package edu.stanford.nlp.util; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * One to one map that allows to get a value for a key and a key for a value in O(1). * * @author jonathanberant * * @param <L> keys on the left * @param <R> keys on the right */ public class OneToOneMap<L,R> implements Serializable{ public static class OneToOneMapException extends Exception{ public OneToOneMapException(String iDesc) { super(iDesc); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 7743164489912070054L; } //------------------------------------------------------------ private Map<L,R> m_leftAsKey; private Map<R,L> m_rightAsKey; public OneToOneMap() { m_leftAsKey = Generics.newHashMap(); m_rightAsKey = Generics.newHashMap(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return m_leftAsKey.isEmpty(); } public int size() { return m_leftAsKey.size(); } public void put(L l,R r) throws OneToOneMapException { boolean hasLeft = m_leftAsKey.containsKey(l); boolean hasRight = m_rightAsKey.containsKey(r); if(hasLeft != hasRight) throw new OneToOneMapException("Error: cannot insert multiple keys with the same value"); m_leftAsKey.put(l,r); m_rightAsKey.put(r, l); } public R getLeftAsKey(L l) { return m_leftAsKey.get(l); } public L getRightAsKey(R r) { return m_rightAsKey.get(r); } public R removeLeftAsKey(L l) { R r = m_leftAsKey.remove(l); if(r != null) m_rightAsKey.remove(r); return r; } public L removeRightAsKey(R r) { L l = m_rightAsKey.remove(r); if(l != null) m_leftAsKey.remove(l); return l; } public Collection<R> valuesLeftAsKey() { return m_leftAsKey.values(); } public Collection<L> valuesRightAsKey() { return m_rightAsKey.values(); } public Set<Map.Entry<L,R>> entrySetLeftAsKey() { return m_leftAsKey.entrySet(); } public Set<Map.Entry<R,L>> entrySetRightAsKey() { return m_rightAsKey.entrySet(); } public boolean containsLeftAsKey(L l) { return m_leftAsKey.containsKey(l); } public boolean containsRightAsKey(R r) { return m_rightAsKey.containsKey(r); } public void clear() { m_leftAsKey.clear(); m_rightAsKey.clear(); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }