package edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface; import; import java.util.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.Pattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.PatternFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.PatternsAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*; /** * To represent a surface pattern in more detail than TokenSequencePattern (this * class object is eventually compiled as TokenSequencePattern via the toString * method). See {@link PatternToken} for more info on how matching of target * phrases is done. * * Author: Sonal Gupta ( */ public class SurfacePattern extends Pattern implements Serializable, Comparable<SurfacePattern>{ @Override public CollectionValuedMap<String, String> getRelevantWords() { CollectionValuedMap<String, String> relwordsThisPat = new CollectionValuedMap<>(); Token[] next = getNextContext(); getRelevantWordsBase(next, relwordsThisPat); Token[] prev = getPrevContext(); getRelevantWordsBase(prev, relwordsThisPat); return relwordsThisPat; } @Override public int equalContext(Pattern p) { return equalContext((SurfacePattern)p); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Token[] prevContext; public Token[] nextContext; // String prevContextStr = "", nextContextStr = ""; public PatternToken token; // protected String[] originalPrev; // protected String[] originalNext; // protected String originalPrevStr = ""; // protected String originalNextStr = ""; // protected String toString; protected int hashcode; protected SurfacePatternFactory.Genre genre; public SurfacePatternFactory.Genre getGenre() { return genre; } public void setGenre(SurfacePatternFactory.Genre genre) { this.genre = genre; } public SurfacePattern(Token[] prevContext, PatternToken token, Token[] nextContext, SurfacePatternFactory.Genre genre) { super(PatternFactory.PatternType.SURFACE); this.setPrevContext(prevContext); this.setNextContext(nextContext); this.setToken(token); this.genre = genre; hashcode = toString().hashCode(); } public SurfacePattern copyNewToken(){ return new SurfacePattern(this.prevContext, token.copy(), this.nextContext, genre); } public static Token getContextToken(CoreLabel tokenj) { Token token = new Token(PatternFactory.PatternType.SURFACE); token.addORRestriction(PatternsAnnotations.ProcessedTextAnnotation.class, tokenj.get(PatternsAnnotations.ProcessedTextAnnotation.class)); return token; } // public static String getContextStr(CoreLabel tokenj, boolean useLemmaContextTokens, boolean lowerCaseContext) { // String str = ""; // // if (useLemmaContextTokens) { // String tok = tokenj.lemma(); // if (lowerCaseContext) // tok = tok.toLowerCase(); // str = "[{lemma:/" + Pattern.quote(tok.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/"))+ "/}] "; // //str = "[{lemma:/\\Q" + tok.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/") + "\\E/}] "; // } else { // String tok = tokenj.word(); // if (lowerCaseContext) // tok = tok.toLowerCase(); // str = "[{word:/" + Pattern.quote(tok.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/")) + "/}] "; // //str = "[{word:/\\Q" + tok.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/") + "\\E/}] "; // // } // return str; // } public static String getContextStr(String w) { String str = "[/" + java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(w.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/")) + "/] "; //String str = "[/\\Q" + w.replaceAll("/", "\\\\/") + "\\E/] "; return str; } public String toString(List<String> notAllowedClasses) { String prevContextStr = "", nextContextStr = ""; if (prevContext != null) prevContextStr = StringUtils.join(prevContext, " "); if (nextContext != null) nextContextStr = StringUtils.join(nextContext, " "); return (prevContextStr + " " + getToken().getTokenStr(notAllowedClasses) + " " + nextContextStr).trim(); } public String toString(String morePreviousPattern, String moreNextPattern, List<String> notAllowedClasses) { String prevContextStr = "", nextContextStr = ""; if (prevContext != null) prevContextStr = StringUtils.join(prevContext, " "); if (nextContext != null) nextContextStr = StringUtils.join(nextContext, " "); return (prevContextStr + " " + morePreviousPattern + " " + getToken().getTokenStr(notAllowedClasses) + " " + moreNextPattern + " " + nextContextStr) .trim(); } public String getPrevContextStr() { String prevContextStr = ""; if (prevContext != null) prevContextStr = StringUtils.join(prevContext, " "); return prevContextStr; } public String getNextContextStr() { String nextContextStr = ""; if (nextContext != null) nextContextStr = StringUtils.join(nextContext, " "); return nextContextStr; } // returns 0 is exactly equal, Integer.MAX_VALUE if the contexts are not same. // If contexts are same : it returns (objects restrictions on the token minus // p's restrictions on the token). So if returns negative then p has more // restrictions. public int equalContext(SurfacePattern p) { if (p.equals(this)) return 0; if (Arrays.equals(this.prevContext, p.getPrevContext()) && Arrays.equals(this.nextContext, p.getNextContext())) { int this_restriction = 0, p_restriction = 0; if (this.getToken().useTag) this_restriction++; if (p.getToken().useTag) p_restriction++; if (this.getToken().useNER) this_restriction++; if (p.getToken().useNER) p_restriction++; if (this.getToken().useTargetParserParentRestriction) this_restriction++; if (p.getToken().useTargetParserParentRestriction) p_restriction++; this_restriction -= this.getToken().numWordsCompound; p_restriction -= this.getToken().numWordsCompound; return this_restriction - p_restriction; } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public boolean equals(Object b) { if (!(b instanceof SurfacePattern)) return false; SurfacePattern p = (SurfacePattern) b; // if (toString().equals(p.toString())) if (!token.equals(p.token)) return false; if ((this.prevContext == null && p.prevContext != null) || (this.prevContext != null && p.prevContext == null)) return false; if ((this.nextContext == null && p.nextContext != null) || (this.nextContext != null && p.nextContext == null)) return false; if (this.prevContext != null && !Arrays.equals(this.prevContext, p.prevContext)) return false; if (this.nextContext != null && !Arrays.equals(this.nextContext, p.nextContext)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashcode; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(null); } public String toStringToWrite() { return getPrevContextStr() + "##" + getToken().toStringToWrite() + "##" + getNextContextStr(); } public String[] getSimplerTokensPrev() { return getSimplerTokens(prevContext); } public String[] getSimplerTokensNext() { return getSimplerTokens(nextContext); } // static Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("[") + "\\s*" + Pattern.quote("{") + "\\s*(lemma|word)\\s*:\\s*/" + Pattern.quote("\\Q") + "(.*)" // + Pattern.quote("\\E") + "/\\s*" + Pattern.quote("}") + "\\s*" + Pattern.quote("]")); // // static Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("[") + "\\s*" + Pattern.quote("{") + "\\s*(.*)\\s*:\\s*(.*)\\s*" + Pattern.quote("}") + "\\s*" // + Pattern.quote("]")); public String[] getSimplerTokens(Token[] p){ if (p == null) return null; String[] sim = new String[p.length]; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { assert p[i] != null : "How is the any one " + Arrays.toString(p) + " null!"; sim[i] = p[i].getSimple(); } return sim; } /* public String[] getSimplerTokens(String[] p) { if (p == null) return null; String[] sim = new String[p.length]; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { assert p[i] != null : "How is the any one " + Arrays.toString(p) + " null!"; if (p1 == null) throw new RuntimeException("how is p1 null"); Matcher m = p1.matcher(p[i]); if (m.matches()) { sim[i] =; } else { Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(p[i]); if (m2.matches()) { sim[i] =; } else if (p[i].startsWith("$FILLER")) sim[i] = "FW"; else if (p[i].startsWith("$STOP")) sim[i] = "SW"; else throw new RuntimeException("Cannot understand " + p[i]); } } return sim; } */ public String toStringSimple() { String[] simprev = getSimplerTokensPrev(); String[] simnext = getSimplerTokensNext(); String prevstr = simprev == null ? "" : StringUtils.join(simprev, " "); String