package edu.stanford.nlp.trees; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.TokenizerFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.WhitespaceTokenizer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Filters; import java.util.function.Function; /** * This provides an implementation of parts of the TreebankLanguagePack * API to reduce the load on fresh implementations. Only the abstract * methods below need to be implemented to give a reasonable solution for * a new language. * * @author Christopher Manning * @version 1.1 */ public abstract class AbstractTreebankLanguagePack implements TreebankLanguagePack { /** * So changed versions deserialize correctly. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6506749780512708352L; //Grammatical function parameters /** * Default character for indicating that something is a grammatical fn; probably should be overridden by * lang specific ones */ protected char gfCharacter; protected static final char DEFAULT_GF_CHAR = '-'; /** * Use this as the default encoding for Readers and Writers of * Treebank data. */ public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; /** * For languages where a Universal Dependency converter * exists this variable determines whether the original * or the Universal converter will be used. */ protected boolean generateOriginalDependencies; /** * Gives a handle to the TreebankLanguagePack. */ public AbstractTreebankLanguagePack() { this(DEFAULT_GF_CHAR); } /** * Gives a handle to the TreebankLanguagePack. * * @param gfChar The character that sets of grammatical functions in node labels. */ public AbstractTreebankLanguagePack(char gfChar) { this.gfCharacter = gfChar; } /** * Returns a String array of punctuation tags for this treebank/language. * * @return The punctuation tags */ @Override public abstract String[] punctuationTags(); /** * Returns a String array of punctuation words for this treebank/language. * * @return The punctuation words */ @Override public abstract String[] punctuationWords(); /** * Returns a String array of sentence final punctuation tags for this * treebank/language. * * @return The sentence final punctuation tags */ @Override public abstract String[] sentenceFinalPunctuationTags(); /** * Returns a String array of punctuation tags that EVALB-style evaluation * should ignore for this treebank/language. * Traditionally, EVALB has ignored a subset of the total set of * punctuation tags in the English Penn Treebank (quotes and * period, comma, colon, etc., but not brackets) * * @return Whether this is a EVALB-ignored punctuation tag */ @Override public String[] evalBIgnoredPunctuationTags() { return punctuationTags(); } /** * Accepts a String that is a punctuation * tag name, and rejects everything else. * * @return Whether this is a punctuation tag */ @Override public boolean isPunctuationTag(String str) { return punctTagStringAcceptFilter.test(str); } /** * Accepts a String that is a punctuation * word, and rejects everything else. * If one can't tell for sure (as for ' in the Penn Treebank), it * maks the best guess that it can. * * @return Whether this is a punctuation word */ @Override public boolean isPunctuationWord(String str) { return punctWordStringAcceptFilter.test(str); } /** * Accepts a String that is a sentence end * punctuation tag, and rejects everything else. * * @return Whether this is a sentence final punctuation tag */ @Override public boolean isSentenceFinalPunctuationTag(String str) { return sFPunctTagStringAcceptFilter.test(str); } /** * Accepts a String that is a punctuation * tag that should be ignored by EVALB-style evaluation, * and rejects everything else. * Traditionally, EVALB has ignored a subset of the total set of * punctuation tags in the English Penn Treebank (quotes and * period, comma, colon, etc., but not brackets) * * @return Whether this is a EVALB-ignored punctuation tag */ @Override public boolean isEvalBIgnoredPunctuationTag(String str) { return eIPunctTagStringAcceptFilter.test(str); } /** * Return a filter that accepts a String that is a punctuation * tag name, and rejects everything else. * * @return The filter */ @Override public Predicate<String> punctuationTagAcceptFilter() { return punctTagStringAcceptFilter; } /** * Return a filter that rejects a String that is a punctuation * tag name, and rejects everything else. * * @return The filter */ @Override public Predicate<String> punctuationTagRejectFilter() { return Filters.notFilter(punctTagStringAcceptFilter); } /** * Returns a filter that accepts a String that is a punctuation * word, and rejects everything else. * If one can't tell for sure (as for ' in the Penn Treebank), it * makes the best guess that it can. * * @return The Filter */ @Override public Predicate<String> punctuationWordAcceptFilter() { return punctWordStringAcceptFilter; } /** * Returns a filter that accepts a String that is not a punctuation * word, and rejects punctuation. * If one can't tell for sure (as for ' in the Penn Treebank), it * makes the best guess that it can. * * @return The Filter */ @Override public Predicate<String> punctuationWordRejectFilter() { return Filters.notFilter(punctWordStringAcceptFilter); } /** * Returns a filter that accepts a String that is a sentence end * punctuation tag, and rejects everything else. * * @return The Filter */ @Override public Predicate<String> sentenceFinalPunctuationTagAcceptFilter() { return sFPunctTagStringAcceptFilter; } /** * Returns a filter that accepts a String that is a punctuation * tag that should be ignored by EVALB-style evaluation, * and rejects everything else. * Traditionally, EVALB has ignored a subset of the total set of * punctuation tags in the English Penn Treebank (quotes and * period, comma, colon, etc., but not brackets) * * @return The