package edu.stanford.nlp.process; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import java.util.function.Function; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.XMLUtils; /** * Reads XML from an input file or stream and writes XML to an output * file or stream, while transforming text appearing inside specified * XML tags by applying a specified {@link Function * <code>Function</code>}. See TransformXMLApplications for examples. * <i>Implementation note:</i> This is done using SAX2. * * @param <T> The type of the output of the Function (from String to T) * @author Bill MacCartney * @author Anna Rafferty (refactoring, making SAXInterface easy to extend elsewhere) */ public class TransformXML<T> { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(TransformXML.class); private final SAXParser saxParser; public SAXInterface<T> buildSaxInterface() { return new SAXInterface<>(); } public static class SAXInterface<T> extends DefaultHandler { protected List<String> elementsToBeTransformed; protected StringBuffer textToBeTransformed; protected PrintWriter outWriter = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); protected Function<String,T> function; /** * How far down we are in the nested tags. For example, if we've * seen <foo> <bar> and "foo" and "bar" are both tags * we care about, then depth = 2. */ protected int depth = 0; public SAXInterface() { elementsToBeTransformed = new ArrayList<>(); depth = 0; openingTag = null; textToBeTransformed = new StringBuffer(); } /** * The first tag from {@link <code>elementsToBeTransformed</code>} * that we saw the last time {@link <code>depth</code>} was * <code>0</code>. * <br> * You would expect incoming XML to be well-formatted, but just in * case it isn't, we keep track of this so we can output the * correct closing tag. */ String openingTag; private void outputTextAndTag(String qName, Attributes attributes, boolean close) { // If we're not already in an element to be transformed, first // echo the previous text... outWriter.print(XMLUtils.escapeXML(textToBeTransformed.toString())); textToBeTransformed = new StringBuffer(); // ... then echo the new tag to outStream outWriter.print('<'); if (close) { outWriter.print('/'); } outWriter.print(qName); if (attributes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { outWriter.print(' '); outWriter.print(attributes.getQName(i)); outWriter.print("=\""); outWriter.print(XMLUtils.escapeXML(attributes.getValue(i))); outWriter.print('"'); } } outWriter.print(">\n"); } @Override public void endDocument() { // Theoretically, there shouldn't be anything in the buffer after // the last closing tag, but if there is, it's probably better to // echo it than ignore it outWriter.print(XMLUtils.escapeXML(textToBeTransformed.toString())); // we need to flush because there are no other ways we // explicitely flush outWriter.flush(); } // Called at the beginning of each element. If the tag is on the // designated list, set flag to remember that we're in an element // to be transformed. In either case, echo tag. @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { //"start element " + qName); if (depth == 0) { outputTextAndTag(qName, attributes, false); } if (elementsToBeTransformed.contains(qName)) { if (depth == 0) { openingTag = qName; } ++depth; } } // Called at the end of each element. If the tag is on the // designated list, apply the designated {@link Function // <code>Function</code>} to the accumulated text and echo the the // result. In either case, echo the closing tag. @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { //"end element " + qName + "; function is " + function.getClass()); //"elementsToBeTransformed is " + elementsToBeTransformed); //"textToBeTransformed is " + textToBeTransformed); if (depth == 0) { outputTextAndTag(qName, null, true); } else { if (elementsToBeTransformed.contains(qName)) { --depth; if (depth == 0) { String text = textToBeTransformed.toString().trim(); // factored out so subclasses can handle the text differently processText(text); textToBeTransformed = new StringBuffer(); outWriter.print("</" + openingTag + ">\n"); } } // when we're inside a block to be transformed, we ignore // elements that don't end the block. } } public void processText(String text) { if (text.length() > 0) { text = function.apply(text).toString(); outWriter.print(XMLUtils.escapeXML(text)); outWriter.print('\n'); } } // Accumulate characters in buffer of text to be transformed // (SAX may call this after each line break) @Override public void characters(char[] buf, int offset, int len) throws SAXException { //"characters |" + new String(buf, offset, len) + "|"); textToBeTransformed.append(buf, offset, len); } } // end static class SAXInterface /** * This version of the SAXInterface doesn't escape the text produced * by the function. This is useful in the case where the function * already produces well-formed XML. One example of this is the * Tagger, which already escapes the inner text and produces xml * tags around the words. */ public static class NoEscapingSAXInterface<T> extends SAXInterface<T> { @Override public void processText(String text) { if (text.length() > 0) { text = function.apply(text).toString(); outWriter.print(text); outWriter.print('\n'); } } } public TransformXML() { try { saxParser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser(); } catch (Exception e) {"Error configuring XML parser: " + e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Read XML from the specified file and write XML to stdout, * while transforming text appearing inside the specified XML * tags by applying the specified {@link Function * <code>Function</code>}. Note that the <code>Function</code> * you supply must be prepared to accept <code>String</code>s as * input; if your <code>Function</code> doesn't handle * <code>String</code>s, you need to write a wrapper for it that * does. * * @param tags an array of <code>String</code>s, each an XML tag * within which the transformation should be applied * @param fn the {@link Function <code>Function</code>} to apply * @param in the <code>File</code> to read from */ public void transformXML(String[] tags, Function<String,T> fn, File in) { InputStream ins = null; try { ins = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(in)); transformXML(tags, fn, ins, System.out); } catch (Exception e) {"Error reading file " + in + ": " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { IOUtils.closeIgnoringExceptions(ins); } } /** * Read