nextstr = simnext == null ? "" : StringUtils.join(simnext, " "); String sim = prevstr.trim() + " <b>" + getToken().toStringToWrite() + "</b> " + nextstr.trim(); return sim; } public Token[] getPrevContext() { return prevContext; } public void setPrevContext(Token[] prevContext) { this.prevContext = prevContext; } public Token[] getNextContext() { return nextContext; } public void setNextContext(Token[] nextContext) { this.nextContext = nextContext; } public PatternToken getToken() { return token; } public void setToken(PatternToken token) { this.token = token; } // private String getOriginalPrevStr() { // String originalPrevStr = ""; // if (originalPrev != null) // originalPrevStr = StringUtils.join(originalPrev, " "); // // return originalPrevStr; // } // public void setOriginalPrevStr(String originalPrevStr) { // this.originalPrevStr = originalPrevStr; // } // public String getOriginalNextStr() { // String originalNextStr = ""; // if (originalNext != null) // originalNextStr = StringUtils.join(originalNext, " "); // return originalNextStr; // } // public void setOriginalNextStr(String originalNextStr) { // this.originalNextStr = originalNextStr; // } // public String[] getOriginalPrev() { // return originalPrev; // } // // public void setOriginalPrev(String[] originalPrev) { // this.originalPrev = originalPrev; // } // // public String[] getOriginalNext() { // return originalNext; // } // // public void setOriginalNext(String[] originalNext) { // this.originalNext = originalNext; // } public static boolean sameGenre(SurfacePattern p1, SurfacePattern p2) { return p1.getGenre().equals(p2.getGenre()); } /** * True if array1 contains array2. Also true if both array1 and array2 are * null * * @param array1 * @param array2 * @return */ static public boolean subsumesArray(Object[] array1, Object[] array2) { if ((array1 == null && array2 == null)) { return true; } // only one of them is null if (array1 == null || array2 == null) { return false; } if (array2.length > array1.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { if (array1[i].equals(array2[0])) { boolean found = true; for (int j = 0; j < array2.length; j++) { if (array1.length <= i + j || !array2[j].equals(array1[i + j])) { found = false; break; } } if (found) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * True p1 subsumes p2 (p1 has longer context than p2) * * @param p1 * @param p2 * @return */ public static boolean subsumes(SurfacePattern p1, SurfacePattern p2) { if (subsumesArray(p1.getNextContext(), p2.getNextContext()) && subsumesArray(p1.getPrevContext(), p2.getPrevContext())) { return true; } return false; } // true if one pattern subsumes another public static boolean subsumesEitherWay(SurfacePattern p1, SurfacePattern p2) { if (subsumes(p1, p2) || subsumes(p2, p1)) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean sameRestrictions(SurfacePattern p1, SurfacePattern p2) { PatternToken token1 = p1.token; PatternToken token2 = p2.token; if (token1.equals(token2)) return true; else return false; } @Override public int compareTo(SurfacePattern o) { int numthis = this.getPreviousContextLen() + this.getNextContextLen(); int numthat = o.getPreviousContextLen() + o.getNextContextLen(); if (numthis > numthat) { return -1; } else if (numthis < numthat) { return 1; } else return this.toString().compareTo(o.toString()); } public int getPreviousContextLen() { if (this.prevContext == null) return 0; else return this.prevContext.length; } public int getNextContextLen() { if (this.nextContext == null) return 0; else return this.nextContext.length; } public static boolean sameLength(SurfacePattern p1, SurfacePattern p2) { if (p1.getPreviousContextLen() == p2.getPreviousContextLen() && p1.getNextContextLen() == p2.getNextContextLen()) return true; else return false; } public void setNumWordsCompound(Integer numWordsCompound) { token.numWordsCompound = numWordsCompound; } // public static SurfacePattern parse(String s) { // String[] t = s.split("##", -1); // String prev = t[0]; // PatternToken tok = PatternToken.parse(t[1]); // String next = t[2]; // return new SurfacePattern(prev, tok, next); // } }