Filter */ @Override public Predicate<String> evalBIgnoredPunctuationTagAcceptFilter() { return eIPunctTagStringAcceptFilter; } /** * Returns a filter that accepts everything except a String that is a * punctuation tag that should be ignored by EVALB-style evaluation. * Traditionally, EVALB has ignored a subset of the total set of * punctuation tags in the English Penn Treebank (quotes and * period, comma, colon, etc., but not brackets) * * @return The Filter */ @Override public Predicate<String> evalBIgnoredPunctuationTagRejectFilter() { return Filters.notFilter(eIPunctTagStringAcceptFilter); } /** * Return the input Charset encoding for the Treebank. * See documentation for the <code>Charset</code> class. * * @return Name of Charset */ @Override public String getEncoding() { return DEFAULT_ENCODING; } private static final char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY = new char[0]; /** * Return an array of characters at which a String should be * truncated to give the basic syntactic category of a label. * The idea here is that Penn treebank style labels follow a syntactic * category with various functional and crossreferencing information * introduced by special characters (such as "NP-SBJ=1"). This would * be truncated to "NP" by the array containing '-' and "=". * * @return An array of characters that set off label name suffixes */ @Override public char[] labelAnnotationIntroducingCharacters() { return EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY; } /** * Returns the index of the first character that is after the basic * label. That is, if category is "NP-LGS", it returns 2. * This routine assumes category != null. * This routine returns 0 iff the String is of length 0. * This routine always returns a number <= category.length(), and * so it is safe to pass it as an argument to category.substring(). * <p> * NOTE: the routine should never allow the first character of a label * to be taken as the annotation introducing character, because in the * Penn Treebank, "-" is a valid tag, but also the character used to * set off functional and co-indexing annotations. If the first letter is * such a character then a matched character is also not used, for * -LRB- etc., iff there is an intervening character (so --PU becomes -). * * @param category Phrasal category * @return The index of the first character that is after the basic * label */ private int postBasicCategoryIndex(String category) { boolean sawAtZero = false; char seenAtZero = '\u0000'; int i = 0; for (int leng = category.length(); i < leng; i++) { char ch = category.charAt(i); if (isLabelAnnotationIntroducingCharacter(ch)) { if (i == 0) { sawAtZero = true; seenAtZero = ch; } else if (sawAtZero && i > 1 && ch == seenAtZero) { sawAtZero = false; } else { // still skip past identical ones for weird negra-penn "---CJ" (should we just delete it?) // if (i + 1 < leng && category.charAt(i + 1) == ch) { // keep looping // } else { break; // } } } } return i; } /** * Returns the basic syntactic category of a String. * This implementation basically truncates * stuff after an occurrence of one of the * <code>labelAnnotationIntroducingCharacters()</code>. * However, there is also special case stuff to deal with * labelAnnotationIntroducingCharacters in category labels: * (i) if the first char is in this set, it's never truncated * (e.g., '-' or '=' as a token), and (ii) if it starts with * one of this set, a second instance of the same item from this set is * also excluded (to deal with '-LLB-', '-RCB-', etc.). * * @param category The whole String name of the label * @return The basic category of the String */ @Override public String basicCategory(String category) { if (category == null) { return null; } return category.substring(0, postBasicCategoryIndex(category)); } @Override public String stripGF(String category) { if(category == null) { return null; } int index = category.lastIndexOf(gfCharacter); if(index > 0) { category = category.substring(0, index); } return category; } /** * Returns a {@link Function Function} object that maps Strings to Strings according * to this TreebankLanguagePack's basicCategory() method. * * @return The String->String Function object */ @Override public Function<String,String> getBasicCategoryFunction() { return new BasicCategoryStringFunction(this); } private static class BasicCategoryStringFunction implements Function<String,String>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private TreebankLanguagePack tlp; BasicCategoryStringFunction(TreebankLanguagePack tlp) { this.tlp = tlp; } @Override public String apply(String in) { return tlp.basicCategory(in); } } private static class CategoryAndFunctionStringFunction implements Function<String,String>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private TreebankLanguagePack tlp; CategoryAndFunctionStringFunction(TreebankLanguagePack tlp) { this.tlp = tlp; } @Override public String apply(String in) { return tlp.categoryAndFunction(in); } } /** * Returns the syntactic category and 'function' of a String. * This normally involves truncating numerical coindexation * showing coreference, etc. By 'function', this means * keeping, say, Penn Treebank functional tags or ICE phrasal functions, * perhaps returning them as <code>category-function</code>. * <p/> * This implementation strips numeric tags after label introducing * characters (assuming that non-numeric things are functional tags). * * @param category The whole String name of the label * @return A String giving the category and function */ @Override public String categoryAndFunction(String category) { if (category == null) { return null; } String catFunc = category; int i = lastIndexOfNumericTag(catFunc); while (i >= 0) { catFunc = catFunc.substring(0, i); i = lastIndexOfNumericTag(catFunc); } return catFunc; } /** * Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of a * isLabelAnnotationIntroducingCharacter which is followed by only * digits, corresponding to a numeric tag at the end of the string. * Example: <code>lastIndexOfNumericTag("NP-TMP-1") returns * 6</code>. * * @param category A String category * @return The index within this string of the last occurrence of a * isLabelAnnotationIntroducingCharacter which is followed by only * digits */ private int lastIndexOfNumericTag(String category) { if (category == null) { return -1; } int last = -1; for (int i = category.