package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.SentenceUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.TokenizerFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.IntPair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; /** * A class for converting strings to input suitable for processing by * an IOB sequence model. * * @author Spence Green * @author Will Monroe */ public class IOBUtils { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(IOBUtils.class); // Training token types. private enum TokenType { BeginMarker, EndMarker, BothMarker, NoMarker } // Label inventory public static final String BeginSymbol = "BEGIN"; public static final String ContinuationSymbol = "CONT"; public static final String NosegSymbol = "NOSEG"; public static final String RewriteSymbol = "REW"; /** @deprecated use RewriteSymbol instead */ public static final String RewriteTahSymbol = "REWTA"; /** @deprecated use RewriteSymbol instead */ public static final String RewriteTareefSymbol = "REWAL"; private static final String BoundarySymbol = ".##."; private static final String BoundaryChar = ".#."; // Patterns for tokens that should not be segmented. private static final Pattern isPunc = Pattern.compile("\\p{Punct}+"); private static final Pattern isDigit = Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+"); private static final Pattern notUnicodeArabic = Pattern.compile("\\P{InArabic}+"); // Sets of known clitics for tagging when reconstructing the segmented sequences. private static final Set<String> arPrefixSet; private static final Set<String> arSuffixSet; static { String arabicPrefixString = "ل ف و م ما ح حا ه ها ك ب س"; arPrefixSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(arabicPrefixString.split("\\s+")))); String arabicSuffixString = "ل و ما ه ها هم هن نا كم تن تم ى ي هما ك ب ش"; arSuffixSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(arabicSuffixString.split("\\s+")))); } // Only static methods private IOBUtils() {} public static String getBoundaryCharacter() { return BoundaryChar; } /** * Convert a String to a list of characters suitable for labeling in an IOB * segmentation model. * * @param tokenList * @param segMarker * @param applyRewriteRules add rewrite labels (for training data) */ public static List<CoreLabel> StringToIOB(List<CoreLabel> tokenList, Character segMarker, boolean applyRewriteRules) { return StringToIOB(tokenList, segMarker, applyRewriteRules, false, null, null); } /** * Convert a String to a list of characters suitable for labeling in an IOB * segmentation model. * * @param tokenList * @param segMarker * @param applyRewriteRules add rewrite labels (for training data) * @param tf a TokenizerFactory returning ArabicTokenizers (for determining original segment boundaries) * @param origText the original string before tokenization (for determining original segment boundaries) */ public static List<CoreLabel> StringToIOB(List<CoreLabel> tokenList, Character segMarker, boolean applyRewriteRules, TokenizerFactory<CoreLabel> tf, String origText) { return StringToIOB(tokenList, segMarker, applyRewriteRules, false, tf, origText); } /** * Convert a String to a list of characters suitable for labeling in an IOB * segmentation model. * * @param tokenList * @param segMarker * @param applyRewriteRules add rewrite labels (for training data) * @param stripRewrites revert training data to old Green & DeNero model (remove * rewrite labels but still rewrite to try to preserve raw text) */ public static List<CoreLabel> StringToIOB(List<CoreLabel> tokenList, Character segMarker, boolean applyRewriteRules, boolean stripRewrites) { return StringToIOB(tokenList, segMarker, applyRewriteRules, stripRewrites, null, null); } /** * Convert a String to a list of characters suitable for labeling in an IOB * segmentation model. * * @param tokenList * @param segMarker * @param applyRewriteRules add rewrite labels (for training data) * @param stripRewrites revert training data to old Green & DeNero model (remove * rewrite labels but still rewrite to try to preserve raw text) * @param tf a TokenizerFactory returning ArabicTokenizers (for determining original segment boundaries) * @param origText the original string before tokenization (for determining original segment boundaries) */ public static List<CoreLabel> StringToIOB(List<CoreLabel> tokenList, Character segMarker, boolean applyRewriteRules, boolean stripRewrites, TokenizerFactory<CoreLabel> tf, String origText) { List<CoreLabel> iobList = new ArrayList<>(tokenList.size() * 7 + tokenList.size()); final String strSegMarker = String.valueOf(segMarker); boolean addWhitespace = false; final int numTokens = tokenList.size(); String lastToken = ""; String currentWord = ""; int wordStartIndex = 0; for (CoreLabel cl : tokenList) { // What type of token is this if (addWhitespace) { fillInWordStatistics(iobList, currentWord, wordStartIndex); currentWord = ""; wordStartIndex = iobList.size() + 1; iobList.add(createDatum(cl, BoundaryChar, BoundarySymbol)); final CoreLabel boundaryDatum = iobList.get(iobList.size() - 1); boundaryDatum.setIndex(0); boundaryDatum.setWord(""); addWhitespace = false; } String token = cl.word(); TokenType tokType = getTokenType(token, strSegMarker); token = stripSegmentationMarkers(token, tokType); assert token.length() != 0; if (shouldNotSegment(token)) { iobList.add(createDatum(cl, token, NosegSymbol)); addWhitespace = true; } else { // Iterate over the characters in the token tokenToDatums(iobList, cl, token, tokType, cl, lastToken, applyRewriteRules, stripRewrites, tf, origText); addWhitespace = (tokType == TokenType.BeginMarker || tokType == TokenType.NoMarker); } currentWord += token; lastToken = token; } fillInWordStatistics(iobList, currentWord, wordStartIndex); return iobList; } /** * Loops back through all the datums inserted for the most recent word * and inserts statistics about the word they are a part of. This needs to * be post hoc because the CoreLabel lists coming from testing data sets * are pre-segmented (so treating each of those CoreLabels as a "word" lets * us cheat and get 100% classification accuracy by just looking at whether * we're at the beginning of a "word"). * * @param iobList * @param currentWord * @param wordStartIndex */ private static void fillInWordStatistics(List<CoreLabel> iobList, String currentWord, int wordStartIndex) { for (int j = wordStartIndex; j < iobList.size(); j++) { CoreLabel tok = iobList.get(j); tok.setIndex(j - wordStartIndex); tok.setWord(currentWord); } } /** * Convert token to a sequence of datums and add to iobList. * * @param iobList * @param token * @param tokType * @param tokenLabel * @param lastToken * @param applyRewriteRules * @param tf a TokenizerFactory returning ArabicTokenizers (for determining original segment boundaries) * @param origText the original string before tokenization (for determining original segment boundaries) */ private static void tokenToDatums(List<CoreLabel> iobList, CoreLabel cl, String token, TokenType tokType, CoreLabel tokenLabel, String lastToken, boolean applyRewriteRules, boolean stripRewrites, TokenizerFactory<CoreLabel> tf, String origText) { if (token.isEmpty()) return; String lastLabel = ContinuationSymbol; String firstLabel = BeginSymbol; String rewritten = cl.get(ArabicDocumentReaderAndWriter.RewrittenArabicAnnotation.class); boolean crossRefRewrites = true; if (rewritten == null) { rewritten = token; crossRefRewrites = false; } else { rewritten = stripSegmentationMarkers(rewritten, tokType); } if (applyRewriteRules) { // Apply Arabic-specific re-write rules String rawToken = tokenLabel.word(); String tag = tokenLabel.tag(); MorphoFeatureSpecification featureSpec = new ArabicMorphoFeatureSpecification(); featureSpec.activate(MorphoFeatureType.NGEN); featureSpec.activate(MorphoFeatureType.NNUM); featureSpec.activate(MorphoFeatureType.DEF); featureSpec.activate(MorphoFeatureType.TENSE); MorphoFeatures features = featureSpec.strToFeatures(tag); // Rule #1 : ت --> ة if (features.getValue(MorphoFeatureType.NGEN).equals("F") && features.getValue(MorphoFeatureType.NNUM).equals("SG") && rawToken.endsWith("ت-") && !stripRewrites) { lastLabel = RewriteSymbol; } else if (rawToken.endsWith("ة-")) { assert token.endsWith("ة"); token = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1) + "ت"; lastLabel = RewriteSymbol; } // Rule #2 : لل --> ل ال if (lastToken.equals("ل") && features.getValue(MorphoFeatureType.DEF).equals("D")) { if (rawToken.startsWith("-ال")) { if (!token.startsWith("ا"))"Bad REWAL: " + rawToken + " / " + token); token = token.substring(1); rewritten = rewritten.substring(1); if (!stripRewrites) firstLabel = RewriteSymbol; } else if (rawToken.startsWith("-ل")) { if (!token.startsWith("ل"))"Bad REWAL: " + rawToken + " / " + token); if (!stripRewrites) firstLabel = RewriteSymbol; } else {"Ignoring REWAL: " + rawToken + " / " + token); } } // Rule #3 : ي --> ى // Rule #4 : ا --> ى if (rawToken.endsWith("ى-")) { if (features.getValue(MorphoFeatureType.TENSE) != null) { // verb: ى becomes ا token = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1) + "ا"; } else { // assume preposition: token = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1) + "ي"; } if (!stripRewrites) lastLabel = RewriteSymbol; } else if (rawToken.equals("علي-") || rawToken.equals("-علي-")) { if (!stripRewrites) lastLabel = RewriteSymbol; } } String origWord; if (origText == null) { origWord = tokenLabel.word(); } else { origWord = origText.substring(cl.beginPosition(), cl.endPosition()); } int origIndex = 0; while (origIndex < origWord.length() && isDeletedCharacter(origWord.charAt(origIndex), tf)) { ++origIndex; } // Create datums and add to iobList if (token.isEmpty())"Rewriting resulted in empty token: " + tokenLabel.word()); String firstChar = String.valueOf(token.charAt(0)); // Start at 0 to make sure we include the whole token according to the tokenizer iobList.add(createDatum(cl, firstChar, firstLabel, 0, origIndex + 1)); final int numChars = token.length(); if (crossRefRewrites && rewritten.length() != numChars) { System.err.printf("Rewritten annotation doesn't have correct length: %s>>>%s%n", token, rewritten); crossRefRewrites = false; } ++origIndex; for (int j = 1; j < numChars; ++j, ++origIndex) { while (origIndex < origWord.length() && isDeletedCharacter(origWord.charAt(origIndex), tf)) { ++origIndex; } if (origIndex >= origWord.length()) { origIndex = origWord.length() - 1; } String charLabel = (j == numChars-1) ? lastLabel : ContinuationSymbol; String thisChar = String.valueOf(token.charAt(j)); if (crossRefRewrites && !String.valueOf(rewritten.charAt(j)).equals(thisChar)) charLabel = RewriteSymbol; if (charLabel == ContinuationSymbol && thisChar.equals("ى") && j != numChars - 1) charLabel = RewriteSymbol; // Assume all mid-word alef maqsura are supposed to be yah iobList.add(createDatum(cl, thisChar, charLabel, origIndex, origIndex + 1)); } // End at endPosition to make sure we include the whole token according to the tokenizer if (!iobList.isEmpty()) { iobList.get(iobList.size() - 1).setEndPosition(cl.endPosition()); } } private static boolean isDeletedCharacter(char ch, TokenizerFactory<CoreLabel> tf) { List<CoreLabel> tokens = tf.getTokenizer(new StringReader(Character.toString(ch))).tokenize(); return tokens.isEmpty(); } /** * Identify tokens that should not be segmented. */ private static boolean shouldNotSegment(String token) { return (isDigit.matcher(token).find() || isPunc.matcher(token).find() || notUnicodeArabic.matcher(token).find()); } /** * Strip segmentation markers. */ private static String stripSegmentationMarkers(String tok, TokenType tokType) { int beginOffset = (tokType == TokenType.BeginMarker || tokType == TokenType.BothMarker) ? 1 : 0; int endOffset = (tokType == TokenType.EndMarker || tokType == TokenType.BothMarker) ? tok.length()-1 : tok.length(); return tokType == TokenType.NoMarker ? tok : tok.substring(beginOffset, endOffset); } private static CoreLabel createDatum(CoreLabel cl, String token, String label) { int endOffset = cl.get(CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class) - cl.get(CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class); return createDatum(cl, token, label, 0, endOffset); } /** * Create a datum from a string. The CoreAnnotations must correspond to those used by * SequenceClassifier. The following