() && arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < leaves.size()){ Tree arg0preterm = leaves.get(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()).parent(tree); Tree arg1preterm = leaves.get(arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()).parent(tree); Tree join = tree.joinNode(arg0preterm, arg1preterm); StringBuilder pathStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List<Tree> pathUp = join.dominationPath(arg0preterm); Collections.reverse(pathUp); for (Tree node : pathUp) { if (node != join) { pathStringBuilder.append(node.label().value() + " <- "); } } for (Tree node : join.dominationPath(arg1preterm)) { pathStringBuilder.append(((node == join) ? "" : " -> ") + node.label().value()); } String pathString = pathStringBuilder.toString(); if(logger != null && ! rel.getType().equals(RelationMention.UNRELATED))"full_tree_path: " + pathString); features.setCount("treepath:"+pathString, 1.0); } else {"WARNING: found weird argument offsets. Most likely because arguments appear in different sentences than the relation:");"ARG0: " + arg0);"ARG0 HEAD: " + arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition());"ARG0 SENTENCE: " + sentToString(arg0.getSentence()));"ARG1: " + arg1);"ARG1 HEAD: " + arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition());"ARG1 SENTENCE: " + sentToString(arg1.getSentence()));"RELATION TREE: " + tree); } } int pathLength = tree.pathNodeToNode(tree.getLeaves().get(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()), tree.getLeaves().get(arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition())).size(); // path_length: Length of the path in the phrase structure parse tree, integer-valued feature if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "path_length")) { features.setCount("path_length", pathLength); } // path_length_binary: Length of the path in the phrase structure parse tree, binary features if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "path_length_binary")) { features.setCount("path_length_" + pathLength, 1.0); } /* entity_order * This tells you for each of the two args * whether there are other entities before or after that arg. * In particular, it can tell whether an arg is the first entity of its type in the sentence * (which can be useful for example for telling the gameWinner and gameLoser in NFL). * TODO: restrict this feature so that it only looks for * entities of the same type? * */ if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "entity_order")) { for (int i = 0; i < rel.getArgs().size(); i++) { // We already checked the class of the args at the beginning of the method EntityMention arg = (EntityMention) rel.getArgs().get(i); if(rel.getSentence().get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class) != null) { // may be null due to annotation error for (EntityMention otherArg : rel.getSentence().get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class)) { String feature; if (otherArg.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() > arg.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()) { feature = "arg" + i + "_before_" + otherArg.getType(); features.setCount(feature, 1.0); } if (otherArg.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < arg.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()) { feature = "arg" + i + "_after_" + otherArg.getType(); features.setCount(feature, 1.0); } } } } } // surface_distance: Number of tokens in the sentence between the two words, integer-valued feature int surfaceDistance = Math.abs(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() - arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()); if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "surface_distance")) { features.setCount("surface_distance", surfaceDistance); } // surface_distance_binary: Number of tokens in the sentence between the two words, binary features if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "surface_distance_binary")) { features.setCount("surface_distance_" + surfaceDistance, 1.0); } // surface_distance_bins: number of tokens between the two args, binned to several intervals if(usingFeature(types, checklist, "surface_distance_bins")) { if(surfaceDistance < 4){ features.setCount("surface_distance_bin" + surfaceDistance, 1.0); } else if(surfaceDistance < 6){ features.setCount("surface_distance_bin_lt6", 1.0); } else if(surfaceDistance < 10) { features.setCount("surface_distance_bin_lt10", 1.0); } else { features.setCount("surface_distance_bin_ge10", 1.0); } } // separate_surface_windows: windows of 1,2,3 tokens before and after args, for each arg separately // Separate features are generated for windows to the left and to the right of the args. // Features are