package edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ErasureUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import; import java.util.*; /** * Tags that can be added to values or annotations */ public class Tags implements Serializable { public static class TagsAnnotation implements CoreAnnotation<Tags> { public Class<Tags> getType() { return Tags.class; } } Map<String, Value> tags; public Tags(String... tags) { if (tags != null) { this.tags = new HashMap<>();// Generics.newHashMap(); for (String tag:tags) { this.tags.put(tag, null); } } } public Collection<String> getTags() { return tags.keySet(); } public boolean hasTag(String tag) { return (tags != null)? tags.containsKey(tag): false; } public void setTag(String tag, Value v) { if (tags == null) { tags = new HashMap<>(1);//Generics.newHashMap(1); } tags.put(tag, v); } public void addTag(String tag, Value v) { if (tags == null) { tags = new HashMap<>(1);//Generics.newHashMap(1); } // Adds v as a tag into a list of tags... List<Value> tagList = null; if (tags.containsKey(tag)) { Value oldValue = tags.get(tag); if (Expressions.TYPE_LIST.equals(oldValue.getType())) { tagList = ErasureUtils.uncheckedCast(oldValue.get()); } else { // Put the oldValue into a new array tagList = new ArrayList<>(); tagList.add(oldValue); tags.put(tag, Expressions.createValue(Expressions.TYPE_LIST, tagList)); } } else { tagList = new ArrayList<>(); tags.put(tag, Expressions.createValue(Expressions.TYPE_LIST, tagList)); } tagList.add(v); } public void removeTag(String tag) { if (tags != null) { tags.remove(tag); } } public Value getTag(String tag) { return (tags != null)? tags.get(tag): null; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Tags)) return false; Tags tags1 = (Tags) o; if (tags != null ? !tags.equals(tags1.tags) : tags1.tags != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return tags != null ? tags.hashCode() : 0; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 2; }