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isLabelAnnotationIntroducingCharacter(category.charAt(i))) { boolean onlyDigitsFollow = false; for (int j = i + 1; j < category.length(); j++) { onlyDigitsFollow = true; if (!(Character.isDigit(category.charAt(j)))) { onlyDigitsFollow = false; break; } } if (onlyDigitsFollow) { last = i; } } } return last; } /** * Returns a {@link Function Function} object that maps Strings to Strings according * to this TreebankLanguagePack's categoryAndFunction() method. * * @return The String->String Function object */ @Override public Function<String,String> getCategoryAndFunctionFunction() { return new CategoryAndFunctionStringFunction(this); } /** * Say whether this character is an annotation introducing * character. * * @param ch The character to check * @return Whether it is an annotation introducing character */ @Override public boolean isLabelAnnotationIntroducingCharacter(char ch) { char[] cutChars = labelAnnotationIntroducingCharacters(); for (char cutChar : cutChars) { if (ch == cutChar) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Accepts a String that is a start symbol of the treebank. * * @return Whether this is a start symbol */ @Override public boolean isStartSymbol(String str) { return startSymbolAcceptFilter.test(str); } /** * Return a filter that accepts a String that is a start symbol * of the treebank, and rejects everything else. * * @return The filter */ @Override public Predicate<String> startSymbolAcceptFilter() { return startSymbolAcceptFilter; } /** * Returns a String array of treebank start symbols. * * @return The start symbols */ @Override public abstract String[] startSymbols(); /** * Returns a String which is the first (perhaps unique) start symbol * of the treebank, or null if none is defined. * * @return The start symbol */ @Override public String startSymbol() { String[] ssyms = startSymbols(); if (ssyms == null || ssyms.length == 0) { return null; } return ssyms[0]; } private final Predicate<String> punctTagStringAcceptFilter = Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(punctuationTags()); private final Predicate<String> punctWordStringAcceptFilter = Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(punctuationWords()); private final Predicate<String> sFPunctTagStringAcceptFilter = Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(sentenceFinalPunctuationTags()); private final Predicate<String> eIPunctTagStringAcceptFilter = Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(evalBIgnoredPunctuationTags()); private final Predicate<String> startSymbolAcceptFilter = Filters.collectionAcceptFilter(startSymbols()); /** * Return a tokenizer which might be suitable for tokenizing text that * will be used with this Treebank/Language pair, without tokenizing carriage returns (i.e., treating them as white space). The implementation in AbstractTreebankLanguagePack * returns a factory for {@link WhitespaceTokenizer}. * * @return A tokenizer */ @Override public TokenizerFactory<? extends HasWord> getTokenizerFactory() { return WhitespaceTokenizer.factory(false); } /** * Return a GrammaticalStructureFactory suitable for this language/treebank. * (To be overridden in subclasses.) * * @return A GrammaticalStructureFactory suitable for this language/treebank */ @Override public GrammaticalStructureFactory grammaticalStructureFactory() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "No GrammaticalStructureFactory (typed dependencies) available for language/treebank " + getClass().getName()); } /** * Return a GrammaticalStructureFactory suitable for this language/treebank. * (To be overridden in subclasses.) * * @return A GrammaticalStructureFactory suitable for this language/treebank */ @Override public GrammaticalStructureFactory grammaticalStructureFactory(Predicate<String> puncFilt) { return grammaticalStructureFactory(); } /** * Return a GrammaticalStructureFactory suitable for this language/treebank. * (To be overridden in subclasses.) * * @return A GrammaticalStructureFactory suitable for this language/treebank */ @Override public GrammaticalStructureFactory grammaticalStructureFactory(Predicate<String> puncFilt, HeadFinder typedDependencyHeadFinder) { return grammaticalStructureFactory(); } @Override public boolean supportsGrammaticalStructures() { return false; } public char getGfCharacter() { return gfCharacter; } @Override public void setGfCharacter(char gfCharacter) { this.gfCharacter = gfCharacter; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public TreeReaderFactory treeReaderFactory() { return new PennTreeReaderFactory(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public TokenizerFactory<Tree> treeTokenizerFactory() { return new TreeTokenizerFactory(treeReaderFactory()); } /** * Returns a morphological feature specification for words in this language. */ @Override public MorphoFeatureSpecification morphFeatureSpec() { return null; } @Override public void setGenerateOriginalDependencies(boolean generateOriginalDependencies) { this.generateOriginalDependencies = generateOriginalDependencies; } @Override public boolean generateOriginalDependencies() { return this.generateOriginalDependencies; } }