annotations are copied from the provided * CoreLabel cl, if present: * DomainAnnotation * startOffset and endOffset will be added to the {@link CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation} of * the {@link CoreLabel} cl to give the {@link CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation} and * {@link CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation} of the resulting datum. */ private static CoreLabel createDatum(CoreLabel cl, String token, String label, int startOffset, int endOffset) { CoreLabel newTok = new CoreLabel(); newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, token); newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class, token); newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, label); newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class, label); newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class, cl.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class) + startOffset); newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class, cl.get(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class) + endOffset); if (cl != null && cl.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.DomainAnnotation.class)) newTok.set(CoreAnnotations.DomainAnnotation.class, cl.get(CoreAnnotations.DomainAnnotation.class)); return newTok; } /** * Deterministically classify a token. */ private static TokenType getTokenType(String token, String segMarker) { if (segMarker == null || token.equals(segMarker)) { return TokenType.NoMarker; } TokenType tokType = TokenType.NoMarker; boolean startsWithMarker = token.startsWith(segMarker); boolean endsWithMarker = token.endsWith(segMarker); if (startsWithMarker && endsWithMarker) { tokType = TokenType.BothMarker; } else if (startsWithMarker) { tokType = TokenType.BeginMarker; } else if (endsWithMarker) { tokType = TokenType.EndMarker; } return tokType; } /** * This version is for turning an unsegmented string to an IOB input, i.e., * for processing raw text. */ public static List<CoreLabel> StringToIOB(String string) { return StringToIOB(string, null); } public static List<CoreLabel> StringToIOB(String str, Character segMarker) { // Whitespace tokenization List<CoreLabel> toks = SentenceUtils.toCoreLabelList(str.trim().split("\\s+")); return StringToIOB(toks, segMarker, false); } /** * Convert a list of labeled characters to a String. Include segmentation markers * for prefixes and suffixes in the string, and add a space at segmentations. */ public static String IOBToString(List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence, String prefixMarker, String suffixMarker) { return IOBToString(labeledSequence, prefixMarker, suffixMarker, true, true, 0, labeledSequence.size()); } /** * Convert a list of labeled characters to a String. Include segmentation markers * for prefixes and suffixes in the string, and add a space at segmentations. */ public static String IOBToString(List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence, String prefixMarker, String suffixMarker, int startIndex, int endIndex) { return IOBToString(labeledSequence, prefixMarker, suffixMarker, true, true, startIndex, endIndex); } /** * Convert a list of labeled characters to a String. Include segmentation markers * (but no spaces) at segmentation boundaries. */ public static String IOBToString(List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence, String segmentationMarker) { return IOBToString(labeledSequence, segmentationMarker, null, false, true, 0, labeledSequence.size()); } /** * Convert a list of labeled characters to a String. Preserve the original (unsegmented) text. */ public static String IOBToString(List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence) { return IOBToString(labeledSequence, null, null, false, false, 0, labeledSequence.size()); } private static String IOBToString(List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence, String prefixMarker, String suffixMarker, boolean addSpace, boolean applyRewrites, int startIndex, int endIndex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String lastLabel = ""; final boolean addPrefixMarker = prefixMarker != null && prefixMarker.length() > 0; final boolean addSuffixMarker = suffixMarker != null && suffixMarker.length() > 0; if (addPrefixMarker || addSuffixMarker) annotateMarkers(labeledSequence); for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i) { CoreLabel labeledChar = labeledSequence.get(i); String token = labeledChar.get(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class); if (addPrefixMarker && token.equals(prefixMarker)) token = "#pm#"; if (addSuffixMarker && token.equals(suffixMarker)) token = "#sm#"; String label = labeledChar.