package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; /** * Each entity mention is described by a type (possibly subtype) and a span of text * * @author Andrey Gusev * @author Mihai */ public class EntityMention extends ExtractionObject { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2745903102654191527L; /** Mention type, if available, e.g., nominal */ private final String mentionType; private String corefID = "-1"; /** * Offsets the head span, e.g., "George Bush" in the extent "the president George Bush" * The offsets are relative to the sentence containing this mention */ private Span headTokenSpan; /** * Position of the syntactic head word of this mention, e.g., "Bush" for the head span "George Bush" * The offset is relative the sentence containing this mention * Note: use headTokenSpan when sequence tagging entity mentions not this. * This is meant to be used only for event/relation feature extraction! */ private int syntacticHeadTokenPosition; private String normalizedName; public EntityMention(String objectId, CoreMap sentence, Span extentSpan, Span headSpan, String type, String subtype, String mentionType) { super(objectId, sentence, extentSpan, type, subtype); this.mentionType = (mentionType != null ? mentionType.intern() : null); this.headTokenSpan = headSpan; this.syntacticHeadTokenPosition = -1; this.normalizedName = null; } public String getCorefID(){ return corefID; } public void setCorefID(String id) { this.corefID = id; } public String getMentionType() { return mentionType; } public Span getHead() { return headTokenSpan; } public int getHeadTokenStart() { return headTokenSpan.start(); } public int getHeadTokenEnd() { return headTokenSpan.end(); } public void setHeadTokenSpan(Span s) { headTokenSpan = s; } public void setHeadTokenPosition(int i) { this.syntacticHeadTokenPosition = i; } public int getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() { return this.syntacticHeadTokenPosition; } public CoreLabel getSyntacticHeadToken() { List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); return tokens.get(syntacticHeadTokenPosition); } public Tree getSyntacticHeadTree() { Tree tree = sentence.get(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class); return tree.getLeaves().get(syntacticHeadTokenPosition); } public String getNormalizedName() { return normalizedName; } public void setNormalizedName(String n) { normalizedName = n; } /* @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if(! (other instanceof EntityMention)) return false; ExtractionObject o = (ExtractionObject) other; if(o.objectId.equals(objectId) && o.sentence == sentence) return true; return false; } */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if(! (other instanceof EntityMention)) return false; EntityMention otherEnt = (EntityMention) other; return equals(otherEnt, true); } public boolean headIncludes(EntityMention otherEnt, boolean useSubType) { return otherEnt.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() >= getHeadTokenStart() && otherEnt.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() < getHeadTokenEnd() && ((type != null && otherEnt.type != null && type.equals(otherEnt.type)) || (type == null && otherEnt.type == null)) && ( ! useSubType || ((subType != null && otherEnt.subType != null && subType.equals(otherEnt.subType)) || (subType == null && otherEnt.subType == null))); } public boolean equals(EntityMention otherEnt, boolean useSubType) { // // two mentions are equal if they are over the same sentence, // have the same head span, the same type/subtype, and the same text. // We need this for scoring NER, and in various places in KBP // if(sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class).equals(otherEnt.sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)) && textEquals(otherEnt) && labelEquals(otherEnt, useSubType)){ return true; } /* if(((headTokenSpan != null && headTokenSpan.equals(otherEnt.headTokenSpan)) || (extentTokenSpan != null && extentTokenSpan.equals(otherEnt.extentTokenSpan))) && ((type != null && otherEnt.type != null && type.equals(otherEnt.type)) || (type == null && otherEnt.type == null)) && (! useSubType || ((subType != null && otherEnt.subType != null && subType.equals(otherEnt.subType)) || (subType == null && otherEnt.subType == null))) && AnnotationUtils.getTextContent(sentence, headTokenSpan).equals(AnnotationUtils.getTextContent(otherEnt.getSentence(), otherEnt.headTokenSpan))){ return true; } */ return false; } /** * Compares the labels