concatenations of words in the window (or NULL for sentence boundary). // // conjunction_surface_windows: concatenation of the windows of the two args // // separate_surface_windows_POS: windows of POS tags of size 1,2,3 for each arg // // conjunction_surface_windows_POS: concatenation of windows of the args List<EntityMention> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add(arg0); args.add(arg1); for (int windowSize = 1; windowSize <= 3; windowSize++) { String[] leftWindow, rightWindow, leftWindowPOS, rightWindowPOS; leftWindow = new String[2]; rightWindow = new String[2]; leftWindowPOS = new String[2]; rightWindowPOS = new String[2]; for (int argn = 0; argn <= 1; argn++) { int ind = args.get(argn).getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition(); for (int winnum = 1; winnum <= windowSize; winnum++) { int windex = ind - winnum; if (windex > 0) { leftWindow[argn] = leaves.get(windex).label().value() + "_" + leftWindow[argn]; leftWindowPOS[argn] = leaves.get(windex).parent(tree).label().value() + "_" + leftWindowPOS[argn]; } else { leftWindow[argn] = "NULL_" + leftWindow[argn]; leftWindowPOS[argn] = "NULL_" + leftWindowPOS[argn]; } windex = ind + winnum; if (windex < leaves.size()) { rightWindow[argn] = rightWindow[argn] + "_" + leaves.get(windex).label().value(); rightWindowPOS[argn] = rightWindowPOS[argn] + "_" + leaves.get(windex).parent(tree).label().value(); } else { rightWindow[argn] = rightWindow[argn] + "_NULL"; rightWindowPOS[argn] = rightWindowPOS[argn] + "_NULL"; } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "separate_surface_windows")) { features.setCount("left_window_"+windowSize+"_arg_" + argn + ": " + leftWindow[argn], 1.0); features.setCount("left_window_"+windowSize+"_POS_arg_" + argn + ": " + leftWindowPOS[argn], 1.0); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "separate_surface_windows_POS")) { features.setCount("right_window_"+windowSize+"_arg_" + argn + ": " + rightWindow[argn], 1.0); features.setCount("right_window_"+windowSize+"_POS_arg_" + argn + ": " + rightWindowPOS[argn], 1.0); } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "conjunction_surface_windows")) { features.setCount("left_windows_"+windowSize+": " + leftWindow[0] + "__" + leftWindow[1], 1.0); features.setCount("right_windows_"+windowSize+": " + rightWindow[0] + "__" + rightWindow[1], 1.0); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "conjunction_surface_windows_POS")) { features.setCount("left_windows_"+windowSize+"_POS: " + leftWindowPOS[0] + "__" + leftWindowPOS[1], 1.0); features.setCount("right_windows_"+windowSize+"_POS: " + rightWindowPOS[0] + "__" + rightWindowPOS[1], 1.0); } } // arg_words: The actual arg tokens as separate features, and concatenated String word0 = leaves.get(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()).label().value(); String word1 = leaves.get(arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()).label().value(); if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "arg_words")) { if(doNotLexicalizeFirstArg == false) features.setCount("word_arg0: " + word0, 1.0); features.setCount("word_arg1: " + word1, 1.0); if(doNotLexicalizeFirstArg == false) features.setCount("words: " + word0 + "__" + word1, 1.0); } // arg_POS: POS tags of the args, as separate features and concatenated String pos0 = leaves.get(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()).parent(tree).label().value(); String pos1 = leaves.get(arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()).parent(tree).label().value(); if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "arg_POS")) { features.setCount("POS_arg0: " + pos0, 1.0); features.setCount("POS_arg1: " + pos1, 1.0); features.setCount("POSs: " + pos0 + "__" + pos1, 1.0); } // adjacent_words: words immediately to the left and right of the args if(usingFeature(types, checklist, "adjacent_words")){ for(int i = 0; i < rel.getArgs().size(); i ++){ Span s = ((EntityMention) rel.getArg(i)).getHead(); if(s.start() > 0){ String v = tokens.get(s.start() - 1).word(); features.setCount("leftarg" + i + "-" + v, 1.0); } if(s.end() < tokens.size()){ String v = tokens.get(s.end()).word(); features.setCount("rightarg" + i + "-" + v, 1.0); } } } // entities_between_args: binary feature for each type specifying whether there is an entity of that type in the sentence // between the two args. // e.g. "entity_between_args: Loc" means there is at least one entity of type Loc between the two args if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "entities_between_args")) { CoreMap sent = rel.getSentence(); if(sent == null) throw new RuntimeException("NULL sentence for relation " + rel); List<EntityMention> relArgs = sent.get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class); if(relArgs != null) { // may be null due to annotation errors! for (EntityMention arg : relArgs) { if ((arg.