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); if (token.equals(BoundaryChar)) { sb.append(" "); } else if (label.equals(BeginSymbol)) { if (lastLabel.equals(ContinuationSymbol) || lastLabel.equals(BeginSymbol) || lastLabel.equals(RewriteSymbol)) { if (addPrefixMarker && (!addSpace || addPrefixMarker(i, labeledSequence))) { sb.append(prefixMarker); } if (addSpace) { sb.append(" "); } if (addSuffixMarker && (!addSpace || addSuffixMarker(i, labeledSequence))) { sb.append(suffixMarker); } } sb.append(token); } else if (label.equals(ContinuationSymbol) || label.equals(BoundarySymbol)) { sb.append(token); } else if (label.equals(NosegSymbol)) { if ( ! lastLabel.equals(BoundarySymbol) && addSpace) { sb.append(" "); } sb.append(token); } else if (label.equals(RewriteSymbol) || label.equals("REWAL") || label.equals("REWTA")) { switch (token) { case "ت": case "ه": sb.append(applyRewrites ? "ة" : token); break; case "ل": sb.append((addPrefixMarker ? prefixMarker : "") + (addSpace ? " " : "") + (applyRewrites ? "ال" : "ل")); break; case "ي": case "ا": sb.append(applyRewrites ? "ى" : token); break; case "ى": sb.append(applyRewrites ? "ي" : token); break; default: // Nonsense rewrite predicted by the classifier--just assume CONT sb.append(token); break; } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown label: " + label); } lastLabel = label; } return sb.toString().trim(); } private static class PrefixMarkerAnnotation implements CoreAnnotation<Boolean> { @Override public Class<Boolean> getType() { return Boolean.class; } } private static class SuffixMarkerAnnotation implements CoreAnnotation<Boolean> { @Override public Class<Boolean> getType() { return Boolean.class; } } private static void annotateMarkers(List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence) { StringBuilder segment = new StringBuilder(); List<String> segments = CollectionUtils.makeList(); int wordBegin = 0; for (int i = 0; i < labeledSequence.size(); i++) { String token = labeledSequence.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class); String label = labeledSequence.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); switch (label) { case BeginSymbol: if (i != wordBegin) { segments.add(segment.toString()); segment.setLength(0); } segment.append(token); break; case BoundarySymbol: segments.add(segment.toString()); segment.setLength(0); annotateMarkersOnWord(labeledSequence, wordBegin, i, segments); segments.clear(); wordBegin = i + 1; break; default: segment.append(token); break; } } segments.add(segment.toString()); annotateMarkersOnWord(labeledSequence, wordBegin, labeledSequence.size(), segments); } private static void annotateMarkersOnWord(List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence, int wordBegin, int wordEnd, List<String> segments) { Pair<Integer, Integer> headBounds = getHeadBounds(segments); int currentIndex = 0; for (int i = wordBegin; i < wordEnd; i++) { String label = labeledSequence.