of the two mentions * @param otherEnt * @param useSubType */ public boolean labelEquals(EntityMention otherEnt, boolean useSubType) { if(((type != null && otherEnt.type != null && type.equals(otherEnt.type)) || (type == null && otherEnt.type == null)) && (! useSubType || ((subType != null && otherEnt.subType != null && subType.equals(otherEnt.subType)) || (subType == null && otherEnt.subType == null)))){ return true; } return false; } /** * Compares the text spans of the two entity mentions. * * @param otherEnt */ public boolean textEquals(EntityMention otherEnt) { // // we attempt three comparisons: // a) if syntactic heads are defined we consider two texts similar if they have the same syntactic head // (this is necessary because in NFL we compare entities with different spans but same heads, e.g. "49ers" vs "San Francisco 49ers" // b) if head spans are defined we consider two texts similar if they have the same head span // c) if extent spans are defined we consider two texts similar if they have the same extent span // if(syntacticHeadTokenPosition != -1 && otherEnt.syntacticHeadTokenPosition != -1){ if(syntacticHeadTokenPosition == otherEnt.syntacticHeadTokenPosition) return true; return false; } if(headTokenSpan != null && otherEnt.headTokenSpan != null){ if(headTokenSpan.equals(otherEnt.headTokenSpan)) return true; return false; } if(extentTokenSpan != null && otherEnt.extentTokenSpan != null){ if(extentTokenSpan.equals(otherEnt.extentTokenSpan)) return true; return false; } if (!this.getExtentString().equals(otherEnt.getExtentString())) { return false; } return false; } /** * Get the text value of this entity. * The headTokenSpan MUST be set before calling this method! */ public String getValue() { List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class); // int lastEnd = -1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = headTokenSpan.start(); i < headTokenSpan.end(); i ++){ CoreLabel token = tokens.get(i); // we are not guaranteed to have CharacterOffsets so we can't use them... /* Integer start = token.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class); Integer end = token.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class); if (start != null && end != null) { if (lastEnd != -1 && !start.equals(lastEnd)) { sb.append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", start - lastEnd)); lastEnd = end; } } else { if (lastEnd != -1) sb.append(" "); lastEnd = 0; } */ if(i > headTokenSpan.start()) sb.append(" "); sb.append(token.word()); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return "EntityMention [type=" + type + (subType != null ? ", subType=" + subType : "") + (mentionType != null ? ", mentionType=" + mentionType : "") + (objectId != null ? ", objectId=" + objectId : "") + (headTokenSpan != null ? ", hstart=" + headTokenSpan.start() + ", hend=" + headTokenSpan.end() : "") + (extentTokenSpan != null ? ", estart=" + extentTokenSpan.start() + ", eend=" + extentTokenSpan.end() : "") + (syntacticHeadTokenPosition >= 0 ? ", headPosition=" + syntacticHeadTokenPosition : "") + (headTokenSpan != null ? ", value=\"" + getValue() + "\"" : "") + (normalizedName != null ? ", normalizedName=\"" + normalizedName + "\"" : "") + ", corefID=" + corefID + (typeProbabilities != null ? ", probs=" + probsToString() : "") + "]"; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = mentionType != null ? mentionType.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (headTokenSpan != null ? headTokenSpan.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (normalizedName != null ? normalizedName.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (extentTokenSpan != null ? extentTokenSpan.hashCode() : 0); return result; } static class CompByHead implements Comparator<EntityMention> { public int compare(EntityMention o1, EntityMention o2) { if(o1.getHeadTokenStart() < o2.getHeadTokenStart()){ return -1; } else if(o1.getHeadTokenStart() > o2.getHeadTokenStart()){ return 1; } else if(o1.getHeadTokenEnd() < o2.getHeadTokenEnd()) { return -1; } else if(o1.getHeadTokenEnd() > o2.getHeadTokenEnd()) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } public static void sortByHeadSpan(List<EntityMention> mentions) { Collections.sort(mentions, new CompByHead()); } private static int MENTION_COUNTER = 0; /** * Creates a new unique id for an entity mention * @return the new id */ public static synchronized String makeUniqueId() { MENTION_COUNTER ++; return "EntityMention-" + MENTION_COUNTER; } }