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() > arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() && arg.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()) || (arg.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() > arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() && arg.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition())) { features.setCount("entity_between_args: " + arg.getType(), 1.0); } } } } // entity_counts: For each type, the total number of entities of that type in the sentence (integer-valued feature) // entity_counts_binary: Counts of entity types as binary features. Counter<String> typeCounts = new ClassicCounter<>(); if(rel.getSentence().get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class) != null){ // may be null due to annotation errors! for (EntityMention arg : rel.getSentence().get(MachineReadingAnnotations.EntityMentionsAnnotation.class)) typeCounts.incrementCount(arg.getType()); for (String type : typeCounts.keySet()) { if (usingFeature(types,checklist,"entity_counts")) features.setCount("entity_counts_"+type,typeCounts.getCount(type)); if (usingFeature(types,checklist,"entity_counts_binary")) features.setCount("entity_counts_"+type+": "+typeCounts.getCount(type),1.0); } } // surface_path: concatenation of tokens between the two args // surface_path_POS: concatenation of POS tags between the args // surface_path_selective: concatenation of tokens between the args which are nouns or verbs StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbPOS = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbSelective = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = Math.min(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition(), arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()) + 1; i < Math.max(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition(), arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()); i++) { String word = leaves.get(i).label().value(); sb.append(word + "_"); String pos = leaves.get(i).parent(tree).label().value(); sbPOS.append(pos + "_"); if (pos.equals("NN") || pos.equals("NNS") || pos.equals("NNP") || pos.equals("NNPS") || pos.equals("VB") || pos.equals("VBN") || pos.equals("VBD") || pos.equals("VBG") || pos.equals("VBP") || pos.equals("VBZ")) { sbSelective.append(word + "_"); } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "surface_path")) { features.setCount("surface_path: " + sb, 1.0); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "surface_path_POS")) { features.setCount("surface_path_POS: " + sbPOS, 1.0); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "surface_path_selective")) { features.setCount("surface_path_selective: " + sbSelective, 1.0); } int swStart, swEnd; // must be initialized below if (arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition()){ swStart = arg0.getExtentTokenEnd(); swEnd = arg1.getExtentTokenStart(); } else { swStart = arg1.getExtentTokenEnd(); swEnd = arg0.getExtentTokenStart(); } // span_words_unigrams: words that appear in between the two arguments if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "span_words_unigrams")) { for(int i = swStart; i < swEnd; i ++){ features.setCount("span_word:" + tokens.get(i).word(), 1.0); } } // span_words_bigrams: bigrams of words that appear in between the two arguments if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "span_words_bigrams")) { for(int i = swStart; i < swEnd - 1; i ++){ features.setCount("span_bigram:" + tokens.get(i).word() + "-" + tokens.get(i + 1).word(), 1.0); } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "span_words_trigger")) { for (int i = swStart; i < swEnd; i++) { String trigger = tokens.get(i).get(TriggerAnnotation.class); if (trigger != null && trigger.startsWith("B-")) features.incrementCount("span_words_trigger=" + trigger.substring(2)); } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "arg2_number")) { if (arg1.getType().equals("NUMBER")){ try { int value = Integer.parseInt(arg1.getValue()); if (2 <= value && value <= 100) features.setCount("arg2_number", 1.0); if (2 <= value && value <= 19) features.setCount("arg2_number_2", 1.0); if (20 <= value && value <= 59) features.setCount("arg2_number_20", 1.0); if (60 <= value && value <= 100) features.setCount("arg2_number_60", 1.0); if (value >= 100) features.setCount("arg2_number_100", 1.0); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {} } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "arg2_date")) { if (arg1.getType().equals("DATE")){ try { int value = Integer.parseInt(arg1.getValue()); if (0 <= value && value <= 2010) features.setCount("arg2_date", 1.0); if (0 <= value && value <= 999) features.setCount("arg2_date_0", 1.0); if (1000 <= value && value <= 1599) features.setCount("arg2_date_1000", 1.0); if (1600 <= value && value <= 1799) features.setCount("arg2_date_1600", 1.0); if (1800 <= value && value <= 1899) features.setCount("arg2_date_1800", 1.0); if (1900 <= value && value <= 1999) features.setCount("arg2_date_1900", 1.0); if (value >= 2000) features.setCount("arg2_date_2000", 1.0); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {} } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "arg_gender")) { boolean arg0Male = false, arg0Female = false; boolean arg1Male = false, arg1Female = false; System.out.println("Adding gender annotations!"); int index = arg0.getExtentTokenStart(); String gender = tokens.get(index).get(GenderAnnotation.class); System.out.println(tokens.get(index).word() + " -- " + gender); if (gender.equals("MALE")) arg0Male = true; else if (gender.equals("FEMALE")) arg0Female = true; index = arg1.getExtentTokenStart(); gender = tokens.get(index).get(GenderAnnotation.class); if (gender.equals("MALE")) arg1Male = true; else if (gender.equals("FEMALE")) arg1Female = true; if (arg0Male) features.setCount("arg1_male", 1.0); if (arg0Female) features.setCount("arg1_female", 1.0); if (arg1Male) features.setCount("arg2_male", 1.0); if (arg1Female) features.setCount("arg2_female", 1.0); if ((arg0Male && arg1Male) || (arg0Female && arg1Female)) features.setCount("arg_same_gender", 1.0); if ((arg0Male && arg1Female) || (arg0Female && arg1Male)) features.setCount("arg_different_gender", 1.0); } List<String> tempDepFeatures = new ArrayList<>(dependencyFeatures); if (tempDepFeatures.removeAll(types) || types.contains("all")) { // dependencyFeatures contains at least one of the features listed in types addDependencyPathFeatures(features, rel, arg0, arg1, types, checklist, logger); } if (!checklist.isEmpty() && !checklist.contains("all")) throw new AssertionError("RelationFeatureFactory: features not handled: "+checklist); List<String> featureList = new ArrayList<>(features.keySet()); Collections.sort(featureList); // for (String feature : featureList) { //"\n"+"count="+features.getCount(feature)); // } return true; } String sentToString(CoreMap sentence) { StringBuffer os = new StringBuffer(); List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class); if(tokens != null){ boolean first = true; for(CoreLabel token: tokens) { if(! first) os.append(" "); os.append(token.word()); first = false; } } return os.toString(); } protected void addDependencyPathFeatures( Counter<String> features, RelationMention rel, EntityMention arg0, EntityMention arg1, List<String> types, List<String> checklist, Logger logger) { SemanticGraph graph = null; if(dependencyType == null) dependencyType = DEPENDENCY_TYPE.COLLAPSED_CCPROCESSED; // needed for backwards compatibility. old serialized models don't have it if(dependencyType == DEPENDENCY_TYPE.COLLAPSED_CCPROCESSED) graph = rel.getSentence().get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation.class); else if(dependencyType == DEPENDENCY_TYPE.COLLAPSED) graph = rel.getSentence().get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.CollapsedDependenciesAnnotation.class); else if(dependencyType == DEPENDENCY_TYPE.BASIC) graph = rel.getSentence().get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class); else throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: unknown dependency type: " + dependencyType); if (graph == null) { Tree tree = rel.getSentence().get(TreeAnnotation.class); if(tree == null){"WARNING: found sentence without TreeAnnotation. Skipped dependency-path features."); return; } try { graph = SemanticGraphFactory.makeFromTree(tree, Mode.COLLAPSED, GrammaticalStructure.Extras.NONE, null, true); } catch(Exception e){"WARNING: failed to generate dependencies from tree " + tree.toString()); e.printStackTrace();"Skipped dependency-path features."); return; } } IndexedWord node0 = graph.getNodeByIndexSafe(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() + 1); IndexedWord node1 = graph.getNodeByIndexSafe(arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() + 1); if (node0 == null) { checklist.removeAll(dependencyFeatures); return; } if (node1 == null) { checklist.removeAll(dependencyFeatures); return; } List<SemanticGraphEdge> edgePath = graph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(node0, node1); List<IndexedWord> pathNodes = graph.getShortestUndirectedPathNodes(node0, node1); if (edgePath == null) { checklist.removeAll(dependencyFeatures); return; } if (pathNodes == null || pathNodes.size() <= 1) { // arguments have the same head. checklist.removeAll(dependencyFeatures); return; } // dependency_path: Concatenation of relations in the path between the args in the dependency graph, including directions // e.g. "subj-> <-prep_in <-mod" // dependency_path_lowlevel: Same but with finer-grained syntactic relations // e.g. "nsubj-> <-prep_in <-nn" if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path")) { features.setCount("dependency_path:"+generalizedDependencyPath(edgePath, node0), 1.0); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_lowlevel")) { String depLowLevel = dependencyPath(edgePath, node0); if(logger != null && ! rel.getType().equals(RelationMention.UNRELATED))"dependency_path_lowlevel: " + depLowLevel); features.setCount("dependency_path_lowlevel:" + depLowLevel, 1.0); } List<String> pathLemmas = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> noArgPathLemmas = new ArrayList<>(); // do not add to pathLemmas words that belong to one of the two args Set<Integer> indecesToSkip = new HashSet<>(); for(int i = arg0.getExtentTokenStart(); i < arg0.getExtentTokenEnd(); i ++) indecesToSkip.add(i + 1); for(int i = arg1.getExtentTokenStart(); i < arg1.getExtentTokenEnd(); i ++) indecesToSkip.add(i + 1); for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes){ pathLemmas.add(Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true)); if(! indecesToSkip.contains(node.index())) noArgPathLemmas.add(Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true)); } // Verb-based features // These features were designed on the assumption that verbs are often trigger words // (specifically with the "Kill" relation from Roth CONLL04 in mind) // but they didn't end up boosting performance on Roth CONLL04, so they may not be necessary. // // dependency_paths_to_verb: for each verb in the dependency path, // the path to the left of the (lemmatized) verb, to the right, and both, e.g. // "subj-> be" // "be <-prep_in <-mod" // "subj-> be <-prep_in <-mod" // (Higher level relations used as opposed to "lowlevel" finer grained relations) if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_paths_to_verb")) { for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes) { if (node.tag().contains("VB")) { if (node.equals(node0) || node.equals(node1)) { continue; } String lemma = Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true); String node1Path = generalizedDependencyPath(graph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(node, node1), node); String node0Path = generalizedDependencyPath(graph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(node0, node), node0); features.setCount("dependency_paths_to_verb:" + node0Path + " " + lemma, 1.0); features.setCount("dependency_paths_to_verb:" + lemma + " " + node1Path, 1.0); features.setCount("dependency_paths_to_verb:" + node0Path + " " + lemma + " " + node1Path, 1.0); } } } // dependency_path_stubs_to_verb: // For each verb in the dependency path, // the verb concatenated with the first (high-level) relation in the path from arg0; // the verb concatenated with the first relation in the path from arg1, // and the verb concatenated with both relations. E.g. (same arguments and sentence as example above) // "stub: subj-> be" // "stub: be <-mod" // "stub: subj-> be <-mod" if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_stubs_to_verb")) { for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes) { SemanticGraphEdge edge0 = edgePath.get(0); SemanticGraphEdge edge1 = edgePath.get(edgePath.size() - 1); if (node.tag().contains("VB")) { if (node.equals(node0) || node.equals(node1)) { continue; } String lemma = Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true); String edge0str, edge1str; if (node0.equals(edge0.getGovernor())) { edge0str = "<-" + generalizeRelation(edge0.getRelation()); } else { edge0str = generalizeRelation(edge0.getRelation()) + "->"; } if (node1.equals(edge1.getGovernor())) { edge1str = generalizeRelation(edge1.getRelation()) + "->"; } else { edge1str = "<-" + generalizeRelation(edge1.getRelation()); } features.setCount("stub: " + edge0str + " " + lemma, 1.0); features.setCount("stub: " + lemma + edge1str, 1.0); features.setCount("stub: " + edge0str + " " + lemma + " " + edge1str, 1.0); } } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "verb_in_dependency_path")) { for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes) { if (node.tag().contains("VB")) { if (node.equals(node0) || node.equals(node1)) { continue; } SemanticGraphEdge rightEdge = graph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(node, node1).get(0); SemanticGraphEdge leftEdge = graph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(node, node0).get(0); String rightRelation, leftRelation; boolean governsLeft = false, governsRight = false; if (node.equals(rightEdge.getGovernor())) { rightRelation = " <-" + generalizeRelation(rightEdge.getRelation()); governsRight = true; } else { rightRelation = generalizeRelation(rightEdge.getRelation()) + "-> "; } if (node.equals(leftEdge.getGovernor())) { leftRelation = generalizeRelation(leftEdge.getRelation()) + "-> "; governsLeft = true; } else { leftRelation = " <-" + generalizeRelation(leftEdge.getRelation()); } String lemma = Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true); if (governsLeft || governsRight) { } if (governsLeft) { features.setCount("verb: " + leftRelation + lemma, 1.0); } if (governsRight) { features.setCount("verb: " + lemma + rightRelation, 1.0); } if (governsLeft && governsRight) { features.setCount("verb: " + leftRelation + lemma + rightRelation, 1.0); } } } } // FEATURES FROM BJORNE ET AL., BIONLP'09 // dependency_path_words: generates a feature for each word in the dependency path (lemmatized) // dependency_path_POS_unigrams: generates a feature for the POS tag of each word in the dependency path if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_words")) { for (String lemma : noArgPathLemmas) features.setCount("word_in_dependency_path:" + lemma, 1.0); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_POS_unigrams")) { for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes) if (!node.equals(node0) && !node.equals(node1)) features.setCount("POS_in_dependency_path: "+node.tag(),1.0); } // dependency_path_word_n_grams: n-grams of words (lemmatized) in the dependency path, n=2,3,4 // dependency_path_POS_n_grams: n-grams of POS tags of words in the dependency path, n=2,3,4 for (int node = 0; node < pathNodes.size(); node++) { for (int n = 2; n <= 4; n++) { if (node+n > pathNodes.size()) break; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbPOS = new StringBuilder(); for (int elt = node; elt < node+n; elt++) { sb.append(pathLemmas.get(elt)); sb.append("_"); sbPOS.append(pathNodes.get(elt).tag()); sbPOS.append("_"); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_word_n_grams")) features.setCount("dependency_path_"+n+"-gram: "+sb,1.0); if (usingFeature(types,checklist, "dependency_path_POS_n_grams")) features.setCount("dependency_path_POS_"+n+"-gram: "+sbPOS,1.0); } } // dependency_path_edge_n_grams: n_grams of relations (high-level) in the dependency path, undirected, n=2,3,4 // e.g. "subj -- prep_in -- mod" // dependency_path_edge_lowlevel_n_grams: similar, for fine-grained relations // // dependency_path_node-edge-node-grams: trigrams consisting of adjacent words (lemmatized) in the dependency path // and the relation between them (undirected) // dependency_path_node-edge-node-grams_lowlevel: same, using fine-grained relations // // dependency_path_edge-node-edge-grams: trigrams consisting of words (lemmatized) in the dependency path // and the incoming and outgoing relations (undirected) // e.g. "subj -- television -- mod" // dependency_path_edge-node-edge-grams_lowlevel: same, using fine-grained relations // // dependency_path_directed_bigrams: consecutive words in the dependency path (lemmatized) and the direction // of the dependency between them // e.g. "Theatre -> exhibit" // // dependency_path_edge_unigrams: feature for each (fine-grained) relation in the dependency path, // with its direction in the path and whether it's at the left end, right end, or interior of the path. // e.g. "prep_at -> - leftmost" for (int edge = 0; edge < edgePath.size(); edge++) { if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_edge_n_grams") || usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_edge_lowlevel_n_grams")) { for (int n = 2; n <= 4; n++) { if (edge+n > edgePath.size()) break; StringBuilder sbRelsHi = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbRelsLo = new StringBuilder(); for (int elt = edge; elt < edge+n; elt++) { GrammaticalRelation gr = edgePath.get(elt).getRelation(); sbRelsHi.append(generalizeRelation(gr)); sbRelsHi.append("_"); sbRelsLo.append(gr); sbRelsLo.append("_"); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_edge_n_grams")) features.setCount("dependency_path_edge_"+n+"-gram: "+sbRelsHi,1.0); if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_edge_lowlevel_n_grams")) features.setCount("dependency_path_edge_lowlevel_"+n+"-gram: "+sbRelsLo,1.0); } } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_node-edge-node-grams")) features.setCount( "dependency_path_node-edge-node-gram: "+ pathLemmas.get(edge)+" -- "+ generalizeRelation(edgePath.get(edge).getRelation())+" -- "+ pathLemmas.get(edge+1), 1.0); if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_node-edge-node-grams_lowlevel")) features.setCount( "dependency_path_node-edge-node-gram_lowlevel: "+ pathLemmas.get(edge)+" -- "+ edgePath.get(edge).getRelation()+" -- "+ pathLemmas.get(edge+1), 1.0); if (usingFeature(types,checklist, "dependency_path_edge-node-edge-grams") && edge > 0) features.setCount( "dependency_path_edge-node-edge-gram: "+ generalizeRelation(edgePath.get(edge-1).getRelation())+" -- "+ pathLemmas.get(edge)+" -- "+ generalizeRelation(edgePath.get(edge).getRelation()), 1.0); if (usingFeature(types,checklist,"dependency_path_edge-node-edge-grams_lowlevel") && edge > 0) features.setCount( "dependency_path_edge-node-edge-gram_lowlevel: "+ edgePath.get(edge-1).getRelation()+" -- "+ pathLemmas.get(edge)+" -- "+ edgePath.get(edge).getRelation(), 1.0); String dir = pathNodes.get(edge).equals(edgePath.get(edge).getDependent()) ? " -> " : " <- "; if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_directed_bigrams")) features.setCount( "dependency_path_directed_bigram: "+ pathLemmas.get(edge)+ dir+ pathLemmas.get(edge+1), 1.0); if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_edge_unigrams")) features.setCount( "dependency_path_edge_unigram: "+ edgePath.get(edge).getRelation() + dir+ (edge==0 ? " - leftmost" : edge==edgePath.size()-1 ? " - rightmost" : " - interior"),1.0); } // dependency_path_length: number of edges in the path between args in the dependency graph, integer-valued // dependency_path_length_binary: same, as binary features if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_length")) { features.setCount("dependency_path_length", edgePath.size()); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_length_binary")) { features.setCount("dependency_path_length_" + new DecimalFormat("00").format(edgePath.size()), 1.0); } if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_trigger")) { List<CoreLabel> tokens = rel.getSentence().get(TokensAnnotation.class); for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes) { int index = node.index(); if (indecesToSkip.contains(index)) continue; String trigger = tokens.get(index - 1).get(TriggerAnnotation.class); if (trigger != null && trigger.startsWith("B-")) features.incrementCount("dependency_path_trigger=" + trigger.substring(2)); } } } /** * Helper method that checks if a feature type "type" is present in the list of features "types" * and removes it from "checklist" * @param types * @param checklist * @param type * @return true if types contains type */ protected static boolean usingFeature(final List<String> types, List<String> checklist, String type) { checklist.remove(type); return types.contains(type) || types.contains("all"); } protected static GrammaticalRelation generalizeRelation(GrammaticalRelation gr) { final GrammaticalRelation[] GENERAL_RELATIONS = { EnglishGrammaticalRelations.SUBJECT, EnglishGrammaticalRelations.COMPLEMENT, EnglishGrammaticalRelations.CONJUNCT, EnglishGrammaticalRelations.MODIFIER, }; for (GrammaticalRelation generalGR : GENERAL_RELATIONS) { if (generalGR.isAncestor(gr)) { return generalGR; } } return gr; } /* * Under construction */ public static List<String> dependencyPathAsList(List<SemanticGraphEdge> edgePath, IndexedWord node, boolean generalize) { if(edgePath == null) return null; List<String> path = new ArrayList<>(); for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : edgePath) { IndexedWord nextNode; GrammaticalRelation relation; if (generalize) { relation = generalizeRelation(edge.getRelation()); } else { relation = edge.getRelation(); } if (node.equals(edge.getDependent())) { String v = (relation + "->").intern(); path.add(v); nextNode = edge.getGovernor(); } else { String v = ("<-" + relation).intern(); path.add(v); nextNode = edge.getDependent(); } node = nextNode; } return path; } public static String dependencyPath(List<SemanticGraphEdge> edgePath, IndexedWord node) { // the extra spaces are to maintain compatibility with existing relation extraction models return " " + StringUtils.join(dependencyPathAsList(edgePath, node, false), " ") + " "; } public static String generalizedDependencyPath(List<SemanticGraphEdge> edgePath, IndexedWord node) { // the extra spaces are to maintain compatibility with existing relation extraction models return " " + StringUtils.join(dependencyPathAsList(edgePath, node, true), " ") + " "; } public Set<String> getFeatures(RelationMention rel, String featureType) { Counter<String> features = new ClassicCounter<>(); List<String> singleton = new ArrayList<>(); singleton.add(featureType); addFeatures(features, rel, singleton); return features.keySet(); } public String getFeature(RelationMention rel, String featureType) { Set<String> features = getFeatures(rel, featureType); if (features.size() == 0) { return ""; } else { return features.iterator().next(); } } }