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); labeledSequence.get(i).set(PrefixMarkerAnnotation.class, Boolean.FALSE); labeledSequence.get(i).set(SuffixMarkerAnnotation.class, Boolean.FALSE); if (label.equals(BeginSymbol)) { // Add prefix markers for BEGIN characters up to and including the start of the head // (but don't add prefix markers if there aren't any prefixes) if (currentIndex <= headBounds.first && currentIndex != 0) labeledSequence.get(i).set(PrefixMarkerAnnotation.class, Boolean.TRUE); // Add suffix markers for BEGIN characters starting one past the end of the head // (headBounds.second is one past the end, no need to add one) if (currentIndex >= headBounds.second) labeledSequence.get(i).set(SuffixMarkerAnnotation.class, Boolean.TRUE); currentIndex++; } } } private static Pair<Integer, Integer> getHeadBounds(List<String> segments) { final int NOT_FOUND = -1; int potentialSuffix = segments.size() - 1; int nonSuffix = NOT_FOUND; int potentialPrefix = 0; int nonPrefix = NOT_FOUND; // Heuristic algorithm for finding the head of a segmented word: while (true) { /* Alternate considering suffixes and prefixes (starting with suffix). * * If the current segment is a known Arabic {suffix|prefix}, mark it as * such. Otherwise, stop considering tokens from that direction. */ if (nonSuffix == NOT_FOUND){ if (arSuffixSet.contains(segments.get(potentialSuffix))) potentialSuffix--; else nonSuffix = potentialSuffix; } if (potentialSuffix < potentialPrefix) break; if (nonPrefix == NOT_FOUND) { if (arPrefixSet.contains(segments.get(potentialPrefix))) potentialPrefix++; else nonPrefix = potentialPrefix; } if (potentialSuffix < potentialPrefix || (nonSuffix != NOT_FOUND && nonPrefix != NOT_FOUND)) break; } /* Once we have exhausted all known prefixes and suffixes, take the longest * segment that remains to be the head. Break length ties by picking the first one. * * Note that in some cases, no segments will remain (e.g. b# +y), so a * segmented word may have zero or one heads, but never more than one. */ if (potentialSuffix < potentialPrefix) { // no head--start and end are index of first suffix if (potentialSuffix + 1 != potentialPrefix) throw new RuntimeException("Suffix pointer moved too far!"); return Pair.makePair(potentialSuffix + 1, potentialSuffix + 1); } else { int headIndex = nonPrefix; for (int i = nonPrefix + 1; i <= nonSuffix; i++) { if (segments.get(i).length() > segments.get(headIndex).length()) headIndex = i; } return Pair.makePair(headIndex, headIndex + 1); } } private static boolean addPrefixMarker(int focus, List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence) { return labeledSequence.get(focus).get(PrefixMarkerAnnotation.class).booleanValue(); } private static boolean addSuffixMarker(int focus, List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence) { return labeledSequence.get(focus).get(SuffixMarkerAnnotation.class).booleanValue(); } public static void labelDomain(List<CoreLabel> tokenList, String domain) { for (CoreLabel cl : tokenList) { cl.set(CoreAnnotations.DomainAnnotation.class, domain); } } public static List<IntPair> TokenSpansForIOB(List<CoreLabel> labeledSequence) { List<IntPair> spans = CollectionUtils.makeList(); String lastLabel = ""; boolean inToken = false; int tokenStart = 0; final int sequenceLength = labeledSequence.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sequenceLength; ++i) { CoreLabel labeledChar = labeledSequence.get(i); String token = labeledChar.get(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class); String label = labeledChar.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class); if (token.equals(BoundaryChar)) { if (inToken) { spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, i)); } inToken = false; } else { switch(label) { case BeginSymbol: if (lastLabel.equals(ContinuationSymbol) || lastLabel.equals(BeginSymbol) || lastLabel.equals(RewriteSymbol)) { if (inToken) { spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, i)); } inToken = true; tokenStart = i; } else if (!inToken) { inToken = true; tokenStart = i; } break; case ContinuationSymbol: if (!inToken) { inToken = true; tokenStart = i; } break; case BoundarySymbol: case NosegSymbol: if (inToken) { spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, i)); } inToken = true; tokenStart = i; break; case RewriteSymbol: case "REWAL": case "REWTA": if (token.equals("ل")) { if (inToken) { spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, i)); } inToken = true; tokenStart = i; } else if (!inToken) { inToken = true; tokenStart = i; } break; } } lastLabel = label; } if (inToken) { spans.add(new IntPair(tokenStart, sequenceLength)); } return spans; } }