XML from the specified file and write XML to specified file, * while transforming text appearing inside the specified XML tags * by applying the specified {@link Function <code>Function</code>}. * Note that the <code>Function</code> you supply must be * prepared to accept <code>String</code>s as input; if your * <code>Function</code> doesn't handle <code>String</code>s, you * need to write a wrapper for it that does. * * @param tags an array of <code>String</code>s, each an XML tag * within which the transformation should be applied * @param fn the {@link Function <code>Function</code>} to apply * @param in the <code>File</code> to read from * @param out the <code>File</code> to write to */ public void transformXML(String[] tags, Function<String,T> fn, File in, File out) { InputStream ins = null; OutputStream outs = null; try { ins = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(in)); outs = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(out)); transformXML(tags, fn, ins, outs); } catch (Exception e) {"Error reading file " + in + " or writing file " + out + ": " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { IOUtils.closeIgnoringExceptions(ins); IOUtils.closeIgnoringExceptions(outs); } } /** * Read XML from input stream and write XML to stdout, while * transforming text appearing inside the specified XML tags by * applying the specified {@link Function <code>Function</code>}. * Note that the <code>Function</code> you supply must be * prepared to accept <code>String</code>s as input; if your * <code>Function</code> doesn't handle <code>String</code>s, you * need to write a wrapper for it that does. * * @param tags an array of <code>String</code>s, each an XML tag * within which the transformation should be applied * @param fn the {@link Function <code>Function</code>} to apply * @param in the <code>InputStream</code> to read from */ public void transformXML(String[] tags, Function<String,T> fn, InputStream in) { transformXML(tags, fn, in, System.out); } /** * Read XML from input stream and write XML to output stream, * while transforming text appearing inside the specified XML tags * by applying the specified {@link Function <code>Function</code>}. * Note that the <code>Function</code> you supply must be * prepared to accept <code>String</code>s as input; if your * <code>Function</code> doesn't handle <code>String</code>s, you * need to write a wrapper for it that does. * * @param tags an array of <code>String</code>s, each an XML tag * within which the transformation should be applied * @param fn the {@link Function <code>Function</code>} to apply * @param in the <code>InputStream</code> to read from * @param out the <code>OutputStream</code> to write to */ public void transformXML(String[] tags, Function<String,T> fn, InputStream in, OutputStream out) { transformXML(tags, fn, in, new OutputStreamWriter(out), buildSaxInterface()); } /** * Read XML from input stream and write XML to output stream, * while transforming text appearing inside the specified XML tags * by applying the specified {@link Function <code>Function</code>}. * Note that the <code>Function</code> you supply must be * prepared to accept <code>String</code>s as input; if your * <code>Function</code> doesn't handle <code>String</code>s, you * need to write a wrapper for it that does. * <p><i>Implementation notes:</i> The InputStream is assumed to already * be buffered if useful, and we need a stream, so that the XML decoder * can determine the correct character encoding of the XML file. The output * is to a Writer, and the provided Writer should again be buffered if * desirable. Internally, this Writer is wrapped as a PrintWriter. * * @param tags an array of <code>String</code>s, each an XML entity * within which the transformation should be applied * @param fn the {@link Function <code>Function</code>} to apply * @param in the <code>InputStream</code> to read from * @param w the <code>Writer</code> to write to */ public void transformXML(String[] tags, Function<String,T> fn, InputStream in, Writer w) { transformXML(tags, fn, in, w, buildSaxInterface()); } /** * Calls the fully specified transformXML with an InputSource * constructed from <code>in</code>. */ public void transformXML(String[] tags, Function<String,T> fn, InputStream in, Writer w, SAXInterface<T> handler) { transformXML(tags, fn, new InputSource(in), w, handler); } /** * Calls the fully specified transformXML with an InputSource * constructed from <code>in</code>. */ public void transformXML(String[] tags, Function<String,T> fn, Reader in, Writer w, SAXInterface<T> handler) { transformXML(tags, fn, new InputSource(in), w, handler); } /** * Read XML from input source and write XML to output writer, * while transforming text appearing inside the specified XML tags * by applying the specified {@link Function <code>Function</code>}. * Note that the <code>Function</code> you supply must be * prepared to accept <code>String</code>s as input; if your * <code>Function</code> doesn't handle <code>String</code>s, you * need to write a wrapper for it that does. * <br> * <p><i>Implementation notes:</i> The InputSource is assumed to already * be buffered if useful, and we need a stream, so that the XML decoder * can determine the correct character encoding of the XML file. * TODO: does that mean there's a bug if you send it a Reader * instead of an InputStream? It seems to work with a Reader... * <br> * The output is to a Writer, and the provided Writer should again * be buffered if desirable. Internally, this Writer is wrapped as * a PrintWriter. * * @param tags an array of <code>String</code>s, each an XML entity * within which the transformation should be applied * @param fn the {@link Function <code>Function</code>} to apply * @param in the <code>InputStream</code> to read from * @param w the <code>Writer</code> to write to * @param saxInterface the sax handler you would like to use (default is SaxInterface, defined in this class, but you may define your own handler) */ public void transformXML(String[] tags, Function<String,T> fn, InputSource in, Writer w, SAXInterface<T> saxInterface) { saxInterface.outWriter = new PrintWriter(w, true); saxInterface.function = fn; saxInterface.elementsToBeTransformed = new ArrayList<>(); saxInterface.elementsToBeTransformed.addAll(Arrays.asList(tags)); try { saxParser.parse(in, saxInterface); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } // end class TransformXML